

Earning My Ears
Nov 15, 2023
I’m not new here but since this is a very personal post, I created a new profile. For people who have gone through a separation and divorce..how did you know your marriage was over? Was it a lot of little things or big things? My husband and I have been married 28 years. He suffers from depression and has since we were dating. He does take medication but nothing he’s taken seems to help. For the past year or so, he goes to work during the week and then sleeps the entire weekend. I am so alone. I’ve started dreading the weekends because of it. I will make suggestions for activities but he’s never interested. A year ago, I started going to the gym and it has made me feel so much better. He’s not interested. I’ve started dreading coming home, it’s like going from sunlight into darkness because of his mood. My birthday was in October and at the end of the day he handed me a bag from CVS with a birthday card. It didn’t have my name on it, no written message, just blank. We never exchange gifts but my heart broke. I felt like I didn’t matter enough to write any type of message. I’ve spent 28 years doing all the housework, shopping, cooking etc and I’m so tired. The thought of spending 20 or more years like this is unimaginable. I’m at the point I’d rather do stuff by myself. Our children are adults and I know they would be shocked if we divorced but not really. Does that make sense? They grew up with their dad’s depression and his temper. We’ve all walked on eggshells for years. I feel like I’m done.

For those that have been through this, how did you know that you needed to call it quits?
I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's not easy.

Are you ready to give up? It sounds like he needs help, and your support, to get better. If you've already checked out, however, the point is moot.
Separation/Divorce is a step not to be taken lightly as I’m sure you know. I’m convinced ending my first marriage changed my personality in good and bad ways. I would sit down with your DH and discuss going into therapy/ counseling first. Perhaps this step will allow all to see that a problem needs fixing and the status quo is not enough. HTH and wishing you are your best. 🫂
Depression is an illness like any other. It sounds like he needs help. He may need more/different medication, therapy, etc. Talk with him about how you feel and see if he is willing to seek out help to improve his illness, for both of you.
As someone who was married 18 years, divorced for a year, and now remarried to him for 7 more....sometimes a shakeup is needed for one of you or both of you to get back on board. Not that I recommend divorce 🙃

As far as the card, well, my DH does NOT have gift giving in his love languages. I finally learned to appreciate his other awesome qualities - working hard for his family, begrudgingly going to Disney, doing household tasks, etc., as him showing his love.
It is tough to be along for the ride with another person's mood issues. No-one is in it but you so no-one else can say when it is doing too much damage than you, it is your own path. I grew up around mental illness so I can understand how being alone would be better than having someone else drown you, it can be a slow drowning and only other people who have had to endure it would understand what that is. If you are in no rush then move towards independence in a slow and methodical way, figure out the best town to get a new apartment and sort out your things. It is possible to live independently in the same house.

The fact you mention a bad temper is troubling though, so go very slow and whatever you do don't toss around the word DIVORCE like a weapon, bad tempers don't respond well to leverage of any kind.

Came back to tell you what I tell my kids all the time: You are not responsible for another person's happiness and it is not your job to fix another human (unless if is your own kid). There is only one way to break the cycle and that is to break free, it'll hurt but there is light on the other side, and fresh air.
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Your husband has an illness as I'm sure you understand, but like anyone with an illness, they need to meet you halfway so you can continue to support them. It doesn't sound like that is happening right now.

I'm sure you've done this already but my advice would be to basically let your husband know what you've told us here and basically give an ultimatum that it's time for both of you to pursue some changes in his medications or therapy. If he refuses to do that then I think you get to a point that you have to try to save yourself. Let me tell you, based on your screen name, I can guess that you are probably almost 10 years younger than me (maybe not quite). This time goes very fast and you realize how short of a time you have left to be happy. One starts to really have that sink in when the kids are gone and the noise is gone.

Personally at this point in my life, I could not come home to have someone wallowing like that at all times without them trying to do something.
I’m not new here but since this is a very personal post, I created a new profile. For people who have gone through a separation and divorce..how did you know your marriage was over? Was it a lot of little things or big things? My husband and I have been married 28 years. He suffers from depression and has since we were dating. He does take medication but nothing he’s taken seems to help. For the past year or so, he goes to work during the week and then sleeps the entire weekend. I am so alone. I’ve started dreading the weekends because of it. I will make suggestions for activities but he’s never interested. A year ago, I started going to the gym and it has made me feel so much better. He’s not interested. I’ve started dreading coming home, it’s like going from sunlight into darkness because of his mood. My birthday was in October and at the end of the day he handed me a bag from CVS with a birthday card. It didn’t have my name on it, no written message, just blank. We never exchange gifts but my heart broke. I felt like I didn’t matter enough to write any type of message. I’ve spent 28 years doing all the housework, shopping, cooking etc and I’m so tired. The thought of spending 20 or more years like this is unimaginable. I’m at the point I’d rather do stuff by myself. Our children are adults and I know they would be shocked if we divorced but not really. Does that make sense? They grew up with their dad’s depression and his temper. We’ve all walked on eggshells for years. I feel like I’m done.

