Discover the Wild (and Healthy) Side!! – WISH May Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

I am a meat eater. I love my steak. We eat a lot of Chicken though. I don't really track my protein so I don't know if it would change.

Check-In -- 15%. I lost .6 pounds last week. Not quite the number I wanted but it is at least in the right direction.


This weekend was not so bad. Saturday both my kids ran a 5k. Well at least attempted to. This was my sons second time running and he said he ran it in like 30 minutes. I didn't get to see him cross the finish line this year because shortly after the race started I got a call that my daughter fell and hurt her knee pretty bad. So a friend drove me over to her and I waited at the stop until all the racers past and was driven back to the school. She did hobble across the finish line when we got back though. She was so looking forward to running her first race. I did end up taking her to the doctor because she refused to put and weight on it. It is only a really bad bruise right on the knee cap so she is having a hard bending her it.

Saturday afternoon I went to my moms to watch the Kentucky Derby. We didn't the healthiest meal but it was not bad. Brats with tater tots that were backed not fried.

Sunday we went grocery shopping. We bought lots of fruits and veggies. Eating was pretty good yesterday. We had chicken salad for dinner. I also did a ton of food prep. I cut up all the fruit, all the veggies and everything for our meal today and for the breakfast casserole that we eat for the week. I did go for a walk with my daughter last night. It was a bit cold but not too bad. We didn't go as far as I wanted but it was still a decent length. I don't know how many steps I got because I forgot to put on my fitbit after I charged it.

I feel like this will be a good week. I feel a bit a head of the game. We will see how long that lasts though.
Checking in with 15.5 running miles, no biking yet from all the rain = 15.5%

Everyone sounds like they are having a great first week of May! I had my 3rd race in a row cancelled on Saturday which was a bummer but hopefully that will be the last one as the rain is finally starting to move out of here.

Meat is a great source of protein. For many it is the main source of protein. Do you watch how much protein you eat? Have you seen any effects on your weight loss success depending on your protein intake? What sources of protein do you prefer?

I mostly eat chicken. I'll have beef maybe once a month but I'm not a big fan and I like fish but don't seem to buy it much. I definitely think a good protein intake helps makes you feel fuller longer but I don't track the amount I eat. I think greek yogurt actually works the best for me for weight loss; something about the dairy/protein ratio works really well for me.
Checking in for the the week: no weight lost, as I'm still stuck in post-vacation mode and haven't gotten back to good eating habits yet. Step count is also down: average was 7589, not the desired 10,000, so I'm going to have to go over just about every day this week to make up the difference. So I'll give myself 20% for effort for the week.

I am a meat eater, and feel like a hypocrite for it. I won't eat lamb, because of my new found love for all things sheepy, but for the other meats I still like to pretend what happened to get the meat to my plate didn't really happen. I love chicken, but as previously mentioned seem to be sensitive to chicken and eggs, so I rarely have them these days. On a regular basis I do not consume enough protein. I need to find a protein drink that doesn't trigger my coughing, which would solve both issues... increasing my protein intake without increasing the number of things that have to die on my behalf.

Saturday I had a couple more tattoos added to my right arm, which involves a ferry ride over to Vashon Island. It is always nice to take a short boat ride and be down by the water particularly on a nice sunny day, which Saturday was. I had another bumble added to my hand and at the last minute (again) changed from having a sunflower on my left arm to adding the second bird to my right arm... I love the bird we came up with so I'm happy I changed my mind.

Sunday I, well, did next to nothing. I did run down to Joann's to get some denim to sew up some pants from the new pattern I ordered. Cost Plus is real close by, so I went in just to look. I did end up finding a couple things I had wanted for the house, so that was some unplanned niceness.

This week I'll be setting up appointments with my new doctor and the nutritionist. When we were down in Texas my SIL's Brother and his wife did a lot of things with us... my Brother and SIL have been together since high school, and her Brother (Brian) and his wife have also been together since high school and they were in the same grade as my Sister, so we've all known each other for a long time. Friday my Brother let us know that some health tests Brian was taking right after we left came back with not good news, as his pancreas has stopped working and has a growth on it - they are now waiting for biopsy results to come back. In addition to the worry over his health, it is another wake up call to take better care of myself, so I am getting going on more of the things I know I need to be doing.

Here's a snap of my new bird... I had an example of a flowered bird but I didn't like the shape of the bird, so he found another one and merged the two together. With all the black it hurts like heck, but I am very pleased with it.

