Disney Has the Best Chicken Nuggets Ever! - Update Dump - Finally Completed!

Hi Andy - I'm really enjoying your latest TR and am all caught up. It's been almost a year since I've been on the DIS, but I am very happy to be back. Looking forward to reading more of your TR!
*tap tap* Is this thing on?

Hey. Hi.

Yeah, I'm sheepishly returning and begging your forgiveness.

As most of you are very well aware (if you haven't forgotten about me), I've had about a yearlong absence from these boards. I've popped in once or twice trying to do a little bit of reading, but I've just not had the time to stay caught up as I used to and it just got me discouraged from even trying.

I guess it comes down to a few things. As I mentioned last year, I had earned a promotion. Which meant that I was going from a job with a fair share of downtime (which was my Dis time) to something that was a little more involved and resulted in me having direct supervision over 12 employees as well as the facility's day to day operations. So I most definitely do not have the free time I used to have for feeding my Disney addiction, and living vicariously through everyone.

But with time and a bit of experience, things are coming a little bit easier and the workload isn't quite as intense.

Another factor that came into play in my Dis absence is that I have to say that I lost a bit of the magic.

Looking back on the last trip, which was the basis for this TR, it just fell a little short. It wasn't a bad trip. We had a good time. But having to coordinate so many people and try to plan things for such a large group really wasn't fun...

I've always loved planning Disney trips. I think the intense amount of planning that it requires now, and especially for a group our size, it just finally pushed me past the threshold from fun to work. It really did put a damper on my excitement about going back. With all the price increases and the big things coming up over the next few years, I'd already made the decision that I didn't really want to go back until about 2022... you know, after Star Wars dies down (yeah right) and the big anniversary has come and gone.

So having said all that, of course we're going back this summer!

This time, it is just our family of 5. Others traveling with us was discussed, but I really tried to pump the brakes on that one.

We wanted to go in early June, right before our youngest turns 3, but it just didn't work out. So we'll go a month later and pay for all 3 kids.

Seriously, why are we doing this again???

Ok, anyway, here's the deal. I'm trying to get back here more regularly. I don't want to make promises I can't keep, but I would like to re-visit this trip and try to wrap up a TR. I actually still do have the notes that I saved on my phone if I can still interpret what the heck they mean

My priority right now though is that I need to read through all y'all's TRs and get caught up on what's going on in the World.

I've got a trip to plan. And I've been procrastinating... badly.

We do have some ADRs (free dining certainly helped with the pain of taking a 3 year old), but I've not even started the process of planning our FPs.

So, hi! I'm Andy, and I'm trying to rediscover the magic.
Welcome back Andy I missed you!

I took a big break from the boards too and I'm still trying to get caught up. Glad you've made it back and I look forward to reading more about this trip and your next trip.
*tap tap* Is this thing on?

Hey. Hi.

Yeah, I'm sheepishly returning and begging your forgiveness.

As most of you are very well aware (if you haven't forgotten about me), I've had about a yearlong absence from these boards. I've popped in once or twice trying to do a little bit of reading, but I've just not had the time to stay caught up as I used to and it just got me discouraged from even trying.

I guess it comes down to a few things. As I mentioned last year, I had earned a promotion. Which meant that I was going from a job with a fair share of downtime (which was my Dis time) to something that was a little more involved and resulted in me having direct supervision over 12 employees as well as the facility's day to day operations. So I most definitely do not have the free time I used to have for feeding my Disney addiction, and living vicariously through everyone.

But with time and a bit of experience, things are coming a little bit easier and the workload isn't quite as intense.

Another factor that came into play in my Dis absence is that I have to say that I lost a bit of the magic.

Looking back on the last trip, which was the basis for this TR, it just fell a little short. It wasn't a bad trip. We had a good time. But having to coordinate so many people and try to plan things for such a large group really wasn't fun...

I've always loved planning Disney trips. I think the intense amount of planning that it requires now, and especially for a group our size, it just finally pushed me past the threshold from fun to work. It really did put a damper on my excitement about going back. With all the price increases and the big things coming up over the next few years, I'd already made the decision that I didn't really want to go back until about 2022... you know, after Star Wars dies down (yeah right) and the big anniversary has come and gone.

So having said all that, of course we're going back this summer!

This time, it is just our family of 5. Others traveling with us was discussed, but I really tried to pump the brakes on that one.

We wanted to go in early June, right before our youngest turns 3, but it just didn't work out. So we'll go a month later and pay for all 3 kids.

Seriously, why are we doing this again???

