Dining Plan says includes appetizer...

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I have taken some time to get back to this thread.

Today I received a phone call from someone claiming to be in the executive branch of Disney. They called to respond to my inquiry about the flyer. The lady stated that this was the first that they heard of this issue. I want to repeat that today is the first time that the executive branch has heard of this issue.

I stated, "But aren't you in the executive branch and isn't that the top branch?" She said yes, but they don't know everything the other branches are doing.

I suggested that they send out a mailer to those who received the wrong flyers letting them know what the real dining plan is. She said she would pass on the suggestion.

But come on! Am I really the only person that has made an inquiry to Disney about this? She seemed so genuine over the phone when she said this is the first that the executive branch heard of this. I honestly believe that I am the only one that contacted them about this mistake. I am amazed that after all the forum discussion and various threads that no one else has bothered to contact Disney, and I don't mean making some comments to the operator that happens to answer the phone, but actually contacting them in writing.

I suggest others contact them via email or letter.

I am not trying to get anything for free, but letting a company know of the mistakes they make sometimes is a moral obligation of a customer.
Well, maybe everyone else realizes how irrelevant this whole subject is. Some people got the wrong flyer (from a year ago), Big Deal!! ; and it is pointless to stir :stir: up trouble over it. We all know what the dining plan is and what is included, so why make it look like anyone is owed anything due to an outdated mailer? :confused3 Did you expect any different response than what you got? IMHO everyone should just put this one to rest. It was a
**** m i s t a k e **** :rolleyes1 We all make mistakes, but they are not all going to cost us lots and lots of money (esp. a silly one such as this, since most of those who got the outdated flyer can read). :cool2:
Well, maybe everyone else realizes how irrelevant this whole subject is. Some people got the wrong flyer (from a year ago), Big Deal!! ; and it is pointless to stir :stir: up trouble over it. We all know what the dining plan is and what is included, so why make it look like anyone is owed anything due to an outdated mailer? :confused3 Did you expect any different response than what you got? IMHO everyone should just put this one to rest. It was a
**** m i s t a k e **** :rolleyes1 We all make mistakes, but they are not all going to cost us lots and lots of money (esp. a silly one such as this, since most of those who got the outdated flyer can read). :cool2:

Well said :thumbsup2
I do not think it is stirring up trouble at all. I think the OP has a good point. Disney should be careful about what they send out. That flyer is very misleading. Even if the person receiving the flyer knows that it is not the right information it is not up to the receiver to research for the correct details. It is up to disney to give everyone the correct information and they have got to know by now that they sent out the wrong flyer. Yes everyone makes mistakes but it is also the responsibility of the company to correct this mistake. Companies are responsible for their employees mistakes. The least disney could do is send out the correct information with a letter of appology. It makes good customer service to admit when you have made a mistake. As many have said on this thread as well not everyone knows that this is the wrong information. As hard as it is to believe not everyone reads these boards or even have the internet. Its not as if this brochure has 2007 in big letters across the top. It has very small print on the back of the brochure that we have since deduced on this board is a date mark.

OP as I have said before I would talk to disney about this and see what they will do for you. Maybe they will not do anything and maybe they will.

Good Luck and Im sorry that you have had such a harsh response from some.
Here's how I would handle it:
I would take the flyer with me and the envelope that it came in and anything else that can put a date to the letter.

Upon checking in, I would show them this and ask what they can do to honor this, as it was clearly their mistake.

If the person checking you in refuses, ask to speak with a Manager, explain what has happened and that it would show a lot of goodwill on their part to honor the offer.

If the manager isn't sure how to handle it, ask him/her if they would be willing to credit any gratuities and appetizers that you pay for back to your card upon checkout. If not, figure out about how much value this has and ask for something equivalent or a little better, perhaps free Refillable Mugs, T-Shirts, Pins, etc.

What ever deal you are able to strike, make sure you get it in writing and note the Manager's name.

