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I haven't read a lot about the exact accusations. However, aren't they just that? Accusations? Aren't you considered innocent until proven guilty? Why has everyone assumed that the allegations are true and that Pete is a monster? How do we know that these are not simply disgruntled employees and these allegations are untrue? I have always loved Pete and thought he was such a good person. Granted, I don't know him and this is just my perception. I'm sad for this entire situation. I have been watching for so long and feel like I know these people even though I don't. I'm sad for everyone involved and hope that the allegations are false. Damaging either way, it seems. I don't know....these are just my thoughts. I'm shocked, sad, bummed about the future of The Dis and The DisUnplugged.
I haven't read a lot about the exact accusations. However, aren't they just that? Accusations? Aren't you considered innocent until proven guilty? Why has everyone assumed that the allegations are true and that Pete is a monster? How do we know that these are not simply disgruntled employees and these allegations are untrue? I have always loved Pete and thought he was such a good person. Granted, I don't know him and this is just my perception. I'm sad for this entire situation. I have been watching for so long and feel like I know these people even though I don't. I'm sad for everyone involved and hope that the allegations are false. Damaging either way, it seems. I don't know....these are just my thoughts. I'm shocked, sad, bummed about the future of The Dis and The DisUnplugged.
The stories that have been shared are very emotional. More of someone sharing their experiences and coming forward as a victim. I believe them 100%.
This is nothing new. The Dis, and even the way these boards have been moderated has been dysfunctional on some level since the very start. Some of the regulars may even have caught on to my sig line - a tribute to some of those who have left/been escorted out and have carried on elsewhere - all good people I can assure you. I know that if the Dis is to continue there will be a learning curve, but I am more interested in the show going forward because I know the people who will be carrying on have much better interests in mind. GOOD LUCK to all, including Pete - he's going to need it.
I haven't read a lot about the exact accusations. However, aren't they just that? Accusations? Aren't you considered innocent until proven guilty? Why has everyone assumed that the allegations are true and that Pete is a monster? How do we know that these are not simply disgruntled employees and these allegations are untrue? I have always loved Pete and thought he was such a good person. Granted, I don't know him and this is just my perception. I'm sad for this entire situation. I have been watching for so long and feel like I know these people even though I don't. I'm sad for everyone involved and hope that the allegations are false. Damaging either way, it seems. I don't know....these are just my thoughts. I'm shocked, sad, bummed about the future of The Dis and The DisUnplugged.
Yes, you are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. People are free to come to their own conclusions about a person based on the information they have. For some, I think the fact there have been multiple allegations from different people (not just a one-time thing) and patterns of behavior lead them to believe there is truth to what is being said.

Anyone's online 'persona' can be very different from who they are 'in real life.' So saying you love someone based on what you see on podcasts, etc. ,may not be who they really are. And many people accused of the same types of things that are being said now are usually very good at charming people, 'luring' them in, etc.

I'm not necessarily advocating for one 'side' or the other, merely pointing out why some may be reacting they way they are.
The stories that have been shared are very emotional. More of someone sharing their experiences and coming forward as a victim. I believe them 100%.
I guess I can't form an opinion without knowing the stories. And even then...it's someones word against another. I still say people should not assume until facts are know. Pete has not had the opportunity to defend himself. He deserves that, at least.
I don't blame anyone on the team who worked through these times, but the idea that everyone is stunned by the allegations is not being honest. It's part of the current zeitgeist that having relationships at work, certainly one where the boss is in a relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate. In the industry I am in, one of you would either be expected to find alternative employment, or at least sign a series of agreements stating the situation and the company's lack of liability going forward. In either case, you would never want a direct supervisor in a relationship with a direct report - that is a recipe for disaster. So to work with someone for over a decade knowing this person has been in a number of relationships with staff members, that staff members are terminated or leave on acrimonious terms routinely - I mean what dimension are you in that you read these allegations and think "SHOCKING!" The allegations are on another level, and I can take at face value the team is learning their extent right now with all of us. However, to think nobody thought they'd be in this position - this is what happens when the boss is dating his employees - this is exactly why that is frowned upon. You have someone with great power and leverage in a position to lean on someone with little to none. How this outcome can be unforeseen to the staff, that is baffling.
Right, I don’t blame those who are still employees or think that they are at fault in any way(unless more info comes to light). But, I also find it hard to believe that in a business this small there aren’t any rumblings, at least, about what is happening to your coworkers and your boss. Or what has happened to your coworkers by your boss.
Since May, two former employees of The DIS have stepped forward to say that they were sexually assaulted by Pete Werner. The allegations are fairly detailed and the employees in question have been open for follow-up information since their account of the events. If you wish to read the allegations yourself they can be found on *******
Thanks for the summary! Small bit I would like to add:

