Discover the Wild (and Healthy) Side!! – WISH May Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

Do you feel that you sometimes are put into a certain group by others or do you think of others as certain groups, just because that is the common and convenient way of thinking? Which new defined group do you want to belong to?

Hmmm a common me/them group I think in is couples or 2 parent families vs me single and a one parent family - I can really struggle with this as this is just not where I imagined myself to end up. I don't think I have ever been thought of as part of a sporty group. I feel like I have joined the unexpected overweight - how the hell did that happen group!

A new group I would like to belong to is a strong, healthy, confident women/mum group - and to really feel like I belong - as I often feel like a bit of an outsider not quite in the mix in many groups/situations if you know what I mean.
This is a hard question. I am part of the PTA but as the kids get older I am not doing that as much anymore. I really don't feel like I am in a group. I am an outsider to a group of parents in each of my kids grades. It is kind of like high school all over which might be why I have pulled back from the PTA this year. These 2 groups are like the popular kids in high school and no matter what you do you can be in the group. It is very frustrating.
QOTD: Do you feel that you sometimes are put into a certain group by others or do you think of others as certain groups, just because that is the common and convenient way of thinking? Which new defined group do you want to belong to?

Yes, yes, yes! I'm hyper-sensitive about my age, and hyper-conscious about the snap judgments people were making when I let my hair go back to it's natural white... pigeonholing me into the "old lady" category. Putting hair color back on instantly took off 10 years, and the judgments stopped. I've been thinking it's time to get the Juvederm injections around my mouth refreshed but was going to wait until I got some more weight off, then just this week someone made the comment "...miss your smiles..." at a time when I wasn't not smiling, so that tells me do it NOW. That resting cranky-face is also very aging.

I know I also make snap judgments - we are assaulted with so much information and stimulus so quickly that its hard not to just log things and move on without even thinking about it. With people in particular, I've been making a conscious effort to stop and wait to see what the person is really about. I'm training myself to look for each person's gift.

My tribe has been shifting over the past year as I've connected with my community of woolly-creative people, and now this new world of healers is showing up as well, so another shift is taking place.

Holy cow, we had a wicked powerful storm blow thru yesterday afternoon/evening. A Texas style storm. Walking to the bus stop the rain was coming down so hard that people were actually huddled under the building awnings... we stalwart PNWesterner's are used to being perpetually damp and rarely carry umbrellas so no one was prepared, including me as I was wearing my puffy coat (yes, still wearing the puffy coat in MAY) which is not waterproof, so I was totally soaked by the time I got home. My house sits at the lowest point in the street, with hills to both the east and west, and I have a storm drain out front that I religiously keep clear. Unfortunately my neighbor across the street doesn't pay any attention to hers, so by 6pm, the street was flooded up to the curb because my drain couldn't keep up with all the water. I dragged myself out in to the storm and cleared her drain, doing my civic duty for the 'hood. Well done me.

Saturday I go back to get more tattooing done... another bumble on my right hand and a sun flower on my left forearm. Other than that the plans are low key, household stuff and some sewing.

Hope all have a happy and healthful weekend.
Do you feel that you sometimes are put into a certain group by others or do you think of others as certain groups, just because that is the common and convenient way of thinking? Which new defined group do you want to belong to?

We are a family of outsiders. I have a small group of women I meet up with once a month but other than that I don't hang out with anyone outside of my family. My husband doesn't hang out with anyone either and my daughter prefers to text friends instead of actually meeting up with people. That's also how I grew up; my parents never had friends they hung out with or did dinner parties.

I like the idea of dinner parties and BBQ's but when I get invited I never want to go. This feeling of not wanting any "in person" social interaction gets stronger the older I get. What's strange is that my brother is the same way too. I do enjoy online interactions and belong to multiple online groups but if there was ever a meet up I would probably skip it.

I think of the other "moms" of the kids in my daughter's class as a group since many of them seem to know each other and are always talking at the kids' games. My daughter has done every sport offered for the past 8 years and I am pleasant to the other moms but I really don't want to be part of their group. I guess I'm just happy with my tribe of 3.
First of all Breaking News! Embrace is now on Netflix!!!! I know some of us have mentioned this movie before and I don't know when it was released on Netflix (or if it's been mentioned that is was on there here and I'm just a dummy who didn't process what I was reading LOL), but it's there, and I stayed up wayyyyy past my bedtime watching it. No regrets. Very good. I went to look at myself in the mirror afterwards and totally felt a new appreciation for what I saw. Now I just need to figure out how to hang on and build on that feeling.

Do you feel that you sometimes are put into a certain group by others or do you think of others as certain groups, just because that is the common and convenient way of thinking? Which new defined group do you want to belong to?

