Discover the Wild (and Healthy) Side!! – WISH May Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

Sorry for the delay in getting back to introduce myself. I'm Beth I'm 37, I live in the upper part of south Carolina. I have pretty much been overweight my whole life and I'm now getting to an age where I'm feeling the effects of carrying all that extra weight and I don't enjoy it very much. We've got some big plans for vacations coming up for the next year and I want to have the energy to enjoy them and not be in pain. My biggest problem is not knowing what to do, I know the science behind losing weight but it's the motivation and will power to do that. I'm hoping being here will give me a little bit of accountability and encouragement when it gets hard. I know just by getting active will help me start the weight loss and I'm hoping that will motivate me to keep it up. My cousin is my roommate and we are both wanting to lose weight so I have someone at home to help too, but we also enable each other. So for now I'm trying to figure out meal options that work for breakfast and lunch. I do okay with a healthy dinner but lunch I struggle with and I don't like to eat breakfast at all.

I've started slow in the almost week I've been here, but I have been exercising some so I'm making progress towards that. As far as activity I enjoy is swimming I love to be in the water and thankful here in the south it's hot so the pool (small above ground) should be good to go this weekend so that will help me getting some more exercise in. My cousin works next door to me so we try to take at least 1 of our 15 min breaks together and walk around the block. Starting small and building from there.
Hi everyone!

I have a question for all of you, especially the mothers out there.

A friend of mine is worrying a bit about her eldest daughters eating habits. She is a very active 10-year-old girl (swim club three times a week, lots of biking with friends). But she very much has a sweet tooth and really has no portion control. She is not overweight, but only just. Her siblings don't have the same issues and are thin as sticks, as is the mother (BMI of 19 after three kids without trying). She is really worried about how to help her daughter to develop a healthier attitude towards food without making too much of an issue out of it. She was really shocked when at a recent function she told her that one piece of cake was enough and then found her daughter with a friend hiding in the basement eating more cake secretly. We talked about it for quite some time and I definitely found myself in a lot of the behaviour of her daughter. I think it helped her to get the different perspective on this from someone who has similar struggles as her daughter. I suggested that she talks to her daughter about finding snacks that she likes that are not candy and that instead of telling her what the portion should be to tell her that she should start with a smaller portion and if after a while she is still truly hungry she can come back for more.

But I was wondering if any of you have some ideas for tips I could give my friend? They definitely are a family that generally has a very healthy diet (there is a reason why my friend is so thin, she truly enjoys a healthy diet), so it is not as if there isn't a good example around.
and I don't like to eat breakfast at all.

Hi Beth, great to get to know you! Why do you not like breakfast? Is it the breakfast foods you don't like? There is no rule about what kind of food one can eat for any meal. So, if you prefer typical dinner food, why not just make a little more in the evening and eat the leftovers for breakfast? Or is it that you do not feel like eating first thing in the morning? Maybe just skip breakfast, but pack a healthy and substantial mid morning snack to eat when you finally are feeling like you want to eat.
I finished my class yesterday, and my back is about 90% better so I'm going to start walking this week. Of course, it's supposed to rain nearly every day. It's a good thing my dogs are Labs as they don't mind walking in the rain.:dog2:
honestly it makes my stomach hurt. I just normally grab some coffee and go. I do normally have a snack around 10 at work.

Then keep that routine. Just make sure that the snack you have at 10 is a healthy one. Don't grab a muffin or a pastry. Bring something from home. A Greek yoghurt and some fruit, maybe add in some granola or so. While for me eating breakfast is vital, it does not have to be for everyone. For me it is more about the time to start the day and feel like I set out with a good start that I can build on. Less about the food. I eat a very small breakfast because I am not very hungry either. But I also have a very early lunch break.
I have gone through years of not having breakfast but I read somewhere (I think it was the Lean Habits book) that

Not feeling hungry in the morning could be due to eating too much at night, and keeping most of your calories for the evening keeps the eating too much at night habit. At the time I had no breakfast, small lunch and substantial dinners and it made sense to me. Sometimes it felt I eat too little and not for energy so I can have big dinner.

Or that some people just don't feel hunger in the morning but it can hit them as hunger - bad mood or lack of energy. This also made sense to me.

