Do You Unpack at Disney?

every trip i have taken as an adult i havent unpacked, but usually it was just me or me and a partner. I dont know what we will do when we travel with the kids. My DGirlFriend used to be a hotel cleaner at the Grand Chifley here in Adelaide, and i know she is mighty picky about stuff to do with the hotels etc.
Just went and bought some packing cubes.

I have to say that it was absolute torture, worst shopping experience of my life :lmao: The sales assistant had verbal diarrhea. Honestly it was so bad that I actually left the shop and wandered around the shopping centre hoping that I could find somewhere else to buy them as I just couldn't stand her yapping :rotfl2::rotfl2: Not only did she just talk and talk and talk and talk, she was loud, like a screeching cockatoo :rotfl2:.

So I went back, it took me twice as long to get them as it would normally have as I was trying to concentrate and work out what we needed, what we had to pack and which sizes to get that would best suit everything we were taking. But I just couldn't concentrate with her going on and on and on and on and on.

I am pink, she is blue
So, she asked me if I was going on holiday, I said "yes", where "USA" "what for, business" "no family holiday" "oh first time" "no we travel often" "really, why" "because we enjoy it" "how do you do that" "I book and we go" "oh i couldn't afford to do that" "oh" "so we have nearly paid off our mortgage, we have a unit, it goes to auction this weekend, we have a big house too on the water but have the unit, so we are going to sell the unit to pay the mortgage off and we will be mortgage free. do you have a mortgage" I didn't reply "so my dog died last week, saddest thing i have ever been through, seriously it was, don't know how people cope when people they love die......"

Seriously, she just kept talking and talking, loud and like a cockatoo. If I wasn't desperate for those things I would have left, I kept saying, I'm just trying to think what we need, trying to get her to just shut up so I could think :lmao:

Anyway so I got out of there, with a migraine but I have my packing cubes :woohoo::rotfl2:
One of several reasons I love to shop online. :lmao:

Oh boy do I wish that I had bought them online. I too am a big online shopper, but I have never seen them before so couldn't visualise the size, so wanted to have them in front of me so that I could work out what I wanted and would work best. Also I'm hoping to start packing this weekend so wanted to have them straight away.

I am considering sending an email to the company (they have stores around Australia) to let them know that their sales lady will be driving people out of their store in droves by yapping on about personal stuff that customers really have no desire listening to. :rotfl2:
Oh boy do I wish that I had bought them online. I too am a big online shopper, but I have never seen them before so couldn't visualise the size, so wanted to have them in front of me so that I could work out what I wanted and would work best. Also I'm hoping to start packing this weekend so wanted to have them straight away.

I am considering sending an email to the company (they have stores around Australia) to let them know that their sales lady will be driving people out of their store in droves by yapping on about personal stuff that customers really have no desire listening to. :rotfl2:

Oh my gosh how rude is she for asking you such personal questions, how did you not tell her to shut up:scared1: Your to nice :lovestruc
I do hang up anything that we bring in our garment bag. But I never use the drawers.
We live out of the suitcases, I've never even considered unpacking:confused3

I will end up unpacking on this trip, if only to be able to see the clothes that I brought with me. If I don't unpack, I take the clothes from the top of the suitcase, and end up finding my favourite items down the bottom of the case, when I'm unpacking, back at home!

Anyone know how much drawer/hanging space there are in Hojo Premium rooms?

however,this is what happens to me! Our photos from our trip show that we wore the same clothes over and over and when I got home I found stuff at the bottom that I forgot I took and never saw. So maybe unpacking is the smart thing to do :rotfl:.
I am considering sending an email to the company (they have stores around Australia) to let them know that their sales lady will be driving people out of their store in droves by yapping on about personal stuff that customers really have no desire listening to. :rotfl2:

Sometimes I feel the same.

I get enough grief from my work colleagues and family about how come as a single mother I can "afford" to buy a house and have a new car and provide for 4 kids and have overseas holidays but if complete strangers started hinting at that or asking me about my personal finances I think I'd have a fit.

I just tell people I am a careful, budget conscious person, always on the lookout for a bargain.

But that was really, really rude of her and I'd complain. I mean, she has no idea who she is REALLY talking to. What if you were a mystery shopper? The daughter of the CEO? She'd have no job, and her store manager would cop it in the neck.

It's kind of like that show "Undercover Executive". I love to see the executives faces when they come nose to nose with the grass root level employees and ask them what they think of management. :rolleyes1


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