Disboutiquers part 3 (Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes)

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I'm way behind on the thread, but I wanted to share my birthday boy! Wyatt turns 6 today (well, officially at 9:22 tonight ;) ). Last night I decided to whip up a birthday shirt for him to wear to school today. Nothing fancy, but he loves it. I'm sure he'll also wear it to his party on Sunday.


What a cute boy!!! The shirt looks great too, that was such a sweet thing for you to do!!!
Wa-Wa-Wa-What happened! For HEAVEN'S sake all I did was go to the gym and BrU to check out strollers and I come back to ALL these pages and gorgeous creations!!!!

Okay, I have yet to figure out how to do the thumbnails-let alone multis- so Ill just give plain old text...

Aurora dress and OHana dress- Oh gosh! I WISH I could sew like that!!! The Aurora dress is amazing, simply amazing- does she love it? Does she want to sleep in it? I would if I was her!!! She is beautiful little girl!!

Prince Charming- Awwww- isnt great when they are little and will wear stuff like that and just look as cute as can be. Pants really make the costume.

Drama Queen Monkey-I think Ive seen that before, so sweet- now I think I already commented on that outfit- wow my memory is going.

Cambellscot- was it you think about having a baby? Im in the same sitch. Except Ive done it once and I was really apprehensive before I got pg the first time-and I thought, eh, how bad can it be. Well, I was one of the unlucky ones who had everything bad- including a pelvic bone seperation at 6 months pg. And as you may be able to tell from my weight loss ticker below- that caused some problems for me. I think the depression was the hardest part. BUT that being said! I know a LOT of women who had easy pregnancies- or average anyway and the labor wasnt a big issue, albeit not fun. The question to ask is if you are ready for a little person AFTER the labor is over with. ;) Now that DD is almost 2- this is REALLY getting fun! Oh my gosh, not a day goes by that I dont laugh or smile at her, hug her, play with her, watch My Friends Tigger and Pooh and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with her (do the HOT DOG! dance at the end) and love every minute of having her in my life. THAT'S the cool part.

So- now Im trying to decide do I get pg in the next 6 months (after have just put on my pre-pregnancy jeans almost 2yrs later) or do I wait longer than that? Wait til DD is a little older, Im a little thinner....DH likes the idea of kids being close in age. I think it can be tougher on me (stay at home mom) I used the money excuse and we want to sell our house. But really it has more to do with- am I ready? how scared am I to potentially go thru 10 months of potentially bad times? Am I scared? Probably more than you are!

Whew- was that too long a vent/comment on the baby thing?

Mickey/Pluto fabric- its not sheet fabric- her description says she doesnt use them- but it is discontinued- I checked.

Those sheets are AWESOME!!! Why cant I find stuff like that???

Love the Horton Hears a Who outfit!!!!

Is it possible to do applique like that without a serger? I have a Kenmore 19606- it has a lot of zig zag variations, but i dont know what else can do that stich besides a serger.....help a lost girl out here- can I do stuff like that on my sewing machine?

I really like the adult white shirt with the Cinderella's coach beaded on- VERY cool!! I want one!!

Minnie dot fabric- I want this in the worst way, but I have already purchased 6 dresses on ebay, plus fabric at Joanns the other day- I simply MUST sew with what I have, right?

Adi12982- LOVE the peasant underdress!!! What size are those? Can we see a pic with a model?

best picture of hte day!

Boy it's so nice out....we are done sewing and lunch and are headed out to the playground and horsebackriding :thumbsup2 Have a great day~ one last pic....


and thanks- its grey and cloudy and damp and rainy and cold here. ;)
Is it possible to do applique like that without a serger? I have a Kenmore 19606- it has a lot of zig zag variations, but i dont know what else can do that stich besides a serger.....help a lost girl out here- can I do stuff like that on my sewing machine?