I still don't feel hunger in the morning. I went trough having nothing but coffee and apple until lunch. Having yogurt and fruit at 10. Having a green smoothie. Having oats with fruit and milk or a bagel once or twice a week. To now, when having a sizeable breakfast with a lot of protein as my optimal choice when trying to lose few lbs. It impacts my hunger the whole day! Something like Tom Venuto's wramble I posted before or egg whites veggies cheese omelette. I still don't feel like it, I still don't have it at least 2 hours after getting up, I am still not hungry but I love the after effect. Yesterday my omelette with side of watermelon was about 380 calories, I wasn't hungry 5 hours later but had lunch as it was my lunch break, I was only moderately hungry util 6 pm for dinner time. It was day off exercise and I still hit my calorie deficit target easy, while feeling satisfied with my food.

I can't say I will keep it every day, I still often prefer quick fruit and yogurt. Particularity on work day. But when trying to shape up little having high protein breakfast in the morning impacts my chances in such positive way (food, not protein shake for me) that s my go to breakfast

My dinners are still bigger than my lunch and breakfast but not with much, and not bigger than both together. Something like breakfast 350 to 500, lunch 400 to 600 cal, dinner 550 to 700. Snacks if calorie count permits.

I had 500 calorie breakfast after quick workout this Sunday (20 minutes). End up doing 3.5 hours walk/hike along the coast, I came back home and I only wanted some refreshing fruit- wasn't even properly hungry after. I think that was the light bulb - wow, good breakfast can really can make such huge difference! I have egg white omelette 2 or 3 times a week until last weekend but will sticking to them much more often going forward.

I know many people not having breakfast, and I did great without it or with small one even during initial weight loss but after this Sunday - I am convert! GIVE ME ALL THE PROTEIN and all the veggies within 2 hours of waking up so I can spend my day not thinking about when is the next meal and have tons of energy
in terms of suggestions, I said it few days ago I am doing a photo dairy for 47 days countdown to my holiday

My go to breakfast are

fruit & yogurt (honestly this is over 70 % of the time until now)
bagel with egg and tomatoe - the lowest calorie option in cafe near work
oats with fruit - once or twice weekly
green smoothie made with spinach, banana, pineapple, low fat greek unhurt for protein
tom venuto turkey mince egg whites veggie scrample (haven't had it ages!)
and my new found love for egg white omelettes with a lot of veggies and little cheese . I use to have them once or twice a week but they will be getting a lot more love now after delivering such great performance last few times!

Tips - try gently without forcing it. Try something more substantial during the weekends. Monitor how soon and how hungry you get after the meal.

Honestly it took me long time to start eating more during the day and less at night, I lost weight until last summer, I have been in maintenance since September (ish) and even since than the way I eat have evolved. I guess what I am trying to say don't try to fit yourself to someone elses diet, or any diet - try to find diet (as of way of eating) that fits you and your goals now. If you made me have omelettes more often last year, I would have resented it as I wasn't ready for big breakfast at the time. Now I am ready my attitude is different. More energy less huger all day - yes please, I want more of that.
May 16

Maharaja Jungle Trek





The Maharajas of our little Asian country have set this area aside for a place where the animals can live in peace and for the visitors to enjoy all kind of encounters. However, beware, there are tigers around!



The beauty of Animal Kingdom is that it is set out to be explored on your own time. The Maharaja Jungle Trek is the perfect example for this. You can rush through to see the tigers, or you can stop and look at all kind of unusual critters. The birds are plentiful and beautiful. And the longer you are in the aviary, the more birds you will see. The most unusual critters there are however the fruit bats!


You get to come rather close to these as there is no glas seperating you from their enclosure. So, if you are afraid, there is always the chicken hallway to bypass them. But I find the fascinating! The name fruit bats is very apt as they really eat fruit as their main staple (also blossoms, nectar and pollen).

What is your favorite fruit? And what is the fruit you eat the most often? Is there a lot of fruit in your daily meals?

And a bonus question: Are you afraid of the bats?

What is your favorite fruit? And what is the fruit you eat the most often? Is there a lot of fruit in your daily meals?

And a bonus question: Are you afraid of the bats?

