Disboutiquers Part 24 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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Popping in to say hi before I head out for the day. We're off to Sesame Street Live, so of course Katie has a new outfit to wear. Originally I'd planned on her wearing a solid pink top, but the blue tank arrived yesterday and was just the perfect shade of Cookie Monster blue that I couldn't resist.

The cookie monsters shirt is perfect. I love that skirt, the colors are great.

Last night, hubby and I did some talking. He is not yet 100% on board with the homeschooling idea, but he is warming up to it.

He even said that if we decide to visit Disney in September we wouldn't have to take her out of school....

This is the first time he has spoken positively about a September return to Disney. I was really surprised. Of course, I promised him that I would not require them to wear matching shirts if we go back in Sept....

Glad that your DH is warming up to the idea. He was probably just surprised by the switch back to homeschooling. As for the Sept. trip - yeah. He didn't so no to coordinating shirts did he?

Hi all, wow I made it on page 3, not to bad for my first move!!!

love the heart outfit, she could definately wear it again!
and the cookie monster outfit it too dang cute....we took Megan to that show when she was 2, she danced the whole night!!!

we are off to CO, see you all on Tuesday when we get home!!!
have a great weekend all!!!
Have fun in CO.

I'm here and miracle of miracles--I slept in this morning! I had expected a really rough night because I got Lucy dog a new sister yesterday. Her name is Katy and she is an 8 month old solid black cat. Katy is small for her age, so she is just an inch taller than Lucy and the same length.

I thought we might have a long introduction period and we didn't! They took to each other right away! Lucy is licking Katy instead of biting her (hoping she isn't just checking out how she tastes!) Katy is putting up with all the licking. They have each eaten the other's food and Katy is using her litter box (which I put in my bedroom closed off with a gate to give her a place to escape to if she needs it.)

She had already been spayed when I got her. Her former family had 2 dogs and they were being transfered over seas and couldn't take her with them.

So now my family of 3 females is complete!
How exciting. Congrats on the new cat. She is very pretty.

I stopped by my local quilt shop this morning, after baking rainbow cupcakes for Megan's school's bake sale.

Boy she (the shop) is getting expensive! I know batiks are often more expensive- but it's crazy! I got a yo-yo maker, a package of golden eye needles, 1 yard of this reef print and 2 yards of batik and it was $40!
I was going to do a reversible batik A-line, but for that price, I am going to back them with muslin and make them individual dresses (easier for wear too if one gets dirty)

Still no sewing machine though! It's been almost 2 weeks. I do not like it. Hope its ready by tomorrow!
2 dresses are better then one anyway. Hope you get your machine back soon.

I made it too...although I haven't posted in weeks! :rolleyes1

LOVE the cookie monster and valentine outfits...so cute!

So - we are 7 days from departure. SO excited! I feel like I need to make MORE things (as if 1 custom a day isn't enough.) :laughing:

Just wanted to share DS5's 100th day of school shirt I made last night...complete with 100 fabric Mickey heads. Ugh. What a task!


and the Fonzie pose (I swear, I never taught him that. He's just SUCH a ham!)
This shirt is awesome. I love the Fonzie pose. Your DS is a cutie.

I have to go back and catch up on the new thread so far (and finish the old one) but wanting to post my exciting news. I got my bonus from work to day and it was more than I was expecting since I wasn't sure how to account for my maternity leave and coming back only part time when I calculated it...anyway, I am finally getting a serger!!!:cool1::cool1:

I tried a while ago to get the Brother 1034D and had 2 lemons in a row that both broke in different ways before I could even use them. When I went in to the Brother dealer to talk to them about it before I sent the 2nd one back, they convinced me to save for the 3034D as it is made more sturdily. Life got in the way and I never went back and got it...but DH is going to buy me one on his way home tonight!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:
Congrats on your bonus and your new machine.

Very cute idea! I love it.

The Valentine's outfit was cute and definitely year-round wear.

Love the Cookie Monster outfit too. Yes, that blue was just sreaming for a Cookie Monster face.