Ok, anyway, here's the deal. I'm trying to get back here more regularly. I don't want to make promises I can't keep, but I would like to re-visit this trip and try to wrap up a TR. I actually still do have the notes that I saved on my phone if I can still interpret what the heck they mean

My priority right now though is that I need to read through all y'all's TRs and get caught up on what's going on in the World.

I've got a trip to plan. And I've been procrastinating... badly.

We do have some ADRs (free dining certainly helped with the pain of taking a 3 year old), but I've not even started the process of planning our FPs.

So, hi! I'm Andy, and I'm trying to rediscover the magic.
Got an alert for a new post and almost fell out of my chair.

Good to see you back sir!!!

I moved to Orlando in your absence, so when you come down, if you'd like, woukd love yo be able to meet up with y'all.

If there's anything I can do here to help you, let me know.
Holy crap! Wow!! Welcome back, Andy!

No lie I was thinking about you about 2? 3? days ago. I was wondering how your little family is and your youngest.

So happy you’re back!
Hey! It's Andy!
Nice seeing you again! :goodvibes

So having said all that, of course we're going back this summer!

Of course!

I actually still do have the notes that I saved on my phone if I can still interpret what the heck they mean.

Good luck.
I'll be soon writing about a trip I took over a year ago... or... I may just post the photos with a comment of "Figure it out yourselves."
Either way, I'm in the middle of a different TR and the link is in my siggie. Hope to see you there again! :)
Andy! :wave2: What a great surprise to see you posting! :D

I'm glad to hear all is well with you and your family! I'm also happy you're planning a trip for this summer... hopefully you can get some of the magic back. I have high hopes since you don't have to worry about such a large group this time. :goodvibes

As someone who has taken several long absences herself, I understand how overwhelming the DIS can become (even if it's enjoyable overall). Posts can take a long time to write and it's tough to respond to loads of comments! We're just thrilled to see you here in whatever capacity it is. If you're able to share a bit about your last trip and some details about your upcoming one - great! If it's a condensed version, that's great, too!

(Also, don't worry about putting together the TR with old notes! It will turn out great if you can interpret and remember at least 50% of what happened. And if you can't even do that, you can always make stuff up. Who will know the difference?! :rolleyes1 ;) )

Welcome back!
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Welcome back, Andy!!! I’ll admit, I was pretty shocked when I looked at my alerts and saw your post! It’s great to have you back on the trip reports, and I hope your family is doing well.

Congrats on the upcoming vacation. July sounds more intimidating than it is. (With the exception of the 4th.) I’ve never been in June before, so I can’t compare but I think if I had to choose a summer month to go I would pick July...
And going with just the “core” family will, I hope, bring back a little of that Disney magic.
Andy! So good to see you back on here!

I can understand feeling the sense of losing the magic. I hope this next trip brings it back for you!

I almost fell back in my chair when you mentioned your littlest is going to be 3. Where does the time go!!

So good to see you!

Wow, the little guy is almost 3! How is he doing?

I have been having trouble keeping up on the trip report boards- I understand what you mean about it being daunting to try to catch up.

But this is supposed to be a fun space, so use it to try to get back the magic and without any guilt.

All the best for a fantastic upcoming trip.

Hey! Welcome back! I hope the upcoming trip is much more magical than this last adventure.

Also ... I thought of you when I was at Universal in January because I went on the Hulk for the first time. I loved it. I can see why you were sad it wasn't open last time you were there - now that I've experienced it, I'd hate to miss out on it.
Hey, welcome back! I'm glad you're getting a handle on the new job!

TRs aren't really going anywhere so there's plenty of time to catch up. Looking forward to hearing your wrap up, even if it is brief!
Welcome back!!! It is easy to gall behind on everyone's trip reports. Especially when real life gets busy!

. It really did put a damper on my excitement about going back. With all the price increases and the big things coming up over the next few years, I'd already made the decision that I didn't really want to go back until about 2022... you know, after Star Wars dies down (yeah right) and the big anniversary has come and gone.

So having said all that, of course we're going back this summer!

This time, it is just our family of 5. Others traveling with us was discussed, but I really tried to pump the brakes on that one.

We wanted to go in early June, right before our youngest turns 3, but it just didn't work out. So we'll go a month later and pay for all 3 kids.

Seriously, why are we doing this again???
I hope that a trip with just your family will be a bit more manageable. And taking your little one will hopefully give you that spark of magic that you need. There is nothing better than those little kids so excitied to meet there favorite character.

