Disneyland Pet Peeves!


DIS Veteran
May 25, 2010
What pet peeve at Disneyland get's you worked up?:scared1:

ride talkers? Park guests who just throw the trash on the ground? strollers pushed over your feet? :eek:

for me it's the strollers,i don't get why A parent with a baby stroller thinks it’s ok to just run over my feet or anybody else’s feet for that matter.. It’s not like that will get them to memo any faster!..or how about those “ride talkers”, you know the ones that chit chat(and very loudly) all the way through small world and ruin the ride for everyone else…that gets me burned out of my skin!!
The people who see you are going to make it to the ride entrance first and then run in front of you and cut you off - or divide your party in two and then seem annoyed when you try to make an effort to get back with your party that they split up. :rolleyes:
EXACLTY!!!! lol those people with the strollers that run over my feet turn into the line cutters at the destination that they are headed for!
The people that stop right in the middle of the walkway and decide to have a discussion right there. Especially when they are walking and just come to a complete stop.

Flash pictures on rides.

My biggest peeve though is the people that think it's perfectly ok to push and shove their way right in front of me to see fireworks (or Fantasmic) that I have been waiting an hour for.
The people that stop right in the middle of the walkway and decide to have a discussion right there. Especially when they are walking and just come to a complete stop.

Flash pictures on rides.

My biggest peeve though is the people that think it's perfectly ok to push and shove their way right in front of me to see fireworks (or Fantasmic) that I have been waiting an hour for.

Oooh those are good ones! YES I agree with the F! or Fireworks thing! those that stop in the walkway, they do there little "meetings", like can they not move over to a more suitable area?!?

Plus, those great parents that let a child push another person in their wheelchair.. I got run into by a kid racing someone in the wheelchair. It was on the river front and they were in a hurry to get to pirates.. I guess the kid tried to go around me, but missed and the chair smacked right into the back of my leg! That hurt sooo bad!! The kid didn't say excuse me, sorry or anything. :scared1:I looked at the parents and they didn't even say anything until my DH gave them the look:headache:


Plus, those great parents that let a child push another person in their wheelchair.. I got run into by a kid racing someone in the wheelchair. It was on the river front and they were in a hurry to get to pirates.. I guess the kid tried to go around me, but missed and the chair smacked right into the back of my leg! That hurt sooo bad!! The kid didn't say excuse me, sorry or anything. :scared1:I looked at the parents and they didn't even say anything until my DH gave them the look:headache:
Oh, I forgot about the family of 12 that wants to squeeze in next to you on the train/monorail/tram where there is maybe room for 4 people! Uh, Hello.. Personal Space anyone???
Good idea for thread Funball. I'm actually amazed that things go as smoothly as they do at Disneyland given the throngs of people all trying to have the perfect family vacation at once. I really don't know anywhere else where so many people can commune so well together. But....Ride talkers! :headache:

Our first ride on POC we had the chatty family behind us that would not shut up! We were in the front row and they took up the rest of the boat so my little family of 3 was out numbered.
When we go on POC we like to be real quiet during the bayou part and really get into the feel of it. Well the family behind us was taking about who was sleeping where in the hotel room and what they were going to eat...:mad:...clueless people.

The stroller people weren't as big of problem for me as some of the adults in the scooters. I understand that some people need them and all, but do they really need to barge through the crowd like some do?

Also people that don't walk on the right side. I'm glad the CMs are out telling people to walk on the right after a parade or show, but really people should do it all day. It makes it easier to get around for everybody.
In general, the overall lack of consideration for others. There are still those times when it is surprisingly enjoyable and people seem to genuinely care and try to be polite. I enjoy those days most. There is nothing that says you must disregard the feelings and good time of others to ensure your good time.
Here's my list!

1. People who use flash photography on dark rides. There is no excuse for this and these people fall into two camps: idiots who can't operate a simple camera and jerks who feel entitled to hog the experience. Please take the time while you're waiting in your seat or standing in queue to turn your flash off. Learn to operate your camera *before* you torture others with your rudeness. "Flash-off" is camera operation-101.

2. Ride "screamers". These are people who purposefully scream at the top of their lungs just for the sake of screaming. They do it the ENTIRE. LENGTH. OF. THE. RIDE.

3. Yelling from the boat to BB diners. Each time we've eaten at the BB and had 'waterside' seating, we've experienced several boat-riders who harassed and heckled the diners. If there is justice in the world, their boat-neighbors would flash their cameras in their faces for the duration of the ride. ;)

4. Some people need to buy stronger deodorant. *cough* 'nuff said.

5. Strollers the size of Mini Coopers.

6. Groups that walk FIVE, SIX, SEVEN+ people wide. And they always walk SLOOOOOOOOOOOW. Hello, rolling-roadblock!
Groups that block the roads, paths, etc. so you can't get by - the rules are no different than driving yet so many people get in a daze and slow you down when you happen to know where you are going.