Probably most of you don't know me, I have been lurking or absent for a long time. I am going to try and keep up better on the latest thread. I am just starting to get sewing again. I broke my (sewing) foot 5 days before Christmas and had surgery in January. I am finally getting to the point where I can get around enough to get to my craft room and sew. I am still on crutches and not allowed to bear any weight on the broken foot so navigating my cluttered craft room is an adventure to say the least. Over the past several days I have managed to cut out skirts for DD and her AG doll. I'm making them Dr. Suess outfits for Dr. Seuss' birthday. At this rate I'm not sure I'll get done in time! I'm keeping it pretty simply so I have hope. My next project is getting a chair up next to the ironing board so I can kneel on it to iron. I had no idea so many things would be so darn difficult when I broke my foot!!! But I'm happy to be (almost) sewing again!
Glad you are getting back to normal. Can't wait to see what you make.
Hi, I'm working on some stuff for Kade's Big Give and his mom had seen a pirate inspired outfit that had denim shorts that were frayed with some appliques on them. I searched a bit and couldn't seem to find what she was referring to. Does anyone know remember seeing a similar outfit? TIA
Boy Oh Boy do I have good news! I must say, all the prayers must have worked! I got an email this morning that my Aunt's biopsy results came back and she does not have cancer!:banana::banana::banana: She has Sarcoidosis, which can be serious, but she is happier with the outlook this has than the cancer, as is her DR. So, she still needs prayers but the joy of not facing cancer for her is such a blessing! She feels a lot better! Again, I always love the support you guys offer! I could not ask for a better group of friends!:grouphug:
Boy Oh Boy do I have good news! I must say, all the prayers must have worked! I got an email this morning that my Aunt's biopsy results came back and she does not have cancer!:banana::banana::banana: She has Sarcoidosis, which can be serious, but she is happier with the outlook this has than the cancer, as is her DR. So, she still needs prayers but the joy of not facing cancer for her is such a blessing! She feels a lot better! Again, I always love the support you guys offer! I could not ask for a better group of friends!:grouphug:

So glad she got good news!!! prayer definitely works!:grouphug:

Great outfit!
Boy Oh Boy do I have good news! I must say, all the prayers must have worked! I got an email this morning that my Aunt's biopsy results came back and she does not have cancer!:banana::banana::banana: She has Sarcoidosis, which can be serious, but she is happier with the outlook this has than the cancer, as is her DR. So, she still needs prayers but the joy of not facing cancer for her is such a blessing! She feels a lot better! Again, I always love the support you guys offer! I could not ask for a better group of friends!:grouphug:

That is awesome news! She'll be in my prayers!

Thanks to everyone for suggesting Digital by Design. I'm off to search right now!
Okay waited and waited last night to make the move. Missed it. Had errands this morning and now I am on page 6 I am a LOSER.

I will post on the Big Give board too. A ways back someone posted that one of the wish kids wanted to be showered with suckers. I am currently so busy with school and kids that I have not been able to sign up to make something but I can send suckers and some pixie dust. Will someone please PM me with the address and I will send them out ASAP.
Boy Oh Boy do I have good news! I must say, all the prayers must have worked! I got an email this morning that my Aunt's biopsy results came back and she does not have cancer!:banana::banana::banana: She has Sarcoidosis, which can be serious, but she is happier with the outlook this has than the cancer, as is her DR. So, she still needs prayers but the joy of not facing cancer for her is such a blessing! She feels a lot better! Again, I always love the support you guys offer! I could not ask for a better group of friends!:grouphug:

Fantastic news! What a relief! And yes...prayers definitely work!
I missed the start of the thread by about 40 minutes last night. Now I'm on page 6!
Subbing back in, everything looks great. We are heading to Charlotte NC this weekend to pick up our new miniature schnauzer puppy. I will post some picks, I think I have computer issues solved at home, only took totally canceling the internet service and starting with a new provider. UGH Working on some bibs for Kade's give this week.:thumbsup2

and the Fonzie pose (I swear, I never taught him that. He's just SUCH a ham!)

LOVE IT!! How did you make all those Mickeys!?

Since I already made it to page one I decided to be a real thread hog (think this might appear on page 2) and be the first to post a photo.

This was another Valentine shirt I made for dd. You can see how terribly enthusiastic she was in posing for this one :confused3


The jeans have hearts all over them, but those came from Target. And she only wore this once b/f VD b/c she was out sick a couple of days. Do you think it's too Valentinesy or can she wear it any ol' day?

I think any ol' day!! That's too cute to wear only once!
Since I already made it to page one I decided to be a real thread hog (think this might appear on page 2) and be the first to post a photo.

