DLR Housing

Yeah it is the two week mark for me. I saw some other people had to wait a month or more- If I have to wait a month I'm going to go nutty. I think I probably won't have to though- it's late enough and close to the end of interviews and stuff that I think we'll know sooner than later. I hope.:eek:

Do you have facebook?
They initially started (restarted really, but that's another story for another time) this program for students who went to school in the anaheim area. They couldn't get enough people to do it. They managed to get housing last year and still couldn't get people to do it. They sent dozens of emails to us alumni last year trying to get us to go over there. I mean, they were desperate because we were getting a message about every 3-4 days. Then they pulled this stunt saying that all positions at WDW were full and forcing people to go apply for DLR's program. then they opened back up WDW recruiting because they magically got more positions open.

I remember that, they were even trying to recruit Regular-Status Cast Members to join the CP. Not even Trainers and Working Leads (who would have absolutely no incentive to apply, since they would lose their status), were spared, lol.

The Unions caught wind of it, and were not happy, to say the least, with the idea that we were being used as a dumping ground for people being rejected by WDW. And of course there's the fact that all of our Collective Bargaining Agreements still state that the CP is only aimed at Southern Californians.

All this time I've been reading about how Disney has approx. 2,000 applicants, but only 200 applicants get accepted...anything along those lines.

We have many more positions than that. DLR accepts 150 CPers into Food & Beverage roles each semester, and many many more into non-F&B roles Resort-wide.

As to the Housing...from what I've heard, the problems we're having over there are becoming worse and worse what with the drinking and smoking and the incessant partying (much like Vista Way, I would suppose, but there are regular tenants in this Complex, as well).

I'm quite surprised Disney hasn't been thrown out yet. Probably when the economy improves.
Hello everyone! Sorry to just barge in this topic, but I feel I fit in most here because, well I too am a DLR CP hopeful! :)

I'm so sorry you didn't get in Keyblade. :( But to just skip right over the interview, and not even give you a chance? That doesn't make sense. And to say it's possibly too late, that doesn't make sense either. I had my phone interview yesterday, and I'm really nervous that I was too late, but i'm trying to be optimistic, the lady said I was a really good candidate for it. This is my second time applying, I tried for Fall 08, but it got too full.

So....now...i'll just cross my fingers, i'm in for a long, excruciating wait. :(
Welcome, PetitePixy! No need to be sorry about "barging in" because you didn't. The more the merrier :teeth: I'm glad to hear that the lady said you are a good candidate. I hope you hear back from Disney soon. Now that you mention when your interview was, I agree, it doesn't make sense that it'd be too late.

KeyBlade, did you get to talk to anyone about it yet? Please update us on what happened when you get the chance. I really wish you could just interview...

Maybe we should start a new thread for us "DLR kids," as KeyBlade has called us before...well, for anyone interested in knowing more about the DLR program at least. This isn't just about housing anymore. ;)
As to the Housing...from what I've heard, the problems we're having over there are becoming worse and worse what with the drinking and smoking and the incessant partying (much like Vista Way, I would suppose, but there are regular tenants in this Complex, as well).

I'm quite surprised Disney hasn't been thrown out yet. Probably when the economy improves.

Are there staff there to make sure kids don't act up? Why don't they just enforce stricter rules?

Personally I don't want to be in housing where there's heavy heavy partying, I'm much more of a small house party type thing- but then again I'm not 21 anymore either. This is just a foot in the door. If I get it, and they like me, and they let me stay on, I'll get my own apartment so I can bring my cat. :)

I just don't have any way out there to find and lease an apartment for six months by August.

Also, I started another thread for the DLR kids, as suggested. ;)
Thanks Stitcheroo! :)

Personally I don't want to be in housing where there's heavy heavy partying, I'm much more of a small house party type thing
But it says all housing is non-smoking, and participants under 21 are placed in wellness apartments. Then again, i'm at the age where I would be placed in a non-wellness apartment, so I don't know. The apartments are amazing, wowza. :eek:

I drive by them every single time i've been to DLR, and I just think "wow. I'd love to live there!" I'm a little worried about the costs though. :(
Oh man, you're probably right, I bet that was the reason I didn't get a chance to interview. I totally forgot I did that part, and I probably would have taken it more seriously if I had known it was going to effect my chance at getting an interview. I remember there being a lot of questions that I didn't quite understand and taking a neutral stance on them because I felt rushed, which is probably what messed me up. A the time I was thinking they might ask me about my answers and then I could elaborate but not that my answers would determine whether I could interview. I am kicking myself now. I don't think that test would be an accurate gauge at all of what I'm capable of, I don't like to toot my own horn but I'm an excellent worker and usually get praised for my customer service skills... But I'm always bad at those kinds of tests... Do you guys think I could try to convince Disney to interview me still? Call up and say I didn't feel that the test accurately represented me as a worker and that I'm sure if I could interview they'd be impressed? Or would that just be kicking a dead horse...? Anybody know of someone who has done this?

