Do Not Disturb Gone! (BLT)

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The way they rolled out this new policy so quickly and without warning makes me wonder if they had received a threat. Especially with so many extra people there for the holiday.

Doubt it. You think a psycho person is going to warn wdw in advance they are planning something or a terrorist.
@tim123 Where were those pictures taken? The resort looks gorgeous.
This is the Four Seasons Resort at Walt Disney World. It is next to Fort Wilderness. Best food, service and amenities you will find on property. And rest assured they will let you notify the front desk to DO NOT DISTURB you period. If that is your wish. They are a class act. They have a highly professional internal security system in place and they know who their guests are and don't need to play the phony security theater BS that Disney is rolling out. They are owned and opperated by Four Seasons International and not Disney although they share most of the benefits from a Disney Hotel. At the end of the day for what you pay during peak season at The Grand Floridian or The Poly you might as well plunk your cash down there. Or just go to eat and drink. You will be treated like a king either way.

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This is the Four Seasons Resort at Walt Disney World. It is next to Fort Wilderness. Best food, service you will find on property. And rest assured they will let you notify the front desk to DO NOT DISTURB you period. They are a class act. They have a professional internal security system in place and they know who their guests are and don't need to play the phony security theater BS that Disney is rolling out. They are owned and opperated by Four Seasons International and not Disney although they share most of the benefits from a Disney Hotel. At the end of the day for what you pay during peak season at The Grand Floridian or The Poly you might as well plunk your cash down there. Or just go to eat and drink. You will be treated like a king either way.

Will have to check into this! Thank you!
This only works if you're out of your room the entire day. Housekeeping sometimes has not been to our room by 2 or even 3 PM, when we need to return to our room to rest. In the past I've had no problem putting up our DND sign - housekeeping just skips us. Now it seems if our sign is out when housekeeping comes by, there is likely chance they will knock. I have a child with an illness who at times needs an afternoon in order to maintain her health. Someone knocking would wake her up. Once she's awoken, she isn't able to fall asleep again. Which for the average person might be a minor inconvenience. For my DD, and other posters in this thread, not getting sufficient rest can actually cause medical complications. I wonder if calling to request housekeeping while we're out of our room at a park would be possible.

It will work because the room check will take minutes not hours like cleaning a room. Each cast member assigned to do this, will have an area of rooms, and it will not take that long. This security check is not going to be done by housekeeping.

As you have said, a nap isn't just a nice option while on vacation. A nap is required if I want to stay "on vacation."

First time someone wakes me up for "Trash service" or "to check the room" for whatever, people will hear about it. I will be livid.

I'm in the same boat, mary. I have an invisible disease which requires that I get back to the room at noonish and rest. If I am going to be able to function at the parks at all, I need this rest. It is not a random nap; it is a required part of my care for my disease.
I always request cleaning before noon each day. IF that was done, that would be great. Prior to 2015, all I had to do was call the housekeeping # on the phone and that would be it. The room was done before noon every day, no further call needed.
Last year, we were at Por for 10 days, and I called housekeeping the morning of arrival as I always did, requesting this service. I was told it would be done. Next day, not done at all.... So, I called again. I was assured this would be done again. Same thing next day. Third day, I tried one more time and explained to the CM that I had a health problem and had to rest at noonish, it was not a want to thing, but needed for my health. She assured me that it would be done. Well, guess what? It was not done at all for 6 days with daily phone calls.
I finally went to the front desk and told a CM what was happening. She immediately got her manager, who heard my story,and he called the manager for Housekeeping. He told me it would be done, and apologized for the problems. The bottom line? The housekeepers at present can't even clean when they are supposed to and their entering the rooms to do so is not guaranteed.
Everyone says that the daily housekeeping will take care of the daily check. It would in a perfect world. But with the Disney today, I have not seen this daily cleaning at all. It is random and requires repeated calls or a trip to the manager. So, would housekeeping really visit every day to do their job? I don't think so, from previous experiences. We can only hope so.
BTW, I am a light sleeper and knocking would interfere with my required rest. I don't know what to do but wait and see what happens, and visit the manager if I have problems with this.
I'm in the same boat, mary. I have an invisible disease which requires that I get back to the room at noonish and rest. If I am going to be able to function at the parks at all, I need this rest. It is not a random nap; it is a required part of my care for my disease.
I always request cleaning before noon each day. IF that was done, that would be great. Prior to 2015, all I had to do was call the housekeeping # on the phone and that would be it. The room was done before noon every day, no further call needed.
Last year, we were at Por for 10 days, and I called housekeeping the morning of arrival as I always did, requesting this service. I was told it would be done. Next day, not done at all.... So, I called again. I was assured this would be done again. Same thing next day. Third day, I tried one more time and explained to the CM that I had a health problem and had to rest at noonish, it was not a want to thing, but needed for my health. She assured me that it would be done. Well, guess what? It was not done at all for 6 days with daily phone calls.
I finally went to the front desk and told a CM what was happening. She immediately got her manager, who heard my story,and he called the manager for Housekeeping. He told me it would be done, and apologized for the problems. The bottom line? The housekeepers at present can't even clean when they are supposed to and their entering the rooms to do so is not guaranteed.
Everyone says that the daily housekeeping will take care of the daily check. It would in a perfect world. But with the Disney today, I have not seen this daily cleaning at all. It is random and requires repeated calls or a trip to the manager. So, would housekeeping really visit every day to do their job? I don't think so, from previous experiences. We can only hope so.
BTW, I am a light sleeper and knocking would interfere with my required rest. I don't know what to do but wait and see what happens, and visit the manager if I have problems with this.
And so what a brilliant idea to give the underpaid an underperforming housekeepers the new role of "if you see something say something"
I have an idea! I SEE SOMETHING...a dirty room that needs to be cleaned at such and such a time frame.. because I have a health issue! Sorry I have to check the box that says "no terrorist here" first then I will or won't clean your room.
You can forget about calling housekeeping or the front desk to schedule your "security" inspection on your vacation time frame. Ain't gonna happen. Thats when you get to "SAY SOMETHING" deaf , indifferent and underpaid mouse ears!
It will work because the room check will take minutes not hours like cleaning a room. Each cast member assigned to do this, will have an area of rooms, and it will not take that long. This security check is not going to be done by housekeeping.
AS stated in what has been posted by Disney...the security check will indeed be done in the majority of the 30,000 rooms by housekeeping during their cleaning rounds. It is only after you elect to forgoe house keeping (by not letting them in tru various means)...after 24 hours your room will be inspected by Disney 'personel'. They are not hiring an army of security CMs to do security sweeps...Housekeeping enters the vast majority of rooms on property daily as part of their duties.
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They are going to knock and enter. If you put the latch on your door they won't be able to enter, but you will need to arrange to allow them to enter the room (at the very least, to empty the trash. "I don't want my trash emptied" likely will not be accepted. They're not going to search everything in the room.) I would assume that if the guest refuses entry to housekeeping, though, they will later get a visit from security personnel.