This was another Valentine shirt I made for dd. You can see how terribly enthusiastic she was in posing for this one :confused3


The jeans have hearts all over them, but those came from Target. And she only wore this once b/f VD b/c she was out sick a couple of days. Do you think it's too Valentinesy or can she wear it any ol' day?

this is adorable and my almost 5yr old approves and didn't say anything about "valentines day" so I know she thought it was just a pretty top since she just asked me to make one

Wed night I was trying to fix our dining room table and I tilted my head to look to see if I'd solved the problem and we have these chairs (which I hate) that have a "wing" type back with wood that sticks out- anyway I tilted my head right into the wood and it got me right behind my temple. I wasn't much force, but boy it hurt.
Yesterday I didn't think too much of it, but today I can't bend over to pick anything up with out a screaming headache and a weird achey headache that happens randomly during the day. Didn't do much today because of it, normally I would have wanted to get the house cleaned up and laundry put away in prep for the weekend.
Does anyone know about this stuff at all?
Its sort of like a ice cream headache sometimes.
I just left Walmart and they had a bunch of party favors on sale.

I got 12 20 page Activity books (fit nicely in pocket or bag for long lines or long car trip), 4 mini paint sets with paint brushes and 2 spirograph sets all for 1.00!

I know lots of time people want to send things for the Big Gives, but they don't sew-these things would be great for extra pixie dust!
Yeah on your first move, glad you are with us.

I'm here and miracle of miracles--I slept in this morning! I had expected a really rough night because I got Lucy dog a new sister yesterday. Her name is Katy and she is an 8 month old solid black cat. Katy is small for her age, so she is just an inch taller than Lucy and the same length.
She is a beauty! We also just got a cat. We had to get a kitten so he would know from the beginning not to use his claws on the dog. We have a pug who has big eyes and we were afraid he would hurt her. So far he is a pretty frisky cat. I despise him, but that's only because I hate cats ;)

Boy she (the shop) is getting expensive! I know batiks are often more expensive- but it's crazy! I got a yo-yo maker, a package of golden eye needles, 1 yard of this reef print and 2 yards of batik and it was $40!

Still no sewing machine though! It's been almost 2 weeks. I do not like it. Hope its ready by tomorrow!
I went to the sewing shop here last night. I was shocked at the prices because we have a very large cloth store that is far more reasonable. I hope your machine is ready soon!

We see a pediatric neurologist once a year but I need more answers. I swear the kid has huge sensory issues and possibly appraxia so I just pray this helps.

I am also hoping for a cancellation so we can go earlier.
good luck, I really hope you get an earlier appointment and answers.

Just wanted to share DS5's 100th day of school shirt I made last night...complete with 100 fabric Mickey heads. Ugh. What a task!

Love the shirt and the dedication to make 100 Mickeys. What an undertaking.

I have to go back and catch up on the new thread so far (and finish the old one) but wanting to post my exciting news. I got my bonus from work to day and it was more than I was expecting since I wasn't sure how to account for my maternity leave and coming back only part time when I calculated it...anyway, I am finally getting a serger!!!:cool1::cool1:

I tried a while ago to get the Brother 1034D and had 2 lemons in a row that both broke in different ways before I could even use them. When I went in to the Brother dealer to talk to them about it before I sent the 2nd one back, they convinced me to save for the 3034D as it is made more sturdily. Life got in the way and I never went back and got it...but DH is going to buy me one on his way home tonight!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

Awesome! :banana::banana::banana:

Probably most of you don't know me, I have been lurking or absent for a long time. I am going to try and keep up better on the latest thread. I am just starting to get sewing again. I broke my (sewing) foot 5 days before Christmas and had surgery in January. I am finally getting to the point where I can get around enough to get to my craft room and sew. I am still on crutches and not allowed to bear any weight on the broken foot so navigating my cluttered craft room is an adventure to say the least. Over the past several days I have managed to cut out skirts for DD and her AG doll. I'm making them Dr. Suess outfits for Dr. Seuss' birthday. At this rate I'm not sure I'll get done in time! I'm keeping it pretty simply so I have hope. My next project is getting a chair up next to the ironing board so I can kneel on it to iron. I had no idea so many things would be so darn difficult when I broke my foot!!! But I'm happy to be (almost) sewing again!

Hugs! I have a sewing foot injury too. It is no fun at all.

