Disney CFO Comment

I can't wait to hear what Pete Werner has to say about this on next Tuesday's podcast!

My PC opinion of this:
That was a poor choice of words.

My unedited opinion of this:
Totally ridiculous garbage. Oh puh-leeze, Disney Corporation...do NOT make snarky comments about people's waistlines when almost ALL of the food you serve at WDW and DL is basically junk food. We are not stupid. We weren't born yesterday. Your Bob Paycheck/Lex Luthor is showing again. It's all about your bottom line...we know this. You've shown us this through all of your decisions over the last 12 months. At least now you're full on admitting it instead of trying to pretend that you actually give a rat's behind about your loyal customers.

Hey Disney...you know why people are vacationing elsewhere? Because of poo like this. No more EMH...now it's a pathetic 30 min early entry, which maybe gets you on 1 ride. And in a month and a half, no more DME. You still haven't restarted daily housekeeping service, yet your nightly rates have gone up. It's even the little things, like buttons...if you want a celebration button of some sort with your name written on it? No soup for you...go pick one out of the 'help yourself' bin in front of City Hall on Main Street.

And don't get me started on the entertainment options...Hoop Dee Doo still isn't back. You came up with that stupid & totally lame new show at Epcot, then are selling super expensive meal packages, but those viewing locations aren't ideal. So why the heck would we pay for that?

So you basically admitted to the Wall Street investors this week that you're now out of ideas on how to squeeze more blood from a turnip and you're now down to "Oh, I don't know, I guess we'll cut portion sizes...after all, plenty of our customers are pretty fat and could stand to go on a diet anyway." It's a pathetic day when you're now insulting your park guests.

You couldn't even do the Genie+ thing right. You should have just implemented DL's Max Pass at WDW. KEEP IT SIMPLE, BOB CHAPEK/PAYCHECK/LEX LUTHOR!

Attention Disney board: It's time to "promote" Bob Chapek to the Disney Institute aka put him out to pasture aka have him 'retire.' He's ruining your brand.
Hell yes!

The level of hubris from top Disney brass is “let them eat cake” level at this point.

We are why you have a paycheck Christine/Bob.

I’m already not renewing my key next year. Not because I don’t find value in it but because I’m tired of my loyalty being taken advantage of. It seems like there is active disdain from management for their customers.
Hell yes!

The level of hubris from top Disney brass is “let them eat cake” level at this point.

We are why you have a paycheck Christine/Bob.

I’m already not renewing my key next year. Not because I don’t find value in it but because I’m tired of my loyalty being taken advantage of. It seems like there is active disdain from management for their customers.

In addition to the "Let them eat cake" comment from the CFO (or, rather, "Let them eat LESS cake for more $$"), let's chat for just a sec about the AP/magic key train wreck that Disney implemented at DL.

If you purchased a Dream Key (the most expensive option, now sold out), the ONLY day that has park reservation availability between now and early January is Thanksgiving Day. And the first WEEKEND day that's available isn't until over 2 months from now on Sunday 1/23.

So if you bought the Dream Key specifically to be able to go on weekends, now you have to book your park days over 2 months ahead of time. That is stupid.

If you bought a Believe Key? The first Sunday that's available isn't until January 30.
People often ordered one order of the MC and one order of Pommes Frites and split them between two (or 3) people.

And let's be honest. The splitting of plates has much more to do with this than anything. They can shrink the portions or they can keep them the same and charge a fee for sharing. Either way people are going to complain.
This is a mildly old thread, but it's a tacky comment (although...where's the lie? Disney food is awful for you and 2/3 of the US is obese, collectively we could use more carrots and less churros) but in disney's defense I will say they are really great about letting you bring food into the parks to feed your kids. They know their food is overpriced, but 100% they don't force you to eat it or starve. We have friends that have brought full on loaves of bread with PB/J jars and made sandwiches for their kids for meals. I mean...it's not like you go to the parks and have to eat the food. You can plan in advance and not deal with the shrinking prices. now, if they started tightening up on outside food which in turn forced you to pay for $10/a piece for 4 kids meals which consisted of 3 chicken nuggets each...then that would be a problem.


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