The appliques are done on a regular sewing machine, not a serger (unless you are really lucky and have a fancyshmancy embroidery machine!). If your machine does zig zag, you can do an applique. You set your stitch length really close together. There are some tutorials in the bookmarks. My sister Heather is working on the most thorough and easy to understand applique tutorial I've ever seen. Hopefully she will be able to finish it up soon. :hug: But, for now, check out the bookmarks. :thumbsup2

Have fun!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WYATT!!!!! Love the smile to go with the shirt!!!:bday: party: :dancer: :rockband: :jumping1:
:clown: <---Hope the clown isnt scary! :laughing:

I love that shirt and he looks so happy. Oh and :bday: :joker: :woohoo: Happy Birthday to Wyatt!!!!

What a cute boy!!! The shirt looks great too, that was such a sweet thing for you to do!!!

Thanks everyone! I will show Wyatt all of your compliments and birthday wishes tonight. I know he will be thrilled. And no, he's not scard of clowns at all. :lmao:

I'm looking for a really easy and simple cupcake pattern to applique. I'm rubbish at drawing and my efforts are pretty pants!! I'm sure I've seen one on here somewhere but can't find it!!!

Thanks - Clare
Who prewashes fabric?
Sometimes I do and sometimes I dont, so far I havent really found it to make a big difference......

Boy it's so nice out....we are done sewing and lunch and are headed out to the playground and horsebackriding :thumbsup2 Have a great day~ one last pic....


This is darling!! It fits her perfectly too so it sounds like you have a knack for pattern making. :thumbsup2 I'm totally jealous of your nice weather. It's snowing again here. Hope you had a fun afternoon!

I talked to Barbara again this morning. She is so amazingly chipper, it's hard to believe! That's just sort of how she is though. She told me again, "Teresa....I AM going to Florida!" She told her doctor that too, and apparently, she seemed to think it was possible as well. So, I keep praying that she is ok, AND she gets to go with us!

She has lots of appointments next week, so hopefully things will start getting set up soon. I have to call about her Medicare for her today, to see what they will cover.

And, once again, I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers! I told Barbara about y'all and she seemd pretty impressed that you all cared about her so much too! :lovestruc :grouphug:

I don't think we've posted a picture of Barbara, and I always like to be able to picture what people look like, so here she is. This was on our last family trip to Florida in 2004. She's holding baby Tessa:


Thanks for the picture Teresa. You're right, it is nice to put a name with a face. I'm glad to hear that she is staying positive. That will go a long way in making her recovery more bearable.
I finished Tessa's Minnie Dot jumper today and one for her Build-A-Bear. This is the Simply Sweet Jumper from YCMT. I doubled the width of the fabric for the skirt so it would be fuller. I made the Minnie head with a "faux serged" ruffle that I sewed on in a spiral pattern.




This is for Luke :lovestruc
I hate to post my latest creation after that stunning Aurora gown but here goes.... I "designed" this myself by literally holding paper upto my DD and tracing where I wanted the fabric to be! I guessimated on the back since I knew I would be shirring it. I made it from Barbie sheets that I found on sale at a discount store (Marshalls? I think). The sheet fabric was very thin and I don't know that I would do it again. I lined it with white fabric. I want to make a twirl skirt or capris to go with it...I have a lot of fabric left! Plus I am making the other side of the pillowcase for my other DD! :laughing:




Is this pose taken???? If not can we call it the Devon??? ;)


Boy it's so nice out....we are done sewing and lunch and are headed out to the playground and horsebackriding :thumbsup2 Have a great day~ one last pic....



I'm looking for a really easy and simple cupcake pattern to applique. I'm rubbish at drawing and my efforts are pretty pants!! I'm sure I've seen one on here somewhere but can't find it!!!

Thanks - Clare

That is so cute! And you are a great pattern maker!

I just used my scanner/copier to copy DDs cupcake t-shirt. I often do that with actual fabric. Are you trying to match anything or just make a cupcake shape?
Who prewashes fabric?
Sometimes I do and sometimes I dont, so far I havent really found it to make a big difference......

Depends on how keen I am to start sewing!! I always used to prewashe but the last couple of times I haven't bothered and its not been a problem.

I just used my scanner/copier to copy DDs cupcake t-shirt. I often do that with actual fabric. Are you trying to match anything or just make a cupcake shape?

