Disboutiquers Part 21 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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Just curious do most of you ladies own Brother 60-stitch CS6000i Computerized Sewing Machine found at walmart for 147.54 ? Would you considered this a good starter machine? Never sewn before but would like to give it a try and see where it goes.

Without running upstairs to check, I think that is the machine I have. I've had it for a few years [I paid closer to $200 I think], and I LOVE IT!!!! Seriously, it's an amazing machine!!
Hey guys!
I keep getting on here to look at all of the cuteness. Then, I don't get a chance to post anything before I'm off doing something else. So, I just wanted to post a :wave: and a big :hug: to all of you!
I miss chatting with you!

:wave: Hi!!! Boy, it seems like I just saw you a few hours ago...
ok so I got 3 done I think they turned out great :confused3 but what do I know? I am knew to this whole bow making , clothes making boutique stuff :D

Getting ready to start:


They turned out great! Very pretty!
Thank you for the compliment, Teresa. I am wearing this blouse for the photo; I think they coordinate nicely :)


My mom still has to make hers--a long sleeve tunic similar to my blouse in the same fabric but coral in color.

You guys are going to look so pretty! Will you share the picture here after you have it taken?

Help! Another Embroidery machine question!- To buy, or not to buy, that is the question...

OK, sorry I've been lurking so much lately, but things have been absolutely nuts. I stopped into my local brother shop today and they are announcing they are closing after 12 years- (my yarn shop closed last month too-ugh, the economy) Anyway, after I cried with them, I looked at a couple of the machines they're liquidating.

I'm considering a 2800D- they'll sell it for 3000 all in, and another local dealer will service it if needed, but they'll go over it thouroghly first. FWIW, the other dealer offered a best price of $4499 for it. I know others have gotten their machines cheaper in other parts of the county, and I don't know why TX is more expensive, but everyone I've talked to who's bought machines has noted they're more here.

We still have debt to pay off, but we're much more sound than we were, and my mom has offered to pay half- we have cash to cover the rest.

WWYD? I'm driving myself nuts (oh, and my birthday's in a couple of days- I've been trying to come up with something I want, but there's nothing else, and hasn't been for a year- so part of me says why should everyone waste money on something I don't want or need?- I was starting to save up for a 4500, because I'd love the jump stitch cutting, but I really think I can live without it and be pretty ok with it. The main thing I'm really wanting is a 6x10 hoop and the ability to edit designs together within the machine.

All comments are appreciated- They only have one left, and when it's gone, its gone- I'm going in at 10am tomorrow for a quick 1:1 update class on shirring/ruffling with my serger, so it would be the perfect time to get it if I decide to go forward.

Do you have an emergency money fund? If you do and still have the cash to pay for it, I would go for it. Otherwise, I would wait until you have your emergency fund in place. Even with your Mom paying half, that is a lot of money.
Has anyone ever shipped a package (dress) to Australia? I have someone that wants me to make them a dress...but the shipping looks to be enormous...I got a quick quote on over a hundred dollars! That can't be right...can it?

1. I have a basic janome serger and have been very happy with it, but I don't have any sewing machines from them. My mom does and she is happy with the sewing maching, but I don't know what model it is. I know it isn't an embroidery machine.

2. I do think the portrait peasant would work for a boy's pirate shirt.

I have a Janome Model #2010. I just got it in January but I love it. It has 50 stitches plus a button hole maker (which I love). It comes with several different foot options but I recently bought an additional "rolled hem" foot which is fantastic. It makes my life so much easier since I do sooooo many ruffles.

And yes, the Portrait peasant should work for a pirate shirt.

I have a Janome sewing machine. I have had it since March 2009. I really like it, much better than the really cheap Singer I had for the two years prior.

Thanks so much for your help ladies!
Has anyone ever shipped a package (dress) to Australia? I have someone that wants me to make them a dress...but the shipping looks to be enormous...I got a quick quote on over a hundred dollars! That can't be right...can it?


Just be very careful and do NOT cave and go first class to save your customer money. I was back and forth on sending $200 worth of dresses to Australia. The customer begged for me to go first class so I did. WRONG choice and last time. FOUR MONTHS later I had my first chargeback through Paypal and I was defenseless. You MUST have a tracking number to be able to protect yourself.

And if her name is Leah, and she has a daughter named April..... don't do it under any circumstances. I believe she has done this more than once.
Heads up if you placed an order with Joanne's within the last week online.