NOTE: In California they have to have a California Travel Agent License, which means that if they are dealing with someone from California they are required to abide by California law. In the state of California they are required to honor the lowest advertised price and/or best deal, in this case they would be required to honor this or risk being fined or loosing their California License. The requirement to honor the best advertised price is thank to K-Mart;s old practices of advertising one price, then when the customer goes to purchase the item it rings up at a different price, when this law first came out, they then tried the trick of removing the lower price when they were going to do a "price check". With Camera Phones so prevalent now it is hard to do this, but that is :offtopic: My point is that other states may have similar laws on the books that would still apply to Disney, also note that it will be a lot easier if you can get this sorted out before you go and be sue to take down names, numbers, dates, times and get it in writing! (Also, ask if you can record the conversation, most cell phones now will allow you to do so. explain to them that way if there is any confusion it is easy for you to go back and make sure of what was said.)

I am not saying to stiff the servers, just ask for credit in the amount that you tip (up to 18% say?) and the cost of the appetizers.
chuckx said:
Today I received a phone call from someone claiming to be in the executive branch of Disney. They called to respond to my inquiry about the flyer. The lady stated that this was the first that they heard of this issue.
Call me a cynic ("Okay, Ronda - you're a cynic") but I find this hard to believe.
Given that the DIS is such a microcosm of actual Guests, even if each DISer represents the ridiculously low number of, say, 100 Guests, and even if six people have posted getting the same paperwork you got - only one of 600 Guests contacted Disney in advance about the misinformation? Okay.........
cmwade77 said:
Here's how I would handle it:
I would take the flyer with me and the envelope that it came in and anything else that can put a date to the letter.

Upon checking in, I would show them this and ask what they can do to honor this, as it was clearly their mistake.
Okay. Prove that paperwork came in that envelope.
In the state of California they are required to honor the lowest advertised price and/or best deal, in this case they would be required to honor this or risk being fined or loosing their California License.
Not applicable. This is interim documentation. You have already purchased, in this case, a package including the Disney Dining Plan package under and with the knowledge of the current restrictions/rules of said package. Yes, the flyer you got after you booked and deposited/paid is outdated - but it IS outdated. It's obviously outdated. Notwithstanding, the Guest bought the 2008 package at 2008 rates and under 2008 conditions. I'm relatively certain 2007 paperwork would not affect Disney license to sell travel in California, or any other state with similar consumer protection laws.
The requirement to honor the best advertised price is thank to K-Mart;s old practices of advertising one price, then when the customer goes to purchase the item it rings up at a different price, when this law first came out, they then tried the trick of removing the lower price when they were going to do a "price check". With Camera Phones so prevalent
:offtopic: Standard bait and switch. It predates camera phones. It predates cellphones. It predates me. Heck, it probably even predates cameras. But this mistake by Disney, while unreasonable, is NOT bait & switch. It was a mistake.
I'm sorry....but to understand how the plan really works and then try to use a "loophole" to try to get something for nothing is just not morally right. It may have been Disney's mistake but it was not malicious, was not a bait-and-switch.

What people fail to realize is that you are not really "punishing" Disney by trying to use this to get something extra that you are not entitled to. If enough people did it, Disney's cost would increase and that cost would be passed directly on to future customers. So, in effect, you are letting future guests subsidize your free food or whatever else you would ask for in exchange of this flyer which you already knew ahead of time, was incorrect.
But come on! Am I really the only person that has made an inquiry to Disney about this? She seemed so genuine over the phone when she said this is the first that the executive branch heard of this. I honestly believe that I am the only one that contacted them about this mistake. I am amazed that after all the forum discussion and various threads that no one else has bothered to contact Disney, and I don't mean making some comments to the operator that happens to answer the phone, but actually contacting them in writing.

I'm sure you're not the first person to contact Disney about it, but maybe you're the first person to escalate it to the executive branch.