Grrrr DH promised to buy me a scanner for my birthday but I'm still waiting!!!! It will be going onto calico so it doesn't need to match up to anything - its just one of my bright ideas........
Who prewashes fabric?
Sometimes I do and sometimes I dont, so far I havent really found it to make a big difference......

My fabric usually doesn't shrink much, but I like the smell and feel of it a lot better if I wash it first.

I finished Tessa's Minnie Dot jumper today and one for her Build-A-Bear. This is the Simply Sweet Jumper from YCMT. I doubled the width of the fabric for the skirt so it would be fuller. I made the Minnie head with a "faux serged" ruffle that I sewed on in a spiral pattern.




This is for Luke :lovestruc

So cute! You have the most creative ideas! :idea: Love the pictures of Tessa! Especially the one for Luke! ;) I showed him and he acted silly and laughed. :confused3 He finally got his hair cut (wait, don't worry, I meant trimmed) today and is looking very handsome (in his pluto hockey jersey even).
Depends on how keen I am to start sewing!! I always used to prewashe but the last couple of times I haven't bothered and its not been a problem.

Grrrr DH promised to buy me a scanner for my birthday but I'm still waiting!!!! It will be going onto calico so it doesn't need to match up to anything - its just one of my bright ideas........

I will try to send it to you some time today. I just have to find it and scan it in again. I don't think I saved it. It was a cute cupcake though.

I'm looking for a really easy and simple cupcake pattern to applique. I'm rubbish at drawing and my efforts are pretty pants!! I'm sure I've seen one on here somewhere but can't find it!!!

Thanks - Clare

Here is the link to the one I used for DS's birthday shirt.


And here is another non-birthday one that I thought was cute.


I just Googled cupcake clipart in images.
I finished Tessa's Minnie Dot jumper today and one for her Build-A-Bear. This is the Simply Sweet Jumper from YCMT. I doubled the width of the fabric for the skirt so it would be fuller. I made the Minnie head with a "faux serged" ruffle that I sewed on in a spiral pattern.




This is for Luke :lovestruc

Oh, I LOVE it!! That black fabric is great and I love how you did the Mickey head. It totally fits the style of the dress. You GO, Heather!! :woohoo:
I finished Tessa's Minnie Dot jumper today and one for her Build-A-Bear. This is the Simply Sweet Jumper from YCMT. I doubled the width of the fabric for the skirt so it would be fuller. I made the Minnie head with a "faux serged" ruffle that I sewed on in a spiral pattern.




This is for Luke :lovestruc

That is SOOOOO cute Heather!!! That spiral Minnie head turned out great!!!! I feel some CASEing coming on!!! MAN! Tessa has got some LOOOONG legs!!!

I love the heart for Luke!!!

Will we be seeing you guys tonight?
My fabric usually doesn't shrink much, but I like the smell and feel of it a lot better if I wash it first.

So cute! You have the most creative ideas! :idea: Love the pictures of Tessa! Especially the one for Luke! ;) I showed him and he acted silly and laughed. :confused3 He finally got his hair cut (wait, don't worry, I meant trimmed) today and is looking very handsome (in his pluto hockey jersey even).

We need a picture of Luke and his trimmed hair!

I didn't use to wash my fabric first before finding this thread, but now I do!
I finished Tessa's Minnie Dot jumper today and one for her Build-A-Bear. This is the Simply Sweet Jumper from YCMT. I doubled the width of the fabric for the skirt so it would be fuller. I made the Minnie head with a "faux serged" ruffle that I sewed on in a spiral pattern.



This is for Luke :lovestruc

Oh thats it, now you've done it! Now I HAVE to have that Minnie Dot fabric!!
and the bunny's dress is too cute. I really like that pattern. So you just doubled up on the fabric for the skirt to make it more full- I'll have to remember that. I havent done this type of pattern yet- but I really like it!
so do you wash by hand or machine?
when I did my last quilt I did it all by hand and then hung to dry- try to imagine 26 1/4yards dangling from every nook and cranny of a house....

but when I have machine washed I dont always like how it frays the edges, gets knotted, and twists and then requires pressing before cutting....

machine wash or hand wash?
Ok, I finally have couple things to share. Here's the dress that I made dd for dinner at Ohana.