Sean has been posting about his experiences for awhile (months? maybe a year?) and there are others that have worked with/know people with the dis that somewhat collaborated his story and they had shared war stories and bantered. It was known to those on that board for a long time that the work environment is toxic at BEST and borderlines on SA (with some skepticism with Sean being a former lover and business partner). Prior to Dustin's entrance, the banter with Sean seem to be mainly on ridiculous things he experience while working with the DIS, his weight loss, and other random topics.

Things really kicked off when Dustin (who brought the show to youtube and created the studio concept) somehow stumbled upon the thread and realized common themes and parallel with his own experience which he had finally gotten over and/or suppressed. He contacted Sean and they talked over the phone before Dustin finally posted (first via Sean's handle then with his own account). All the dates, stories, and timeline lined up with Dustin's videos, trips, employment, and even stories from previous posters that claimed to have worked with the dis.

In terms of it all being faked (which was my initial thought and hope as I am a big Dis and Pete fan):

Sean's account is real as he references in real time (and some unrelated to the dis) events with pictures (one of him comparing the t shirt size L amongst different shirts which would be hilarious if not mixed in with the other stuff) and texts, expanded on his youtube videos (both with commentary and with additional pictures), and has been active and never contradicted himself or with the new Dustin info and previous member posts.

There is a tiny possibility that Dustin's account isn't real and the only way for it to work was for Sean to fake being Dustin as he claims to have talked to him on the phone and was posting for him on his account. However, Dustin's tenure did not run parallel with Sean's and Dustin posted stuff was verified by previous members either from old posts or from new posts, some info Sean had previously not commented on as he said it was before his time. Also they have somewhat different versions of certain events consistent with the other more anonymous members base on the point of view of Sean (lover and co-owner), Dustin (employee), and anonymous members (ranges from friends of members of the team to employees).

Also the mannerism of the posts are different and those of us that remember Dustin's videos will recognize his style in his post. Also Jennilynn (a previous dis podcaster and now works for Disney) in an Instagram post also seem to recognize the posts as legitimate (via her own means).
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Hey all. Obviously I’m me. I’ve been reading up on all the allegations that’s been coming out and it’s made me sick for a number of reasons. I’m still running through the events I personally experienced and trying to make sense of them in the context of everything that’s come out. I applaud people’s bravery and courage for sharing such personal aspects of their life in the hope that others don’t suffer the same. These people will always have an ear to vent to in me if they ever need it and I hope I’d have one too.

With that being said, you shouldn’t be assuming people on the team knew what happened and bashing them. Everyone is and was dealing with stuff of their own and it’s up to them to share that as they are ready too. For all you know other people have their own traumatic experiences and you are just assuming something else based on video from a show where people talk about theme parks. You really have no idea what people have been through except what information they have voluntarily provided. Just because someone works in a field that puts them in the public eye, doesn’t mean that they are not people who could be going through their own traumas, pressures, fears, etc.

Be kind to eachother, do right by one another, and support people who have been hurt.
Hey all. Obviously I’m me. I’ve been reading up on all the allegations that’s been coming out and it’s made me sick for a number of reasons. I’m still running through the events I personally experienced and trying to make sense of them in the context of everything that’s come out. I applaud people’s bravery and courage for sharing such personal aspects of their life in the hope that others don’t suffer the same. These people will always have an ear to vent to in me if they ever need it and I hope I’d have one too.