I suspect others aren't calling because a)they know the ddp and realize the old brochure was sent in error or b) they don't realize they got the wrong brochure. I would fall in category A and to me it wouldn't be worth my time and aggravation to call about something like this. I wouldn't expect or try to get something out of the fact that Disney sent me an old brochure.
ok vent coming...I can not believe that this is still going on...:confused3 First it is not a "bait and switch" .Second, I seriously doubt that going to check-in with said flier and a bug up your behind is going to net you anything.I hate the new incarnation of the dining plan as much as the next person, but it is not going to ruin my trip, nor do I feel a sense of entitlement(I got one of the outdated fliers thru AAA).I feel fortunate enough to be going.All I have seen is complaining...last year people complained because the dining plan was too much food, the gratuities were included etc..Now people are complaining because there is no more appy, and they have to tip oop. At least you are going to disney, and not struggling to find food,or living in the Sudan or Myanmar..how about a little perspective?
Geez...and some posters here wonder why the some of the waitstaff makes it a point to verify that the gratuity is no longer included.

Poor CM's are damned if they DO point it out ("now they don't DESERVE a tip because they dared to mention it and now I'm going to STIFF them!") and damned if they don't ("Disney told me it was included, so no way am I leaving any money for them").

I feel badly for those that really suffer through this.:headache:
I have followed along since this thread started and I can not believe people can not agree that Disney should honor what they put out there. Disney is a huge vacation destination and you would think that they would inform there guests better on a regular basis.Please before you respond just read through a few examples that I have came across. All of the info I am sharing I have confirmed most of what they are telling people. The TA's that gave the info range from a couple local Disney specialist and even a AAA agent.I work in a elem. school and I am now helping about 8 families and these are there stories.

1. Disney does not release discounts on there rooms.The AAA discount is the only discount available ever!!
2. You do not need to book dining reservations on the dining plan you just use the coupon book provided and that gives you priority seating. Just choose the resturant you would like to eat at for the day and present your coupon and your all set.
3. On the dining plan you must eat at a resturant within the park you have chose to visit for that day.
4. You must purchase tickets for the length of your stay, if you book 8 nights you must purchase a 9 day ticket.
5. In order to use disney transpertion you must purchase hopper option.
6. Family of 6 must book a suite. One family is not allowed to book 2 seperate rooms since the dining plan and tickets will be only attached to persons name on reservation. When family wanted to add 1 more person the TA just told them to show up since they do not track # of people in suites.
7.A TA told one family that Free dining is not that good of deal and the husband will not book based on TA telling them that Disney allways offers 2 bedroom suites for less than $100 per night including dining plan in Sept.I have there ADR's and their daily plans but he is waiting on the TA to call them with there deal!! I will post there ADR cancelations on here as soon as they decide not to go.
8. And every family that booked for this year was told that tip is included.

I can go on and on and on and all of these coments were made within this years planning.I agree that we are only a small # of people visiting Disney so I hate the thoughts of vacations ruined by miscomunication or lack of correct information on Disney's part. I help and run to anyone I hear that might be going to disney just to make sure the info they are getting is within reason. Please feel for all the people out there that do not know what we do and Disney does need to be pressured about there false advertising. Remember these are Disney specialist and people believe and are putting there trust in that name.

Ok I am ready to be flamed!!
Sorry I disagree,even on my old 2007 dining plan flier (that I got this year with this pkg)It says in very fine print the usual Disney "reserves the right to change dining plan inclusions at anytime" .Like I said previously, anyone is welcome to go to checkin with the flier and an attitude and see what it nets you, but I personally can think of better things to be devastated over, or have a ruined trip over.Most likely, they will tell you "sorry" and leave it at that.I think it is awful that there are uninformed people out there working in the Ta position that have no clue, but there isn't a whole bunch you can do about it.I tell everyone I know going to disney to buy a good guidebook.I know people that research the heck out of a trip to the movie theater, but somehow can't be bothered to do a little research before an expensive vacation.
I have followed along since this thread started and I can not believe people can not agree that Disney should honor what they put out there. Disney is a huge vacation destination and you would think that they would inform there guests better on a regular basis.Please before you respond just read through a few examples that I have came across. All of the info I am sharing I have confirmed most of what they are telling people. The TA's that gave the info range from a couple local Disney specialist and even a AAA agent.I work in a elem. school and I am now helping about 8 families and these are there stories.