They are having a system glitch (how they explained it) and had sent payment transactions through for a second time. So check your credit/debit card accounts to see if you got charged again.

I placed my order last weekend, was charged on Wed, and re-charged yesterday.

And, I still don't have my fabric - I usually get it much quicker than this but still no goods... :confused3

The rep said it will be corrected on Monday.
Just curious do most of you ladies own Brother 60-stitch CS6000i Computerized Sewing Machine found at walmart for 147.54 ? Would you considered this a good starter machine? Never sewn before but would like to give it a try and see where it goes.

I have that machine and LOVE it! I bought it last summer and it is very user friendly. i didn't know how to sew until last summer when i found this thread and carla c's patterns and now I make all kinds of things. I just haven't posted any of my outfits in awhile. I need to get around to that sometime. I have a ton to post!
Help! Another Embroidery machine question!- To buy, or not to buy, that is the question...

OK, sorry I've been lurking so much lately, but things have been absolutely nuts. I stopped into my local brother shop today and they are announcing they are closing after 12 years- (my yarn shop closed last month too-ugh, the economy) Anyway, after I cried with them, I looked at a couple of the machines they're liquidating.

I'm considering a 2800D- they'll sell it for 3000 all in, and another local dealer will service it if needed, but they'll go over it thouroghly first. FWIW, the other dealer offered a best price of $4499 for it. I know others have gotten their machines cheaper in other parts of the county, and I don't know why TX is more expensive, but everyone I've talked to who's bought machines has noted they're more here.

We still have debt to pay off, but we're much more sound than we were, and my mom has offered to pay half- we have cash to cover the rest.

WWYD? I'm driving myself nuts (oh, and my birthday's in a couple of days- I've been trying to come up with something I want, but there's nothing else, and hasn't been for a year- so part of me says why should everyone waste money on something I don't want or need?- I was starting to save up for a 4500, because I'd love the jump stitch cutting, but I really think I can live without it and be pretty ok with it. The main thing I'm really wanting is a 6x10 hoop and the ability to edit designs together within the machine.

All comments are appreciated- They only have one left, and when it's gone, its gone- I'm going in at 10am tomorrow for a quick 1:1 update class on shirring/ruffling with my serger, so it would be the perfect time to get it if I decide to go forward.

I know that you won't like this but I have to agree that unless you have the cash in hand the answer is no. We live by the rules set by Dave Ramsey and following the steps. After several years I am finally out of debt and only purchase when I know I have the cash.

Has anyone ever shipped a package (dress) to Australia? I have someone that wants me to make them a dress...but the shipping looks to be enormous...I got a quick quote on over a hundred dollars! That can't be right...can it?

Nini, I know there is international flat rate packages but still very expensive. Please be very careful and don't get burned.
I know that you won't like this but I have to agree that unless you have the cash in hand the answer is no. We live by the rules set by Dave Ramsey and following the steps. After several years I am finally out of debt and only purchase when I know I have the cash.

Thanks April and Teresa- you confirmed what I knew in my heart- it would have depleted our emergency fund quite a bit, but not completely- but since we're still paying down debt it would have still felt like borrowing; and I knew it wasn't right. So we told them today we weren't going to get it. I know someone will love it and give it a good home. Hopeflly you won't mind that once a year or so I agonize over it again LOL.
Hi everyone, i am not new to the DIS, but new to sewing! I have self taught myself recently, and just completed my first 2 tank tops (pattern from YCMT) for our upcoming long disney weekend (we leave Thurs!) thought i would share!

This one is mine - (i also have a matching purse!)

This one is for DD9 - did the XXS jr. size on the pattern, and we are staying at AKL, so DD picked this fabric.. I am also going to be doing a matching one for her AG doll. :)

Please excuse the quality of the pics, i took them on my iphone..

Hope to learn lots here - can't wait to do more tops for our Nov. Disney trip!!!
Please forgive me:worship: I have been on this computer all day yesterday looking up information, getting pm's, sending pm's and trying to keep it all straight. These 40 yr old eyes are starting to act up. ;)

LOL it is all good. you are forgiven 100 times over :hug:LOL I know how it is this is me today :surfweb:
LOL it is all good. you are forgiven 100 times over :hug:LOL I know how it is this is me today :surfweb:

Hey Josette, I want to try my hand at making a pillowcase dress. How do I look it up from the website "You could make this"?

