Disney's Imagineers and DisneySea Revealed shows on Travel Channel tonight

Well Capt. sir you did good if you suggested it. I guess if I wore an earring the size of a Morris Mini and an almost perfect handlebar mustache I would butter up my boss also...

You know - the idea of a serious film at the center of AK just doesn't work for me. ITTBAB keeps it light and easy. I enjoy ITTBAB and can't really envision a more serious film that I would enjoy as much.

The poaching story annoys me because it always screws up my videos. All of a sudden the truck/bus starts roaring away, bouncing the camera (and everybody) up and down and from side to side. I would have prefered that we would sneak up on the poachers instead of trying to run them down...
Let me put things back into perspective.

One estimate has it that 70,000 elephants were being killed every year from the mid-1970s through the 1980s.

Now I'm a conservationist at heart and Poaching is a disturbing and horrendous thing, but to suggest that it is a problem the way it used to be is questionable. I'm pretty sure that most Zoos raise the same amount of awarness while letting us actually view the animals.
...and again with regard to the AK show-HAS ANYONE AT THE TRAVEL CHANNEL EVER HELD A SHOT FOR MORE THAN 3 SECONDS! Every show on that channel is the same- camera shows a shot, cuts to another, camera zips in zooms out, all of it in 3 to 5 seconds...Travel is about slowing down and soaking in the beauty, not hurring through to show as many different pictures as you can in the shortest time....Am I the only one who feels this way about their programs?

"""....Am I the only one who feels this way about their programs?"""

You are not alone. I love roller coasters ( welll watching them) and can hardly stand to watch their(And Dicovery channle and The Learning Channel) programs about thrill rides and coasters. It is all to chopped up and feells like you are viewing from a floundering sea vessel!
The Disney Programs were presented in the same manner as if the only ones who would be watching were channel surfing between MTV and The Travel Channel!!
Originally posted by daannzzz
You are not alone. I love roller coasters ( welll watching them) and can hardly stand to watch their(And Dicovery channle and The Learning Channel) programs about thrill rides and coasters. It is all to chopped up and feells like you are viewing from a floundering sea vessel!
The main reason that they chop up the shots of roller coaster is to prevent motion sickness of the viewer. I took my camcorder on a lot of rides at DL & when I got home I couldn't watch more than 5 minutes before I would get headaches. When I took a video editing course later, the point had been mentioned to us. The longest you can really keep moving shot with no break on the small screen is about 10-15 seconds. While I also wish there was a way to hold a steady shot through a ride, it's currently not possible without the majority of viewers getting motion sickness.
Originally posted by Jeff in BigD

The main reason that they chop up the shots of roller coaster is to prevent motion sickness of the viewer. I took my camcorder on a lot of rides at DL & when I got home I couldn't watch more than 5 minutes before I would get headaches. When I took a video editing course later, the point had been mentioned to us. The longest you can really keep moving shot with no break on the small screen is about 10-15 seconds. While I also wish there was a way to hold a steady shot through a ride, it's currently not possible without the majority of viewers getting motion sickness.

ok, so why do they chop up shots of everything else? I have timed it---watch a show and see how long they hold any shot...it is rare if you can count to 5 seconds--they are trying to make it look like a music video --and travel is not music video...I wish they would stop it.
WOW!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: DisneySea looks Awesome! That was a great show. I wished they spent more time showing all the cool rides.

To see video clips of the great DisneySea rides, click on


Now that's how to do a theme park RIGHT.

It was funny when they showed that DisneySea executive say Japanese people go to DisneySea for escapism. I thought of Californians going to DCA to escape. :p

Speaking of DCA, you see how huge quality gap between DCA and DisneySea. I know DisneySea had more investors, but DCA looks like a roadside carnival compared to DisneySea. Come on Disney....why don't you team up with Bill Gates and build a DisneySea over here. Disney says they can't afford to do a DisneySea quality but yet they paid Michael Eisner over $700 million dollars last year (not to mention the mega bucks they pay the other top suits). Don't tell me Disney can't afford quality.:mad:

Hey, why don't we build a DisneySea in Orlando? "If you build it, they will come."