1. Disney does not release discounts on there rooms.The AAA discount is the only discount available ever!!
2. You do not need to book dining reservations on the dining plan you just use the coupon book provided and that gives you priority seating. Just choose the resturant you would like to eat at for the day and present your coupon and your all set.
3. On the dining plan you must eat at a resturant within the park you have chose to visit for that day.
4. You must purchase tickets for the length of your stay, if you book 8 nights you must purchase a 9 day ticket.
5. In order to use disney transpertion you must purchase hopper option.
6. Family of 6 must book a suite. One family is not allowed to book 2 seperate rooms since the dining plan and tickets will be only attached to persons name on reservation. When family wanted to add 1 more person the TA just told them to show up since they do not track # of people in suites.
7.A TA told one family that Free dining is not that good of deal and the husband will not book based on TA telling them that Disney allways offers 2 bedroom suites for less than $100 per night including dining plan in Sept.I have there ADR's and their daily plans but he is waiting on the TA to call them with there deal!! I will post there ADR cancelations on here as soon as they decide not to go.
8. And every family that booked for this year was told that tip is included.

I can go on and on and on and all of these coments were made within this years planning.I agree that we are only a small # of people visiting Disney so I hate the thoughts of vacations ruined by miscomunication or lack of correct information on Disney's part. I help and run to anyone I hear that might be going to disney just to make sure the info they are getting is within reason. Please feel for all the people out there that do not know what we do and Disney does need to be pressured about there false advertising. Remember these are Disney specialist and people believe and are putting there trust in that name.

Ok I am ready to be flamed!!

I would think that if these were consistent practices, you would hear a lot more about these specific issues on the DIS. Although CMs have been known to give incorrect information, people throw around "false advertising" and "bait and switch" without really understanding what that means in legal terms. Essentially you have to prove intent in order for there to be an element of "false advertising" or "bait and switch". This would be very hard to prove and regardless probably isn't true anyway.

Sometimes businesses will choose to honor mistakes made in print or by one of their mis-informed associates but it is not as common as people might think and in most cases, they are not legally required to do so, at least not on a large scale.

I think in many of the examples cited above are you totally eliminating the possibility that the client somehow mis-understood what the CM was telling them or that they made it up to try to get a freebie (people do that)?

Mis-understandings happen all the time.
holey schamoley! Can't believe this is still going...

I agree with the posters who say Disney's covered with "reserves the right to change at any time" statements. That's "in the contract."

Good luck to anyone that wants to try challenging. Would love to be therepopcorn::
I have followed along since this thread started and I can not believe people can not agree that Disney should honor what they put out there. Disney is a huge vacation destination and you would think that they would inform there guests better on a regular basis.Please before you respond just read through a few examples that I have came across. All of the info I am sharing I have confirmed most of what they are telling people. The TA's that gave the info range from a couple local Disney specialist and even a AAA agent.I work in a elem. school and I am now helping about 8 families and these are there stories.

