Disabilities parade viewing - thoughts on this incident?

I was actually meaning to get back t this board in that I have emailed but have yet to receive a "real" response, so fingers crossed! But even if they don't explicitly help now or in these emails, maybe the more people who email the more they will realize that this is a real issue.

Yeah it took them maybe 2 weeks to write something back to me. I may end up calling them since the response I got seemed to think I was more upset that someone with a disability who could stand was in the section vs. they were standing at the front (and their whole family standing). Uh....I truly do not care or want to know who is in that section or why or how or anything else as I've probably said here over and over lol! It's disappointing after all this time they didn't really take the time to read my email and understand the point of it.
I will also write an email to Disney because I was at the same party and actually in the same wheelchair viewing area as Selket (what a coincidence) when this happened. We went with our mother who uses a wheelchair and we all stood BEHIND her and the other wheelchair users because it is the right thing to do. And what makes it worse is we were all standing across from the media section, so you can see the people standing in front of wheelchair users in many of the YouTube videos covering the first MNSSHP (see TimTracker, DisneyFoodBlog, etc). What a rude thing to do. If my disability required me to stand, which is completely understandable, then I would do so but behind the wheelchair users; it is a common courtesy. It is a shame how many times this happens. I hope you had a good time at the rest of the event, however.

I just watched the Tim Tracker video and saw what you were talking about. It was the 4 woman in tank tops right? That was unacceptable. The cast member should have told them to either step back behind the wheelchairs or find a different spot. Everyone in that whole section should have been telling the cast member the same thing until someone with authority came to get rid of those people. They should change the wording on the map from "handicapped" to wheelchair parking only and enforce it.
I just watched the Tim Tracker video and saw what you were talking about. It was the 4 woman in tank tops right? That was unacceptable. The cast member should have told them to either step back behind the wheelchairs or find a different spot. Everyone in that whole section should have been telling the cast member the same thing until someone with authority came to get rid of those people. They should change the wording on the map from "handicapped" to wheelchair parking only and enforce it.

no they should not change the wording from handicap to wheelchair use only. they should leave it how it is,

the only time I can see the parade ( unless I am so fair back) or watch the fire works ( unless I pay for the desert party) has been from the handicap area I need a little more space ( at lest enough that people are not touching me and no one right infant of my vision so standing behind someone in a wheelchair or ECV works fine for me when people are all around me touching me bumping into me my gluesoce drops and it drops fast I have tested right be for the fireworks and normally I am around 150~ and the times and not even half way though I can drop to 30 and a few times my meter just read low ( below 20) witch is life threating ( try getting a CM attain to call 911 in a crowded area is not fun and I have had to do it a number of times and this happens about 90% of the times I tried to see the fireworks from infant of the castle or see the parade up close I just gave up about 2 years ago. I just got back from an 11 day trip where I was able to see both the parade and reworks 7-8 times using the handicap area never onece was I packed pushed/ bumped into even when the are was a little crowded never one did my BG drop never once did I have to call 911

I am not the only one with a none mobility disability that the only way to seee the parade or fireworks would be fro this area what about the little girl with low vision that needs to be in the front to see the parade ( like the little one that was there from the parade when I was there) what about the person that need a quick access to the bathroom to say one type of disability should get accommodation and not another is sickening to me I have complained to Disney for years about this and I am beyond grateful they finally are accommodating other people that truly need it. I never once blocked the view of anyone in a wheelchair or ECV never stood infant of someone ( I was sure to make sure that if anyone was behind me they could see or offered to trade place with then). one thing people need to learn as to take a second and look around then and see if where they are they are blocking someone else ( even the person that is with a wheelchair/ECV use should do this as mot of the time I was there they stood right next to the mobility device user) I can not tell you how incredible nice people were to me when I was steaming and bumping into there wheelchair or ECV how people made sure I had a little more room when they found out I needed it ( and I am talking a few inches not feet ) it was truly one of the best trip I have had since I got to see the fireworks and the parade and it would be heartbreaking if Disney took it away so no it should not be wheelchair ECV user only it should stay a disability area we should learnt accommodate all people with disability not just one type that we can see.

sorry for the log post but this just really upset me after fighting since they took the FP fireworks viewing way.
I agree - I don't think they should have it for only wheelchairs/ecv. BUT, I think the CMs in that area need to monitor the situation and take control so people are not standing in front of those sitting down. And it sounds like it was the CMs that dropped the ball here, telling the guests to confront the standers. ridiculous!