Boy Oh Boy do I have good news! I must say, all the prayers must have worked! I got an email this morning that my Aunt's biopsy results came back and she does not have cancer!:banana::banana::banana: She has Sarcoidosis, which can be serious, but she is happier with the outlook this has than the cancer, as is her DR. So, she still needs prayers but the joy of not facing cancer for her is such a blessing! She feels a lot better! Again, I always love the support you guys offer! I could not ask for a better group of friends!:grouphug:


Subbing back in, everything looks great. We are heading to Charlotte NC this weekend to pick up our new miniature schnauzer puppy. I will post some picks, I think I have computer issues solved at home, only took totally canceling the internet service and starting with a new provider. UGH Working on some bibs for Kade's give this week.:thumbsup2

I live very close to Charlotte! I can't wait to see pics of the new pup.

We have been outside all day trying to put the kids' swing set together. It is ridiculous how many pieces there are. Tomorrow will be day two of the build
page 7!! Wow, I need to get with the program! I'm so exicted I have something to show! My daughters class didn't have their Valentine's party until today so I took pics of them wearing their vday outfits that I made! :) Not really sure what kind of pose my oldest is striking! But my youngest was so excited to have something made by mommy! Not sure I'll ever take apart a pair of jeans again. They came out cute...but they were a pain!


Thanks for letting me share!
Last night, hubby and I did some talking. He is not yet 100% on board with the homeschooling idea, but he is warming up to it.

He even said that if we decide to visit Disney in September we wouldn't have to take her out of school....

This is the first time he has spoken positively about a September return to Disney. I was really surprised. Of course, I promised him that I would not require them to wear matching shirts if we go back in Sept....


Hey Nini - what about Homeschool Days at Disney?????!!!!!!!! Those ticket prices are great, and there are even special classes!!!!! Im not positive, but I think its the beginning of October this year though.......???

I have been looking for more answers with my son who has PDD-NOS I know there is something else going on well a friend of mine gave me the name of a Developmental Peditrician and I made an appointment for July :eek: I just hope the wait will give us some additional answers.

We see a pediatric neurologist once a year but I need more answers. I swear the kid has huge sensory issues and possibly appraxia so I just pray this helps.

I am also hoping for a cancellation so we can go earlier.

I am feeling grateful this morning my uncle who is DS's godfather offered to watch him so I can go to my mixed media workshop in April with my Mom, Aunt and cousin since DH has to work part of the time. My sister offered to take DD 9 and run her to lessons so in May I get to go away to Charlotte. Good thing DS loves to fly though he will be crabby when he realizes he isn't at Disney.:rotfl2:

I love our Dev Ped's here at duPont. They really look at the whole child - not just their brain or bones or skin, you know? Also, ask your OT if you can do a sensory profile with them for your little guy. I think you will get more info on sensory processing from an OT than either of the docs......

ok, i forgot to ask this question while making the move over here, but last night I was working on one of heathersue's cindy cutie t-shirt and got 2/3 of the way done and all of a sudden my satin stitch was showing up as the white thread in my bobbin and the blue thread in the needle did not show up anywhere???:confused3:confused3:confused3

what the heck happened and how do I fix it? I have a brother 750D in case that matters on the answer, but this made me so confused I just stopped until I can figure it out!

thanks in advance for any possible answer.

Whenever that happens to me, its usually that the bobbin has gotten real low or that its not seated properly.

Here is Katy.

I interrupted her gooming by calling her name and caught her just as she looked up.

Awww - pretty kitty - I'd love to see a picture of all 3 girls!!!!!

Okay - how cute is LIAM!!! and that cookie face!!!!!!!:wizard::3dglasses

ITS THE WEEKEND!!!!:woohoo:
I have to go back and catch up on the new thread so far (and finish the old one) but wanting to post my exciting news. I got my bonus from work to day and it was more than I was expecting since I wasn't sure how to account for my maternity leave and coming back only part time when I calculated it...anyway, I am finally getting a serger!!!:cool1::cool1:

I tried a while ago to get the Brother 1034D and had 2 lemons in a row that both broke in different ways before I could even use them. When I went in to the Brother dealer to talk to them about it before I sent the 2nd one back, they convinced me to save for the 3034D as it is made more sturdily. Life got in the way and I never went back and got it...but DH is going to buy me one on his way home tonight!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

That is awesome! I got a nice fat bonus last fall and it went to pay for a root canal and a crown for my 21-year-old because he wasn't a student at the time.
Here is Katy.

