Disney Stock News & Earnings

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In my opinion, from a few things I have read and seen on other web sites it looks like Bob Chapek did not want to wade into this topic, this is why he did not say anything for a while.
I am going to us a term some might not like but in my opinion it looked like he was either bullied into or pressured into making a statement by a very vocal and powerful minority of cast members.
These are all just my opinions and a guess as to what lead up to this.

Think of the cast members who have a different view of the topic that started all of this and how they must feel, no one from the company is making a statement supporting their views for them. They might feel as tho the company does not care about or support them.
That is just my opinion.

I am for the idea of diversity however it has to be for all and it has to be equal. A company that has to answer to its share holders, as I have said in the past need to stay neutral in these types of situations. You can't pick one side and not expect to upset the other side especially if it is a large percentage of your customer base.

In the end there are going to be people who will not return to Disney for their entertainment or have anything to do with Disney.
In the end there will be people who will not return to, or will never visit a Disney park.
In the end there will be cast members who will never look at the company they love the same way.
In the end some people will always not be happy about what a company does in these types of situation.
In the end some people just don't care.
In the end I think his is going to cost the stock holders money, but I think it's short term.
In the end Disney will survive and continue to grow but it will take time.
Once again these are just all my opinions, but what do I know

My wife and I are/were huge Disney fans for many years. We own a Disney Vacation Club and have for over 25 years. We are stockholders and plan to hold our stock for many more years. We have been on 13 seven day Disney cruises. We have spent a lot of money with Disney over the last 35 years and I mean a lot, somewhere in the low six figure mark.
With that said we are giving ourselves a break from spending any more money than we are obligated to for now, however at some point we will return. .
I hear you. I respect you. I understand the pain of the vocal minority too, but have not felt it personally. We all need to reach a point of comfort again. This is just a hot mess.
These conversations don't bother me in the least, but it confuses me when we (the disboard people) are told "no politics/religion" and then everyone keeps talking about it. If we have the policy, then we shouldn't bring anything up. If you let 1 thread start, then you are giving permission for all threads.

This was the reason I started a thread maybe a month or so ago about this and everyone slammed me for wanting to "censor people." NO. It's called following guidelines. Maybe it's just cause I've always been a rule-follower and I still am at almost 40.

It also causes ill will when some threads are closed and some are allowed to remain open. It gives a sense of bias.
These conversations don't bother me in the least, but it confuses me when we (the disboard people) are told "no politics/religion" and then everyone keeps talking about it. If we have the policy, then we shouldn't bring anything up. If you let 1 thread start, then you are giving permission for all threads.

This was the reason I started a thread maybe a month or so ago about this and everyone slammed me for wanting to "censor people." NO. It's called following guidelines. Maybe it's just cause I've always been a rule-follower and I still am at almost 40.

It also causes ill will when some threads are closed and some are allowed to remain open. It gives a sense of bias.

The thing is that there is a policy, however there are not enough moderators and none currently assigned to this section. They do what they can. If nobody is reporting the posts, then they won't do anything. They do let us self-regulate to some extent, but when it becomes ugly they will step in. The best thing to do is to report any posts that you feel cross the line.
Personally I think the board is fine with what's going on. Chapek does have to run things by them before doing anything. I do agree with what you said about the shareholders, they should be very upset. The stock is at its lowest in a very long time. Add in what's going on now with Reedy Creek and it's just getting worse. IMO once this run of people with cancelled vacations is over I think Disney will have a down turn for awhile.
If he had run this by the Board before become an advocate for the group of employees there would not be silence now. The silence may not last, but it clearly is an indicator the Board, acting as a full Board, did not pre-approve this. This is a sea-change for Disney values and heritage. CEOs operate more independently on a day-to-day basis, but something of this gravity should have been widely staffed, run by legal and presented to the Board for their imprimatur before using the Disney platform. Just based on the timeline, this did not happen. It takes the experience of working at this executive level to know details like this. In this case, the devil is in the details.
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These conversations don't bother me in the least, but it confuses me when we (the disboard people) are told "no politics/religion" and then everyone keeps talking about it. If we have the policy, then we shouldn't bring anything up. If you let 1 thread start, then you are giving permission for all threads.

This was the reason I started a thread maybe a month or so ago about this and everyone slammed me for wanting to "censor people." NO. It's called following guidelines. Maybe it's just cause I've always been a rule-follower and I still am at almost 40.

It also causes ill will when some threads are closed and some are allowed to remain open. It gives a sense of bias.
Talking about process and impact is about news and shareholder value. It is not politics. Taking a position on one side or another of an issue would be politics. This I have not done. Critical thinking should not be censored. Just being divisive on one side of a social issue probably should be. But news and shareholder value is the topic here and process, profits and predictions based on professional experience are fair game.
Talking about process and impact is about news and shareholder value. It is not politics. Taking a position on one side or another of an issue would be politics. This I have not done. Critical thinking should not be censored. Just being divisive on one side of a social issue probably should be. But news and shareholder value is the topic here and process, profits and predictions based on professional experience are fair game.

