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If you go on the other site and read what Dustin has actually written -- I think you might change your view a little.

PW only made these moves on people at the beginning of an overseas trip. Keep in mind these guys were not of any financial means, so bolting out of a foreign country back to the US on short notice is horrendously expensive. Nevermind you would be essentially quitting your job. And let's face it -- women have a hard enough time with getting victim blamed -- how do you think a guy would be treated in this instance?

According to Dustin -- he made it very clear that he told Pete at the beginning he wasn't gay. But he found himself being groomed and exploited, and little by little, he found himself in precarious situations and didn't know what to do at that point.
I've read it entirely. I totally understand that DW was somewhat fragile and an easy relatively young victim. No question he was preyed upon. Everyone is different -I just know what I would do in that same situation ..it's hard to grasp someone being that low, but it happens.
Admit I'm not the first to say this but I really hate seeing people making negative comments about employees and even moderators and what they should or shouldn't have known or should or shouldn't have said. Even speculation about the other owners isn't really fair. No one has come out and said the KNEW things.

The blame here should fall on the one individual alone.
I'll respectfully push back. John, as an owner and longtime business partner had to have at least been aware of the abusive behavior and "odd" hiring practices Pete was making. When several employees are just disappeared -- that should set off warning alarms for the other business partners.

And given Pete's past history with drugs, alcohol, and his overall financial illiteracy -- they should have been keeping a closer eye on him.

I'll give them a pass for not knowing that Dustin or Sean were sexually assaulted -- but the rest of the issues should have been pretty obvious to spot.

More than likely -- they knew Pete was the face of the brand and they probably didn't want to do anything that might upset him.

If that is not the case -- then they really should make some sort of public statement.
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Exactly. I know some people want things to be easy cut-and-dry that only Pete is the bad guy here, and I'm not insinuating anything, but we need to hear from those currently in charge. We need honesty. We need transparency. The thing just continues to grow and grow... and the silence is not helpful.

I know time is needed, I respect that totally. But something needs to come sometime soon before the entire thing is mired in rot.
Right now they are all in California. Let them get through that and see if they will do say something then. Until then, you are just spinning your wheels asking for something that won't happen until then.
And that would fall into the second option I hypothesized...that he is getting the worst crisis management advise of all time. 'Bury your head in the sand in hopes that no one finds out about this"...said no crisis manager ever in the age of the internet!
I seriously doubt they have engaged with any third party consultants regarding how to handle this mess -- other than his lawyers -- which are probably telling him to not say a word...which is smart legally -- but not so great in the court of public opinion.
Charles, I gave the "love" emoji to your post obviously not because I love what you said but because I love that you said it. I would prefer a "hug" emoji. I am 0% surprised that Sean and Dustin and JL are not the only ones with horrifying stories to tell. There are others, both on-air talent like yourself and less visible folks like Nikki and Ryan and others. As I said pages ago, I was even a target of Pete's wrath one time when he responded to an email I sent making a suggestion for the show with which he didn't agree. And at that point, we knew each other, having spent time hanging out together at several DIS meets. So it wasn't like he was berating a total stranger on the internet (not that that would be okay either).

I really don't know what could have been done with the ABD and DIS event this week. It was really too late to cancel and wreck everyone's travel plans. They kind of had to move forward with it. And the reality is that most of those people probably don't know what is happening yet. Numerous people in this very thread are just learning about it as word slowly spreads. I'm quite sure that many attending the Disneyland party have absolutely no idea all of this is going on.
I've read it entirely. I totally understand that DW was somewhat fragile and an easy relatively young victim. No question he was preyed upon. Everyone is different -I just know what I would do in that same situation ..it's hard to grasp someone being that low, but it happens.
I think he would say the same thing as you are.

And part of that is that victims feel like it's somehow their fault...like they brought it on themselves somehow.
I’m saddened and disappointed by all this. As a listener/poster of the Dis since early 2018 this entire debacle floored me. No one knows who knew what, how much they knew, or when they discovered anything so please give them all a break and a lot of room. There are major companies that have huge teams of people, attorneys, PR people, marketing people and consultants who manage events like this.

This all started to really come out last week and they still had to manage Dreams Unlimited Travel, the Dis Unplugged show last week, run the ABD trip this week, the Dis event this weekend, move the studio while they are away for a week, and still manage the fallout of the events involving Pete. As I said, give them a lot of room - they are juggling a lot right now.

Some people are looking at people leaving DUT/The Dis as if it’s s conspiracy of some kind. Deni left to work at GKTW. Jackie moved back to Seattle. Yes, some left because of the bad things that happened but people move on to other jobs. They get better offers, better situations, better perks, better positions, better money.

I’m someone who notices everything. In the five years I have been a part of The Dis community, I saw a lot of red flags. Taking each one at face value they didn’t raise any alarms. In hindsight, taking them all together, the alarms are going off like crazy. Even Craig announcing they were moving the studio raised a red flag but not any alarms. I know the studio is in 2 bedrooms, about 10 feet wide. There is no way Kevin can get his scooter in there. I know, I have a scooter. What Craig said made sense.

But here’s the thing. Things change. That’s the only constant in life, change. The Dis will change. Let’s see what changes before doing anything.
He managed to get the scooter in there for all the other shows…. Stop making excuses, there are none.
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Thank you for this. I thought that when the Huw Edwards scandal was bubbling, Jeremy Vine brought a claim against someone who alleged he was the mystery BBC presenter on Twitter. I wouldn’t want anyone here to find themselves facing a civil case.
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