Disney SARS


DIS Veteran
Mar 10, 2003
I am wondering if it will be safe to take my family to Disney with all the SARS outbreak. Disney has a majority of Overseas tourist. Anyone have an opinion on this or know if Disney is doing anything to keep this from spreading in the Kingdom?

;) I would not avoid a trip to WDW because of SARS. The amount of overseas folks is not as great as it once was since 9/11. The number of people with it is tiny compared to the population of the world {the earth} I have read that more people died from the west nile virus. Go, don't worry, be happy! Of course, I flew to Newark airport the day the airports re-opened after 9/11, but that's me.
SARS is definately a very serious health concern.
I believe there have been interim procedures where travelers coming from places where the outbreak has been reported have to have their temperature taken before they can get on an airplane.
There are also been some pretty stingent quarantine procedures put into place.
I don't know if this will help you in making your decision, but here is a link to the CDC in Atlanta:

Link to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta for frequently asked questions on SARS

Another Link to World Health Organization on SARS

We have a trip scheduled to WDW over Memorial Day weekend which we have no plans to cancel.
-DC :)
We just returned (April 3 to April 8, 2003) from Disney World and can report that there were VERY few non-US visitors. We saw/heard a couple of families from the UK and from Australia, but basically no others from outside US. Of course, SARS is here in the US as well....

Additionally, we brought along a supply of Wet Ones Antibacterial Wipes and used them (under any conditions, it's not always easy to get a 5-year-old to wash hands before eating, but this made it simple and fun). Not only did we wash our hands with them, but to be honest we wiped down the arm rests/shade pulls and other surfaces around us on the airplane. We were fine.
We are trying not to think about that.

For our last trip to WDW, it was right after 9/11 & the Anthrax scare was going around. We just can't win sometimes.
I just checked with our family doctor about this since we are planning a trip for June and I was concerned about taking our 6 month old daughter. His response - if there is no big outbreak in Florida or the Orlando area, go and just take usual precautions. (Don't allow strangers to hold or handle the baby, wash hands frequently, etc.) He says that it is true that SARS is much more likely to be passed by prolonged close contact than by casual contact. As a matter of fact, he is taking his family to WDW in June, too. This made me feel much better. Hope this helps.:)
Thank you everyone for all the replies. My hubby and I feel that being safer than sorry is better this time. We told the kids we won't be going this year but there is always NEXT year :)

Thanks again for all the input,
OH NO! Im scared too! AHHHHHHHH
I've been planning a WDW trip for about a year now...u just brought SARS to my attention! I still want to go because now I'm worried! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOmebody comfort me!

There, there, now, now ... you'll be fine :). Don't worry, be happy. You're going to Disney World!
Did you know that you have a better chance of dying on a roller coaster then catching SARS?!?

SO....if you intended to ride all 4 coasters: Rock n Roller Coaster, Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain and The Barnstormer at Goofy's Wiseacre you just quadrupled your chances of dying...

in other words - GO!!!! THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!!! :D
Man, everyone has been freaking out over SARS! I tell you what, as a local resident 2 hours south of WDW, *I* should be more worried than you all coming down for just a few days; BUT I haven't SARS-proofed and anti-bacterialized my house, and I really don't plan to either...

I tell you what, if, and just IF it is anything like west nile (which is spread via mosquito, not moisture-bound [I.E. you'd have to touch someone's infected spit] like SARS) you have a better chance of going NOW and not getting it than going in the next year or two... I'm not letting something this miniscule stop my GF & I from going now or ever!
I was reading how this disease is spread. Here is my senerio of how my KIDS could be exposed. Someone who is a carrier sneezes and gets the germs on a handrail or armrest in a ride. Knowing how my kids bite their nails, touch one of the affected areas then they would be infected. I read that you can even rub your eyes and be exposed that way. The toll of how fast this disease is spreading is incredible atleast in my opinion. I saw a couple weeks ago that the total was over 2000 now its over 5000. Given these totals the disease doubled in a VERY short time. I know that there are all kinds of nasty illnesses out there but guess I DONT want to risk ANY chance of infecting my 3 boys by going to a place that has many world travelers.

You can check out the WHO's website and get a breakdown of all the cases in the US by state.

Yes, it is a big deal, but there are also ways to improve your chances on not contacting SARS. They are pretty much the usual things to do to prevent a cold or flu, but they will make you feel a little better. Hope this helps!
Heard this on the radio the other day, thought you might be interested since worrying about SARS. 40,000 people will die this year in traffic accidents, 400,000 from smoking related illnesses, (let's not even think about getting into that one) and 20,000 will die from the flu. I just don't think SARS is much to worry about right now. JMO:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Any recent returnees other than me notice that Epcot's China Pavilion was closed last week?????????
Disney over-caution?
Disney over-caution?

Nahhh...Disney's not that dumb...


1) Refurbishment for the pavillion (not a more appropriate time to do one)

2) So many stupid tourists were boycotting it because of SARS that is was costing Disney more money to keep it open...
China was scheduled (way before the SARS outbreak) to be under refurbishment. They are making changes to the movie and the theater inside the pavilion. I thought the shops were staying open, but they may be under construction as well.
:( Just a note on SARS. A news report at 4:30 pm today says that there is a possible SARS case in Polk county, less then 100 miles from WDW. Just thought it was relevent to the thread. :confused:


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