Disneygoof's WW Journal (comments welcome)

Thanks, guys! I appreciate your thoughts. I know I'm on the high end of the normal weight range for my height and age on many different scales, and that's a good place to be, so I'm not going to worry about it anymore. It felt better just getting it off my chest and getting some support from fellow WISHers.

Yesterday's points-22
Yesterday's exercise-45 minute walk +2-love this 1000 minute challenge, it's really great motivation for me!

Thanks again, Doe and Beams, and have a magical day!
Wednesday's points-22

Thursday's points-30

Work's getting in the way, but I haven't lost my motivation!

Have a magical day!
Monday's points-25
Monday's exercise-20 minute walk

Yesterday's points-20
Yesterday's exercise-45 minute walk

Have a magical day!
Low points and a daily walk - you're doing great this week!!! Keep it up and don't forget to drink that water! :drinking: :drinking: :drinking:
Wow you are really doing GREAT!!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Keep going and forget about what other people are telling you.

You are an inspiration for me. Will be starting WW online tomorrow. Stop by my journal sometime. Will need all the help I can get;) :)

Have a Disney Day!!:earsgirl: :earsgirl:
I post my daily points and exercise, but am trying to keep up with my water and calcium. My daily log looks like this:

E-45 minute walk, +2

That's an actual good day from last week. The categories are breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, water (x for each 8 oz. glass), calcium (each serving and overall daily % USRDA), exercise and overall points total.

Now if they all looked like that, I'd have lost those last few pounds months ago!

Have a magical day!
You are doing really well with your points!! Inspiration to me!!

Exercise just take it one step at a time even if you have to break it up into 10 or 15 minute intervals through out the day.

Now if I could only follow my own advice:tongue: :tongue:

Have a Disney Day!!:earsgirl:

Just wondering what you think of the new WW program?

Just started on the old program and alittle leary of overeating on the Core program

Wishing you a Disney Day!!::MickeyMo
Still practicing the pre-goal maintenance plan of going off-program on the weekends. Yikes. Two pounds to go. Hoping if I focus on 1000 minutes this week I'll be there before Labor Day.

I don't have any knowledge of the new WW progam because I follow 123 Success at home. That's the early 123 that counts up to 10 grams of fiber. I wasn't a big fan of the 123 that only counts 4+ because some core foods for me went up in points, and I couldn't believe they'd take away my raw carrots (well, assign them points). It was too strict and I rebelled and didn't lose, so that's when I started following WW at home, on my own, no meetings, no online service. I get the magazine, though.

So, I was off-program all weekend, but am noticing that I feel like poop when I'm on a junk food binge, like a food hangover. Probably a good thing. At a cookout yesterday I alternated junk with healthy food, tostitos, hamburger, tostitos, fruit, tostitos, salad, brownie, water. It's a start.

Have a magical day!
From the FranklinCovey catalog:

I will be ready to make the most of each opportunity that comes my way.

I will decide to give priority to my family, to myself, and to the goal I've never had time for.

I will be the one with the plan; calm amidst chaos when those around me are distracted.

I will follow my own path to achieving my goals and successfully combine self-expression with self-fulfillment--I will be me.

I will reject every notion that the only way to do things is the way they've always been done.
Yesterday's points-22
Yesterday's exercise-none

Well, 1000 minutes is out the window, but I'm still going for 50% and hoping someone will organize 1000 minutes in September. I guess I'll go for it myself even if it's not an organized challenge. I'd do it, but I wouldn't have time to track all those daily check-ins.

I also am beginning to goal set in anticipation of meeting goal. I've got to have the plan ready so I don't just stop dieting and gain it all back.

Have a magical day!
I'm going to have a tough time meeting my exercise challenge too - will have to exercise 77 - 78 minutes every day to make it! :p :hyper: At least I've exercised more than I would have without the challenge, and that's a step in the right direction!

You're doing great! Keep it up!! :sunny:
I don't know how you guys do 1000 minutes a month. I could never.
You are doing so well. Keep it up.
Any exercise is better than none.........:jumping1:

Keep going and enjoy your Sunday!!:sunny:

Have A Disney Day!!::MickeyMo
I feel like I'm in sabotage mode. Gaining instead of losing the last TWO pounds. I think I've just let too many of the foods from my banned list into the house this week.

Today's a (nother) new day. Loading up on water and watching my points. No crazy snack attacks.

Have a magical day!
Well, one day back on water and exercise and the scale's already back down. My rings still feel tight, too, so I'm hopeful that if I keep it up, I'll be at goal before Labor Day. It's got to be an aggressive week. I'll be bummed if I let another goal holiday go by without losing the weight.

Yesterday's points-23
Yesterday's exercise-half hour walk+1
Sending you lots of good vibes so you can accomplish your goal. Don't beat yourself up your doing great.

Well, I started to post "off-program" but then I forced myself to go back and count.

Yesterday's points-34
Yesterday's exercise-none.

I didn't weigh in first thing this am but I think if I had I'd have found I lost at least another pound. I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow. Gotta go have some water.

Have a magical day!
I hit goal. I can't believe I did it. The last few pounds were the hardest, but it's done. Now maintenance can begin.

If it seems like I'm not excited, I am (bouncies make me queasy so I'm not a big smilie person). I'm proud, I'm feeling strong, and I know I can keep it off. I'm ready with a plan for that, and I'm actually thinking that with more cardio exercise I need to start some weight bearing exercise so I don't lose any more weight.

This, to me, is an unbelievable achievement, and I'm glad I found WISH to keep me honest and get me there.

My new plan:
>Focus on exercise challenges to keep me in touch with WISH.
>Watch what I eat during the week and take it easy on the weekends.
>Exercise during the week and take it easy on weekends.
>Continue to pay attention to calcium and water intake.

So thanks to all who have been tracking my progress, the successes and the pitfalls, along the way. If I can ever be of assistance to any of you, please let me know. I'll also be spending more time in other journals to keep me motivated.

Oh yeah, I finally found my shadow. It looks pretty good.

Have a magical day!


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