Does anyone else have this problem?

Yep, started happening with me, too. On my iPhone, using Safari with pop-ups blocked, and only for this site. Like many of you, I keep getting redirected to a new page encouraging me to download the Lyft app, and occasionally the Uber app. If I leave this new page open for a few seconds, I am then forwarded to the App Store listing for the app.

It makes the site unusable, for sure. If Private mode works, great, but we shouldn't have to do that. Whether it's a glitch with the site coding, or a problem with GoogleAds, Pete & crew should fix this. I can't use the site while it's like this, and I suspect most others similarly situated would agree.

In the meantime, appears to work just fine. ;)
This has been happening to me too. Just started about a week ago where I kept getting redirected to an ad site. I've never had a problem like that in the 7 or 8 years I've had a Mac so it scared the heck outta me.

Everything was working fine after that one incident but all of a sudden tonight it happened again, and then again even on my iPad. I Googled it and apparently it's not just the DISboards that is facing this issue, but other message boards too, and that it's linked to a specific Google ad that is doing something it's not supposed to be doing. So basically Google is the one who has to fix it, although the DIS could probably help in the meantime by blocking the problem causing ad(s)? I'm not really sure.

I've also been redirected to the App Store on my iPhone when using the DIS app but thought nothing of it and assumed I must have accidentally clicked a link. Now I know that's not the case.

I hope this gets fixed soon. I've been coming here multiple times a day nearly every day for ten years and I'd hate to have to stop coming because of this.
Just happened to me to. I got redirected when I first went onto the site on my iPhone (no app). I thought I had inadvertently hit a link. Then it continued to happen when I clicked on one of the threads! I couldn't read it because it kept redirecting me to that same lemonade junk site. :( not cool! :mad:

I am like others if wedding get answers I will not be back.
Wow! Just came here to post that this is happening to me too. Is it a problem with the website? I am on a Mac, if that makes any difference. It is super irritating!
This has been happening to me so often, this morning, that I haven't been able to do anything on the board. I keep getting redirected to one of two pages on Interesting that it only seems to happen in Chrome. Now that I've switched to Internet Explorer, it hasn't happened.

I was afraid I had a virus. Glad to hear it's probably something to do with the ad service on the boards, and not something local to my computer. After a quick Google, it appears to be a topic on several other boards using phpBB software to run the forum.

Have any DISboards admins come online regarding the issue yet?
Yes, I was redirected on my ipad last night. I thought I touched one of the adds but it happened again on my desktop this morning and I know I didn't click anywhere.
Did a little quick research based on the name of the ad page ( - looks like it is a know problem for Google. It is affecting pretty much all message boards that use a certain format of Google Ads.
I started noticing this issue this morning on my laptop. So far the ipad has been fine. I just installed the google chrome ad blocker and that seems to have stopped it.
Did a little quick research based on the name of the ad page ( - looks like it is a know problem for Google. It is affecting pretty much all message boards that use a certain format of Google Ads.

Somebody should inform Google if they haven't already. I'm fairly confident that's a breach of contract for being an ad published by Google AdSense.
Yes, I am having the same issue too - is someone technical here looking into it? Sorry, I can't scroll back to previous pages to read if they are as everytime I try I get redirected :rotfl2:.
Having the issue using chrome. I switched to explorer and everything works fine.
I am on a desktop and this issue started last night and has made the dis almost unusable. I plan to have DH ( He works in IT) look over our computer to be sure there isn't an issue on our end when he gets home.
I am also having this issue and it's making the site near unusable! It just started last night. :( I was worried I had some kind of ad-ware on my Mac but it's happening on my iPhone right now as well. It took me 6 tries just to get to this page. I hope someone is working on fixing this. :(
This was happening to me on as well. I thought the browser I was using (Mercury) was the issue, but apparently not so.

Regardless, it would be nice if someone official-like from the DIS commented here and let us know what the scoop is from their perspective.
It's terrible. This will be the last time I use Disboards for awhile. I cannot control this.
It's google ads. They keep saying it's fixed but then it starts again. We have blocked ads that seem to be causing the issues but obviously we have not gotten all of them
It's google ads. They keep saying it's fixed but then it starts again. We have blocked ads that seem to be causing the issues but obviously we have not gotten all of them

thank you for working on the problem!

the ads are driving me nuts.


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