Disney Cruise Swap : Final details

I had to go to the first page to check the due date. Wow, you ladies are quick! I'm still working on mine. I forgot what a busy month May is with baseball, two soccer teams and school events!

Cyndi, I'll be out of town over Memorial Day, so I send them so you can get them when you return from your trip. Have a great time.

Ladies , don't start panicking I just wanted the early birds to know what was up. I would rather not have the post office holding packages. If you mail after the 1st that will be fine. I need to step up my game and finish attaching all my border peices. Tags are all done. Also need to be packing ( and pre-shopping ) before my double digit dance turns into single digit. :teeth:

Cyndi princess:
I will be leaving school shortly to go to the PO and mail mine today. Yipee!!! I finished way before the deadline and no family accidents. Just got to start working on my ride items now and maybe even scrap a few pages.
I will mail mine on the first...have a GREAT Trip :earsgirl: :earsboy:
I'm doing a Happy Dance :cool1: here. For a change I'm not going to be rushing to get my stuff out before the due date (or even after) because I sent it all off yesterday. I can't believe I actually finished since a sweet little baby of mine doesn't like to take naps during the day - translated to mean "no time for scrapping". Cyndi, you should be getting my package by Friday or Saturday, I hope.
Michellepooh and RRBB I recieved your packages. Great work ladies.

Cyndi princess:
I'll be sending mine on the 1st or right before so you get it by the 1st - I can't wait to see what goodies I get this time - the character swap was my first one ever and getting that big fat envelope was better than Christmas!!!

I am trying my hardest to get all my pieces done. Unfortuneately they may be a couple days late...I am so sorry for those that got their items done on time. Our new scrapbook store is opening this Friday and I've been trying to do a couple here and and couple there, whenever I have a free minute. :guilty: Again, all I can say is that I am so so sorry for being late.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend ladies, Looking forward to getting more packages when I get back. Going no mail tommorrow evening so if you have any questions, now would be the time. Otherwise, I will check in upon our return next week. Happy Scrappin.

Cyndi princess:
I'm finished with mine, but I'll wait until Friday to send them so they're not sitting at your post office for a few days. I would have waited until Sat. to send them, but I'll be out of town this weekend too. Have a great time.

I'm done!! I'll be mailing them tomorrow so, Cyndi be on the look out... HOpe you had fun at WDW!!!

Editted to add: that I mailed the package on May 31st via 2 day. So, YOu should recieve the package on the 2nd or 3rd...

Mine are done...sorry for the delay. I'm going to drop them in the mail Thursday AM.

Done here also...but I haven't made it to the post office. So sorry for the delay. I've actually had them finished for a couple weeks now...but I ran out of ziplocks...I know sorry excuse...but it's what happend...so I finally ran out and got some baggies...and packaged it all up...now it's just sitting here ready to be shipped. I'll try and get it out tomarrow...as I'm doing my daily coffee run. :goodvibes
I am a little late too :guilty: May has been a really tough month for me emotionally, and I haven't been handling it too well. Anyway I am done and will get to the post office this afternoon.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one late. I am back from the dead! Or at least I've felt dead for the past 5 days. I've been sick as a dog and today is the first day I'm out of bed. I'm just putting the finishing touches on mine, and they'll go out tomorrow. Sorry I'm holding things up. Thnaks to all for being so wonderful and patient.
Okay...I finally got it off in the mail this morrning. :cool1: Sorry it's late.

You'll never beleive the hassle the post office was giving me about the flat rate envelope...the gal must have been new...because she had to ask someone else "now is it still the flat rate $3.85 even if it's not flat"..then the other gal had to come over and look at it..and say "well I don't know it is awefuly bulky...." Then she looks at me and said she wasn't sure if they could do the flat rate beacuse it was so bulged...and they won't normally take them if the edges don't line up and have to be taped shut....I explained to her that the flap did line up...but I taped it to make it more secure for shipping...(myself I think the flat is flimsy...and tears easly)...I'd hate to ship it not taped to have the top rip open...and all the goods fall out...that would suck. Hmmm I wonder if they insure things like that if i didn't tape is shut. Anyone else have that sort of problem? I think all the swap packages I've had have been taped shut. I did make sure NOT to put the stamp on the package until after it was taped. :teeth:

Anyways the stuff is on it's way.

Oh...I also wanted to ask...When's the next cruise swap..I'm ready to get started. :banana: :banana: :banana:
I had a similar problem on Tuesday. I was mailing my circle journal in a flat rate envelope and it fit and the envelope closed OK, but I put a strip of packing tape across the flap so it would be more secure. The clerk in the post office, who is always very nice, said that they aren't supposed to accept flat rate envelopes that are sealed with tape. He weighed it and because it weighed less than a pound he told me that he thought I could get away with it. I told him that I had always gotten those envelopes with tape, but he didn't respond to it. I was thinking about it later and thought that maybe people have been cramming too much in them (making them bulge a lot) to get away with the flat rate. (Which I didn't think had anything to do with it being flat)
I will not get mine in the mail until Friday, June 3. I have been gone--just got home and need to leave again in 15 minutes. Sorry. Hopefully it will be there by Monday, Tuesday at the latest.


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