Do you think being left-handed is a lifestyle choice?

I don't know how long this thread is going to stick around but... BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!

This is the best argument I have ever heard and I am going to use it the next time some bozo tells me that if I don't "get that boy of yours who has crushes on other boys into sports he's going to turn out gay." (his grandfather)
My dh was born left-handed.

Due to the pressures of society and wanting to conform, he has worked hard to be ambi-dextrous, and he can do some things right-handed.

But deep down, he knows going both ways isn't what makes him truly happy.

He's left-handed, and that's the way I like him!! :lmao:
SunFloridaDisney said:
My dh was born left-handed.

Due to the pressures of society and wanting to conform, he has worked hard to be ambi-dextrous, and he can do some things right-handed.

But deep down, he knows going both ways isn't what makes him truly happy.

He's left-handed, and that's the way I like him!! :lmao:

Too funny. My post was inspired by a wasted youth spent reading Mad magazine's "Snappy Comebacks to Stupid Questions."
Of course being left handed in a lifestyle choice. If they wanted to, they could do everything with their right hand just like the majority of us. ;)
I'm CONVINCED people make the choice to live the left-handed lifestyle. I mean, I accept and love everyone, but I don't approve of their choice. I'm just sayin'....

I'm offended! You guys are so wrong. It is not a choice! I tried so hard to use the right handed sissors but it just hurt my hands so bad. Do you want me to live in pain?! I dream of a day that the left handed population can just live normal lives like the rest of the world. My husband is right-handed and we live in a wonderful bi-handed relationship that no one can take away from me.

By grade three I knew I wasn't living a "lifestyle". I stopped using right-handed sissors just like I stopped kissing girls.
True North said:
I'm offended! You guys are so wrong. It is not a choice! I tried so hard to use the right handed sissors but it just hurt my hands so bad. Do you want me to live in pain?! I dream of a day that the left handed population can just live normal lives like the rest of the world. My husband is right-handed and we live in a wonderful bi-handed relationship that no one can take away from me.

By grade three I knew I wasn't living a "lifestyle". I stopped using right-handed sissors just like I stopped kissing girls.

Question you raising your cutie son? Righty or lefty? Not that it matters. Everyone has the right to choose what they want. But how are you influencing your son? Ive heard left handed couples want to raise their kids left handed as well. Just wondering. :goodvibes
I was born left-handed. I knew early on that I was different. Everyone around me used their right hand. No one believed me when I said I couldn't use the scissors. I just couldn't get them to CUT the PAPER. With all I've had to endure, the name calling, the scissor problem, always having to use MY mitt in softball because everyone else was right-handed, even seeing retail stores joke at my expense with the left handed mugs and such....why OH WHY would I CHOOSE to be this way? My lifestyle is not a choice. My lifestyle is no different than anyone else's, truth be known. We all put our pants on one leg at a time. Is it that wrong that I put my left leg in first??

mickeymousemom said:
Is it that wrong that I put my left leg in first??

Yes it's wrong! It's not natural. No definitive genetic evidence has ever been found for left-handedness. If you point out south-pawed animals, you are suggesting that baseball players, the most American of Americans, should be no better able to resist their impulses than animals. Furthermore, the word "sinister" means "left." The Hebrew bible is written from right to left, and so must you put on your pant legs from right to left. There are many ex-lefties, hands only slightly scarred by rulers, that can attest to your ability to change your sinister ways. It is an affront to those with a God complex, tantamount to defacing a revival tent with graffiti, to continue as you are. Hell is filled with unrepentant lefties. I say this out of love.
My father was part of the Left Handed Golfers Association.

A nice bunch of left handed guys who got together once a year for an annual weekend Golf Tournament.

They were just like my right handed Golfing Friends.

Both groups seemed to get equally sloshed at Tournament Awards Festivities.

I love watching left handed base ball players, and watching the outfield adjust.

Heck I love watching base ball players.
The bible tells me to love everyone...even lefties. Lefties are responsible for the moral decline of our society but I love them anyways :goodvibes. I'll pray extra hard for all the lefties tonight. Oh, I almost forgot, some of my best friends are lefties ;)
Well, here's what the Bible says about it...

IV John 18:26 Southpaws shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven.


ETA: Sorry, I couldn't help myself!
Why would anyone choose to be left-handed? Who would want all the prejudice and hate that comes with being left-handed??!!
If you can't (won't) use your right hand, I suggest you use no hand at all.

ETA: And those of you who are agitating for your own scissors are whining. You don't need special scissors. You already have access to the same scissors as everyone else. Anyone who judges the situation otherwise is an activist, even if they were all appointed by right-handed governors. And if you do find imitative "scissors" for sale in some fringe "leftist" store, please have the decency to call them something else. Everyone knows that scissors, by definition, are right-handed. It's been that way forever. "Right" is right.
Lifestyle choice......according to my maternal grandmother, it meant that I was the devil's child. Yes, I am under 40 and that was still the way that she saw things. :rolleyes: So, my mother did everything in her power to change that....I was punished and some might even say, brainwashed into being a right handed person.

To this day, I still get my left and right mixed up. Gabby laughs at me all the time when I am in traffic and her best navigational efforts fall victim to my confusion. I frequently hear, "No Dear, your other left!" I am right handed, but my handwriting is just terrible. I spent extra time with my teachers trying to improve my skills, but it was wasted time. If only I had been born a few years later when the computer made handwriting almost a lost art. I come from a family where my mother and father both could draw really well, especially my mother because before MS took it's toll, my brown paper lunch bags often times had Mickey or some character drawn free handed on them. I can't draw, I couldn't separate out the keys on the piano or the chords on a guitar because I was forced into being "normal" and my "normal" brain just couldn't take the confusion.....typing took me years to learn too. Oddly enough, when I was in high school and college in my math and science classes, I would be caught by friends writing with my left hand. The writing actually was a bit neater than what I do with my right hand too, but whenever anyone would mention it, I could not continue it because my conscious ability to write with my left hand does not exist.

My lifestyle choice to be a "normal" right handed person was not my choice, it was forced upon me. I feel cheated to an extent because I wonder if I could have been gifted with the ability to draw or play music, if I had been allowed to live as I was originally programmed.

Simple tests that signify left over right hand dominance prove out for me. Like, right handed people when they join their hands together inner locking their fingers, usually have the right thumb on the top. My left is on top. When a right handed person puts a piece of paper with writing on it and places it on it's side, they usually place the top of the page so that they would lay their head's to the right in order to read the top of the page, where a lefty would do the coworkers hate going into my filing cabinets. lol

I am a right brain dominant, right handed lesbian. Say that three times fast. :p I was born a lefty, but trained/punished/brainwashed into being a right handed child because of some absurd thought that being left handed was a sinister.

Gee...wonder why coming out was so much fun at my house? :p Maggie
I thought the Bible said that God loves us ALL equally?

And what if a person only has a left arm, or a left leg?? How does that work? Are they sinners if they don't get a prosthesis and learn to use it correctly?

Does anyone know the frustration and agony suffered when the side of your hand is covered in ink at the end of the school day because you are a "LEFTY"? :sad2: Why would I CHOOSE this suffering?

BTW...when is Left-handed Week at WDW?
jimmiej said:
Well, here's what the Bible says about it...

IV John 18:26 Southpaws shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven.

I thought my grandmother was nuts, but I see that you found her Bible. :rotfl: Maggie
:lmao: :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Loved this one so much, had to borrow it and add it to my signature!

Thanks Mama Twinkles - I really needed this laugh tonight! :hug:


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