Checking in at 33%

Proud of myself that despite being a little hungover on Sunday (which was shocking being that I only had 3 beers over the course of a 6 hour evening- guess I'm a cheap date now that I don't drink much any more :oops:), I still went to workout. Now, instead of the jogging option, I took the power walker option, but still-- I went.

Meat is a great source of protein. For many it is the main source of protein. Do you watch how much protein you eat? Have you seen any effects on your weight loss success depending on your protein intake? What sources of protein do you prefer?

I have become more aware of my protein intake in the past 2 months. I do think it's helping me with my weight loss by keeping me feeling full longer. There is a fair amount of chicken in my diet now, as well as quinoa and black beans. Not so natural, but a great source of on the go protein has been protein bars. My current favorite is ThinkThin Peanut Butter since they have no sugar. I know it's not the healthiest option overall, but in a pinch, it keeps me away from the chips!
Here's a snap of my new bird... I had an example of a flowered bird but I didn't like the shape of the bird, so he found another one and merged the two together. With all the black it hurts like heck, but I am very pleased with it.

Beautiful! i love the flower pattern in the bird; I've never seen it done like that.
Do you watch how much protein you eat? Have you seen any effects on your weight loss success depending on your protein intake? What sources of protein do you prefer?

I do but not super close. I started to drink chocolate milk after runs so I can have the right protein to start my recovery asap. I prefer chicken, it's easy to cook and you can flavor it in many ways.

Just back from a weekend at my parents in VA, I ran my goal race for this training cycle there and came home with a new half marathon PR of 2:45:14. I took 10:53 off my last time! It was a great weekend visiting family but I am happy to be home :)
Do you watch how much protein you eat? Have you seen any effects on your weight loss success depending on your protein intake? What sources of protein do you prefer?

Not as much as I should, but I do try to focus on getting it in. If I don't, I tend to eat more carbs which I know I should try to back off from.

A lot of these comments have reminded me that I need to start getting greek yogurt again - it's quick and easy (and I like it)!
My photo dairy from yesterday. I missed my target with 130 calories, exactly the amount in the popcorn. I wasn't hungry at all otherwise. When you are in maintenance you can afford more snacks, but when trying to cut a little snacks really add up

Still, a very happy day with 380 calories deficit. The direction is more important than the speed. I am feeling great. If I eat like this every day by the end of the month the scale will show considerable progress.

My photo dairy from yesterday! I missed my target with 130 calories, exactly the amount in the popcorn. I wasn't hungry at all otherwise. I think when you are in maintenance you can afford more snacks, but when trying to cut a little snacks really add up

Still, a very happy day with 380 calories deficit! The direction is more important than the speed! I am feeling great


Love the idea of the photo diary! And I agree with you about the snacks. That is something I am struggling with. Very often I realize that I am a little over and that this is just the tiny treat that I decided to have after dinner... Unfortunately the last two days snacking was way off and so were my calories. Hopefully today this trend will end!
May 9

Dinoland, USA


Today we venture into a new land: Dinoland, USA. This is a sleepy little town somewhere in the USA (most likely somewhere along Route 66) where they discovered fossils of dinosaurs. This caused a large dig site to appear (where your kids can still dig for dinosaur bones today at the Dig Site - the largest sandbox you will ever see) and then came the Dinosaur Institute for the scientific research that came from the dig. They invented a vehicle that can take you back in time so that you can visit the dinosaurs (you should just avoid to end up in that one vehicle that is timed to go there just before the meteor strike, somehow I always end up in that one). But the locals did not want to miss out on the dinosaurs either, especially since there suddenly were tourists coming to town. So, the local busybodies Chester and Hester decided to build some fun attractions for everyone to enjoy. They even have their own poor man's version of time traveling - it is spinning you into the past at Primeval Whirl (a spinning coaster).

So, Dinoland shows us that you can see something from the purely scientific point of view or you can have a lot of fun with something. What is your approach in your healthy living, more science or more fun or both?
Bit of both, but I take interest in science of healthy eating. I think eating fulfills more then physiological needs, and it should be this way but there is a part of life, where one can enjoy food without worrying about science. I love food, I can't make it all science - I need to be happy with both, nutrients and taste

Recently I had a day i took my own lunch, a Spanish type of dish with potatoes, chicken, chorizo and veggies in tomato sauce. I didn't feel like having it, I really fancied salad. I had lunch and didn't stop thinking about food for the rest of the day. In the end, I went over my calories as my craving for taste was not satisfied, I did not get what I want

I think Dr Yoni puts it well - the minimum calories you are HAPPY with. Not the minimum calories you can get by with.