I think most people would be considerate enough to stand behind those seated in mobility devices, however we have all seen people who think the world revolves around them and will do as they please.
I agree - I don't think they should have it for only wheelchairs/ecv. BUT, I think the CMs in that area need to monitor the situation and take control so people are not standing in front of those sitting down. And it sounds like it was the CMs that dropped the ball here, telling the guests to confront the standers. ridiculous!

I think most people would be considerate enough to stand behind those seated in mobility devices, however we have all seen people who think the world revolves around them and will do as they please.
Yes this. One night there was a CM that did not even put up the side rope and they did not even put down the tape for the entrance exit everyone and there mother came in it was pretty crowded luckily a leader came and clears things up got a lot of the none disabled people out made the entrance exit tapped off area but yes I think if CM asked those that can stand to stand in the back or to stand in the so that the parade gets to people in wheelchair ECV first ( so if the parade come from your left people that can stand stand on the fairs right of the area ) this would really help all that need the area
telling the guests to confront the standers. ridiculous!

I never said to confront the standers. I said for the people to say something to the cast member until they got someone with authority over there. It was my understanding that those areas where for those in mobility devices. If they have changed it to include anyone with any type of disability, then they need to make half of the parade route "accessible." There are many people who have a number of issues that would qualify for this area and there is no way that there is enough room for everyone who needs it in these small area. Or maybe just do away with the areas all together and make it first come, first served along the route to make it all "fair". I think that these types of situations will become more and more common with time.
I like the idea of marking off the first few feet of the area as "sitting or wheelchair/ECV only."
I was talking to a manager when I was just there about just this they said the region why is because they did not know how many wheelchair ECV user ver people that could stand would be there. there were some times no mobility device where in the area some times more mobility device where in the area most of the time I use it the CM would ask me to stand in an area ( the right side when the parade came from the left side) or towards the back and they hade mobility device go alway to the left side if it. I saw more people that where friends / family with the mobility device blocking the view of other in mobility device view ( since they inserted on standing right next to their friend family member in the mobility device. I saw a good number of people in wheelchair ECV out side the area when I when to the bathroom and just seeing them from inside the area that it really depends on needs/ what work best for you. It really comes down to the person and how much they chose to think of other people, like what would you do if you were with someone in a mobility device and was standing behind them and they made a second row then you would be standing infant of someone in a mobility device you could chose to stand back but then you could not be with your friend/ family member.

there will never be a prefect way someone will always have someone infant of them. it is just how much of an issue seeing ( something infant of you)
I never said to confront the standers. I said for the people to say something to the cast member until they got someone with authority over there.

oh, I didn't mean that you said that! I was referring to what the OP posted earlier in the thread as to what she witnessed.

I heard a CM tell people they couldn't do anything but that those sitting there should confront them and ask them to sit...which didn't help the situation any.
I also thought it odd that the CM asked US to engage the family because they had done all they could do and the family wouldn't move.
I just watched the Tim Tracker video and saw what you were talking about. It was the 4 woman in tank tops right? That was unacceptable. The cast member should have told them to either step back behind the wheelchairs or find a different spot. Everyone in that whole section should have been telling the cast member the same thing until someone with authority came to get rid of those people. They should change the wording on the map from "handicapped" to wheelchair parking only and enforce it.

Yes I think you're seeing the right people - it's fairly obvious in the video - lol! Believe me it did get into quite a back and forth shouting match. And the cast member definitely suggested we engage the family because there was nothing they could do for us.

I can understand the thought behind a wheelchair only area but I do think the area should be available to people with other disabilities who need that space for whatever reason. I don't care to know the reason and as I've noted several times here... my issue was never that a non-WC/ECV guest was allowed there but that they were standing in the very front - in front of people who were in wheelchairs and their entire family/friends group was standing with them. Like if it had been just the one standing with the disability then everyone would have probably just not said anything. I'm sure there's never any perfect way as @gap2368 noted - but people generally sort themselves out where everyone can see.
Yes I think you're seeing the right people - it's fairly obvious in the video - lol! Believe me it did get into quite a back and forth shouting match. And the cast member definitely suggested we engage the family because there was nothing they could do for us.