By far favorite is watermelon. It is my favorite food. Cherries are second. Melons are lovely too, as well berries. I eat bananas and apples most, but I love all fruit - pears, grapes, peaches, apricots., mandarins, plums. Fruit is the nature candy! I eat a lot of fruit, and I LOVE it. Pineapple too. The only one that I am indirent that I can think of is kiwi, I don't dislike it but least favorite fruit

Afraid - well I don't want to meet any around or have them home but I don't mind them in the distance.
Hi everyone!

I have a question for all of you, especially the mothers out there.

A friend of mine is worrying a bit about her eldest daughters eating habits. She is a very active 10-year-old girl (swim club three times a week, lots of biking with friends). But she very much has a sweet tooth and really has no portion control. She is not overweight, but only just. Her siblings don't have the same issues and are thin as sticks, as is the mother (BMI of 19 after three kids without trying). She is really worried about how to help her daughter to develop a healthier attitude towards food without making too much of an issue out of it. She was really shocked when at a recent function she told her that one piece of cake was enough and then found her daughter with a friend hiding in the basement eating more cake secretly. We talked about it for quite some time and I definitely found myself in a lot of the behaviour of her daughter. I think it helped her to get the different perspective on this from someone who has similar struggles as her daughter. I suggested that she talks to her daughter about finding snacks that she likes that are not candy and that instead of telling her what the portion should be to tell her that she should start with a smaller portion and if after a while she is still truly hungry she can come back for more.

But I was wondering if any of you have some ideas for tips I could give my friend? They definitely are a family that generally has a very healthy diet (there is a reason why my friend is so thin, she truly enjoys a healthy diet), so it is not as if there isn't a good example around.

OH my gosh.... this is such a "loaded" issue! You will certainly get folks who state that talking to your kids about their food choices can lead to eating disorders and such. Probably not an untruth, but also not the WHOLE story. But it is a tricky conversation to have and strike just the right tone to make a young person/child understand about healthy choices and not making them feel GUILTY about the "treat" choices.

I have just two bits of advise..... first of all LEAD BY EXAMPLE! Every time you talk to your kids or even just IN FRONT OF your kids about "wow.... I really need this after this stressful day" or "I DESERVE this because __________" as they see you indulging in cake or fries or wine..... you are setting an example of HOW to deal with that stress or how to reward yourself.

MAKE food about FUEL for the body..... not a reward or punishment or gift or entertainment. This is a TOUGH ONE because so much of our lives is wrapped around food in those ways..... we reward our kids for good grades/good behavior by taking them to McDonald's for a Happy Meal..... we give gifts of food in Easter Baskets and Christmas stockings full of sugary treats..... we entertain with food by making sure every visit to the movies includes popcorn, soda, Red Vines, Sour Patch Kids, and peanut butter cups (heaven forbid we just go for the MOVIE :rolleyes: )..... we punish with food by saying things like "no cupcake unless you finish your broccoli". It is EMBEDDED in our national collective.... it is truly the way many of us were raised and continue to raise our kids (Guilty, party of one here!). IT takes MASSIVE EFFORTS on a DAILY BASIS to change that.... but it can be done and it is better done SOONER rather than later.

May 16

Maharaja Jungle Trek

You get to come rather close to these as there is no glas seperating you from their enclosure. So, if you are afraid, there is always the chicken hallway to bypass them. But I find the fascinating! The name fruit bats is very apt as they really eat fruit as their main staple (also blossoms, nectar and pollen).

What is your favorite fruit? And what is the fruit you eat the most often? Is there a lot of fruit in your daily meals?

And a bonus question: Are you afraid of the bats?

LOVE, love, love fruit! Favorite would probably be watermelon..... but I don't buy it in the winter. Not worth the cost and not nearly as delicious. The fruit I eat most often would be apples..... daily and sometimes 2-3 times daily. Delicious and affordable and easy to buy local year round.... so a win-win-win for me. Yup.... lots of fruit.... sometimes I'm concerned that I eat too much fruit.... but I know it is far better for me than some of the alternatives like donuts! I will go out on a limb and say that the MINIMUM servings of fruit I have daily would be 3.... breakfast, lunch, and either mid-afternoon snack or evening snack..... but I think it is more likely that I have about 5-6 servings daily..... often 2 at breakfast.