Having said this the template minimum of 300 grams (half plate) of veggies on each sitting, or veggies and fruit, 30 grams of protein, 15 grams of fat for the main meals can help keeping hunger away for hours after meal. I don't follow it strictly, but I keep an eye on it for most of my meals. Also about 200g of carbs a day is my happy level. Under than this I feel grumpy.

So yes, I take into account the fun and the science and trying to balance both.

Exercise for me is fun wins every time. Doing things I don't love just doesn't work long term. You need to do something all the time, but you can change what you do and you need to have fun with it!
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Maybe a bit of both. I do try to track calories but that is the extent of the science side. For fun I watch shows while I work out or play Pokemon.


Well yesterday was pretty good. I ate really good. I think the best I have ate in awhile. Despite having a horrible headache last night I did go for a walk and got my 10,000. I am really glad I went for the walk even though I felt horrible. I needed to get moving and back on track and yesterday was the start of that.
The last two days were horrible for me. I just kept eating and eating... And it was even really bad stuff like chocolate that I had lying around for 3 months and only had had small pieces so far. Yesterday and Sunday it was not small pieces!! Not sure what happened besides that I feel like I am coming down with a cold. Maybe that broke my self discipline??

BUT I have great news: My foot that has been acting up is fine! Yes, there is an issue, but I will get new inserts that will help, I am supposed to cool my foot to get the inflamation down a bit more and the best news is: My running inserts are perfect and I am free to run!! I was so worried that the doctor would tell me to stop walking. But he did not, he understood why I need my feet and is ready to work with me to get them in the best working order possible.

I think my eating is far more based in science while my exercise is more based in fun. Yes, I still want to eat things that I like, but I think I am far more able to adjust my diet with what I know is good for me. Exercise has always been a struggle for me and it only works if I enjoy what I am doing. The good thing is that I have learned to enjoy far more food and exercise that I know is good for me than I ever thought. But ultimately I struggle with exercise purely for exercise purpose. I need to see some fun in it, otherwise I really struggle.

@HappyGrape mentioned this in her post and I had been thinking about it ever since @sweetpeama posted a link to an article at the beginning of the month. Last year, when the news about the Biggest Loser study came out (that the contestants have such a hard time to keep their weight), someone posted a link to this article: It is about how people actually are able to maintain weight loss and I found it very encouraging (go and read it - even if you read it last year, it is great to reread again!!). He talks about finding your "best weight", which is whatever weight you reach when you're living the healthiest life that you actually enjoy. I think that this is a great concept - finding a balance between science (healty lifestyle) and fun (enjoy).

What a lovely bird!! I have to admit that I absolutely do not get tatoos. Just totally not my cup of tea. But even if I don't like the concept, your patterns have all been so very beautiful and I can admire that!

My current favorite is ThinkThin Peanut Butter since they have no sugar. I know it's not the healthiest option overall, but in a pinch, it keeps me away from the chips!

Sometimes finding the less evil vice is already a success!

Just back from a weekend at my parents in VA, I ran my goal race for this training cycle there and came home with a new half marathon PR of 2:45:14. I took 10:53 off my last time! It was a great weekend visiting family but I am happy to be home :)

Well done!! What an amazing PR! I read your race report and it sounds like a perfect race despite the weather.
@Flossbolna take it easy for few days until you feel better. Perhaps you need more rest. I hope you don't get cold
Same dr have a book, and audio book. He is the same dr I keep quoting again and again.
The below quote have been life changing for me. You have to enjoy your life, your goal is to have better life - not to feel deprived and restricted

Dr Yoni
"Best weight” is a non-statistical goal that is easy to set and easy to explain to patients. Patients can diet themselves down to any weight they put their minds to, but to maintain that weight, they need to actually enjoy the lifestyle that got them there.

A patient’s best weight is therefore whatever weight they achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle they can truly enjoy. There comes a point when a person cannot eat less or exercise more and still like their life. The weight they attain while still liking their life is thus their “best” weight, as without the addition of pharmacotherapy or a surgical intervention, no further weight loss will be possible.

We need to remember that in modern society, eating is not simply about survival. We use food for comfort and for celebration and, with the exception of religious prohibitions, there should be no forbidden foods. If your patient cannot use food to comfort or celebrate, or if they consider certain foods “forbidden,” then they are likely on a diet, and unfortunately diets are known to fail over 95% of the time. For sustainable weight management, a patient should be consuming the smallest number of calories that still allows them to enjoy each day. Some days will simply warrant more calories, such as birthdays, anniversaries, religious holidays, and days when injuries, illness or fights with loved ones occur. Simply put, ice-cream and cookies and their cultural and ethnic equivalents are vital parts of a rich life experience.

