Dissapointed again

Just picture yourself in a work environment and imagine what kind of employees they would want. Don't picture yourself in a school environment because school and work are two completely different situations. You have to be consistent with your answers- they'll ask you a couple of questions multiple ways. For example "Are you a reliable person?" and then 10 questions later: "Can your co-workers depend on you?" Make sure you're always putting the same answer. Sometimes they'll switch questions around to try to trick you or throw in one word that throws it off.

You just have to read carefully and really try to understand what the question is saying. What you think it might mean at first could really be interpreted another way. I've heard it's good to put down a lot of "strongly agree" or "strongly disagree" as opposed to selecting "neutral" too many times. Also, don't let the timer run out on too many questions. I ran out of time for only one and was okay, but I don't know how many is too much so I wouldn't risk just not putting down an answer.

took on for TWA years ago. Didn't pass, later after they dropped the test I got hired. LOL!
just wanted to say my dd got dissapointed again,last year she got the dreaded rejection letter and then last night got the results from the web based test that said she didnt meet their criteria .. i think disney will be losing alot of good candidates this way and the quaility of cp cast memebers better not go down because of this hiring process. i have alot of money invested in wdw and would hate to see that happen. I wrote an email to the recruiters but it probably wont matter, it just made me feel a little better,but my dd is still heartbroken and just a bit p*****..

Like others have said... Not to sound rude but if your daughter is about to graduate college why are you emailing her potential employers? If I was any kind of recruiting having a mom of a 20-something email me complaining about their daughter would turn me off on the person more. Disney is looking for strong personalities who can make decisions and live on their own and by having mommy email to complain won't give your daughter or your argument any positive light. How is Disney losing out? Disney wants people who they know are ok with working away from home, long hours, living on their own, etc and you complaining for your adult daughter kinda reaffirms what Disney probably found out via the quiz maybe she isn't ready to leave home.

Again I don't mean to sound rude but next time maybe have your daughter follow up on her own - Disney or any company for that matter - might be willing to evaluate the situation but I doubt any company would if the candidates mom complains.

Like others have said... Not to sound rude but if your daughter is about to graduate college why are you emailing her potential employers? If I was any kind of recruiting having a mom of a 20-something email me complaining about their daughter would turn me off on the person more. Disney is looking for strong personalities who can make decisions and live on their own and by having mommy email to complain won't give your daughter or your argument any positive light. How is Disney losing out? Disney wants people who they know are ok with working away from home, long hours, living on their own, etc and you complaining for your adult daughter kinda reaffirms what Disney probably found out via the quiz maybe she isn't ready to leave home.

Again I don't mean to sound rude but next time maybe have your daughter follow up on her own - Disney or any company for that matter - might be willing to evaluate the situation but I doubt any company would if the candidates mom complains.


ok so i never told her to email them and they are not my potential employer because im not going to try to apply again... all she told me was to call them and find out what i answered wrong and i wouldnt so she emailed them... i dont care if she emailed them yes i maybe a mommys little girl but i love my mom so stop dissing her on here and by the way leaving home for that long aint a problem with me... because i wanna get out there and live on my own i just cant do it around here because i dont have the money..... but its probably better off i didnt get accepted into the program because getting in and then seeing how things run would deffinately ruin the magic for me.... and my mom was right her and my dad have alot of money invested into wdw and seeing that disney does these web based interviews and phone interviews well heck anyone could be doing these interviews..... say for instance if i did get the phone interview how do they know those were MY answers and not somebody else sitting there answering the questions and when they call how do they know its ME on the other end and not someone with more expierence pretending to be me? plus they dont even know what the person they're hiring looks like.... they possibly could not meet disney standards on appearances...they dont know the REAL you until the first meeting of you when you're already down there.....oh and for all you other college program hopefuls who got rejected.... dont give up if ur still in school... i just gotta get back into reality and accept im not gonna get in because the fact im graduating and im gonna get a great internship around here in a travel agency or hotel.... so good luck.... and god bless u all....
"i just gotta get back into reality and accept im not gonna get in because the fact im graduating and im gonna get a great internship around here in a travel agency or hotel.... so good luck.... and god bless u all.... "

Check the professional internships. I am pretty sure getting rejected for the CP doesn't automatically keep you from the PI's. Its another hope at least :confused3
How do you know that they didn't?

