DIS Digi-Scrappers Challenge #10 (6/18 - 6/24)

It seems Yzer & I are the only ones that like it without the jewels? Hmm, guess I should have gone with that one instead!?
Hi kswm30b
I like the LO with the Jewels as well...
Now I just need to learn how to get in on all this fun!

dang.... still on the learning curve up!

How and where can I post what I have done in the last few weeks while I am learning? I want feedback from all of you!!! You all ROCK!

Look for the thread that says Digital Scrappers, Post LO's HERE! That's the one where we share non-challenge LO's and do a lot of our chatting! (although we tend to chat everywhere!!:hyper: )

Here it is:
So, this is my first time on the boards, just learned about them this morning! And, then I got lucky to come across a challenge from brittney! Awesome!
I cannot show you my LO yet b/c I don't have enough posts, I'll have to work on that! But you can find it at scrapmatters under haynay. I'll try to post more then come back and edit and/or post it.
cool, you can still do this challenge, it ends today and you only need 10 posts to post a pic, so really easy to get there!! we'll have a new challenge posted tomorrow, i hope!
I love this color scheme and there are some fantastic layouts that have been done with it. I just had to use all those pictures from Morocco for this one. And, since I had so many pictures, I did a 2-pager. I still need to work on it some more, but here it is:

Right side:

Left side:

Sunsoaked Kit by Monikadesigns
Lots-o-Clusters template by Britt-ish Designs
Gold Action from Atomic Cupcake
Pirate Princess Kit by Britt-ish Designs
Do Me A Solid by Britt-ish Designs
Star Gazer by Ellie Lash
Morocco Mickey pin
Fonts: AS Shocard, Aladdin, Papyrus
I cannot show you my LO yet b/c I don't have enough posts, I'll have to work on that! But you can find it at scrapmatters under haynay. I'll try to post more then come back and edit and/or post it.

I found your LO on scrapmatters, very cute! I think you can go to the test board here and just post random things ten times so you can then post pictures and links. i think that's what Britt did when she joined. I'm so glad you joined us! I did a LO with one of your your Jump papers the other day. look for it in the other Disney Lo's thread, near the end!
Well, I'm still getting a lot of use out of Britt's Shiver Me Timbers kit!! Here's mine, just under the deadline again!!
This is my entry

it will go next to this LO when my book is finally done!
Here is my LO for this challenge. I forgot to add shadows...will have to do that later, but I have to get ds ready for Scouts and I have a Cub Committee Meeting, too! Grr!!!


Credits here.

Thanks Britt for a great and challenging (LOL) challenge!!

~*~ Geri ~*~
Everyone did such an excellent job!

Geri - Love your Captain Hook layout! Your layout has a wonderful flow to it! Love the way you used the swirl! Beautiful!

Jessica - Another rockin' layout from you! Your P&P parade pictures are incredible! I still have to scrap mine and will come look at your layouts for inspiration. Wonderful layouts!!

Pooh46 - Great 2-pager! I love the picture made into the background and including the hidden mickey plates. Awe-some!!

Thanks Britt for an awesome challenge!
I'm finally back with my scrapping computer for a challenge! The LO on this thread are just beautiful and will likely be lifted one of these days by me!
Here's mine: I'm not happy with the title; I'll likely change it before printing because it is a little hard to read.

font: Aladdin
jewels (purple ones were re-colored): Shiver Me Timbers by Brittish Designs
swirly bling border (not the official title) by Holly Ann Reed
red/brown paper: me
Oooh, Suzi! I love the bling border with that background! You're right about the title. I think I'd change the shadow or make the one font a little bigger, but it still looks great! I love the little Abu, too. Where did you find him?
Okaym, so I know its over, but I got to 10 posts and wanted to put my LO on here....

haynay: papers
Swirl: Designs by Shellie
Frame: pbd_SYTYCD3
Flowers: Britt-ish designs and A Work in Progress (red ones)
Alpha: AWP again
great job and great pic. My DH doesn't like that ride either, his legs are too long and the seats are uncomfy, but he rides every trip!
Hi gals!! Did you think I forgot about the winner? Well I DID'T! I've just had a crazy busy morning!!

Ok - let's get to it!! It was HARD to pick so I called in a little help!


You heard the man! I put all the entries together and used a random number generator to pick one and, BriarRose, you are the lucky girl that was chosen. Look at BriarRoses' adorable LO!


And my pick goes to Bernie-Ann. I loved the pretty flowers and the tilted paper. SO CUTE!


CONGRATS girls. I'll be PMing you your prize links soon!!!

Thanks to everyone who entered! SO many amazing LOs! xoxo
Great job, everyone! Congratulations to the winners! Beautiful layouts!



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