I can understand the thought behind a wheelchair only area but I do think the area should be available to people with other disabilities who need that space for whatever reason. I don't care to know the reason and as I've noted several times here... my issue was never that a non-WC/ECV guest was allowed there but that they were standing in the very front - in front of people who were in wheelchairs and their entire family/friends group was standing with them. Like if it had been just the one standing with the disability then everyone would have probably just not said anything. I'm sure there's never any perfect way as @gap2368 noted - but people generally sort themselves out where everyone can see.
oh wow I am so sorry you got into a shooting match match. ( I do think a group of none mobility people should be asked to stand in an area that dose not effect other sitting but I do think we should have the same opportunity to have a front row spot ( especially for those with disability that need it) and I can see why the CM do not mark off space inside the area since they just do not know until people start showing up who will need what. I did have one CM do an excellent job of making sure people in mobility device ( for the parade at the castle) went all the way down asking then to park as close to the guest already there and the family member to stand behind then they made sure it was the disabled guest +5 ( I think) and anyone with a non mobility was asked to either stand in the right front ( where you entered) or any where in the back. I think this was very good as those in mobility device could see ( from what I can see) and those with out still had a place to be that would accommodate them.

yes if there is just one person it is easy to stand so the person in a wheelchair ECV can see of they are behind but when someone was 5+ people with then and they all want to be in the area and next to the person in the ECV wheelchair then that make it a little harder. Like ai have said there will be no prefect way to do things someone will always have a bad view someone might not be able to get in but this is the case wether disabled ( and using the disability area) or not Disney abled and just having someone taller then you stand right infant of you ( at 5 feet 1 inch just about anyone over the age of 15 is taller then I am and some are so tall It would not matter if I stood or sat) and some times right infant of the castle is so crowded there is no more room and your standing off to the side ( for the fireworks) or all the front row spots for the parade were taken 30+ minutes ago
I just watched the Tim Tracker video and saw what you were talking about. It was the 4 woman in tank tops right? That was unacceptable. The cast member should have told them to either step back behind the wheelchairs or find a different spot. Everyone in that whole section should have been telling the cast member the same thing until someone with authority came to get rid of those people. They should change the wording on the map from "handicapped" to wheelchair parking only and enforce it.
Ok so what Tim tracker video are you talking about I have seen just about all but do not remember this at all
Ok so what Tim tracker video are you talking about I have seen just about all but do not remember this at all

He was at the first MNSSHP of the season - as were many vloggers and media people who ended up using the 2nd parade in their videos. Look for his video from this year's first party. If you watch the parade segment you can see the row of standing people.

When people are standing to the left of you in that area (and in front of you) it is more impactful since the parade comes from everyone's left and the track curves around the hub. Everyone who was arguing with them were behind them or to their right. If they had been standing on the right of that area (they were sort of in the middle of it) then no one would have really cared or noticed. (Right and left meaning if you are in the area). Yes I agree that those who need to stand or are guests of those seated - if they all were towards the right at the very front then this would work very well cause everyone looks left.

I would hope that Disney continues to accomodate people in that area with all types of disabilities who would benefit from it. Maybe more people with non-mobility issues are using that area so it's a good time for them to consider the best way to make it work for everyone. Disney is usually pretty good at that!
He was at the first MNSSHP of the season - as were many vloggers and media people who ended up using the 2nd parade in their videos. Look for his video from this year's first party. If you watch the parade segment you can see the row of standing people.

When people are standing to the left of you in that area (and in front of you) it is more impactful since the parade comes from everyone's left and the track curves around the hub. Everyone who was arguing with them were behind them or to their right. If they had been standing on the right of that area (they were sort of in the middle of it) then no one would have really cared or noticed. (Right and left meaning if you are in the area). Yes I agree that those who need to stand or are guests of those seated - if they all were towards the right at the very front then this would work very well cause everyone looks left.