1. Disney does not release discounts on there rooms.The AAA discount is the only discount available ever!!
2. You do not need to book dining reservations on the dining plan you just use the coupon book provided and that gives you priority seating. Just choose the resturant you would like to eat at for the day and present your coupon and your all set.
3. On the dining plan you must eat at a resturant within the park you have chose to visit for that day.
4. You must purchase tickets for the length of your stay, if you book 8 nights you must purchase a 9 day ticket.
5. In order to use disney transpertion you must purchase hopper option.
6. Family of 6 must book a suite. One family is not allowed to book 2 seperate rooms since the dining plan and tickets will be only attached to persons name on reservation. When family wanted to add 1 more person the TA just told them to show up since they do not track # of people in suites.
7.A TA told one family that Free dining is not that good of deal and the husband will not book based on TA telling them that Disney allways offers 2 bedroom suites for less than $100 per night including dining plan in Sept.I have there ADR's and their daily plans but he is waiting on the TA to call them with there deal!! I will post there ADR cancelations on here as soon as they decide not to go.
8. And every family that booked for this year was told that tip is included.

I can go on and on and on and all of these coments were made within this years planning.I agree that we are only a small # of people visiting Disney so I hate the thoughts of vacations ruined by miscomunication or lack of correct information on Disney's part. I help and run to anyone I hear that might be going to disney just to make sure the info they are getting is within reason. Please feel for all the people out there that do not know what we do and Disney does need to be pressured about there false advertising. Remember these are Disney specialist and people believe and are putting there trust in that name.

Ok I am ready to be flamed!!

No flames here, as a matter of fact, I agree, I also think that the OP owes it to others to attempt to hold Disney to this, as it may indeed help others that simply don't know that this information is wrong down the road.
These mistakes the poster above mentioned are more common than people think in my opinion. Not all disney CMs have the same information. I found this out the hard way when I called to make my adrs. I was told that I had to call back by the first CM because I was a couple days early from my 180 day mark. However people on here were already making their adrs for the same dates. I called back and got another CM that sent me to group dining since I am traveling with a party of 8 for part of my trip. This CM booked my reservations no problem up to 9 days. Yes 9 days not the 10 that you are supposed to be able to book if staying on site. So again I called back to try to get that last day and could not do it. Later that day I called back to make my mils adrs since we are not eating together all the time (mainly because of the gratuity issue) and again was told I was early. I called back and asked for group dining and again I was able to book all of her adrs since she is only staying 7 days.

We are going for 14 days so I was told that I had to call back each additional day to make my adrs exactly 180 days out for these extra days. So I did this and was told that I could make adrs for the 10th day- 12th day but I would have to call back for the rest. I got off the phone and called right back and was able to make the rest of my adrs.

Yes problems are common when booking a disney trip- people are given the wrong information everyday. I have read over and over on these boards about CMs not having the correct information for booking.

When it came time for free dining many people called to book All Star Music suites and were told that they did not qualify for free dining yet others got it. Go figure.

Last year we even had problems using the dining plan- as not all waiters knew what was and was not allowed on the dining plan. For example: at sci-fi we were told we could not get shakes and yet a little while after we had asked another table was seated nearby but had a different waiter and the first thing the waiter said was the adults may order shakes on the dining plan if they would like to.

I understand that Disney World is a big place and they have a lot of employees but come on people working in the same restaurant right next to each other should have the same information and if the person isnt sure of the answer they should ask someone that is.
DiszyDean said:
Sometimes businesses will choose to honor mistakes made in print
Exactly. Years ago, when airlines used to run ads with fare sale prices in newspapers on a regular basis AND $249 was an excellent deal for a cross-country flight... a misprint in a Delta ad listed Boston to Los Angeles for $49. Round trip. It was obviously a mistake - but they honored that price for bookings through noon that day.

cmwade77 said:
No flames here, as a matter of fact, I agree, I also think that the OP owes it to others to attempt to hold Disney to this,
Hold Disney to what? Mailing outdated information? To what goal? Being able to enjoy the benefits of the 2007 Dining Plan if the Guest can somehow turn back time and visit in 2007?

At any rate, I think there would be interesting ethical issues involved when one knows information received is incorrect (e.g. outdated) but expects it to be honored.
All this was already covered on this thread back when it was realized that WDW had mailed out some incorrect brochures regarding the dining plan.

This thread has now run its course.
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