I seriously doubt that they would start a new process like this without gathering tons of data to set benchmarks.

They have. Disneyland has been using these tests for a long time now. Maybe after being let down by CPers WDW saw that DL, even though selective, had a better crop of employees. I'm not saying that everyone who applys to WDW isn't a good employee but a lot of students aren't committed to the program. There was even a letter asking CPers to stay committed to what they say they will follow through with. So, perhaps WDW is using the new test to weed out those who aren't going to be committed and keep those that will be. Now, that doesn't mean that they will hit the mark every time. Will they pass on someone who would be committed but just mis-answered the questionnaire. Yeah, I'm sure they will. Especially on the first time the test is used. But, I think the test is WDW way of trying to become more selective and ensure getting the best possible employees.

Olivia, the best piece of advice I can give you is this: If it isn't this, it's something else. I ended falling into all of the places I was supposed to be at. Example: I was set on being a business major for years. I was determined to do anything other than English. I had this crazy idea that it was a useless degree. So, I dug myself into a hole and my classes started to destroy my GPA. I wasn't in the right place for me, even though I wanted it to be. So, to lift my GPA I took a writing class and fell in love with it. That class completely changed my major, my thought-out career path and my work. I ended up with an English degree and I can make that degree work to my benefit. This may have been what you wanted and what you were sure about but maybe there's something else your supposed to be doing right now. Look around you and see what you can make work for your benefit. Stay at school and take the classes you've always wanted to take but didn't. See where that leads you. Take a job around you and see where that leads you. I believe that everything happens for a reason and if you didn't get in this time...possibly there is a PI waiting for you or another way to get into the Disney Company or possibly right now just isn't the time for you to do this. Case in point, I'll give one more example of how things just fell together when they were supposed to: I was supposed to be moving to Columbus with friends and starting a job with a brand management team there. However, things didn't come through there and I ended up looking for other opportunities and I found a Disney internship in publishing listed on a website that I've never been to and can't find again. How I stumbled there, I don't know. But, that drew me in and I'm applying here now. I was devastated when my new job and moving opportunity didn't work out. But you know what? Now, I'm extremely happy they did. It just wasn't the time for me to take on a new job and location. B/c I was meant to be doing something else. So, keep that in mind. If it's not this, it's something else. Apply again if you feel like it's the right thing for you to do. But in the mean time, find the things around you that inspire you and see how you can work those things into your life. It may take you somewhere unexpected.
They have. Disneyland has been using these tests for a long time now.

They wouldn't have just used disneyland's data, though. they would have gathered data from WDW too. point being that they didn't just decide last week to make this change which is what the post that I responded to implied.

im not a fan of profiling in general. wasn't a fan of disneyland doing this. not a fan of wdw doing it.

i worked with people who were awful backstage, but onstage, you couldn't believe how over the top pixie dusted they were. magical moments right and left. would they have made it through the profile? probably not. but they were great with the guests.
You wrote an email to your daughter's prospective employer?! :eek:

I know you feel her pain and are upset for her, but as a HR person, let me tell you this is one of the worst things you could do for her. She's in college, about to graduate and enter the real working world - this is not the time or place for mom to step in.

I lurk around the college boards because I think the CP is interesting, and I'm sorry I missed it if it even existed all those years ago.

I wanted to ego what this PP said. I hire people to work with children with special needs. Probably 2/3 of the folks who work with me are college students or recent graduates. The minute I hear from a parent that person is immediately taken out of the "call this one back if something more appropriate comes up" pile. When I interview if I think someone is good but not right for a particular position, I definitely keep the resume and my notes so I can contact them if something more suitable comes up. If a parent calls or emails me, I know the prospective employee isn't ready for the real world and all the responsibility that comes with it. The same goes if a parent "calls out" one of my people. I will usually let it go one time with a serious discussion about adult responsibilities, etc.