I interrupted her gooming by calling her name and caught her just as she looked up.

She's beautiful. I love black cats. I have 2 now and 2 before them. For some reason, I think black cats seem to have the shinest coats. My Boo, has the prettiest copper eyes. He is a true scariedy cat!! Runs and hides at the least noise. He won't even let me pick him up.
Thank you so much everyone. I am feeling better now that the appointment is made and we have decided on our direction.

This weekend is all about packing Glo's Give
Finishing Taylors Give and
Finishing Korissa's Give

and if I am feeling really energetic finishing Elliots give.

off to check on my kiddos.
I have been looking for more answers with my son who has PDD-NOS I know there is something else going on well a friend of mine gave me the name of a Developmental Peditrician and I made an appointment for July :eek: I just hope the wait will give us some additional answers.

We see a pediatric neurologist once a year but I need more answers. I swear the kid has huge sensory issues and possibly appraxia so I just pray this helps.

I am also hoping for a cancellation so we can go earlier.

I am feeling grateful this morning my uncle who is DS's godfather offered to watch him so I can go to my mixed media workshop in April with my Mom, Aunt and cousin since DH has to work part of the time. My sister offered to take DD 9 and run her to lessons so in May I get to go away to Charlotte. Good thing DS loves to fly though he will be crabby when he realizes he isn't at Disney.:rotfl2:
I am sorry that you are having to deal with aspie/autism like symptoms. Find a good ped. psy who can give you a proper evaluation. Sometimes, if you apply for a State waiver they will pay for the eval to determine if your DS can get services. You are so lucky to have such wonderful Godparents. DS's Godparents are the only people we allow to watch him overnite. We are so blessed to have them.
Here is Katy.

I interrupted her gooming by calling her name and caught her just as she looked up.
She is too cute. I love black cats.

So - we are 7 days from departure. SO excited! I feel like I need to make MORE things (as if 1 custom a day isn't enough.) :laughing:

Just wanted to share DS5's 100th day of school shirt I made last night...complete with 100 fabric Mickey heads. Ugh. What a task!


and the Fonzie pose (I swear, I never taught him that. He's just SUCH a ham!)
How cute is that outfit. He isn't a ham he is handsome! We also leave in a week, where are you staying?

Boy Oh Boy do I have good news! I must say, all the prayers must have worked! I got an email this morning that my Aunt's biopsy results came back and she does not have cancer!:banana::banana::banana: She has Sarcoidosis, which can be serious, but she is happier with the outlook this has than the cancer, as is her DR. So, she still needs prayers but the joy of not facing cancer for her is such a blessing! She feels a lot better! Again, I always love the support you guys offer! I could not ask for a better group of friends!:grouphug:
I am so happy for your aunt. Praise be to God.

this is adorable and my almost 5yr old approves and didn't say anything about "valentines day" so I know she thought it was just a pretty top since she just asked me to make one

Wed night I was trying to fix our dining room table and I tilted my head to look to see if I'd solved the problem and we have these chairs (which I hate) that have a "wing" type back with wood that sticks out- anyway I tilted my head right into the wood and it got me right behind my temple. I wasn't much force, but boy it hurt.
Yesterday I didn't think too much of it, but today I can't bend over to pick anything up with out a screaming headache and a weird achey headache that happens randomly during the day. Didn't do much today because of it, normally I would have wanted to get the house cleaned up and laundry put away in prep for the weekend.
Does anyone know about this stuff at all?
Its sort of like a ice cream headache sometimes.
Yes, I do know all to well but mine is from a TBI. So if you did hit your head and bump the brain it needs time to heal. This can take up to a week easily. Don't bend over and do check your brain each day by doing a skill and see how it comes out. I type first thing to see if my brain is work well enough. Also, take something for the pain. If it doesn't go away, go see a neurologist.

page 7!! Wow, I need to get with the program! I'm so exicted I have something to show! My daughters class didn't have their Valentine's party until today so I took pics of them wearing their vday outfits that I made! :) Not really sure what kind of pose my oldest is striking! But my youngest was so excited to have something made by mommy! Not sure I'll ever take apart a pair of jeans again. They came out cute...but they were a pain!


Thanks for letting me share!
Those Jeans are so cute. Was it hard to take them apart? Love the entire loving outfits.
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