I was not referring your initial question.

Unfortunately, whenever someone tries to talk business or possible issues for something like DVC or financial impacts, it always turns political. By that I mean, people take sides and some put down others who disagree. This thread seems to be moving along nicely, but it just drives me nuts when all the threads end up the same way - divisive and closed down.

There is no way to talk Disney stock or future value without talking about most recent business decisions, including talk of legislation effecting voters in FL.
I was not referring your initial question.

Unfortunately, whenever someone tries to talk business or possible issues for something like DVC or financial impacts, it always turns political. By that I mean, people take sides and some put down others who disagree. This thread seems to be moving along nicely, but it just drives me nuts when all the threads end up the same way - divisive and closed down.

There is no way to talk Disney stock or future value without talking about most recent business decisions, including talk of legislation effecting voters in FL.
I do not mean to be critical of you, but these issues can be discussed without advocating a political side. It takes personal restraint on the part of the speaker to avoid "advocating" or "voting" and personal restraint on the part of the listener to not see everything that might be controversial as "political."

However, the OP of this thread has posted his view and I respect his right to see is as he will since he is the OP. I apologize to those of you who reacted with a "like" prior to editing. What appears now is a very different post.

I will see myself out.
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There is no way to talk Disney stock or future value without talking about most recent business decisions, including talk of legislation effecting voters in FL.

Right but this thread is from 2020. Some of us want to know what impact any "News" at Disney might have on the stock, including news/discussions surrounding loosing RCID and why.
So...I don't look at this thread of mine for one weekend and it explodes! Please keep the politics out as much as possible so we don't get shut down. This has been one of the few Disney business focused threads that has stayed that way since the start. Let's keep it that way. Thanks!!
Right but this thread is from 2020. Some of us want to know what impact any "News" at Disney might have on the stock, including news/discussions surrounding loosing RCID and why.

That's what's really important to this thread... how will this affect operations at WDW, the Stock valuation... and how much I have to pay to visit WDW.

My biggest concern would be if the roadways are now County managed... how often will they cut the grass, or fix potholes or expand traffic flow as need.. I live in FL and roadway maintenance is much better withing RCID. In the end Government isn't very efficient at anything - this will cost taxpayers and visitors to the Resort. But Disney will adjust, and be just fine.

Still think the biggest issue for the Stock is long term economic affects of COVID. Entertainment (Movies, Streaming, Parks & Resorts) are all discretionary spending...
There was some recent back and forth on stock performance since a given point in time. I don't want to fall into that trap, because the only time that matters to an individual investor is the purchase date and sales date. Everything else is just noise.

That being said, Disney's recent performance, in a general sense, is no different than the Entertainment Tech sector (in general). Take a look at the last four months - Dis vs. Nflx vs Sony. I don't own Nflx but do have some Sony and it's drop really snuck up on me - it's actually a worse performer than Dis in this time frame and has not had any political nonsense going on. Current performance is much more a reflection of the global macro environment and the maturing of the streaming market (and holy cow did that mature quick!), it really has nothing to do with the political nonsense going on with Dis.

They all really travel in unison, until the big Netflix smack-down last week, the general trend was exactly the same:

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That's what's really important to this thread... how will this affect operations at WDW, the Stock valuation... and how much I have to pay to visit WDW.

My biggest concern would be if the roadways are now County managed... how often will they cut the grass, or fix potholes or expand traffic flow as need.. I live in FL and roadway maintenance is much better withing RCID. In the end Government isn't very efficient at anything - this will cost taxpayers and visitors to the Resort. But Disney will adjust, and be just fine.

Still think the biggest issue for the Stock is long term economic affects of COVID. Entertainment (Movies, Streaming, Parks & Resorts) are all discretionary spending...

Yikes, your post just forced my brain to realize I'm a three time loser in this whole thing - I own property in both Osceola and Orange counties and a bunch of Dis stock - should I just find a very tall bridge and...?

In all seriousness though, I expect the whole RCID thing to work it self out by the expiration date, probably a NewRCID that keeps many of the items that would impact county taxpayers as is and eliminates some of the other stuff (like the ability to build a nuclear power plant).
Jan 1, 2015 Jan 1, 2020 Post Pandemic high Today
Dis 93.75 146.50 197.16 118.27

BLUE CHIP Peers (non tech)

HD 103.53 218.93 415.40 300.11
GS 194.41 231.58 419.69 319.77
MCD 93.26 200.08 268.07 250.17
JNJ 104.52 144.28 182.12 181.54
NKE 47.51 101.92 177.51 129.07 (one of the worst performing Dow30)
HON 95.56 178.86 233.79 190.63
WMT 85.90 117.89 157.41 156.86
KO 42.14 54.69 67.00 65.25
UNH 100.78 289.54 545.96 520.94

I have no idea why some of you keep coming at me with such a defensiveness of this severely underperforming laggard of a stock. I too am a bagholder and obviously you all are as well and can't fathom that you made a poor choice in purchasing the stock? This is the only conclusion I can come to.
I can run these numbers for days. Is Home Depot, McDonalds, Walmart, Johnson and Johnson, United Healthcare enough of NON TECH stocks??