Mom, I know your heart is broken for your girl. I can't imagine when my DD, now 9, doesn't get something she really wants and would probably be awesome at. It will be hard not to intervene, I'm sure. But, I know it will be the best thing for her in the long run.
.... and my mom was right her and my dad have alot of money invested into wdw and seeing that disney does these web based interviews and phone interviews well heck anyone could be doing these interviews..... say for instance if i did get the phone interview how do they know those were MY answers and not somebody else sitting there answering the questions and when they call how do they know its ME on the other end and not someone with more expierence pretending to be me? ....

A little hint-it is much easier to read long posts with several paragraphs and not a bunch of run on sentances:)

I am curious about the large amount of money invested in WDW.
Do you mean several trips, DVC, own Disney stock etc?

I would guess most of the posters on the DIS have spent that much money on WDW.
ok so i never told her to email them and they are not my potential employer because im not going to try to apply again... all she told me was to call them and find out what i answered wrong and i wouldnt so she emailed them... i dont care if she emailed them yes i maybe a mommys little girl but i love my mom so stop dissing her on here and by the way leaving home for that long aint a problem with me... because i wanna get out there and live on my own i just cant do it around here because i dont have the money..... but its probably better off i didnt get accepted into the program because getting in and then seeing how things run would deffinately ruin the magic for me.... and my mom was right her and my dad have alot of money invested into wdw and seeing that disney does these web based interviews and phone interviews well heck anyone could be doing these interviews..... say for instance if i did get the phone interview how do they know those were MY answers and not somebody else sitting there answering the questions and when they call how do they know its ME on the other end and not someone with more expierence pretending to be me? plus they dont even know what the person they're hiring looks like.... they possibly could not meet disney standards on appearances...they dont know the REAL you until the first meeting of you when you're already down there.....oh and for all you other college program hopefuls who got rejected.... dont give up if ur still in school... i just gotta get back into reality and accept im not gonna get in because the fact im graduating and im gonna get a great internship around here in a travel agency or hotel.... so good luck.... and god bless u all....

It's perfectly acceptable to use just one period to end one of your "sentences".
i worked with people who were awful backstage, but onstage, you couldn't believe how over the top pixie dusted they were. magical moments right and left. would they have made it through the profile? probably not. but they were great with the guests.

Why wouldn't they have passed the test? Onstage they had magical moments right and left. They were great with the guests. That's what they were hired to do. Sounds like, while not awesome people, they were pretty decent employees.
Why wouldn't they have passed the test? Onstage they had magical moments right and left. They were great with the guests. That's what they were hired to do. Sounds like, while not awesome people, they were pretty decent employees.

The Gallup "interview" is an personality profile. From what I can gather and from my experience going through DL's awhile back, it is along the same lines as Myers-Briggs and a slew of other personality profiles. just customized to wdw and/or dl. It has very little to do with situational exercises. nothing to do with one on one interaction with others. That isn't something that can be measured with strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree questions. People can have different personas based on their environments. If measured only on their guest interaction abilities, probably. But measured with working with others/as a team, no way they would pass.
just wanted to say my dd got dissapointed again,last year she got the dreaded rejection letter and then last night got the results from the web based test that said she didnt meet their criteria .. i think disney will be losing alot of good candidates this way and the quaility of cp cast memebers better not go down because of this hiring process. i have alot of money invested in wdw and would hate to see that happen. I wrote an email to the recruiters but it probably wont matter, it just made me feel a little better,but my dd is still heartbroken and just a bit p*****..

I have a question... Did your daughter call to see why she was rejected? they give a number on there.

I am also a little concern why your daughter didn't write the email... I have been rejected twice before, the second time, I got a little more pushy calling and emailing the recruiter why I was pending, and later rejected... and the more I pushed and sent, the better answers I got why, and how I can improve. I was told that Disney needs to be pushed sometimes... and it seems to be working...

