DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 3

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This is my pic:scared:
My BM (before Maddie) pic is on my profile page. I like it betta. But, this is what I look like...for now.;)

This is jeriber, Utahmama and Spongemisty
Name: Jeanne
Age: 38ish
Birthday: October
Location: Cheyenne, WY (you'd be surprised how many peole have never heard of Cheyenne)
Occupation: for now-in home child care provider but I'm looking for a change
Personal: married 15 years, 3 kiddos Jeremiah-14, Jordan-12 and Jericha-7 going on 21:rotfl:
Total weight to lose from starting point:30 lbs:eek:
Progress so far: lost and regained 6 lbs, 3 times:sad2:
Method: I haven't figured out what works for me yet
Exercise: We own a fitness center but I can't seem to get in there to work out. I need to free up some time in my day!
Best tip:
Find something that works and stick to it. Don't let the "speed bumps" knock you off course
Very cute you have a hidden Mickey with you and DD too cute!!!!one ear for you both!!

Opps thats for Daisy!
all y'all look so gorgeous in your pictures!! Thanks for sharing!!

I'm wasting a few minutes here in the library - and I have to tell you I need to stay away from the community board.

<ensuing post was self censored>

The CB scares me sometimes. I post on there once in awhile but try to stay away from the controversial threads...the thread I posted on yesterday was closed.:confused:
good eye Jeanne - Kat did you make your bouquet or did a florist? It's gorgeous!!
A florist made the bouquet... I think he only charged me $150 for it, 4 red rose bm bouquets that were very similar, 7 lapel corsages, and 2 wrist, and he delivered them. :-)

Never noticed the hidden mickey, cool!
A florist made the bouquet... I think he only charged me $150 for it, 4 red rose bm bouquets that were very similar, 7 lapel corsages, and 2 wrist, and he delivered them. :-)

Never noticed the hidden mickey, cool!

It looks so simple, and they charge so much, I KNOW that means its not easy to do - I've looked online for directions, and I'm going to try and find a florist class at the community college so I can learn to make them for '09!! (and that's a better price than what we've seen here! Chicago bridal markup!)
I will add picture later----I cannot get to photbucket at work.
Name: Heather
Age: 30
Birthday: August 9th
Location: Hattiesburg, MS
Occupation: Special Education Teacher 8th grade math and Chilren's Director at Church for Wed.
Personal: Have been married for 13 years. Have 3 kids DS 12, DD 9, DS 1. So far all my kids have September birthdays.
Total weight to lose from starting point: 35
Progress so far: Lost 25 and then found out I was expecting
Method: WW's
Exercise: Was doing couch to 5k in 12 weeks
Best tip: Drink 20 oz. of water before any coffee and then another 20 before any other drink. Would get in about 100 oz a day.
Name: Christine
Age: 27
Birthday: March 23
Location: The Lovely Garden State (NJ)
Occupation: Housewife/Maid, Full-time Mom, Student (Starting Chubb for graphic Arts next month), Pastry Chef (Graduate/Almuni of French Culinary Institute '06), I dabble in a lot of things, oh and SCRAPBOOKER
Personal: married, Aniella is my 2yr DD, I have 8 cats and 2 dogs
Total weight to lose from starting point: 30lbs
Progress so far: 14 lbs
Method: Calorie Counting, portion control, and making sure I eat 3 meals a day, not just one...
Exercise: Walking, and does running all over and doing what not after a 2 yr old count.
Best tip: Always ask yourself is it worth eating this calorie amount when you can have this instead. WWPD?


I tend to only take head shots LOL :rotfl:
Age: 31
Birthday: 1/7/76
Location: Georgia
Occupation: Daycare,with the creepers(crawling-walking)
Personal: Married 12 years with four kids.They are DS11,DS9,DD8,DD3.My time is currently spent going from activity to activity.
Total weight to lose from starting point: 20 lbs
Progress so far: It has been up and down but I think I have lost 10 lbs total.
Method: I have been calorie counting but right now i am in such a funk that I am just trying to make good choices.
Exercise: getting to the gym as often as possible plus now I am going to try to walk with my DD twice a week.
Best tip:Find a good support system like the PEEPS and hold yourself accountable.And write down everything you eat-even the tiny bites.:goodvibes

I have to see if I can find a picture.
We have so many talented Peeps here!!

update on the ten year old girl who was shot - she goes to school at the school I usually substitute at (I'm a district sub assigned to that building, but if there is no work there, I work at other buildings) Her name hasnt been identified (and she doesnt go to dd school) so I'm still not sure who it is, but I've worked that classroom about ten days so far this school year (which is enough for me to know the kids names!) also the security guard's kids also go to the district (again, not sure which elementary building - 1/4 elem 2 are lottery drawn to get in! 2 are where you live)

so sad - all the kids in the jr hi were buzzing about it - but no names were thrown around... I just asked the principal, and he said as of 7am he didnt know yet...

