DIS Digi-Scrappers Challenge #25 (10/1 - 10/7)

Sorry to hear about your friends, but congrats on the new baby Jennifer.
This is my first challenge, and I'm not sure I got in on time. :confused3 It was fun! I'm not sure I'm thrilled with it but at least it's done! :)


Most paper is by Britt's Happiest Dots on Earth. I *think* the star dust is Seebees Freebies. Glitter frame is also by Britt. (this is why I don't post my pages, I don't have most of my items saved in a way that I know who to give credit to).

Thanks for hosting! I LOVE looking at everyone's pages!
Sorry, I don't know what that add is under my picture. I've never seen that before when I've posted pics. I'm not sure how to remove it.
Angel - SO pretty. The gradient on that alpha is just amazing. And I LOVE love love how you used the Witchy Woman bursts with the fireworks pics. What a great idea!!

Pocahontas - ADORABLE! Those overalls on your girls are PRECIOUS. I need the giselle one in my size! hahaha!! (can you imagine? oh dear!) This page is sooo fun. Happy and cute and colorful. LOVE it!

Ok I'm off to draw my winner! Be right back . . .
OK I randomly drew one winner out of all the entries to win my new "A Halloween Nightmare" kit and the winner is . . . .

:mickeyjum:mickeyjum Angel- Exp624! :mickeyjum:mickeyjum

I simply ADORE how she made the fireworks out of the bursts and sprinkles! TOO CLEVER!

Congrats girl! I'll be PMing you right after this post!

Jessica's got Holiday-fever with our next challenge!! Go check it out!
Congratulations, Angel! Such a neat LO and how creative to use the sprinkles with the star bursts!! :thumbsup2
Congratulations!!!!!! All of the layouts were terrific!! I can't wait for the next challenge. These are what keep me getting layouts completed.
Congratulations! I am still trying to get my life back together since returning from WDW on 9/28. I didn't get a chance to join in this week's challenge. It didn't help that my dryer (brand new, less than 30 days old, I might add:mad: ) decided to stop working and left me with all the laundry piled up from our trip. I'm getting my self together to participate in this week's challenge and can't wait to start scrapping my brand, spankin' new Disney pics! :yay:
Just wanted to add my congrats! Sorry I didn't get to participate in this one but I was away and then got sick :sad1:. I do hope to participate in this week's challenge, though.


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