Strollers, Wheelchairs, etc. I know that they are a necessity, but the people pushing them really need to pay attention so they don't run over people. You can't try to take pictures and push them at the same time without running into someone...so please just pay attention.

Grumpy people - if you aren't having fun, please leave the park. I hate hearing other argue about things, yell at each other or castmembers, etc. If there is one place that these types shouldn't exist, it should be anywhere Disney! :goodvibes Take a chill pill or have a cookie or something. :laughing:

People who get mad at those that sit on the curb to wait for the parade...again, if they happened to find the spot before you, and are saving it for their family members across the street, just let them. No one ever died over not seeing a Disney Parade from the optimal viewing point. I have seen people get in fights over this and I just don't see the point. :confused:
rflol..ok i was just laughing at the last post.. that is funny! YESS!! finalyl somene else that feels the same as me! lol....

it's just plain rude to yell at the dinner crowd at the BB, serisouly....ohhhh yes the ride screamers, they burn my buns!!!! lol i can't stand those people, you just want to turn around and yell "shut up" to their face..

an the other thing wendy mentioned..personal space on the train or monorial... Could anyone be any more ruder? yesi have had that happen, a family from out of town(and they smelled too!) just came and sat down next to me,squeezed the family( like 19 people) next to me on the train....and this happend to be when i was waiting for a parade, on the curb!, again a family of 19 people came adn jsut started to crowd around me and near my spot. no respect for the fact that i could of been saving a spot, just came sat down and unloaded blankets and such RIGHT where i was sitting. they didn't even ask if i was saving the spot .. anyhow it got soo crowded with the family that i moved.. and believe me i was pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about the people that SCREAM at their kids about how much money this vacation is costing them and they better have a good time or else? Um...maybe junior just needs a little down time or a dip in the pool. :confused3
ooohh what about the people that happen to be in line in front of you..and the wind blows and you get a big whif of the nasty, stale smelling perfume they happen to be wearing that day..(or maybe they need a shower?)..:scared1::scared1: :sick:
people that walk 5+ together side by side and make you walk around them, or like above people that just stop right in the middle of the walk way, and the STROLLERS, i hate the STROLLERS, especially the large ones with 3 large bicycle wheels on them.:confused3
All of these are good ones but I have to agree with the people that block the ENTIRE walkway and walk about 1 mile an hour! ARGH!! It is always when I am in a hurry to get somewhere too! They always seem to have about 14 people in their party, a few strollers, wheelchairs, grandma, you name it and they don't care WHO they are blocking.

And then there was the time my family and I found a great spot to sit for the parade up by the train and sat there for LITERALLY 3 hours because we were tired and needed a break. I think THREE hours deserves to not have someone come up at the last minute and shove their kid in front of us esp when I was taping the parade!!! Then the guy started cursing at me telling me I was a spoil sport cuz I wouldn't let his kid stand in front of me!!! AHHHHHHH! My dh almost got in a fight with the guy. NOT worth it!

And I can't TELL you how many times I have had the backs of my ankles, calves whatever ran into by strollers, wheelchairs you name it! ARG!!!

And yes the flashes, the screamers, the talkers! ALL annoying!!!
2. Ride "screamers". These are people who purposefully scream at the top of their lungs just for the sake of screaming. They do it the ENTIRE. LENGTH. OF. THE. RIDE.

I was right in front of the loudest people ever on POTC last month. The grownups encouraged their kids to scream at the 2 drops, scaring the hell out of my baby, who normally does very well on POTC. And then they talked through the whole ride, and took flash pics.

Another thing that annoys me is families that insist on staying together on the tram. All 14 of you DON'T need to be in the same car.

Oh, and I would never deliberately hit anyone with my stroller - but if you abruptly stop in front of me in the middle of a walkway for no reason, I may run over you, just as I would if you abruptly stopped your car in the middle of the street with no warning!
ooohh what about the people that happen to be in line in front of you..and the wind blows and you get a big whif of the nasty, stale smelling perfume they happen to be wearing that day..(or maybe they need a shower?)..:scared1::scared1: :sick:

Nothing spells klassy like wearing a bucket-load of cheap animal musk on a 95-degree day.

The angels weep. :scared:
I was right in front of the loudest people ever on POTC last month. The grownups encouraged their kids to scream at the 2 drops, scaring the hell out of my baby, who normally does very well on POTC. And then they talked through the whole ride, and took flash pics.

:mad: Scream, jabber AND use flash photography? These people remind me of my favorite Blazing Saddles quote:
You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... MORONS.


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