So I have always kind of been an outsider. I did have a few tribes when I was younger and in college but now that I am a grown up it's harder to find friends and make a tribe. I do miss it. But I also have my two family tribes that I am really into - mine and DH's family. I would like to be more into our yoga community in town, but my focus is on gaining strength and muscle right now. But eventually I would like to make high intensity training a more once or twice a week thing and pull more yoga in as a twice or three times a week thing. Plus it seems that the community at the studio I go to, when I go, is one that would be very nurturing for my mind as well as my body.
It is kind of like high school all over which might be why I have pulled back from the PTA this year. These 2 groups are like the popular kids in high school

I so get what you mean. I remember telling a friend when her son was about to start school (as my oldest had already been at school a few years) that it was just like being back in high school with the parents still falling into the popular, the partiers, the outsiders etc. She was mortified at the prospect of going back into those dynamics - don't think she quite believed me at first but then she told me I was right.
What I want to leave behind - worrying and excessive internet use. It's not directly related to health but I tend to start researching things to avoid feelings and end up skipping gym. Example - out of comfort zone for the new job in work. Instead of confessing I am feeling anxious about it, I over research hotels for upcoming trip and skipping walking or gym.

What I want to find ... simplicity. It doesn't sound like a weight and fitness goal but I over complicate workouts and plans and while I have nailed the food portion I need to find simple sustainable and flexible working out routine.

Excellent, thought provoking questions

I did awesome yesterday, happy about how it went

Hope it's ok to quote your post. I have never read it articulated that way but I have similiar behaviors...when I get stressed or anxious I tend to spend an excessive amount of time researching and planning...googling in the internet. It is comforting but also a time suck and keeps me from doing the things I need to get done. Never really thought about it as a coping mechanism.

Do you feel that you sometimes are put into a certain group by others or do you think of others as certain groups, just because that is the common and convenient way of thinking? Which new defined group do you want to belong to?

I left the gym in work recently. I still have access to awesome gym near my home but the work one suited me on days I can't get to the big gym. The main reason is that they always use me as good example and I feel terrible if I have to walk in after a vacation of bit of a belly or after being very busy without time for the gym. I felt under pressure, and fear that I will disappoint people that ultimately don't matter to me that much.

It sounds like a great group to be put in, but really it isn't.
First of all Breaking News! Embrace is now on Netflix!!!! I know some of us have mentioned this movie before and I don't know when it was released on Netflix (or if it's been mentioned that is was on there here and I'm just a dummy who didn't process what I was reading LOL), but it's there, and I stayed up wayyyyy past my bedtime watching it. No regrets. Very good. I went to look at myself in the mirror afterwards and totally felt a new appreciation for what I saw. Now I just need to figure out how to hang on and build on that feeling.

I recommended it I think. I am glad you enjoyed it. Yes, it really changed the way I think. I still want to live as healthy as I can, eat well and exercise but it comes from different place now

And it's hard to hand on to the feeling. We are wired to think this way.
My husband had his scan and results last week. All Clear. We went out to celebrate and I went over my calories. Not by too much, but if I am to meet my goals for week 1 I need to do really well today and tomorrow!

We are going to see Iron Maiden tonight. I don't fancy going to the gym if the weather is good, I think I will get out for a long walk along the coast. DS is going to his granny after swimming and DH is playing tennis - giving me few hours do what I feel like doing
Good morning all! Happy SATURDAY! Rainy and cold here, but it is still a day without any "work" scheduled (paying work that is!), DS has moved home for the summer, the birds are singing, and I'm drinking coffee.... so all is good!

NOT reporting in a weight..... because my scales are certifiably INSANE! I brought one of DD's scales out of storage and set it up last night so it had time to "settle" into its place (right next to my existing scale). Got on them BOTH today, multiple times and got different numbers from each, every time!!!!! WHAT THE HECK??!! So according the the numbers between yesterday and today, I have either LOST upwards to 6 pounds.... or gained 1..... or something somewhere in the middle. I'm going to set up the THIRD scale I have here, replace all the batteries, and see what next Friday brings. This is really rare for me, to NOT have a recorded weight for a week. In the past 10 years, other than times I've been away on vacation, I've missed almost no weekly weigh-ins.... even when the number is a disaster.

So much to do this weekend, so time to get it done! Pouring rain will keep me from doing yard work, but there is plenty to do inside. DD's graduation party is in 15 days!!!! YIKES! DS is home now and doesn't start his summer internship until after the party, so I will definitely be leaving him a list every day! Tomorrow he is going to replace my range hood. DH bought me a new one to match my new range.... 3 years ago!

Breakfast time! TTYL..............P
So I mean checking in at. 75% weight loss this week. I somehow managed to lose 3 pounds. I'm not really sure how that happened. I'm going to assume some water weight that comes off when you first get back on track and such. I had my "off track" day yesterday and still did pretty well. And today and tomorrow I'm right back on track! I'm learning to tell people no when it comes to eating and making good choices.
Checking in with I have actually lost quite a bit though not sure how much of that is due to trouble in tummy town and seeing how fast I can run between that and having to pee all the time from drinking water. Though if I have lost 8.3 pounds in 6 days after having done some slight gains in March and April but never getting back to my original starting weight. I am hoping that this is a loss that is going to stick and even have a slight loss the remainder of the month.