For those that have been through this, how did you know that you needed to call it quits?
I'm very sorry to here this, @disneymom1971. :hug:'s I really do not have any advice other than I would take a step, hopefully with your husband, with a therapist. You both may find it enlightening and helpful. I do wish you, and him, the best on this journey. :hug:'s
Have you tried therapy for yourself? Even if you talk with your husband and he chooses not to go, going on your own can be beneficial and help you decide what you need to do. You are the only one who can decide which path you need to take and when it’s time to do so. :grouphug:
I’m not new here but since this is a very personal post, I created a new profile. For people who have gone through a separation and divorce..how did you know your marriage was over? Was it a lot of little things or big things? My husband and I have been married 28 years. He suffers from depression and has since we were dating. He does take medication but nothing he’s taken seems to help. For the past year or so, he goes to work during the week and then sleeps the entire weekend. I am so alone. I’ve started dreading the weekends because of it. I will make suggestions for activities but he’s never interested. A year ago, I started going to the gym and it has made me feel so much better. He’s not interested. I’ve started dreading coming home, it’s like going from sunlight into darkness because of his mood. My birthday was in October and at the end of the day he handed me a bag from CVS with a birthday card. It didn’t have my name on it, no written message, just blank. We never exchange gifts but my heart broke. I felt like I didn’t matter enough to write any type of message. I’ve spent 28 years doing all the housework, shopping, cooking etc and I’m so tired. The thought of spending 20 or more years like this is unimaginable. I’m at the point I’d rather do stuff by myself. Our children are adults and I know they would be shocked if we divorced but not really. Does that make sense? They grew up with their dad’s depression and his temper. We’ve all walked on eggshells for years. I feel like I’m done.

For those that have been through this, how did you know that you needed to call it quits?
Your situation is a lot like mine was except it was my wife that had the depression (and more) and luckily it didn't start until we hit about 7 years in. At that time it was on and off, but as the years past it continued to progress until life felt awful. I often describe it as walking on eggs many, many times.

It got worse when my daughters went to college and by graduation they had acquired boyfriends that then over the next few years they both married. About 3 months after our youngest got married one day, out of the blue, I got home from work to find a note on the kitchen counter that just said "I have gone!" I checked and all her clothes were gone and I quickly went to the bank and saw that she had thankfully only taken 50% of our money out.

That was 29 years into our marriage. I am ashamed to say that I felt the weight of the world come off my shoulders and although I was angry that she would treat me like that after I spent so much money and my time trying to help her, I was relieved. I didn't know what was going to be next for me, I suspected that it wasn't that last I was going to hear from her and I was right. In a few days she came back to pick up a few things that she had forgotten and asked when I was going to sell the house so she could get her half. Since we had two mortgages on it due to a loan for her business that had to be closed and because she no longer wanted it there wasn't going to be a ton of money to get, but I told her that I wasn't sure yet what to do with the house yet. That made her angry and she came back to the house and took a few other items that weren't technically hers when I was at work, but if that was all it took I was OK with that.

Later my daughters informed me that she had told them that ' She just no longer wanted to be married. No other reason. It did take me awhile to get over the hurt and anger, but before long I found myself so much happier, my BP returned to normal and I started enjoying life. The fact of the matter was that I had been thinking about initiating a divorcing myself, she just beat me to it. Saved me a lot of guilt. But either way let me tell you, as far as we know, we only go around this planet once and to live in unhappiness and stress is no way to spend the only life we have.

I've had an opportunity to marry again, but I do not want to do that. I was 52 when she left and I am now 75 and do not regret how it turned out. Unfortunately she passed away about 8 years ago after having a stroke. Many times I have regretted not making the move myself when I was younger, but you can't go back in time so I'm just happy the the split happened and I'm sure in her way she was happier too. Mental illness is a very tough thing to deal with, but there is just so much you can do for someone that doesn't appear that they want to do anything about it, as was her case. You will find that it isn't all that terrible if the marriage no longer exists. For what time I have left I intend to enjoy my children and grandchildren and since 3 of them are at an age to make me the worlds youngest (in my mind) great-grandfather who knows it might even extend another generation while I'm still around. My point is that there are somethings that you cannot fix but you can let yourself enjoy what is left of your life, guilt free and happy. If there is no way to fix it, then move on.
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I don't have any first hand experience, just what I have observed from my neighbor who went through a divorce.

After seeing what he has gone through, despite the divorce being a truly nasty affair, and the continued crappy post divorce experience, I think 3 years post divorce, he and the kids are in a better place than they would be if he had not filed for divorce.