I can do this with the Index Funds if you'd like! SPY? Vanguard? VTI? VOO? What's your pleasure?
Pardon if I get a little snippy when called out especially when I have more than a leg to stand on...I have numbers. I'm not doing the percentages and lest I be called out for "cherry picking" I went straight with January 1st from 7 years ago. You can pick other timeframes that I'm sure show Disney doing amazing...like a random week last year or the like...

Feel free to show me how great this tech...no wait we're not tech...oh wait we are tech...oh hold on we're a legacy-....nope tech again...until next week when we're parks again...

Edited to make sure I mention I love Disney and am not wishing for it's downfall especially as I hold a good chunk of stock...but I do so hate this current "leadership"
all i would say is if you're not looking at peers that directly correlate to Disney, i would have started with CMCSA. SONY, WBD, & PARA. Neflix, and Amazon would have a direct comp with their streaming services, but it is hard to quantify that part of their business against Disney, at least pertaining to stock price, which is why i don't consider them a comp
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There was some recent back and forth on stock performance since a given point in time. I don't want to fall into that trap, because the only time that matters isan individual investor's purchase date and sales date. Everything else is just noise.

That being said, Disney's recent performance, in a general sense, is no different than the Entertainment Tech sector in general. Take a look at the last four months - Dis vs. Nflx vs Sony. I don't own Nflx but do have some Sony and it's drop really snuck up on me - it's actually a worse perform than Dis in this time frame and has not had any political nonsense going on. Current performance is much more a reflection of the global macro environment and the mutuality of the streaming market (and holy cow did that mature quick!), it really has nothing to do with the political nonsense going on with Dis.

They all really travel in unison, until the big Netflix smack-down last week, the general trend was exactly the same:

View attachment 664826
Chef Kiss on this one haha. that is a fair comparison, at least in my mind.
A related question to the current atmosphere around WDW and Disney. What company has ever seen any kind of significant impact to revenue performance due to a part of their customer base disappearing due to some political stand the company took? I can only think of ones that were supposed to go broke but saw no impact and today have stronger businesses than before - for example, Chick-fil-a and Nike.

Anyone have successful examples of boycotts actually impacting a major company? Please just state the company and the impact - NO editorializing or politics Please!
So...I don't look at this thread of mine for one weekend and it explodes! Please keep the politics out as much as possible so we don't get shut down. This has been one of the few Disney business focused threads that has stayed that way since the start. Let's keep it that way. Thanks!!
Understood. I will respect the wishes of the OP.
This isn't an airport ... so ...
A related question to the current atmosphere around WDW and Disney. What company has ever seen any kind of significant impact to revenue performance due to a part of their customer base disappearing due to some political stand the company took? I can only think of ones that were supposed to go broke but saw no impact and today have stronger businesses than before - for example, Chick-fil-a and Nike.

Anyone have successful examples of boycotts actually impacting a major company? Please just state the company and the impact - NO editorializing or politics Please!
haven't followed it closely, but didn't Carhartt run into that. Other than that, i can't think of any that got hammered
haven't followed it closely, but didn't Carhartt run into that. Other than that, i can't think of any that got hammered
Carhartt is a good recent example though I can't find anything stating sales were actually impacted.

And I would put that in a separate COVID category that might not be reflective of "normal" times.
My biggest concern would be if the roadways are now County managed... how often will they cut the grass, or fix potholes or expand traffic flow as need.. I live in FL and roadway maintenance is much better withing RCID. In the end Government isn't very efficient at anything - this will cost taxpayers and visitors to the Resort. But Disney will adjust, and be just fine.

I wouldn't put that in my biggest concern, but for sure a concern. I'm more concerned WDW might not expand as easily as before, and charge even more for everything-but I hope not. That and how the tax burden is spread out/handled.

FYI, you want pot holes? Come to MPLS this time of year.

In all seriousness though, I expect the whole RCID thing to work it self out by the expiration date, probably a NewRCID that keeps many of the items that would impact county taxpayers as is and eliminates some of the other stuff (like the ability to build a nuclear power plant).

Agreed. WDW has to keep the area and roads looking good IMO. So maybe they will keep that portion somehow. Although US roads and area seem really well kept, although much smaller of course.

One thing I've been wondering is, wouldn't WDW inflate the RCID costs as a write off? I have no idea, but maybe some of these things aren't as expensive as they seem? But maybe they are far more expensive, who knows. Kind of the whole point of conversation/discussions.
One thing I've been wondering is, wouldn't WDW inflate the RCID costs as a write off? I have no idea, but maybe some of these things aren't as expensive as they seem? But maybe they are far more expensive, who knows.

I would suspect the RCID cost is pretty lean given that there was that recent dispute with the RC fire fighters around adequate staffing and pay (don't recall all the details so I may have that wrong).

I think one thing is for sure - it will cost more under county control, especially given that there will be forced redundancies with the two counties doing the same things.
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