"If you dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

See ya

King Triton
TDS, is a beautiful park....but you can't show what doesen't exist, mainly cool rides !
Originally posted by King Triton
I know DisneySea had more investors, but DCA looks like a roadside carnival compared to DisneySea. Come on Disney....why don't you team up with Bill Gates and build a DisneySea over here.
King Triton, it's not that I don't agree with your premise that DisneySea looks far more impressive than DCA. But please allow me to correct some assumptions and factual errors.

It's not that DisneySea has "more investors" than DCA. The parks were buit by two different companies -- Oriental Land Company and The Walt Disney Company. The executives of the companies obviously have different philosophies on how to build and operate a successful theme park. But it has nothing to do the number of investors.
Originally posted by King Triton
Disney says they can't afford to do a DisneySea quality but yet they paid Michael Eisner over $700 million dollars last year (not to mention the mega bucks they pay the other top suits).
Actually, The Walt Disney Company has never said that they "can't afford to do a DisneySea quality." The executives at Disney in Burbank made business decisions that they felt would provide the best return on the company's investment. (All indications now are that they made bad business decisions regarding DCA.) But they could easily have afforded to invest more capital up front if they had believed that would be good business. And they could still make the major investment to make DCA into a real "you just gotta go there 'cause it's so insanely great" park -- but the executives still think that some more modest additions represent a better business strategy.

If Disney had wanted to invest more capital in DCA, they wouldn't have needed Mr. Gates' money. Keep in mind that The Walt Disney Company bought Fox Family Worldwide for approximately $5.3 billion (when you include the assumption of approximately $2.3 billion in debt) last year. That's what News Corporation (Fox) reported. See http://www.newscorp.com/feg/fegpress/news_138.html .

Also, Disney didn't pay Michael Eisner "over $700 million dollars last year." For the fiscal year that ended September 30, 2001, Mr. Eisner received a base salary of $1 million. No bonus. No stock options. See http://www.thestreet.com/tech/georgemannes/10006227.html . (Over the previous five years, Mr. Eisner's total compensation from salary, bonuses, and stock options was around $700 million. See http://www.forbes.com/2001/04/26/eisner.html .)

Please don't consider this an attack on you, Mr. Triton.
Originally posted by PKS44
ok, so why do they chop up shots of everything else? I have timed it---watch a show and see how long they hold any shot...it is rare if you can count to 5 seconds--they are trying to make it look like a music video --and travel is not music video...I wish they would stop it.
A static shot for too long can be boring. The desired effect of the show is to generate excitement & that is one way to accomplish that. When I started working with video, I was surprised to find that you rarely use more than 5-10 seconds per shot.

Most of the time when you're watching a shot where someone is being interviewed & the screen cuts to to show something different (even though you still hear the person speaking) & then cuts back to the person - they do this because the dialog is rarely perfect in linear form. In other words, if the person talking says 8 sentences, the first 3 sentences may have been 5 minutes into the interview, the next 2 sentences could be 12 minutes into the interview & the last 3 sentences 18 minutes into it & the shots are used to cover up, what would otherwise be an obvious lapse in time, which would be more jarring to the viewer.
Originally posted by Captain Crook
I'd rather see a giraffe or a zebra than a Matisse or Renoir most any time...But that's just me...
:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:
Yeah, I think it's just you. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy animals as much as the next guy, I don't understand how you could even compare the two. :confused:
Originally posted by Captain Crook
I will say that Disney in NO WAY could have replicated somehing like this at DL. DCA doesn't have enough room.
I'll agree with the last part, but not the first. The area used for Downtown Disney would have easily made up for the needed space. I think they could have also made essentially the same park, but a little more compact. Don't think so? Just look a few hundred yards north to the gates of DL. A substantially smaller park, yet it's got tons of rides, without feeling cluttered & it kicks MK's ****. I haven't been to DLP, but by the accounts I've read, it's closer to DL than MK.
Originally posted by King Triton
....why don't you team up with Bill Gates and build a DisneySea over here.
You had me until this line.
I don't understand how you could even compare the two.
No offense, but that sounds a little elitist to me Jeff. The comparison is simply that I prefer the beauty, majesty & wonder of the art prduced by life itself over the passive, acquired tastes of the staid & traditional. Does this make me uncivilized? Uneducated, perhaps? Further, on a site of Disney fans I think it quite obvious that most would prefer other forms of visual entertainment to fine art...Otherwise we'd be having this discussion on an art related site would we not?... And we'd all be taking our vacations at the art galleries of the world...

