Disney reimburses unsuspecting customer


Earning My Ears
Jan 8, 2008
I had posted earlier about how my brother ordered the DDP in August, printed out the info on Dec31st, got to Disney, checked in...went out for supper and found out only then that the plan had changed.

This was a big shock to all of us, he hadn't planned for this financially, and would no doubt have NOT got the plan had he known.

Anyway, Disney called both of us tonight...conference call, and have agreed to reimburse him for the 18% that he thought would be covered. No questions asked.

I asked them to mail him the 3 appetizers, but they weren't going to that far.

All in all, he was happy that they anted up.
Wow! Good for them, but I'm surprised Disney would do this. Doesn't it set them up for others who bought the plan before changes were made to want their 18% back too?
My thoughts exactly SplashMountainMama....I wonder if this is the beginning of the end for gratuities not included.
Really surprised Disney set this kind if precedent. Good for the brother, but may be bad for many others in the long run. Only time will tell.
I can't believe people are surprised. As far as I know they still had the old info on therie website LAST WEEK. How can such an organizations that institute such a change that will effect so many customers and not even update their on website. Let alone how many CMs at CRO did not inform guest of the change. I am sure this is one of many.

Now I wonder if Disney is going to reimburse all the servers that didn;t get tipped due to the changes.
I wonder if this is the beginning of the end for gratuities not included.
More likely this is the beginning of the end for such generosity. Once folks get word that they someone got a rebate for complaining, more people will complain, and then they'll stop the rebates.
I'm pleased with the result. I know that the DDP my brother thought he was getting included App and Tip...and he only found out at dinner the 2nd night. This cause his family a lot of stress (He is a family of 6..tip can get pretty large) and the reimbursement was completely justified. If other unsuspecting customers ended up in the same boat, I completely support them. WDW must do a better job in communicating their changes.
I'm pleased with the result. I know that the DDP my brother thought he was getting included App and Tip...and he only found out at dinner the 2nd night. This cause his family a lot of stress (He is a family of 6..tip can get pretty large) and the reimbursement was completely justified. If other unsuspecting customers ended up in the same boat, I completely support them. WDW must do a better job in communicating their changes.

Baloney. You couldn't buy the 2008 DDP before the changes went into effect. I can see all sorts of sleazy people now trying this. Trying to get something for nothing.

Caveat Emptor. I purchased a baseball collection on EBay that I thought contained a specific card. Come to find out the ad said there was just a chance that it would contain that card. I was out $100 and no card. Did I complain and ask for my money back? No. I used it as a learning experience and slammed myself for not researching my purchase more carefully.

Entitlement. The ruination of America.
I've heard quite a few posters saying "if someone bought the plan before the changes were announced...", but I distinctly remember that the plan was not offered before the changes were announced. HOWEVER, we DISers are alot more aware of these things than the general public, and Disney DID A HORRIBLE JOB in making these changes known to the general public. Disney did NOT update their website in a timely manner. CMs at CRO did not always tell guests of the changes. Disney really dropped the ball here. They should have seen this backlash coming and over-prepared the guests about the changes.
I've heard quite a few posters saying "if someone bought the plan before the changes were announced...", but I distinctly remember that the plan was not offered before the changes were announced.
You are correct. Anyone purchasing the Dining Plan for 2008 would have been provided with information about the 2008 Dining Plan if they asked. Some people are trying to avoid their personal responsibility with regard to asking whether or not there have been changes in the plan since they last used it. Instead, they just assumed nothing had changed. Bad assumption on their part.

Disney really dropped the ball here. They should have seen this backlash coming and over-prepared the guests about the changes.
I disagree. I don't believe there is anyway WDW could have accomplished the changes they wanted to accomplish without some people trying to avoid their own personal responsibility and complaining about Disney's handling of the changes -- because those folks DON'T LIKE THE CHANGES.
I do not agree the the OP family should have re-imbursed, but........I would be interested in knowing how the family booked their vacation which included the new DDP. The first vacation we used the DDP we booked thru a AAA TA and had to request the DDP. She knew nothing about it, matter of fact, we knew more , thanks to the great Disney websites like the DisBoards and AllEars. Even the paperwork we received with our tickets and brochures had very little included on the DDP. When we returned from that vacation, the TA did call me to see how our trip went and asked me for any and all info. I could give her on the DDP and restaurants we visited, so she could be more efficient when booking WDW and DDP in the future.