With exercise, a patient should be encouraged to be as physically active as possible and include as much additional exercise as they can enjoy each day. Some days obviously will allow for more activity than others, but there is a maximum, above which the patient would run out of time or energy, hurt themselves or come to hate exercise. That is when they quit. Eating less and exercising more within the context of a life the patient does not enjoy is the very definition of a diet, which is why diets almost always fail over the long-term. If a patient does not enjoy the way they are living while they are losing weight, they will almost certainly revert to “normal” practices and gain the weight back."

I will read the link you posted again, I follow him on facebook too - he often posts good things
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May 8

Flame Tree Barbecue

So, with this location and theme, our Question of the Day is a food one. Let's talk about eating animals!

Meat is a great source of protein. For many it is the main source of protein. Do you watch how much protein you eat? Have you seen any effects on your weight loss success depending on your protein intake? What sources of protein do you prefer?

Wish I was on my home computer! One of my favorite photos from my 2013 trip with DD was taken at Flame Tree!

Until DD and I talked to a nutritionist last winter, I never even checked to see how much protein I was eating or should be eating. Most days I think I get at least the minimum, but occasionally I don't. I find I get more protein when I am watching my carbs because I need to spend my SmartPoints somewhere and if it isn't on carbs or fruits/veggies, then it is on protein!

Like another friend mentioned, I DO eat animal protein, but there are days when I question that choice (for ethical reasons). We do NOT eat/buy fish or any seafood in our household (other than DH's sardine habit that I can't get him to stop) because of environmental concerns about the oceans and personal health concerns regarding mercury. DS is allergic to poultry, so when he is home obviously that isn't on the dinner table. I substitute lean pork loin for chicken in many recipes. When DS is at school we do enjoy rotisserie chicken from Costco, Sam's, or Market Basket usually about once a week.... sometimes hot with a hot vegetable, sometimes cold on salad greens or in a wrap. Beef happens about once a week (more often when DS is home)..... usually lean ground beef that or a pot roast or oven roast that I slice up and stir-fry. I do try hard to stick with "meatless Mondays" but that doesn't always happen. Usually that means an egg pie (like a crustless veggie quiche) or a bean dish, so we don't eat pasta (due to DH's low carb lifestyle).

For PERSONAL choices I would prefer to stick to greek yogurt (I eat that at least 4 mornings as week and occasionally for lunch), beans (love them and love that they are healthy and cheap, but DH won't eat them as a main dish because of the carb count), eggs (both whole and whites), cheese (I don't even mind low-fat cheese)..... but I try hard to avoid soy. That being said, I LOVE veggie burgers and so many of the frozen types have soy as a primary protein. It makes me sad, but I know I need to start making my own on food prep weekends!

In our WW meeting a few weeks ago we talked about protein and the general recommendation is 8 grams of protein for every 20 pounds that you weigh, just in case anyone was wondering.

May 9

Dinoland, USA
So, Dinoland shows us that you can see something from the purely scientific point of view or you can have a lot of fun with something. What is your approach in your healthy living, more science or more fun or both?

First of all, I'm going to be a "Negative Nelly" and comment on how much I DISLIKE Dinoland! The first time I saw it I thought that perhaps we had accidentally wandered off Disney property to one of those cheapo pop-up "theme-park-wannabe" things! YUCK! Hot, loud, cheap, and ugly. I know that to some degree, that is the point of the theming, but I still try not to waste a minute in there.

But my official answer to the QOTD is BOTH! I try hard to keep somewhat abreast of the current "SCIENCE" of weight loss (my job definitely helps with that).... but healthy living is SO MUCH MORE about REAL LIFE! Most people KNOW (to varying degrees) what they SHOULD and SHOULD NOT be eating to maintain a healthy diet... but the practicality/reality of doing it is another thing entirely.

For example, answering the QOTD from yesterday reminded me about avoiding SOY protein. I actually like it.... I like tofu and soy-based veggie burgers.... but as a female with a family history of breast cancer, I tend to stay away from it, based on what current science is telling me.

I know that LOWER carb (not necessary LOW carb) is healthier because it reduces sugar..... but I do believe that Atkins took it a bit too far and that ALL that meat and a total lack of PORTION CONTROL can be hard on your body, even if you lose weight in the process (I mean, really.... apples are the enemy but pork rinds are okay???).

And I understand that SCIENCE is a CURRENT THING and changes as research happens (hence the "low-fat/no-fat" trend of the 1980's and 90's when we were all eating zero fat, but TONS of sugar!!).