Not afraid of the bats, but it has been a number of years since I've taken the time to go see them.


Hey all! I want to pop on and say a quick hello! Busy days here with even busier days coming this weekend and next week, so I do not anticipate being around much for the next 5-6 days. The scale was down on Saturday, thank heavens, but I won't quite make my goal of being 1 pound below my goal by May 17 (tomorrow). But I'm dang close and am trying to be happy with that! Tomorrow is my 25th wedding anniversary and I will be unboxing my gown to try it on again for the first time in all those years! I know I weigh a bit less than I did on my wedding day, but after 2 babies plus breastfeeding and gaining and losing a large amount of weight, my body SHAPE is much different than it was 25 years ago. I'm sure the waist will be fine, but not sure about the chest or hips. But we shall see tomorrow! I'll get back here to share pictures when I get a chance!

Have a wonderful day!.....................................P
What is your favorite fruit? And what is the fruit you eat the most often? Is there a lot of fruit in your daily meals?

And a bonus question: Are you afraid of the bats?

I love watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, grapes, peaches and plums. I don't eat it as much as i should but lately I have been craving fruit so I have been eating more.

Bats -- Well I am ok to look at them but I don't really want them close either. We have had a bat in our house before and also at the daycare I used to work at. I would have much rather seen them outside then inside.
Yesterday went pretty good. I ate really good and I did work out. It wasn't the best work out but I went. My legs are still sore from Saturday when I did lunges and squats so i didn't want to go too fast on the treadmill. I usually go about 2.7 but yesterday I just stayed at a 2. I figured I was there walking and it was better then nothing. I won't get to go tonight but that is ok. I need to give my legs a break so I am ready for tomorrow. I am a chaperone for my sons trip to the zoo. There will be lots of walking with tons of hills too. The last time I chaperoned a zoo field trip was when my daughter was in 1st grade. Other groups only saw about half the zoo while my group saw the whole zoo. I keep the kids moving. We will see how tomorrow goes. The last group was a group of girls while this group will be boys and much older too. I fully expect to have close to 20,000 steps tomorrow but 3pm. Our zoo is huge. It is about the size of maybe Hollywood Studios. This should be fun tomorrow.
MAKE food about FUEL for the body..... not a reward or punishment or gift or entertainment. This is a TOUGH ONE because so much of our lives is wrapped around food in those ways..... we reward our kids for good grades/good behavior by taking them to McDonald's for a Happy Meal..... we give gifts of food in Easter Baskets and Christmas stockings full of sugary treats..... we entertain with food by making sure every visit to the movies includes popcorn, soda, Red Vines, Sour Patch Kids, and peanut butter cups (heaven forbid we just go for the MOVIE :rolleyes: )..... we punish with food by saying things like "no cupcake unless you finish your broccoli". It is EMBEDDED in our national collective.... it is truly the way many of us were raised and continue to raise our kids (Guilty, party of one here!). IT takes MASSIVE EFFORTS on a DAILY BASIS to change that.... but it can be done and it is better done SOONER rather than later.

This is a great point and I will share this with my friend. She is very conscious of trying to not transfer her worries to her daughter. She is leading with a good example, but feels that it is not really enough since her daughter still struggles. And she is horribly afraid that if she makes too much of an issue out of it, it will lead to an eating disorder. And she is afraid that if she puts on more weight and once she starts being a teenager she will suffer from people making nasty remarks about her weight. I guess being a mother really is so hard! I wish I could help her more...

I'll get back here to share pictures when I get a chance!

Oh! I am looking forward to this! Happy Anniversary!!

I love fruit, but I have found a while ago that I tended to eat too much fruit. I am trying to incorporate more veggies instead of fruit now. I also found that certain fruit while tasty does not really curb my hunger. For example apples. I am a little hungry, I have an apple, half an hour later I am really hungry. More than if I had not eaten the apple. I guess it is the sugar. But I am excited that summer fruit is starting to appear now and my favorites are berries and peaches! Already had the first strawberries and blueberries and they were so good! The first of the season are always the biggest treat!