Also I went to walmart earlier and seen that they had a Brother sewing machine for 79.00 Is there a big difference in that one versus the 149.00 Brother sewing machine that has 60-stitch and computerized?
Hey Josette, I want to try my hand at making a pillowcase dress. How do I look it up from the website "You could make this"?

Also I went to walmart earlier and seen that they had a Brother sewing machine for 79.00 Is there a big difference in that one versus the 149.00 Brother sewing machine that has 60-stitch and computerized?

click here:
This will give you a listing of all the pillow case dresses. what ever you want to find just type it into the search bar on the website.

the 79.00 brother is what I have its the LX-3125 I would say if you want all the fancy stitches go with the computerized one. this one basically has a zig zag stitch, a hem stitch, a straight stitch and it will do button holes. that is it. I would love to have an embroider/sewing machine but it was not in the budget when I got mine. Maybe Santa will answer my wishes. Good luck with what ever you choose. I have done a few appliques with my machine by hand but nothing with great detail like these other ladies have done I am so envious of their talent and patience :worship:
Hey Josette, I want to try my hand at making a pillowcase dress. How do I look it up from the website "You could make this"?

Also I went to walmart earlier and seen that they had a Brother sewing machine for 79.00 Is there a big difference in that one versus the 149.00 Brother sewing machine that has 60-stitch and computerized?

I'm not Josette, but I thought I would let you know that there are tons of free instructions on line for making pillow case dresses.

This one came from the bookmarks:

And here is one I have saved for reference:

You do not need to spend the money on a pattern for these. If you google pillowcase dress instructions chances are you will find tons of free information on line.

These are patterns on YCMT, but again, why spend the money on a pattern when you can get the same information for free.
http://www.youcanmakethis.com/index.htm?cnx_tpage=info&info=product-search&siteterms=pillowcase dress
I'm not Josette, but I thought I would let you know that there are tons of free instructions on line for making pillow case dresses.

This one came from the bookmarks:

And here is one I have saved for reference:

You do not need to spend the money on a pattern for these. If you google pillowcase dress instructions chances are you will find tons of free information on line.

These are patterns on YCMT, but again, why spend the money on a pattern when you can get the same information for free.
http://www.youcanmakethis.com/index.htm?cnx_tpage=info&info=product-search&siteterms=pillowcase dress

WOW!!! Thanks Andrea, I really like the freshly picked website. I think i'll take my time and go through this one. One question though can I just use some cute fabric instead of an actually pillowcase?
I love all of the beautiful dresses that have been posted lately! Someday I will learn how to do ruffles!

I have made several pillowcase dresses and pillowcase tops lately, but I keep forgetting to have the girls stop long enough to take their photos. Tyler also has some new Cars shorts with pockets that he loves.

Here is Hayley building a UFO at Lowes in her new monkey dress. She is obsessed with monkeys.



Then one of my husband’s coworkers wanted a KU dress for her niece.


Then I went to Hancock on Tuesday for their sale and I found this Nemo fabric on clearance and brought it home with no particular project in mind. Then I decided that it was perfect for an Epcot day so my friend’s children received new Epcot outfits. They loved them! They should be arriving in Orlando anytime now for their 5 day trip! She gave me permission to post this picture. She promises more photos when she returns and she is a disboards member.


Thanks for letting me share!
click here:
This will give you a listing of all the pillow case dresses. what ever you want to find just type it into the search bar on the website.

the 79.00 brother is what I have its the LX-3125 I would say if you want all the fancy stitches go with the computerized one. this one basically has a zig zag stitch, a hem stitch, a straight stitch and it will do button holes. that is it. I would love to have an embroider/sewing machine but it was not in the budget when I got mine. Maybe Santa will answer my wishes. Good luck with what ever you choose. I have done a few appliques with my machine by hand but nothing with great detail like these other ladies have done I am so envious of their talent and patience :worship:

Thanks Josette I guess i'll stick to the machine for 147.00 maybe i'll go through Amazon that way i'll get it quicker and cheaper:thumbsup2
I am getting ready to bring some items down to our local fair. My sewing will be judged against some of the best in our county.

I considered myself a beginner and although I can sew for my family and myself. I wish I had learned one skill from the start.

Please, when you sew, sew with precision. Make all your top stitching equal, make hems all straight, buttons holes all need to line up with buttons. Take the time to get it right and perfect the first time. You will have a quality outfit that not only looks good but is sew properly.

The best thing I did was take up quilting and then precision piecing. I have a new outlook on putting articles of clothing together too.
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