With that being said, you shouldn’t be assuming people on the team knew what happened and bashing them. Everyone is and was dealing with stuff of their own and it’s up to them to share that as they are ready too. For all you know other people have their own traumatic experiences and you are just assuming something else based on video from a show where people talk about theme parks. You really have no idea what people have been through except what information they have voluntarily provided. Just because someone works in a field that puts them in the public eye, doesn’t mean that they are not people who could be going through their own traumas, pressures, fears, etc.

Be kind to eachother, do right by one another, and support people who have been hurt.
Well said. Always enjoyed your insight Fiasco! You’re missed, amongst many others.
Hey all. Obviously I’m me. I’ve been reading up on all the allegations that’s been coming out and it’s made me sick for a number of reasons. I’m still running through the events I personally experienced and trying to make sense of them in the context of everything that’s come out. I applaud people’s bravery and courage for sharing such personal aspects of their life in the hope that others don’t suffer the same. These people will always have an ear to vent to in me if they ever need it and I hope I’d have one too.

With that being said, you shouldn’t be assuming people on the team knew what happened and bashing them. Everyone is and was dealing with stuff of their own and it’s up to them to share that as they are ready too. For all you know other people have their own traumatic experiences and you are just assuming something else based on video from a show where people talk about theme parks. You really have no idea what people have been through except what information they have voluntarily provided. Just because someone works in a field that puts them in the public eye, doesn’t mean that they are not people who could be going through their own traumas, pressures, fears, etc.

Be kind to eachother, do right by one another, and support people who have been hurt.
Great to see you. Hope you are well.
Hey all. Obviously I’m me. I’ve been reading up on all the allegations that’s been coming out and it’s made me sick for a number of reasons. I’m still running through the events I personally experienced and trying to make sense of them in the context of everything that’s come out. I applaud people’s bravery and courage for sharing such personal aspects of their life in the hope that others don’t suffer the same. These people will always have an ear to vent to in me if they ever need it and I hope I’d have one too.

With that being said, you shouldn’t be assuming people on the team knew what happened and bashing them. Everyone is and was dealing with stuff of their own and it’s up to them to share that as they are ready too. For all you know other people have their own traumatic experiences and you are just assuming something else based on video from a show where people talk about theme parks. You really have no idea what people have been through except what information they have voluntarily provided. Just because someone works in a field that puts them in the public eye, doesn’t mean that they are not people who could be going through their own traumas, pressures, fears, etc.

Be kind to eachother, do right by one another, and support people who have been hurt.
This is very well said, we don‘t know what others knew and we certainly don’t know whether some were in fact victims themselves. Ultimately I know even from personal experience that most victims of sexual abuse never come forward, which makes what Sean and Dustin did so courageous. They could have remained silent and lived their lives but decided to speak out so it wouldn’t happen to others.
I guess I can't form an opinion without knowing the stories. And even then...it's someones word against another. I still say people should not assume until facts are know. Pete has not had the opportunity to defend himself. He deserves that, at least.

I 100% believe Dustin and Sean...but I also want Pete to say something. The fact this information has been out for a while and Pete hasn't said anything leads me to three possible conclusions: (1) he doesn't know the information is out [impossible, at this point]; (2) he can't refute anything Sean and Dustin have said because he knows it's all true; or (3) his lawyers have told him not to say anything, anywhere, for any reason.
Are you talking about me? You know nothing about me!!! And the images in my signature are fine when I check my signature. No idea whey they are showing up like that. Either way...you have no right to attack me and my integrity. You know nothing about me...
as an aside let me help you and suggest, just delete the sig, it doesn't work and takes up big bricks of space with a red X
Narcissistic abusers are skilled at having a highly-polished public image that in no way indicates the awfulness behind the mask.