I love art and my SIL is a very succesful painter, but it doesn't speak to me nearly as much as a giraffe loaping across the savannah or the King of Beast perched upon his rock, surveying the kingdom. I further am moved by the beauty under the sea as we are avid scuba divers. The beauty, serenity & solitude are artistic in their otherworldliness.

I don't understand how you could even compare the two.
I'm sorry, Jeff, but it is I who don't understand how you cannot see the correlation of the beauty of life and the beauty of someones life that is art...
:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:
With regard to DCA & TDS...There IS NO WAY any passable resemblence of TDS could have been manufactured at The DL Resort. DD was a necessity as was the GC and there just isn't enough room to do it properly. Even when the original proposal for what became Disney Seas was introduced for California it was going to built on the Coast (perhaps someone remembers where) because there wasn't enough room at DL.

You'll get no argument from me that DL is smaller and yet better than MK...None at all. But DS at DL? Just not enough room.
:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:
Originally posted by Jeff in BigD

A static shot for too long can be boring. The desired effect of the show is to generate excitement & that is one way to accomplish that. When I started working with video, I was surprised to find that you rarely use more than 5-10 seconds per shot.


What bothers me is that the Travel Channel rarely uses even 3 seconds per shot, forget about 5 seconds, and as for 5 to 10 seconds??? I have never seen it...I would be grateful for a six second "slow panning shot" of a part of DisneySea or Epcot or whateverpark they are filming...My question was rhetorical really...I completely understand that they are TRYING to generate excitement, but they over do it and instead generate motion sickness...I am not arguing that they shoot like Michaelangelo Antonioni-but just as a static shot for too long can be boring, what they accomplish with their never ending short snips/cuts is a monotony as well...if you like it, fine...others appear to have no problem with it, as well....still,even if I don't work with video professionally I know what I like to watch, and what I don't. ;)

I have noticed that Disney on it's promotional videos and commercials and even it's print ads always tends to show LESS than they could...(I was blown away by the Wilderness Lodge the first time I saw it even though I had seen commercials, pictures,etc)...I think they felt that they would rather surprise you with more than you expect than give you a clear idea of what to expect...you know, come and see this, instead of giving anyone the option of having said, well, I have seen enough of that, I don't have to actually go.....that seems wise...but a travel documentary need do no such thing...it should make you want to go there but it should also give you an idea that you ALMOST have been there after you watched it. After watching most Travel Channel theme park shows I don't usually feel either...they don't show enough---DisneySea was an exception, maybe because the park is so exceptionally well done.

I can't find the travel channel on cablevision. Does anybody who has cablevision know if they have it? thanks, Carolyn
Captain, sir, no one is arguing that people want a duplicate of DisneySea built in Disneyland’s parking lot. All we want is something that shows the same level of effort, the same level of imagination, and the same level of respect for the guests that the Oriental Land Company has shown.

People don’t hate California Adventure because it’s a rotten park. People don’t like it because the place is insulting to our intelligence. It’s one thing to be swindled out of money, but it’s quite another to have the “the fools will pay fifty bucks for anything Disney®” attitude rub into our faces.
Re-read a lot of the posts Mr. Voice, I think A LOT of people did/do want a recreation of TDS...If I'm wrong then it becomes purely semantical misunderstanding on my part.

I'm not disagreeing with anyone that DCA isn't what it coulda/shoulda been. I will defend what it meant to our trip & what I think it will eventually turn out to be (and yes that may be under the new management).

By all means Disney should NEVER have tried to pass off the number of lame & off the shelf attractions as 1st tier, Disney material. Agreed, agreed, agreed.:p

Thanks for the reminder Judy!
:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:


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