Do you feel that you sometimes are put into a certain group by others or do you think of others as certain groups, just because that is the common and convenient way of thinking? Which new defined group do you want to belong to?

Even within groups I am put into groups. To those who use the modern version of traditional schools I am homeschooling because I educate my children at home those who also do so could consider me a home educator and my children to be homeschooled or home educated. Within that to my local group because I don't follow one of the methods done by so much of the leadership which in my area tend to lean towards the following major publishers or (styles): Abeka ( though this one was starting to go out when I started), Tapestry of Grace ( this is the band wagon that a high number of the Abeka group jumped on because their friend so and so decided to use it-sheeple), Classical Conversations, ( Charlotte Mason). My family leans more towards Electic Unschooling which means that I use and offer a variety of different programs including Sonlight, Charlotte Mason-in the form of handcrafts, life skills, but don't subscribe to a book can not be read if it's considered twaddle or is not a living book, and electronics are to be extremely limited ( the occasional watching of appropriate news programs such as national election returns, innagurations, and the like) or even better banned other than the listening to a classical music recording during the mid day meal as the evening meal is reserved for sharing the day with the working parent or during a craft time for the sole purpose of music appreciation. I also use educational apps as well as Kahn Academy though this one is mainly for 12 year old while 9 year old uses more of the apps mainly to hold attention. I was part of an unschooling email group in my state but didn't really fit in with them because I have a rule that they have to do a certain amount of basic subjects each day which is 1.5 hours for 9 year old and 2.5 hours for 12 year old in the subjects of math, reading, Language Arts, and skills that they will need to be functional adults in society be it keeping things tidy, preparing food, laundry skills, and the like though this is only the .5 of their time. They also have to do 1 hour each for 9 year old and 3 hours for 12 year old a week of science and history or social studies each week. Beyond that they can choose what they want to concentrate on. `12 year old has choosen lately to study the history of aname and how it corresponds to Japanese history as well as learning some basic Japanese words. 9 year old I have a bit more control on as due to her needs we are working on a lot of basics and she does little of her work without my or her dad being right there to directly supervise.

Within my family of origin I am the overweight one with the sweet tooth while with the family I married into I am the the overweight one as the rest of them are the annoying types that can eat a bunch of sweet items and not gain weight though supposedly my mother in law has to watch her weight a bit-watching being taking a 15 minute walk 3-4 times a week and not having more than one cookie more than 3 times a week.
47 days to my California trip, I am doing a photo diary of my countdown workouts & food. I did great today, I will be much closer to the weekly deficit goal than I thought I would be. I love weekends! I can cook whatever I feel like it and eat my meals freshly cooked. I made pasta & cheese & broccoli cauliflower bake and the family loved it. Hopefully the photo diary will help my motivation little bit.
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May 8

Flame Tree Barbecue


This restaurant is located in the Oasis and has the same vibrant island atmosphere as the rest of the Oasis. It is based on a Balinese water garden. It is an all outdoor restaurant with different patios scattered around. I would encourage everyone to explore and I have been told that the patio closest to the water has a quite charming backside view of Rivers of Light. During the day it has a spectacular view of Mount Everest.


Every patio has a slightly different decoration, but you will notice that every pair of animals used has an interesting relationship: the one of predator and prey - ants and anteater, snakes and mice, spiders and bugs etc. The tables are decorated with the prey, the chairs with the predators, so when you sit down there, you fit right in with the food chain.


So, with this location and theme, our Question of the Day is a food one. Let's talk about eating animals!

Meat is a great source of protein. For many it is the main source of protein. Do you watch how much protein you eat? Have you seen any effects on your weight loss success depending on your protein intake? What sources of protein do you prefer?
Also, post your progress report today (if you have not done so far) and I will post the list of progress later today. Hopefully I will also finally get to catch up on my own thread...

My own progress is unfortunately something like -50%. I do know that a lot of this is water weight. I am absolutely bloated. I can feel it in my fingers. Still a bit depressing. Also, the weekend was not good (sorry for failing you with a question as well). New week, new luck!
125 000 steps last week
5 (15 to 20 minutes) workouts done
3340 calories deficit (target 3500)

Days 4 and 5 were little bit hard to be honest but I am really happy with how it went. I am giving myself 24.5% progress, and I nearly reached all my goals. 25 max, 3 goals, 2 fully achieved one 95%

Question of the day - my favorite protein is Greek yogurt. I eat it with fruit or in smoothies or plain. I also eat meat. My average per day last week was 134 gram of protein daily and yes I feel this is enough. I rarely crave protein, I eat it as I know it will keep the hunger away for longer after the meal. I crave fat or carbs. But as I crave feeling satisfied with my meals, I include it with all of my meals
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