I would hope that Disney continues to accomodate people in that area with all types of disabilities who would benefit from it. Maybe more people with non-mobility issues are using that area so it's a good time for them to consider the best way to make it work for everyone. Disney is usually pretty good at that!
Ok I think i saw the video ( it was towards the end of his video ) but I could not tell much from it. Up until this trip I was told only people with mobility issue could use this area. This trip every CM in the area was very sure to tell me that it did change thst it was for anyone with a disability that needed can use the place. I just hope Disney is going though a learning curve on how to beat help everyone Their was one time an older child ( I would say roller then I am at 5 feet got out of there special need stroller was was blocking the people to there right they where also going over the line we were asked to stay behind and the CM went over a number of times asking them to move back.

I just hope Disney finds a way to accommodate everyone with a disability and soon.
oh wow I am so sorry you got into a shooting match match. ( I do think a group of none mobility people should be asked to stand in an area that dose not effect other sitting but I do think we should have the same opportunity to have a front row spot ( especially for those with disability that need it) and I can see why the CM do not mark off space inside the area since they just do not know until people start showing up who will need what. I did have one CM do an excellent job of making sure people in mobility device ( for the parade at the castle) went all the way down asking then to park as close to the guest already there and the family member to stand behind then they made sure it was the disabled guest +5 ( I think) and anyone with a non mobility was asked to either stand in the right front ( where you entered) or any where in the back. I think this was very good as those in mobility device could see ( from what I can see) and those with out still had a place to be that would accommodate them.

yes if there is just one person it is easy to stand so the person in a wheelchair ECV can see of they are behind but when someone was 5+ people with then and they all want to be in the area and next to the person in the ECV wheelchair then that make it a little harder. Like ai have said there will be no prefect way to do things someone will always have a bad view someone might not be able to get in but this is the case wether disabled ( and using the disability area) or not Disney abled and just having someone taller then you stand right infant of you ( at 5 feet 1 inch just about anyone over the age of 15 is taller then I am and some are so tall It would not matter if I stood or sat) and some times right infant of the castle is so crowded there is no more room and your standing off to the side ( for the fireworks) or all the front row spots for the parade were taken 30+ minutes ago
Honestly, it may come down to a situation where there is a limit of 1 or 2 people with the disabled person. If this is to be an HA area then it should be available for people who need it. If a disabled person has 5 or 6 people with them who are not disabled there is no reason 3 or 4 of them cannot find an alternative area to stand and watch. I just don't think it is necessary to keep groups together (absent people having dementia or minors).
Honestly, it may come down to a situation where there is a limit of 1 or 2 people with the disabled person. If this is to be an HA area then it should be available for people who need it. If a disabled person has 5 or 6 people with them who are not disabled there is no reason 3 or 4 of them cannot find an alternative area to stand and watch. I just don't think it is necessary to keep groups together (absent people having dementia or minors).
Some CM when I was there did limit the number of guest with the disabled person some did not. There were some really big group in the area but where do you stop would a family of 5 with mom in a wheelchair and 3 kid 16 18 and 20 have to split up I do agree with you on there should be a limit but where do you draw the line
I watched video. That poor little one behind that girl’s purse. The group of the four couldn’t have been more inconsiderate of the people behind them. My friend suffers from a GI Track condition. She tries to hide it from me but I know she gets nervous in some situations when we’re at the parks. Still she and I would not ever........The behavior of this group of young women had very little to do with having access to restroom facilities. Since they could have remained seated. It was hard to watch.......

I’m hoping for you that during your next trip to the park you experience a demonstration of kindness and consideration that can only happen at Disney World.
Some CM when I was there did limit the number of guest with the disabled person some did not. There were some really big group in the area but where do you stop would a family of 5 with mom in a wheelchair and 3 kid 16 18 and 20 have to split up I do agree with you on there should be a limit but where do you draw the line
I would say the 16 year can stay with Mom--the 18 and 20 year old are legally adults and can fend for themselves. I'm assuming dad is with mom and 16 year old too.
I would say the 16 year can stay with Mom--the 18 and 20 year old are legally adults and can fend for themselves. I'm assuming dad is with mom and 16 year old too.
It was a hypothetical question right now 5 + the disabled person can be in the area ( the same number on the DAS ) do you draw the line less do you make an exception for family with small kids what about a child on the spectrum who want to stay with mom dad and grandparents. I think leaving it how it is 5+ is fine but not all CM do this


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