As I understand it, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts policy prohibits the Disneyland Resort from hiring anyone who does not pass the web-based interview. Even if a Casting Services/College Recruiting Recruiter felt that you would excell in a position with the Disneyland Resort, they would not be able to offer you a role.

The Walt Disney World Resort, as I understand it, does not utilize the web-based interview because of their unique labour needs, which for much of the last nearly forty years, has meant that they have constantly been in need of persons to fill Hourly Guest Service and Entertainment roles. If their current low turnover continues once the Economy recovers, I could also foresee them implementing a similar programme there.
The Walt Disney World Resort, as I understand it, does not utilize the web-based interview because of their unique labour needs, which for much of the last nearly forty years, has meant that they have constantly been in need of persons to fill Hourly Guest Service and Entertainment roles. If their current low turnover continues once the Economy recovers, I could also foresee them implementing a similar programme there.

WDW does not currently use the survey. Although, from what I've heard, the survey could be used in at least WDWCP positions as early as next recruiting season. Obviously, that will greatly impact acceptance rates to the CP...which, as I understand is the main reasoning for implementing the survey in the first place. I believe the current economy could have something to do with it, at least from a CP standpoint. Too many applicants leads to many pending letters and rejections that a lot of CP hopefuls don't see as justifiable...I'm thinking overall number of applicants are the problem. This web-based survey will be able to easily separate those that meet the survey pass requirements, and those that do not. In the long-run, I think it will help WDWCP save tons of money on interview costs, materials costs and costs in general??? :lmao:

Sorry, back on-topic of DLR housing :)

ps. I pass by the DLR housing every time I'm headed to that Disney Character Warehouse place that my mother loves so much...the complex seems like a nice place. I've just heard otherwise.
So since I most likely won't be doing the DLR housing and will be finding my own, if they know that up front during the interview, would that increase my chances of getting in?
Hey all! I'm "new" here but I just wanted to poke my head in here to say a few things. I've been lurking the college program board for about 3 months now and decided to finally chime in!

KeyBlade, I am sorry to hear that you did not even get the chance to interview. But I'm glad to hear that you might re-apply for spring 2010!

I've found this thread really interesting to read and really informative too. My story and experience so far is below ;) It's a long one, so don't say I didn't warn ya!

I had an experience with the college program in early April (just last month). I have lived in so. cal my entire life and have been attending a local community college for the past few years. Needless to say, I had NO idea there was a CP going on at Disneyland. I really wish I would had known about it sooner! As soon as I heard about it in late March, I flipped out and just KNEW I had to apply. At first I was kind of hesistant about it, but the more I thought about it the more I decided that it would be a great experience for me at the very least.

Now I KNOW that technically you're supposed to be enrolled in classes at the time of your interview. In my case, I just received my AA in Dance this past january so I had not enrolled in classes for spring semester. I decided I needed a teeny break and I am planning on returning in the fall. With this in mind I decided to apply for the program anyways. I had hopes that I would be able to explain my situation to disney and have a small chance at getting in to the program.

I passed through the application process and the web based interview with no issues. I prepped myself for the phone interview and was ready to go for it with high hopes and crossed fingers. My interview was scheduled for April 16 and it came and went in a flash...literally.

I got to the very first question and the interviewer couldn't go any further. The very first question was "are you currently enrolled in classes and at what college ?". I couldn't lie, we all know disney and their spies ;), so I explained that I have been a long time disney fan, I had JUST found out about the program and unfortunatly I am not in classes atm but will return in the fall. My interviewer (who was super sweet btw) sounded sincerly bummed and explained that she could not finish the interview because of that one simple issue. She said that she "had been excited to ask me questions about my past position at the Disney Store" and then really encouraged me to re-apply in the fall.