Also, maybe she could apply to the Disneyland CP, you can apply to both in the same recruiting season.
ok so i never told her to email them and they are not my potential employer because im not going to try to apply again... all she told me was to call them and find out what i answered wrong and i wouldnt so she emailed them... i dont care if she emailed them yes i maybe a mommys little girl but i love my mom so stop dissing her on here and by the way leaving home for that long aint a problem with me... because i wanna get out there and live on my own i just cant do it around here because i dont have the money..... but its probably better off i didnt get accepted into the program because getting in and then seeing how things run would deffinately ruin the magic for me.... and my mom was right her and my dad have alot of money invested into wdw and seeing that disney does these web based interviews and phone interviews well heck anyone could be doing these interviews..... say for instance if i did get the phone interview how do they know those were MY answers and not somebody else sitting there answering the questions and when they call how do they know its ME on the other end and not someone with more expierence pretending to be me? plus they dont even know what the person they're hiring looks like.... they possibly could not meet disney standards on appearances...they dont know the REAL you until the first meeting of you when you're already down there.....oh and for all you other college program hopefuls who got rejected.... dont give up if ur still in school... i just gotta get back into reality and accept im not gonna get in because the fact im graduating and im gonna get a great internship around here in a travel agency or hotel.... so good luck.... and god bless u all....

It's perfectly acceptable to use just one period to end one of your "sentences".

Plus, proper capitalization and punctuation marks would help too. I'm not usually a jerk about grammar, but that was nigh-unreadable.

Plus, proper capitalization and punctuation marks would help too. I'm not usually a jerk about grammar, but that was nigh-unreadable.​

its a disboard i aint gotta use proper english! and plus it was 2am my time sorry for being a little tired but angry and upset​
its a disboard i aint gotta use proper english! and plus it was 2am my time sorry for being a little tired but angry and upset

Yes, it is a disboard. And many have found your post to be unreadable even for a disboard post. I don't say this to pile on or be nasty, but first impressions matter. And online, be it a disboard, be it an interview for a job, how we write plays a huge role in how people perceive us. Just something to keep in mind.
The number 1 reason I emailed the recruiting department instead of my daughter was because she didnt care anymore,she just wanted to forget it but i knew it would bother me if i didnt.Just for the piece of mind i gave my opinionatleast on the new system. My dd is perfectly cappable of taking care of herself and cappable of writing properly, she is an A student. I know some people like proper grammar and like to nitpic about run on sentences but when I'm on the computer i just ramble with my fingers too. I think everyone should stick to the subject and discuss the subject,which was whether or not the new system is right or not and if you dissagree with it to let disney know how you feel.Thanks for all your input and I do agree that i shouldnt have gotten involved,you live and learn.
Disney is a private business, and the goal of their hiring practices is to hire whoever they deem to be the best candidate. However friends or relatives of candidates feel about the selection process is irrelevant to them. In fact, I can guarantee that no business is going to change their practices based on the complaints of the relatives of rejected candidates.
As many people have pointed out, receiving a letter from a candidate's mother really hurts one's chances. That goes double when that letter is actually complaining about their hiring procedures.
Well this system isn't new, Disneyland CP has been doing this for a few years now which has been said before. I really think Disney is trying to cut back. I always am hearing about disney layoffs and such, plus the competition for CP/CS has been very high these last couple of recruiting seasons. I don't think this will change, Disney is very stubborn about changes. If it's been cutting down the number of interviews for DLCP, then maybe they are thinking it will help with the WDWCP... This sucks, yes it basically does, but we really can't do anything about it. If your daughter gets more interested in it for next time, I would tell her to research in it more... Join the group on facebook, read these boards, join the cp chat on aim, watch vlogs on youtube... They will help a lot, not only help get more excited about it, but they are very informational. To tell what other people did to prepare for this interview.
The number 1 reason I emailed the recruiting department instead of my daughter was because she didnt care anymore,she just wanted to forget it but i knew it would bother me if i didnt.Just for the piece of mind i gave my opinionatleast on the new system. .

As others have pointed out, once your child becomes an adult, parents need to "butt out" of their lives, especially involving employment.

Still waiting on an answer about the large "Investment" the OP has in Disney.:confused:


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