In other news: I am really happy with how my running is going! I am running longer distances (increasing a little every week) and am really enjoying it! This morning I even managed to run before work. Very proud of myself. It was the perfect morning for it: sunny, but very crisp air.

The weight is not moving anywhere at the moment though. Despite me being very good with the eating. I have now decided to try something new. Instead of eating the same stuff every day, I have decided that I am going to alternate days of higher deficit with days of lower deficit and mix it up a little. Maybe that will get my metabolism going a little...
@Flossbolna I read your question and if I was in such position I would go talk to qualified dietitian. I have in the past when my son wasn't eating properly and few sessions made progress. A friend of mine used one for her teen daughter and it helped, when she was trying to make change herself the girl was really fighting with her mum. She is now finishing high school and healthy size, and it took good few sessions to start getting progress

I know few people that did the 5:2 diet and did great on it. It's similar principle as you describe - lower and higher calorie days.
I'm back! DH and I had a wonderful time on our cruise and the extra 7lbs on the scale proves it :lmao: I'm hoping to get back into my groove and get that off quickly.

Fruit: I love strawberries but I usually eat a lot of apples because they are the easiest to keep around. I definitely need to eat more fruit, I am always afraid to buy too much because I don't want to go bad.

Bats: They eat lots of bugs so I am ok with them.

For example apples. I am a little hungry, I have an apple, half an hour later I am really hungry. More than if I had not eaten the apple.
I went to a nutritionist when I was in high school and she told me apples do that so her recommendation was have some protein with the apple.
@Flossbolna I read your question and if I was in such position I would go talk to qualified dietitian. I have in the past when my son wasn't eating properly and few sessions made progress. A friend of mine used one for her teen daughter and it helped, when she was trying to make change herself the girl was really fighting with her mum. She is now finishing high school and healthy size, and it took good few sessions to start getting progress

I know few people that did the 5:2 diet and did great on it. It's similar principle as you describe - lower and higher calorie days.

Thanks for the feed back! I have thought about the dietitian as well. Not sure how to find one here in Germany though. But she lives close to a big city, so there should be someone.

Ok, I need to google the 5:2 diet! I just realised that instead of focussing on the 500 kcal deficit every day, I was much happier if I just bounced around with what I was eating. Especially since I am starting to run more, I have days when I actually burn quite a lot of calories. However, I usually am not more hungry on those days. But often on the day after the run I am really hungry. So, I decided to not beat myself down of not making my goal on those days, if I have "credit" earned from the previous day.
I'm back! DH and I had a wonderful time on our cruise and the extra 7lbs on the scale proves it :lmao: I'm hoping to get back into my groove and get that off quickly.

Sounds great!! And I am sure those 7 pounds will melt off quickly! Did you run the Castaway Cay 5k? I always want to, but have never made it. Too lazy on the cruise to get up early. I have run on the cruise (on deck 4 and in the gym), but never on CC.

I went to a nutritionist when I was in high school and she told me apples do that so her recommendation was have some protein with the apple.
A friend of mine is worrying a bit about her eldest daughters eating habits.

I'm a little late on this one. My daughter has become a vegetarian and eats a ton of fruit but won't really eat many vegetables. For protein she has Morning Star fake meat products and she also tends to eat junk. Generally she eats at my parents' house after school so she doesn't want dinner when she gets home which is fine with me because my mom feeds her good food. I've talked to her many times about eating junk and have caught her sneaking junk food so I can understand your friend's predicament. I've come to the conclusion that all I can do is not buy junk food and keep healthy options available. At the same time she'll sit down and eat 4 oranges or 5 cheese sticks so that's still not great. She's not overweight but I do worry about her having bad habits when she is older. What it has come down to is that I will say something when I see her eat an excess quantity but even then I try not to to make too many comments. At her age she knows what is good for her and what is not so I try to back off. I don't want to put my hang ups on her but it is hard not to worry. I guess no real advice but to let your friend know she's not the only one that has that issue.

What is your favorite fruit? And what is the fruit you eat the most often?

I've never been a very adventurous fruit eater so I stick to apples and strawberries.

Are you afraid of the bats?

I don't have a problem with bats but that's probably because they are not real common around here so it wouldn't bother me to see them.


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