Disney Planning Video


<font color=CC0066><b>WL Vet</b>
Jan 19, 2003
I requested my planning video in Jan. but never got it. I already have our August trip planned (Wilderness Lodge, here we come!) but wondered if it's worth it to request another one anyway? Will the kids (age 5) get much out of it? Thanks for any input!
I received my video a few weeks after calling and ordering it.
I get the vacation planning videos even when we don't have a trip planned. I think they make great keepsakes.
It took weeks to get my planning DVD after ordering it online. In the meantime I ordered the video and received it in only a couple of weeks.
I had a DVD that I was going to never look at. DH and I decided to do New Orleans instead of Disney, so I sent my DVD to one of the DISers here on the resorts board. I mailed it to her Thursday and she got it Saturday. Much faster than waiting on Disney, huh? ;)
NJFabFour- I still haven't gotten mine yet either...and I live in FL. So I don't think its the USPS. We ended up booking at the WL too. I have never stayed there and was hoping that the video would give me some good pics...but ya know what, this site and other people's trip reports are sooooo much more valuable to me than a disney video.
I'd request it again. Also, they have one for adults, one for kids & one for pre-schoolers. I requested the one for adults & the one for kids. It's nice to see the differences.

Check out Deb Will's site for some good pictures of the WL. You're going to love it there!!!
I am looking for Deb Wills site? Could you give me a heads up on where to look? Thanks
I get the video every year. Got the DVD this year. The kids love them. They watch them at least twice a week. They are looking forward to moving to the Mouse (Celebration).
thanks elisabeth...What a great site...I bookmarked it.!!!!
I ordered my video 2 months ago and never recieved it, I also put in for it twice more end of Feb and middle of March and nothing. I contacted Disney reservation and they explained that they are no longer sending the video's themselves, and an outside agency is doing it for them and that is there reason people aren't getting there video's as quick as they did in the past.

I thought that you all might wanted to know.
Thanks Everyone! Sounds like I will definately benefit from getting one. Just one problem . . . I don't have the number anymore! Anyone out there know the # or should I order off the Disney website? Thanks!
I got the DVD I requested, really fast. I have no idea now which one it was, because I took it over to my daughter's house. Her kidlets watch it nearly every day, and they just about have our trip mapped out five months early.
O also ordered the dvd a couple months back and never received it. I was reading another post on this very subject and this seems like a common problem with the dvd. I wanted the dvd as opposed to the tape because I read that the dvd has more features on it whereas the vhs is just the basic tape they always use. I ordered it a secnd time a few weeks back and havent received that either. My trip is in 2 weeks and Ive given up hope of getting one before I leave. But I will bet everything I have that one of the things in my big pile of mail that will have collected while Im away at disney will be the trip planning dvd, too little too late.
It may have been there all the time- but last night was the first time I noticed it. They are marketing a "pre-school" intro to Disney. I think it would apply to your 5 year old as well- they offer it as a DVD or video. Go to the Tickets page- that's where it popped up for me. HTH
We ordered the dvd but they sent us the video. So we reordered the dvd again. Hopefully we'll get it soon. :)
:D Thanks for the link, Imhall! I'll give it a try! A shame this is such a problem for so many! :(
I got the DVD first and then ordered the Preschool copy (VHS) thinking it might be different. The preschool tape is geared a little more towards young kids and my DD(5) & DS(2) watch it every day. They are planning the rides they want to go on and want to know what resort we're staying at.
I would say go ahead and order it. Even though you have your plans, it's still great for the kids to watch & make their own plans.

Have a great trip.:D


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