do you think we will REALLY need a jacket for MNSSHP on Oct 8?


Earning My Ears
Sep 19, 2004
You can tell my trip is getting close. I am full of questions today. I sure appreciate how helpful eveyone is on this board. I keep checking the temps in Orlando and comparing them to here at night (Austin, TX). Orlando is still a bit warmer each night and we would not need to wear a jacket if we were outside tonight. So, do you really think I need to pack 5 jackets for our family? I can't imagine needing them if the low temp is 75 but Iv'e seen them mentioned on alot of discussions of MNSSHP Opinions, please? TIA
I have never needed a sweater until the fair comes to town...that is at the end of October, here in North Florida our temp are about 5 degrees cooler then Orlando. So no you probably won't need a jacket, at the most a long sleeved T-shirt.
When we went to MNSSHP at the end of October in '99, we had cold weather. We ended up buying some really nice sweatshirts.

Moral of the story, if you don't take enough warm clothes you can buy more souvenirs. It’s a win, win.
We attended MNSSHP two years ago on Columbus Day weekend. It was hot and humid.
We attended MNSSHP in mid-October last year and we did not need sweaters/jackets. However, we DID need bug spray! Don't forget to bring some!

I'd take one. The weather at night in FL is iffy. You might end up not needing it, but you might also end up being very glad you have it. :)
I always take a sweater for DD. By the end of the evening she gets a little chilly but we are fine.
Actually I don't think you will need one for the early part of October, unless you get chilly in the restaurants. Here it is the 29th of Sept. and believe me it was hot and humid today, I had to clean up yard junk from the hurricanes! Usually around the middle of Oct. the weather does change but not real real cold just less humid. At least it has been that way in the past but with the strange weather FL has had this year one never knows. But IMO I don't think you will need the jackets and as one poster stated if you do get chilly just get a great sweatshirt, you know you want one anyways :teeth:
We went to the Halloween party the same time last year and we were dripping hot and shedding our costumes (had shorts and shirts on under) right after the photos were done. I'm going on the 8th this year, too, (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I'm not taking a jacket.

Maybe we'll see you there!!
It was mid 80's today but even thughit says it's 79 now Ijust came inside and felt like I needed a very light jacket or something with a sleeve. We're going on the 8th too, probably will pack a light windbreaker. I'll have two princesses, Snow White & Esmerelda, I bought the Cloaks last weekend so they will have something for their arms. DH bought a light mesh lined windbreaker today. We can always rent a locker.
Went to MNSSHP at MK mid-October last year, just wore my t-shirt/costume for the night. Can't remember whether I wore shorts or jeans. I may have put a light jacket in the locker just in case.

Robin - My daughter is going as Snow White as well.

My boys haven't decided what they will be. I'm trying to think of something that won't be too hot. I will probably have them all wear shorts underneath in case it is hot. I think I may just risk it and we'll just have to buy sweatshirts it it's cold - not a bad deal! I really think my suitcases are gonna be loaded down as is! Thanks for all the opinions!
When we went last year in October for 8 days it was hot. I wore a sweatshirt only one evening when it was cool, I think it rained that day.
We are also going on the 8th and are going to bring windbreakers or sweatshirts for just in case.
online right now is calling for 40% showers, guess we'll have the ponchos handy too!:confused3 Will this weather ever make up it's mind? Dh is thinking about renting the locker now. Do they clean them out each night or,heaver forbid, we forget the stuff, will we be able to claim it the next morning?
NO NO NO!! Just got home today and we sweated our a** off. It was 80 something degrees last night coming home from Fantasmic. I never used my sweatshirt at all. It was VERY hot. Happy to be back in PA w/ the cool breeze.


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