Was this the situation in this case????
I can see the proper phone conversation now

"yes I would like the dining plan for our entire stay start Dec 30"

"Ok, but I wanted to let you know that for 2008 you won't get the appetizer, tip is not included and although we have just reduced the value of this plan by about $15.00, we are only selling it to you for $1.00 less"

"Oh that sounds wonderful, I always wanted to get less and pay more"

I am willing to bet for a Dec 30 check in date, many a CM either did not know to mention the above or felt foolish having to say it.

Maybe Disney can't do it for everyone, but I am happy for the poster and I bet the poster felt just a bit more magical and happy about Disney as a result
"Ok, but I wanted to let you know that for 2008 you won't get the appetizer, tip is not included and although we have just reduced the value of this plan by about $15.00, we are only selling it to you for $1.00 less"

You really think they'd say it that way? When I called, this was the conversation somewhat:

"Would you like DDP"


"SInce you have been to WDW before, I need to remind you that with the 2008 dining plan, gratuities and appetizers are not included."

"That's fine."

And then when I paid last week,

"your balance is due on or before June 18, and I need to remind you that with the DDP, gratuities and appetizers are not included. Your quoted price is also not guaranteed until you make the final payment."

"I understand. Thank you."

And when I called yesterday,

(me) "Since I am adding another day to my package but am not adding tickets for that day, how many days are on the dining plan?"

"Ms. D---, you will have 6 days for the dining plan. I need to remind you, however, that your meal plan does not include gratuities or appetizers."

Regardless of what happened before, they are being forthright now. And unless that original family has something in front of them stating that after Dec 31 they were having gratuities and appetizers included, then Disney owes them nothing, IMO. This action by WDW is not bright, if you ask me. They are opening the flood gates for people who are not honest to ask for money back when they knew. You watch. WDW is going to pay money to people who will end up lying because this family has put it out there that WDW gave them their money back.

the way you put it, would be with the correct Disney spin. The way I put it was the correct reality.
Do I think hordes of people will now rush to Disney because they heard about one family's good luck? maybe, but most will be from this board
Will Disney give them a break too? Hard to say.
I am just happy for the OP. it is always nice to catch a break whether you are at fault or not.
Obviously, Disney thought they deserved to have some slack cut

the way you put it, would be with the correct Disney spin. The way I put it was the correct reality.
Do I think hordes of people will now rush to Disney because they heard about one family's good luck? maybe, but most will be from this board
Will Disney give them a break too? Hard to say.
I am just happy for the OP. it is always nice to catch a break whether you are at fault or not.
Obviously, Disney thought they deserved to have some slack cut

How many times have you gone into a store and thought something was on sale, but it was only the items on the other side of the same rack that was on sale? I think it is the same thing here. The family bought from the wrong side of the rack. It may be nice to catch a break if you are at fault, but IMO, if you are at fault and you take advantage of it, it's wrong. But that's my opinion. I'm glad that Disney helped out the family, but there will be unsavory people out there who take advantage of that family's good fortune. Many of them unfairly. You don't get something for nothing in this world. Someone is going to pay for it. I just hope it isn't me.
How many times have you gone into a store and thought something was on sale, but it was only the items on the other side of the same rack that was on sale? I think it is the same thing here. The family bought from the wrong side of the rack. It may be nice to catch a break if you are at fault, but IMO, if you are at fault and you take advantage of it, it's wrong. But that's my opinion. I'm glad that Disney helped out the family, but there will be unsavory people out there who take advantage of that family's good fortune. Many of them unfairly. You don't get something for nothing in this world. Someone is going to pay for it. I just hope it isn't me.

Ha. Great analogy. I actually saw this play out for real once. I saw two women trying to figure out if this outfit that one had picked out was on the sale side of the rack. One finally tells the other, "Just tell them it was hanging on the sale side, if you make a big enough stink they'll give you the discount".

Same thing here.
More likely this is the beginning of the end for such generosity. Once folks get word that they someone got a rebate for complaining, more people will complain, and then they'll stop the rebates.

Yup, posting this was the worst thing she could do. Now others will expect it. Disney tries to make some magic from time to time, but when people spread such stories around, others start demanding it, thus ruining it for everyone.
Remember "Guest Recovery"? Gone now, since word about it got out. :sad2:
Remember "Guest Recovery"? Gone now, since word about it got out. :sad2:

Just curious, what was that?

VacationDad, Yesterday I posted a "but what if they purchased it last year..." My bad, :thumbsup2 I was not aware you could not do that...


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