I'm skipping lunch today, dh didnt buy tuna or tomato soup, my diet lunch choices!!

Brekkie - pb toast + hot tea
snack - crunchy Go Lean cereal (no milk)
Lunch - Slim Fast meal replacement bar - water, maybe a hard boiled egg.
snack - HB egg or popcorn..
dinner - chicken and rice (not sure how I'll prepare it tho1)
snack - cheese triscuit crackers and wine!
Hey Dismom - havent I "seen" a pic of you posted on another message board??? :rolleyes1
My DD11 (12 in 2 weeks) has struggled with weight since about age 7. Also had to start a bra early. Same thing with the very large portions and poor food choices. Doesn't help that all her friends are very thin. I started all of us on a better eating plan when we returned from Disney in January. Honestly, I got very tired of being the mean food police. I got fed up with her and DH telling me how much they wanted to get healthy and then if I made suggestions or said something like, "You don't need seconds" or "Water, instead of coke" - I would get eye-rolling and huffing. It is hard enough to police myself. I am ashamed to admit that I gave up. I know I need to work on this again. But I am not sure how to do it. How do you help your child without hurting their self esteem?

I don't know if I am doing this without hurting her self esteem so I don't know the answer(did that even make sense??)In the last year when she was teased we had told her that her weight was fine and that God makes people in different sizes.Well after her appt. with the DR. she later asked if he said her weight was still good.I had a talk with her and told her that the Dr. said we needed to be careful with her nutrition and we talked about what an unhealthy weight can do to your heart etc.She didn't seem upset at all and has been doing great with her choices this week.I would imagine that it is easier with an eight year old than an eleven year old though.She did ask this morning if she can weigh on Friday and be a PEEP.I told her she would only weigh at the Dr. office that this is NOT about what she weighs but about being healthy.

I understand about being the food police.Frankly it sucks!Between Dd8 and DS9(trying to limit sugar,red dye,and caffeine) I am always the bad guy.Mostly I don't have junk in the house and do my best when we are gone.




Amy! Your picture killed the thread! :scared1:

Loved the bios everybody. How bout some pictures from all you no picture peeps.
My DD11 (12 in 2 weeks) has struggled with weight since about age 7. Also had to start a bra early. Same thing with the very large portions and poor food choices. Doesn't help that all her friends are very thin. I started all of us on a better eating plan when we returned from Disney in January. Honestly, I got very tired of being the mean food police. I got fed up with her and DH telling me how much they wanted to get healthy and then if I made suggestions or said something like, "You don't need seconds" or "Water, instead of coke" - I would get eye-rolling and huffing. It is hard enough to police myself. I am ashamed to admit that I gave up. I know I need to work on this again. But I am not sure how to do it. How do you help your child without hurting their self esteem?

This statement remind me so much of how it goes at my house. My husband has been saying for years that I need to lose weight and make sure the kids don't get heavy (our 14 year old is a little on the heavy side but so was I when I was his age-he should outgrow it). Anyway, anytime I would not buy pop when I bought groceries he wold get mad because he needed his every dy. Also if I tried to fix a really healthy dinner he would be like "why did you fix this, we do't need to eat like this". We're talking like shrimp and pasta instead of meat and potatoes, or maybe a meatless main dish once a week. Anyway-never got much support from him so it's hard to teach the kids the good hbits. Now that his metabolism is slowing down it's a different story-he doesn't want me buying pop an ice cream and things like that. And he wants me to cook healthier-not a problem for me except that there are alot of veggies he doesn't like so he doesn't like to try new things if they include the veggies and he won't tell the kids they have to try them either. I think every thing should be tried once and then if you don't like it don't eat it anymore. Does anyone else have these kinds of discussions with your DH?
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