So, hi! I'm Andy, and I'm trying to rediscover the magic.
Welcome Back! Reading some of others trip reports helps me sometimes!
Welcome back! I've always enjoyed reading your TR's. Traveling with a larger group certainly takes a lot of the magic away from the planner. Been there. Hope you can hold the line and keep it to your family of 5.
I've missed this place. More specifically, I've missed all of you. I really wish I'd have come back sooner, because I have missed my Dis friends. I never would have expected to see so many welcome backs from all you so quickly, and I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me and how much I appreciate it. It really has helped renew my excitement and energy to get re-engaged here and plan our trip.

I've already began to read through some TRs and I've got a long way to go, but it has really been wonderful and very enjoyable to read about you and your trips and it has definitely helped me get more excited about our planning. In fact, last night I sat down with the kids and we started prioritizing things we want to do.

So a few of you asked about the little guy. Here's a little bit of an update on his condition and why one of my biggest concerns going into the trip is, well, him.

He had to have another surgery last year. I'm trying to remember when exactly it was, but I'm blanking on the details... We took his feeding tube out last summer and he formed a bit of a hernia, I guess it was, with fatty tissue getting between his abdominal wall and skin where the tube used to be. They cleaned it up and removed the tissue, simply because it was going to eventually die and cause him a lot of pain. He was a champ though and literally was jumping on the trampoline at home a few hours after surgery.

Just before that procedure, they found a reoccurrence of his diaphragmatic hernia, and the idea was kicked around of taking care of that when he went in. After a lot of discussion, it was decided that it isn't very big and it is in a bad spot to safely make a strong repair. Since he's not showing any symptoms of any intestinal problems, we're in a holding pattern. Hopefully he'll grow and give them more space and material to work with before they have to do anything with it.

But aside from that, he's a healthy, hellraising toddler. He's a little bit below the curve on the growth chart and he's not as verbal as you'd expect from a child that's 2 months away from being 3, but other than that he's just a total momma's boy and living the terrible 2's to their fullest. I am somewhat concerned about him on this trip... he is very, very headstrong. More so than our other 2 ever were. And that's probably a product of all he's been through. But he hates riding in his stroller, wants to be carried and his meltdowns tend to be frequent and epic... Disney World, in July, with him going through this phase could get ugly.

Welcome back Andy I missed you!

I took a big break from the boards too and I'm still trying to get caught up. Glad you've made it back and I look forward to reading more about this trip and your next trip.
Thank you! I've missed everyone here and I feel bad for staying away for so long. Thanks for the warm welcome back!

Got an alert for a new post and almost fell out of my chair.

Good to see you back sir!!!

I moved to Orlando in your absence, so when you come down, if you'd like, woukd love yo be able to meet up with y'all.

If there's anything I can do here to help you, let me know.
Sorry... I didn't mean to induce shock on anyone. I've been wanting to get back for quite a while. I didn't really know where/how to start, but I needed to look up a little bit of information to help with our planning and the boards seemed like a good place. When I logged in I saw that another Disfriend who had been away for quite sometime decided to get back into the flow and when I read her post it really encouraged me to just jump back in. I still feel bad for being behind and I'm trying to at least catch up with the big points of some major life changes some of y'all have experienced, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually.

Welcome Back!!!!!
Thank you!

Welcome back!

Jill in CO
Thank you!

Happy to have you back! I hope you rediscover the magic on this next trip pixiedust:
I really hope so. Just spending a few hours last night and this morning reading through a few TRs has really helped bring back a little bit of that magic and get me excited.

Holy crap! Wow!! Welcome back, Andy!

No lie I was thinking about you about 2? 3? days ago. I was wondering how your little family is and your youngest.

So happy you’re back!
I've been thinking about everyone here too. I've missed all of you and it's great to be back. Our family is doing well, as is he. I've posted a bit more about him above.

Hey! It's Andy!
Nice seeing you again! :goodvibes

Of course!

Good luck.
I'll be soon writing about a trip I took over a year ago... or... I may just post the photos with a comment of "Figure it out yourselves."
Either way, I'm in the middle of a different TR and the link is in my siggie. Hope to see you there again! :)
Hi! I'm very glad to be back. It feels good. I've started reading a few and I'm sure I'll get to yours soon.

Andy! :wave2: What a great surprise to see you posting! :D

I'm glad to hear all is well with you and your family! I'm also happy you're planning a trip for this summer... hopefully you can get some of the magic back. I have high hopes since you don't have to worry about such a large group this time. :goodvibes

As someone who has taken several long absences herself, I understand how overwhelming the DIS can become (even if it's enjoyable overall). Posts can take a long time to write and it's tough to respond to loads of comments! We're just thrilled to see you here in whatever capacity it is. If you're able to share a bit about your last trip and some details about your upcoming one - great! If it's a condensed version, that's great, too!

