"Didn't you see our first movie? We drive..." An August 2012 TR The new TR is up!!!

Top of the World Lounge Part 1

We got on the monorail and headed over to the Contemporary. Once we got there, I saw the five legged goat for the first time!

From the Contemporary, we went back outside on the big patio thing and walked over to BLT—a BLT sounds really good right now…—on the skybridge. Once we got there after the five second walk, we went to the lobby and headed over to the DVC desk. A family in front of us was getting checked in, and then it was our turn. The guy said to Mum that he needed our room key, and she gets out her DVC card. Uh, not so much. I was fumbling for my KTTW card and handed it to the CM.

We were led to a very special elevator (for VIPs) and we headed up to the Top of the World Lounge.

Now at this time, they were letting DVC members up there for a few weeks. Since it was so popular, they decided to extend those few weeks until December, so I hope we will be able to go up there if we have time in oh, less than 3 weeks…

Once we got up there, I immediately started talking pictures. And I kind of took like 100 pictures that night (yeah…) but I won’t torture you with them all.

Or maybe I will!



This is inside when you walk in.

Kind of towards your left when you walk in, there is a little seating area with these awesome retro concept art pictures of Tomorrowland.


This is the bar area.

And then we went outside.







I think that’s enough of the view.

For now.

Seriously, the view was incredible. You could see everything from up there. In the Magic Kingdom, we could see Big Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, Tomorrowland, Main Street, and the castle of course. And from the top, you could see Main Street go black when the MSEP was coming.

There were signs outside telling you what you can see from the lounge and they pointed stuff out to you.

And just look at the speakers they use to pipe Wishes in!

I went inside to use the bathroom and to look around for a little while more.

This was inside by some of the elevators.

Hidden Mickey!

Then my I noticed I suddenly had two other sisters that looked exactly alike me!

Mum would have a whole head of gray hair if there were two more of moi. Oh wait, she already does…

I then headed back to ToTwL and went back outside.

When I got back outside, I turned my head to the left and I could see Illuminations! You really can see everything from up there.

(my one awful picture of Illuminations)

We headed inside for a few and sat down at a table.

A waitress came over and asked if we wanted any drinks. So I got my usual (iced tea, unsweetened that is) and Mum got a diet coke. We noticed other tables had drink menus because our waitress gave them to them! We never got one! Our waitress was probably like “OMG I know who you two are!” since we are VIPs of course and she must have been going crazy over us so she totally forgot to give us a menu. I know that is the reason.

And if you are wondering, our drinks were not free (shocker, I know) and it ended up being $7 because Mum gave our waitress a tip. Ridiculous, but it’s Disney, so whatever.

I went outside to find us a spot while Mum paid because it was getting more crowded.

There was this little girl next to us that was crying because she was so tired and wanted to go back to their hotel room. I felt so bad!

I was still going picture crazy at this point. I just couldn’t stop. So now I will torture you guys more.






Then we could see MM&Y starting so I tried to take some pictures of it.


They came out really great, as you can see.


Then it was time for...

No not a guitar solo.

So. Let me get this straight. Your mom was disappointed because the Step Sisters weren't there ?? Just checking, because I am not sure that was clear. :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

I am sorry you didn't get to see them, but your story was hilarious and your dessert description ?? "Something that looked like throw up with apples in it." I laughed out loud !!

But, the whole thing just make me NOT want to go there. That place gets some really bad reviews. Pretty consistently, too.

The Top of the World lounge looks really cool. We will have to check that out sometime. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Disney Trivia - the names of the female mice are Suzy and Perla. Suzy is the one in blue. Perla is the one in purple.
So. Let me get this straight. Your mom was disappointed because the Step Sisters weren't there ?? Just checking, because I am not sure that was clear. :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

I am sorry you didn't get to see them, but your story was hilarious and your dessert description ?? "Something that looked like throw up with apples in it." I laughed out loud !!

But, the whole thing just make me NOT want to go there. That place gets some really bad reviews. Pretty consistently, too.

The Top of the World lounge looks really cool. We will have to check that out sometime. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Disney Trivia - the names of the female mice are Suzy and Perla. Suzy is the one in blue. Perla is the one in purple.

Haha yes, she was very disappointed that the step sisters weren't there! Sorry that wasn't clear!
Yeah, Mum's dessert looked NASTY!
I have heard mixed reviews of 1900PF. Some say it's excellent, and others, not so much, just like us.
It is SO cool! You are very welcome and there are A TON of Wishes one that will be in the next update!
Thanks for telling me that! I had no clue.​
Top of the World Lounge Part 2

It was time to watch Wishes from probably (in my opinion) the best spot ever. I take that back. I have heard Wishes in New Fantasyland is incredible. We shall see…in 16 DAYS!!!!!!!!

