DIS/Dreams Unlimited China Adventure Oct 14th - 25th 2017 SOLD OUT!!!

For those who don't know us, Chuck my husband does not post so I will be the spokesperson. We try to get to the adventure one day early to acclimate to the time change and the area. With this trip I figured that we would need to leave 2 days early since it seems that the flights tend to get in at night the next day due to the time change and we don't want to miss the welcome dinner. For those considering Tokyo, I will be interested in seeing how many days before Saturday 10/14, people plan to arrive.

We are hoping to fly out on the Friday, arriving Saturday 7th October. Planning on doing a city tour, Mount Fuji and the rest in the parks before leaving on Friday 13th October for a pre day in Hong Kong. Hoping to stay in either the Disneyland or Miracosta hotel.
Good summary Christy. I have been very confused after just glancing over planning Tokyo. Maybe, because I'm not really actually booking the resort yet, it looks very confusing. Now I have to decide when to get the China visa. Kevin was it as difficult as some website say?


The Chinese visa wasn't too difficult. You submit an application, a fee, and your passport to a Chinese consulate. I didn't run into any problems. I think there are online services that you can pay for to apply for your visa if you don't live near a consulate. Keep in mind you have to give them your passport for a couple of weeks. I remember feeling concerned about giving up my passport the first time I applied for a visa (to Vietnam). But it comes back ok with a big visa sticker on one of the pages.
For those who may be interested in following the politics and economics of Asia a good Twitter source is @FocusAsia. The curator of @FoscusAsia is a good friend of Sally, Jim Laurie. Jim has spent the last 40+ years in Asia, mostly as a correspondent for network TV. For the past 5 years of so, he as worked with CCTV to establish their Washington, DC bureau.
Luckily, the consulate is a mile from my office and 1/4 mile from our favorite Chinese restaurant. Bonus!

Hello from China! The Temple of Heaven (Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest) really gives you an appreciation for how detailed the Imagineers were when they copied it including the interior. At the real Temple in Beijing you can't go inside, but you can look in through the doors... And other than being larger, it looks exactly the same as Epcot's
Hi I am Michael's wife, Carol. He is Merry Mousketeer since I see there are a couple of Michaels.

I will not be going on the trip but I will be enjoying it through all of you. Please help me keep him in line.

Carol, we will be taking LOTS of pictures!!


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