I try to remember that food is FUEL for my body and I try to think about what I am doing that day and the next day..... if I am doing laundry and watching movies, I need less fuel (and perhaps more veggies), but if I am doing yard work (cutting limbs, digging, shoveling) or will be on my feet and moving all day, I need MORE FUEL (in the form of protein and complex carbs). But food is also an EMOTIONAL thing..... so while I could survive and keep my weight off eating egg whites and coffee for breakfast, black bean soup for lunch, and chicken and broccoli for dinner, that would get boring really quickly and wouldn't fulfill that EMOTIONAL need for something that feels decadent or comforting. And I think feeding those emotional needs is OKAY IN MODERATION. It's when the traditional holiday slice of pie turns into a full-on binge that lasts days that we have a problem.



Hey friends! I'm so sorry I haven't been a regular contributor lately! SO CRAZY BUSY!! No excuses other than that. Leading WW meeting tonight (my regular), tomorrow night (subbing) and Thursday night (long-term sub position), in addition to working at school every day, so I spent last night trying to be sure that I was feeling prepared for such a busy week. Pot roast is cooking away in the crockpot for tonight and I'll take whatever is leftover to make a black bean vegetable beef soup for the men for tomorrow night. They aren't too picky and won't mind beef two days in a row. Thursday night I don't know yet who will be around (DH travels on Thursdays), so it may just be an omelet night. Laundry is caught up, the house is reasonably picked up, and DS will stop to grab milk and apples tonight for me while he is out.... so the week should be okay.

Off to do some reading for tonight's WW meeting while my student is still testing!.........P
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Dr Yoni
"Best weight” is a non-statistical goal that is easy to set and easy to explain to patients. Patients can diet themselves down to any weight they put their minds to, but to maintain that weight, they need to actually enjoy the lifestyle that got them there.

A patient’s best weight is therefore whatever weight they achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle they can truly enjoy. There comes a point when a person cannot eat less or exercise more and still like their life. The weight they attain while still liking their life is thus their “best” weight, as without the addition of pharmacotherapy or a surgical intervention, no further weight loss will be possible.

We need to remember that in modern society, eating is not simply about survival. We use food for comfort and for celebration and, with the exception of religious prohibitions, there should be no forbidden foods. If your patient cannot use food to comfort or celebrate, or if they consider certain foods “forbidden,” then they are likely on a diet, and unfortunately diets are known to fail over 95% of the time. For sustainable weight management, a patient should be consuming the smallest number of calories that still allows them to enjoy each day. Some days will simply warrant more calories, such as birthdays, anniversaries, religious holidays, and days when injuries, illness or fights with loved ones occur. Simply put, ice-cream and cookies and their cultural and ethnic equivalents are vital parts of a rich life experience.

With exercise, a patient should be encouraged to be as physically active as possible and include as much additional exercise as they can enjoy each day. Some days obviously will allow for more activity than others, but there is a maximum, above which the patient would run out of time or energy, hurt themselves or come to hate exercise. That is when they quit. Eating less and exercising more within the context of a life the patient does not enjoy is the very definition of a diet, which is why diets almost always fail over the long-term. If a patient does not enjoy the way they are living while they are losing weight, they will almost certainly revert to “normal” practices and gain the weight back."

I will read the link you posted again, I follow him on facebook too - he often posts good things

This is EXACTLY what I was trying to say! You were posting as I was posting! Great minds think alike! I know you've quoted this before, but it is SO important and bears repeating!! SO very, very true!! Thanks for reminding me!.......P
I asked list of very carefully selected questions on MFP, maintenance forum and love reading the replies

Most people don't have big difference in the way they eat in maintenance, and the way the ate during weight loss. I love reading all answers. Most people have some form of way of dealing with splurges. The questions I asked are listed below, and most people say don't do extremes, take it slowly, do what is sustainable. Not many maintainers around to reply I gave up x/y or z and lived happily ever after.

Total weight loss

How long did it take you to lose the weight?

What method did you use to lose the weight?

How long are you in maintenance?

How do you deal with social situations and vacations?

What is the biggest challenge for you since you are in maintenance and how do you deal with it?

What does a day of eating look like for you now, compared to when you were losing weight? Did it
change? How did it change?

What your exercise is like now, compared to during weight loss?

What strategies you use to get back on track after splurge, vacation or holiday

Have you dealt with setback or injury preventing you to be active? How did you deal with it?

What is your biggest tip you would like to give to someone looking to either lose, or maintain weight
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