Finally, the sleeping beauty gown that I have been working on forever! It is not perfect, but I am quite happy with how it turned out despite the messy seams on the inside! I am not sure if I want to attempt anything like that again!!!




and this one so ds doesn't get left out!

LOVE the dresses!!! The Ohana dress is SO cute!! Did you get the pattern from YCMT.com? I am trying to make a dress like that for my step daughter and myself. She wants to "match"! The pattern looks really familiar! I love dresses like that!!

The sleeping beauty dress really turned out great!!! You should be proud!! Your babies are too beautiful!!!

Believe me... you will absolutely not have time to be afraid of giving birth. I goes by so fast that it is almost sad. Besides after, you will think "well, that wasn't so bad." :lmao: While I was in labor with my first I was like "I am never doing this again!" And almost immediately after, I ws like "well that was worth it, it wasn't as bad as I thought." :). LOL, at your Mom. That is cute.

I HOPE that's how I will be. I'm just a neurotic mess is my problem. I'd want to have my baby at home, away from hospital smells and needles...my DH says NO WAY. Of course it SO isn't up to him. Silly husband! My mom had all three of us without a lick of medication. She just kept saying "This too shall pass"...and it did. She's a tough lady!!

I could probably worry myself out of anything if I tried!!!:lmao:

i like dogs.

so do you wash by hand or machine?
when I did my last quilt I did it all by hand and then hung to dry- try to imagine 26 1/4yards dangling from every nook and cranny of a house....

but when I have machine washed I dont always like how it frays the edges, gets knotted, and twists and then requires pressing before cutting....

machine wash or hand wash?

Machine wash - definately! And I dry it too - I want to be able to dry the final creation so I figure I want it to shrink before I put all the time into it. I also hate the frayed edges but just buy enough fabric to cut it all off in the end. I know some people zigzag or serge their edges before washing - but that seems like too much work for me. :)
I hope you're feeling better today! I love the Monkey outfit and the Tink outfit with the purse are too cute!!! Megan looks adorable, as usual!

dear aunt Heather ;)
I really like this fabrinic :bride: I thought the Peter Pan flying off to never land with Wendy and her brothers on the front was cute

It took me a couple of min. to finish this because we're watching Enchanted sorry getting on the wrong

My little Arminda Sue!!!! I didn't know you had your own account! How cool is that? I'm so glad you like the Peter Pan outfit!! Have fun watching Enchanted. I love you, my little Sue girl! :lovestruc :love:

These are so sweet!!

Sally is nothing if not consistent! She watched a very odd movie this weekend called The Last Mimzy...she was pretty horrified when Raine Wilson (of The Office fame) waltzed through a scene in his Pj top and underpants! Not even boxers...tightie white-ys!:rotfl2: I believe her quote was,

"Doesn't he know the rule about being dressed in the kitchen?!" (that would a rule I grew up with...no shirts off in the kitchen...Sally is now including pants...they must be ON to be in the kitchen!) I find it HILARIOUS that she believes that MY rules extend to the rest of the world.
:rotfl: I think the pants in the kitchen rule would be a fine rule for the whole world to follow!:rotfl2: I just started reading your trip report yesterday and I'm LOVING it!

You've been holding out on us!!! These are all so FANTASTIC!! I love the Dalmation outfit, the Cruella outfit, the Snow White outfit, the Cinderella coach shirt, I love it all!!!!!


WOW!! I'm trying to decide if I want ONE of my own! I'm sure y'all always have something going on!!! I'll bet your Disney trip is going to be BUSY and a lot of fun!!

I've got that baby bug...but i'm also a worry wart...and afraid of giving birth.

My mother says that being a "wee chicken" is NOT an excuse to deprive her of grandchildren!

we'll see!
I was askeered to have a baby after watching Teresa in labor with Corey for forever and a day. But, my labors were really pretty easy! So, go ahead and have a baby! :thumbsup2
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