If you decline housekeeping, someone will still have to do a knock and entry once a day.

If they're reacting to Vegas, it's the fact that the guy was left alone in his room with a do not disturb sign up and was able to set up a massive snipers nest over three days.
It will work because the room check will take minutes not hours like cleaning a room. Each cast member assigned to do this, will have an area of rooms, and it will not take that long. This security check is not going to be done by housekeeping.
Well if housekeeping isn't doing it, I'm not sure who is. Disney already has a shortage of housekeepers as well as bus drivers. Finding and hiring a security team for room checking doesn't sound very likely to me, honestly. I assumed from the DVC notice that the switch to housekeeping collecting trash daily (which wasn't offered before) had something to do with checking the room. Maybe I misunderstood it.
Do we have a definitive answer yet as to whether,for those of us who always use Housekeepinng,the Housekeeping Vist will also serve as our Security Visit?
Apparently all they want is to have someone employed by Disney enter the room daily. Could be the housekeeper, could be someone else.

And as for those who are thinking they will stay offsite, I would guess a lot of hotel chains will be following suit soon, if they aren't already doing it.

They're supposed to knock. If they don't knock, that should be reported. and we will now need to use the latch.

If you have a medical condition that requires sleep during the daytime hours, maybe you will be able to arrange with the resort for a specific time to have your room check. in order to do this, try going personally to the front desk on the first day of your stay to arrange it, and ask for a manager if necessary. The phone is connected through so many call centers that I don't know who gets the message or who they need to pass it along to.
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Do we have a definitive answer yet as to whether,for those of us who always use Housekeepinng,the Housekeeping Vist will also serve as our Security Visit?
yes we do
it is stated clearly in what Disney has released as I mention several times as other have on this post.
Thing is, it's not your room. It's their room. Even though you pay them to be in it, it's still their room.

MGM (the owner of Mandalay Bay) is facing major liability over what a guest was allowed to do while holed up in one of their hotel rooms. Even if somebody from the hotel did enter his room while he was staying there, at some point he did have the sign up. He didn't bring all that stuff up to that room all at once, and at some point he could have hidden some of it. He had a two-room suite, not a regular hotel room. It's also pretty obvious that nobody had any idea what he was up to, and at the end he had a lot of stuff in there. He probably couldn't have hidden all of it. Besides, he stayed in two different rooms over six days. He was a big enough gambler to be given a free room for the first three days, then he moved to the suite. Although someone said housekeeping went to his room, they don't mention whether it was his first room or his suite, and at what time during his stay they went in. It's pretty obvious that in the last couple of days, nobody went in, because they couldn't have ignored what he had in there. and some lawyer (probably multiple lawyers) is going to be on about "No hotel employees entered his room over three days."

Disney, for obvious reasons, has now chosen to take a step in order to avoid that sort of liability, but there are a lot of assumptions going on as to what it will entail, which is not armed Disney security trampling through rooms, body searching guests and opening closets - nobody would ever stay there again if that were the case.
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Sorry, not interested in a boycott. I don't care if they want to empty my DVC trash now. At least it won't build up when there's more than one person staying there.

Love to see what happens when the Four Seasons decides it might like to avoid the same liability that MGM has now.
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