Disgusted with new Mickey shorts.

Well I don't think you can tell people to start loving these shorts. I personally enjoy them, but entertainment is subjective
Ha! I saw the title of this thread and thought, I have to find out about these awful shorts Mickey is wearing!

I enjoyed seeing a different side of Mickey than what has been portrayed on "Clubhouse". The animation was a little too edgy for me but I think my teenage nieces and nephews would love it.

BUT, at first I was a quite shocked at the content. I recorded it for my preschooler so that was the mindset I had while watching the first time. I realize now it was probably intended for an older audience.
I get it now...but was I the only one who thought you were talking about shorts like the kind you wear? I thought they put some Dazy Dukes on Mickey or something. :rotfl2:

Oh my, me too lol! I almost googled it to see what he was wearing!
I don't absolutely love how they tried to bring back the old versions of the characters, but I'm sure that the younger kids now love them! It's not so terrible really when you don't consider that they try to hard or anything.popcorn:::happytv:
No, he is not! People need to stop claiming that they know what he would or wouldn't want! The company's not a shrine to him!

Stop hating the new shorts and start loving them--they're waaaaaaaay better than Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

I hear ya on that with all the posts claiming what Walt would think or do. Walt was not only a visionary but a clever businessman that knew he had to think ahead and change with the times as well as cherish the past. My older boys love these Mickey cartoons and wish they were longer because they are at the age where there really isn't much on Disney channel that interests them other than Phineas and Ferb; and let's face it the majority of Disney Channel shows and movies are more oriented to tween girls nowadays. I see what Disney's aiming to do with these "shorts" and I don't think it is damaging to Walt's legacy at all because they aren't trying to get rid of the classic Mickey since they still show Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Have a Laugh cartoon shorts throughout the day too.
Count me in as someone who very strongly disagrees with the OP and the previous post.

These new Mickey cartoons are great and what he has needed for a long time. In these new cartoons, designed to harken back to the early shorts of the 20's and 30's, the mouse is going back to actually having a full-fledged personality after several years of being pigeon-holed into being not only a bland straight man, but also as nothing more than a corporate symbol and a small child's best friend. There's so much more to Mickey than all that and that's what these new cartoons are trying to do--re-establish Mickey as an actual complex character and star with lots of versatility and the people working on this new series must be applauded for their efforts!

It seems to me that a lot of people forget that Mickey was more of a racally little smart-alecky trouble-maker back in the old days and not a goody-goody. Althought Mickey is a kind soul, he can also be very impatient and actually CAN get irritated easily. It makes the situations he gets thrown into funnier and more cartoony.

As for the so-called "gross-out" bits, they're actually quite tame compared to gross-out gags in other shows like Ren & Stimpy, Spongebob, etc. Besides, the old black-and-white shorts had their share of not-so-family-friendly jokes and gags, too, often referred to as "barnyard" or "outhouse" humor. Just watch "Steamboat Wilie," "Plane Crazy," "Gallopin' Gaucho," "The Barnyard Battle" or even some of the early Silly Symphonies like "El Terrible Toreador".

I'm enjoying these new shorts and hope the series gets renewed for a second season.

I agree. The new shorts are excellent. They are a tribute to the older ones, yet have a modern twist. I'm very happy Disney is doing this. We should be happy they are making an effort to preserve the classic image of the characters. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is great for the little ones, but c'mon, they're an abomination. I will be buying these on DVD if they offer it. I hope they branch out to Donald and Goofy eventually. (or are they doing this already?)
I get it now...but was I the only one who thought you were talking about shorts like the kind you wear? I thought they put some Dazy Dukes on Mickey or something. :rotfl2:

Aaaand now the image above is seared into my brain! Thanks for that one!!! :rotfl:
Is it on youtube? I don't think I've seen it.

I do miss the classics. My favorite is anything goofy and the futuristic RV.
As much as I'm trying to respect people's opinions, but honestly, I like these shorts. They're very funny. My brother loved it as well. Sure, they're are things that are awkward in their own way, but still, I rather enjoy this than that gosh awful Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
I love these new ones. As a parent I absolutely hated Mickey Mouse clubhouse and was so glad they gave us something for the older kids and adults.
My son loves it and my husband and I find it really funny. I think it is just a matter of preference but I think it is good sometimes to try something different.
Eh, they may take getting used to. I don't like the animation either but thank god it's not anime or Manga! Blechhhh!
I don't care for them. I think they are modernized version of the black and white cartoons of the past. I am so tired of reboots in general. I look for more original ideas like the House of Mouse. I wish they would put that whole series on dvd.
I have to say how upset I am with the new Mickey Mouse shorts on Disney channel. My 4yo daughter and I sat down to watch it. She loves everything Disney! As do I! But by 1 minute she asked me to turn it off. I was ashamed that Mickey was in that junk. I'm sure Walt is rolling over in his grave. Am I the only one?
No. I agree. The new animation for the updated Ducktales is just as bad. I hate the new look for the boys as well as the inappropriate voices. Give me the old style animation any day and save this pathetic kind of animation for the other cartoon oriented networks


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