(Also, don't worry about putting together the TR with old notes! It will turn out great if you can interpret and remember at least 50% of what happened. And if you can't even do that, you can always make stuff up. Who will know the difference?! :rolleyes1 ;) )

Welcome back!
Thank you very much. Honestly, I wanted to do a little bit of research to start planning our FP+ and I thought I'd hop on here just to read up a little bit on what's new. When I saw that there was an alert that you'd just posted and I was quoted in your replies I had to check it out. Your "return to the boards" post kind of gave me that re-affirmation and motivation to just jump back in. While the TRs and keeping up was a bit daunting, I certainly did miss the people and that's the most important part of it.

Welcome back, Andy!!! I’ll admit, I was pretty shocked when I looked at my alerts and saw your post! It’s great to have you back on the trip reports, and I hope your family is doing well.

Congrats on the upcoming vacation. July sounds more intimidating than it is. (With the exception of the 4th.) I’ve never been in June before, so I can’t compare but I think if I had to choose a summer month to go I would pick July...
And going with just the “core” family will, I hope, bring back a little of that Disney magic.
Thank you. I've missed everyone and I'm glad to be back. I had to just kind of suck it up and jump back in. The first step is always the hardest.

We did July last time. Honestly, that in and of itself wasn't one of the negative factors of the trip. I can deal with the heat, I'm used to working outside in the summer here when it is 90 and humid... yeah it's a special form of hot and humid at Disney World, but there are also ample opportunities to get in the AC so it really never seems as bad to me as we usually make it out to be. It's all about expectations and how you manage to deal with the conditions, I guess. I'm just more bummed about the paying for a 3 year old part.

Andy! So good to see you back on here!

I can understand feeling the sense of losing the magic. I hope this next trip brings it back for you!

I almost fell back in my chair when you mentioned your littlest is going to be 3. Where does the time go!!
I tell you, they grow up fast. He's going to be a challenge for us, but I think we can persevere. It really is getting me back in the right mindset for planning our trip just being back on the board and seeing some pictures. I've just got to make sure I stick with it!


So good to see you!

Wow, the little guy is almost 3! How is he doing?

I have been having trouble keeping up on the trip report boards- I understand what you mean about it being daunting to try to catch up.

But this is supposed to be a fun space, so use it to try to get back the magic and without any guilt.

All the best for a fantastic upcoming trip.

Thank you! He's doing pretty well, I posted a bit of an update on him above. I appreciate the re-assuring words. I've certainly missed all of you, the people, here. I've wanted to get back, but I did feel a bit guilty about being so far behind and unable to catch up.

Hey! Welcome back! I hope the upcoming trip is much more magical than this last adventure.

Also ... I thought of you when I was at Universal in January because I went on the Hulk for the first time. I loved it. I can see why you were sad it wasn't open last time you were there - now that I've experienced it, I'd hate to miss out on it.
I love it! I'm glad you enjoyed Hulk. I really do love that coaster, but I'm not sure when I'll ever get a chance to ride it again. We looked at maybe trying a day or 2 at Universal, because DS is going through a huge Jurassic World/Park obsession and he'd go crazy over that part of the park and the rollercoasters. But it's just so daggone expensive to do a day there now and when the rest of the family just doesn't have much/any interest in what's there it really is hard to justify it.

Hey, welcome back! I'm glad you're getting a handle on the new job!

TRs aren't really going anywhere so there's plenty of time to catch up. Looking forward to hearing your wrap up, even if it is brief!
Thank you! I've missed everyone and I'm glad to be back in at least some fashion.

Welcome back!!! It is easy to gall behind on everyone's trip reports. Especially when real life gets busy!


I hope that a trip with just your family will be a bit more manageable. And taking your little one will hopefully give you that spark of magic that you need. There is nothing better than those little kids so excitied to meet there favorite character.

Welcome Back! Reading some of others trip reports helps me sometimes!
Thank you! reading up on a few reports the past couple of days has already helped get my mindset in a good place again. I'm getting more excited about planning.

Welcome back! I've always enjoyed reading your TR's. Traveling with a larger group certainly takes a lot of the magic away from the planner. Been there. Hope you can hold the line and keep it to your family of 5.
Thank you! It definitely is a challenge. It would have been much easier had we split up more, but everyone wanted to stay together. This trip really is going to be a lot easier... we'll have 7 whole days at the parks and just the 5 of us.


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