That’s how they gain people’s trust to either reel them in as prey, or to support them through anything (I know him and he’d never do such a thing.)
Exactly what I’ve been trying to find the words to express. There might come a time when you think you know that things aren’t right, but then you look around and see how well supported and admired the person is and it creates self doubt. If you do say anything you are told you are “over reacting”or “being too sensitive” or “reading into things”. Deep down you KNOW you are right, but it becomes hard to recognise the difference between what you actually see and the smokescreen. Narcissistic abusers gather an army of admirers to keep the truth tellers at bay.
Exactly what I’ve been trying to find the words to express. There might come a time when you think you know that things aren’t right, but then you look around and see how well supported and admired the person is and it creates self doubt. If you do say anything you are told you are “over reacting”or “being too sensitive” or “reading into things”. Deep down you KNOW you are right, but it becomes hard to recognise the difference between what you actually see and the smokescreen. Narcissistic abusers gather an army of admirers to keep the truth tellers at bay.
Like Kevin Spacey, OJ Simpson, Bill Cosby...
Since March, Pete Werner and Dreams Unlimited Travel were named as defendants in two lawsuits from American Express for unpaid balance and interest for cards issued to Pete. The total requested in the complaints on behalf of Amex, outside of any damages and court costs, is over $900,000. The court filings are freely available on the Orange County Clerk of Courts website.

This week:
- World of DVC announced on Thursday that they have acquired DVC Fan. Pete Werner will no longer be a regular member of the podcast.
- Craig announced on the Tuesday show that the podcast studio would be moving out of Pete Werner's house after the Disneyland event. The stated reason was Kevin's mobility issues.
- Pete Werner announced on a Patreon Solo show (Sunday?) that he wouldn't be at the Disneyland DIS meet-up due to depression.

Additional public statements from employees of The DIS/WDWInfo/Disboards in recent days have acknowledged the allegations. The conclusion being drawn is that Peter Werner is being distanced and divested from his involvement with the companies that encompass "The DIS" brand as a result of the issues above.

this is vey disheartening to read
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Hey all. Obviously I’m me. I’ve been reading up on all the allegations that’s been coming out and it’s made me sick for a number of reasons. I’m still running through the events I personally experienced and trying to make sense of them in the context of everything that’s come out. I applaud people’s bravery and courage for sharing such personal aspects of their life in the hope that others don’t suffer the same. These people will always have an ear to vent to in me if they ever need it and I hope I’d have one too.

With that being said, you shouldn’t be assuming people on the team knew what happened and bashing them. Everyone is and was dealing with stuff of their own and it’s up to them to share that as they are ready too. For all you know other people have their own traumatic experiences and you are just assuming something else based on video from a show where people talk about theme parks. You really have no idea what people have been through except what information they have voluntarily provided. Just because someone works in a field that puts them in the public eye, doesn’t mean that they are not people who could be going through their own traumas, pressures, fears, etc.

Be kind to eachother, do right by one another, and support people who have been hurt.
Great insight. You and your wife are missed. I am certainly supportive of the team
I haven't seen anyone bashing the team, or even stating they knew the extent of what was happening. I think all that's been suggested is that making statements to the effect of "this news is a shock, unforeseen, etc.," is probably not 100% honest given that the information that is out there suggests the cultural environment at the company is/was extremely toxic and inappropriate by accepted professional standards. That's totally fair discussion. The business is to connect with viewers and get them to invest personally in your brand and stories on YT. It's completely appropriate to question what kind of core values you as the viewer are investing your time in.

I will say after a history of people being vaporized from these boards and staff members at the company being axed seemingly overnight, it's pretty wild this discussion is going on here without filter (so far). I appreciate it as a former viewer, I think it's a good step towards finding a path forward.
The Dis has been a good and fun part of my life for well over a decade and to read what is happening is a shock and it angers me. I really feel sorry for the employees and other owners. The new studio should have been done a decade ago.
I love the content and really liked to listen to the podcast and now YouTube shows. But the people I really feel for are the victims. This is ruining lives and it didn't need to happen. I truly hope the Dis goes on because I still love the shows.
I pray for the victims and employees and hope they get to keep their jobs. The job market isn't great right now in some areas.
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