You need to prioritize your own mental health over his and do what you feel is best.
Depression is a mental illness, which needs to be addressed immediately, IMO. Separation/divorce or not, he needs help. He may have tried lots of meds, had some therapy, but it clearly is not working. If need be, he can go to the hospital as a crisis patient and they can talk to him and perhaps admit, if necessary. I know this sounds harsh but have seen it in a family member. This person needed that, was not admitted, but realized he could lose his wife and everything he has worked for. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, mental illness is a disease. If he had diabetes, or a heart condition, he’d seek help and if in trouble go to the ER. I would then recommend couples therapy but he needs to get help for himself first.

If you feel that even if he does get the help, you have already checked out, I would say it’s time to at least separate. If you feel as though you want to see him through getting well, then a wait and see approach.

I wish you all the best. It’s not easy after so many years invested, I am sure.
I’m sorry you are going through this.

It sounds like your husband needs his meds adjusted. It also sounds like he needs counselling. I’ve been through this as well.
I would echo the calls for marriage counselling. My ex wife and I did that and after two sessions, our therapist helped me realise we were done. It could be the same for you, or it could be the opposite.

I will say this though - my divorce was brutal for my ex wife and myself. We got to the point where our life goals simply didn't go together...at all...no room for compromise, we were on opposite ends of the spectrum. Now, however, she has 3 kids, a loving husband and is very happy. I am married to the great love of my life and couldn't be happier. While divorce is hard, it can sometimes work out for the best.

Best of luck to you.
I would try marriage counseling. I would also see if your dh would be willing to go to the doctor for a medication change. It is very very common for antidepressants to need to be changed or adjusted over time.

My ex and I were married for 10 years. I knew it was over when the thought of leaving the house we built was more upsetting than leaving him. I know that sounds awful of me, but it was the truth. He wasn’t happy in the marriage either. He just didn’t have the guts to end it. We didn’t have kids and it was a very amicable divorce.
I am so very sorry you are going through so much.
However this works out it can only be a positive step for you to realize that it is affecting you adversely & for a long time. And not what you want for the rest of your life. You are showing your own strength.


Your post made me think of something I read on the Pernicious Anemia. (b12 deficiency) section of a health forum. A member wrote about how traditional depression medication did not work for him but cranial stimulation was an absolute game changer.

I will PM you with the information.

EDIT: Oh I can not, since it is a new user name.. PM me when you have 10 posts. I would link openly but not sure if that is respectful to the member as one can choose private mode on there (only seen by those that register)
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I was married over 17 years and am divorced nearly 30 years, many of those spent as a single parent.

Here’s my feelings based on what you shared and what I experienced. Your husband has a mental illness and needs help. You are not responsible and you can’t fix it. You have spoken to him. Don’t let his illness hold you hostage. You are responsible for only one persons happiness and that is your own.

Whether he sees someone or not you can’t control. But you must… I repeat… must find a therapist for yourself. Someone who can help you sort out your feelings and more importantly advocate for you and your position in this relationship. Make no mistake, if your husband sees a therapist, this person will advocate his position… that is their professional duty. Your therapist will focus concern on you… how you feel, sorting out what you are comfortable doing.

My therapist was an absolutely pivotal part of my support system. She reminded me again and again that I deserved to be happy…. and that I couldn’t fix anyone else including my ex. My ex and I went to one marital counseling session together. That was all it took to see the inevitable.

It wasn’t always easy, especially as a single parent. But I can honestly say I am happily single and enjoying my retirement. Best decision I could ever have made.

I’ll say it again… find your own therapist!
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I’m not new here but since this is a very personal post, I created a new profile. For people who have gone through a separation and divorce..how did you know your marriage was over? Was it a lot of little things or big things? My husband and I have been married 28 years. He suffers from depression and has since we were dating. He does take medication but nothing he’s taken seems to help. For the past year or so, he goes to work during the week and then sleeps the entire weekend. I am so alone. I’ve started dreading the weekends because of it. I will make suggestions for activities but he’s never interested. A year ago, I started going to the gym and it has made me feel so much better. He’s not interested. I’ve started dreading coming home, it’s like going from sunlight into darkness because of his mood. My birthday was in October and at the end of the day he handed me a bag from CVS with a birthday card. It didn’t have my name on it, no written message, just blank. We never exchange gifts but my heart broke. I felt like I didn’t matter enough to write any type of message. I’ve spent 28 years doing all the housework, shopping, cooking etc and I’m so tired. The thought of spending 20 or more years like this is unimaginable. I’m at the point I’d rather do stuff by myself. Our children are adults and I know they would be shocked if we divorced but not really. Does that make sense? They grew up with their dad’s depression and his temper. We’ve all walked on eggshells for years. I feel like I’m done.

For those that have been through this, how did you know that you needed to call it quits?
You should talk and express your needs and concerns. Is he in therapy for depression? Couples therapy too.
Those are only applicable if you want to stay and try to work on things.


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