I then asked her if I could re-schedule an interview for the end of May because our school starts enrolling for summer courses this month. She then told me that they were in their very last leg of accepting students into the fall program and that honestly I would be best off re-applying in the fall for spring season '10, as it would open up many other opportunities for me. Meaning I could have been stuck with something like janitorial or qsf&b, I assume, since the top of my list was entertainment and those were basically the bottom. I was applying so late, I figure this would have been the case.

So moral of the story for KeyBlade is, don't give up! Re-apply for Spring '10. Just know that even though you weren't accepted, there HAD to have been a reason and it just wasn't in the cards for you THIS time. Whether it was that you applied too late or you didn't make it past the web-based interview, both things can be chalked up as learning experiences =) . Who knows...maybe we will run into each other in the Spring if we both get in!
Hey Kira! Welcome to Disboards!:goodvibes

I commented also on the other post, but wanted to say I'm sorry that fall didn't work out for you, but I'm so glad that there are more and more people interested in Disneyland. :dance3:

And, hopefully I'll either get to hang out with you all when I'm there or next spring!

I still haven't heard.
WDW does not currently use the survey. Although, from what I've heard, the survey could be used in at least WDWCP positions as early as next recruiting season. Obviously, that will greatly impact acceptance rates to the CP...which, as I understand is the main reasoning for implementing the survey in the first place. I believe the current economy could have something to do with it, at least from a CP standpoint. Too many applicants leads to many pending letters and rejections that a lot of CP hopefuls don't see as justifiable...I'm thinking overall number of applicants are the problem. This web-based survey will be able to easily separate those that meet the survey pass requirements, and those that do not. In the long-run, I think it will help WDWCP save tons of money on interview costs, materials costs and costs in general??? :lmao:

I don't mind the web based interview myself BUT I think that the interview should be streamlined. I know it's done a certain way for a certain reason, but some of the questions are tricky. It is one way to cut down on the number of telephone interviews, but I think it allows for a few great candidates, like keyblade, if that was the problem, to slip through.
Welcome Kira, and btw, your story sounds very, very similar to mine. lol it's almost scary.

And if you don't mind me asking, what was the date of your interview? Because I interviewed not too long ago, and you said your interviewer said they were in the "last leg of accpeting students into the fall semester." ? Yea, my interviewer, Nancy I believe it was, told me that one of the roles I had picked was pretty much already filled up, but I still picked a good other 5 roles, and she had told me that she would send in my application anyways, because she felt I could have a good chance. And I really hope so :( Because that would mean I would have to sign up for an extra class for the fall, just to get in for Spring 2010, I'll be getting my AA this coming August.
Wow! That is really similar Pixie!

My interview date was April 16th, I believe.

I'm going to enroll in a class this fall just so I can get in to the program for spring too. They don't require you to be full time at the time of your interview right? Just enrolled in a class or classes to meet the pre-req of getting in? I figure I might as well just take sign language or another dance class to pass the time =)
I plan on applying for DLR for the Spring 2010 as well. Really excited and that's so far away lol.
Oh my.

Well, I just got an email, as I'm sure others did, asking me if I would be interested in increasing my chances by coming on June 18th instead of Aug. 18th. I emailed and said yes, though I prefer Aug 18th because it's a big move in just a few weeks, but this has to be positive news, right??? I may be in California in a MONTH??!!!
Oh my.

Well, I just got an email, as I'm sure others did, asking me if I would be interested in increasing my chances by coming on June 18th instead of Aug. 18th. I emailed and said yes, though I prefer Aug 18th because it's a big move in just a few weeks, but this has to be positive news, right??? I may be in California in a MONTH??!!!

OMG! I got the same email! Did anyone else get it? The possible arrival date is June 18. My goodness, talk about fast, lol. But yes, is this a good sign? The email did say:
"We still have openings in June"
I too had asked for the August 18th arrival date. But if getting there sooner increases my chances, I'll take it!!
I replied immediately saying yes!
I said listen, I will make it work. I'll have to ask for a loan from my fam regardless of it's it's in June or August for the startup.

You have to tell me as soon as you know! If we both get in you'll be the only girl I know going! AgghhhH! This wait is making me crazy.
Yea, once I told my mom I got the email, she got really excited. Lol she is so sweet, she said "I don't care if I have to skip a month on our morgage! Whatever it takes to get you in."

Yea, same here, let me know. You've been waiting longer than me so I can only imagine. This is the most nerve racking/exciting/frustrating/agonzing thing ever for me!
I hope this just means they want us, but want us to come early if we can. It HAS to be a good sign, it just HAS to be.

Pixy, do you have facebook?


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