Moving on to the five zillion pictures I took.

















And that concludes my Wishes spam!

It was SUCH a cool experience to watch Wishes from the Top of the World Lounge. The fireworks look SO far away from the castle. I am going to ask Disney to build me a little apartment up there so I can watch Wishes every night.

After Wishes ended, the elevators were packed with all of the VIPs. It was craziness.

We headed back over to the Contemporary to catch the monorail over to MK to take a boat over to Heaven aka the Wilderness Lodge. I love Disney transportation y’all, but sometimes, it’s a pain in the booty.

Some people were asking our captain if they could take our boat to someplace they were staying off property. Stupid Guests, I tell you.

Our captain was telling us that when a president comes to visit WDW, they send secret service dudes into the Seven Seas Lagoon and they close down the Monorail. Great.

And speaking of presidents, I hope you all went out and voted today for my good pal Mickey! Seriously, Mickey should be president. Mum kept saying she was going to vote for him, but she never did. That's really too bad. I wish Mickey would call us 24/7 instead of the stupid people running for senate or whatever, here in Mass.

Once we got back to Heaven on Earth, we went to Roaring Forks and I got a chocolate chip cookie. Seriously, those things are the bomb dot com. They are just amazing.

(My awful picture of it)

We headed back to the room to get a good night sleep with Mickey Bars dancing in our heads…

Overview of the Day

I think it was sunny all day…
Animal Kingdom <3 <3
Our safari!
Our ridiculous redneck ride photos
The meerkats
The Top of the World Lounge!
Our awful waiter at Yak & Yeti…OH! And we can’t forget Russel!
1900 Park Fare. That is all.​
I realize what I had been missing out on for all of these years

August 17th

I didn’t want to get out of bed. I was exhausted. But we had to get up since for one, there is NO sleeping in Disney, and for two, we had a park to be at!

We were out the door by 8:40 and we got on a bus and headed to…

Off to MGM! Yes I still call it that. Yes I know its Hollywood Studios. I don't care.

Why yes, we were going to MGM. It will always be MGM to moi and Hollywood Studios to all of the losers in this world. Or Movie Studios to the people who have no clue. I’m just sayin’.

We got at MGM at 9:05 and did the Toy Story Mania Mad Dash with the rest of the crazy people there. I was speed walking and dodging crowds with Mum five miles behind me yelling at me to slow down. I don’t know why I even did that because we ended up standing around waiting for a time that wouldn’t interfere with our ADR…I shouldn’t even call it an ADR. It was an experience. That sounds more like it!

So we hung out in Pixar Place for about 10 minutes while we waited for a good time for FPs.



I just adore Pixar Place. THEMING THEMING THEMING <3

We looked in the little shop for a second and I saw some of the cutest stuffed animals to ever exist.



I really wanted to buy them, but I decided that I have already five zillion stuffed animals anyways. They basically cover my floor and my bed. Like I care that I am a teenager.

Finally a FP time came up that would work for us so we grabbed some for 1:20-2:20.

Then since it was like 9:30 in the morning, and we already had breakfast like 25 minutes ago, we headed over to Starring Rolls Café.

It’s probably really sad that I didn’t understand the name of it till this year. It’s like how I never understand the jokes on Ellen on Classic Joke Tuesday—R.I.P Classic Joke Monday forever—and then Mum has to explain them to me so then I have a really delayed reaction.

We had never been to Starring Rolls before this and once we heard how amazing it is, we had to make time to go.

So we went inside and it was pure craziness. And plus it so small, which makes it worse.

We got all of our food, paid, and found a table outside.

I got my usual.

I bet you guys weren’t expecting that.

Mum got the red velvet cupcake.


I decided to try it after I ate my chocolate croissant in all of two seconds. I have read SO many reviews on the cupcakes before this and I decided it was time. It was time to try a cupcake for the first time in like three years.

Before you all go insane, let me just say that I didn’t like cake for a really long time.

Ok, now you can all go insane.

People thought I was nuts for not liking cake. Mum always said she must have brought the wrong baby home from the hospital. Real nice, I know.

So I decided to try it.

And what did I think?

I liked it!

Since this day, I have been eating cake. Disney magic turned all of this around. DISNEY MAGIC PEOPLE.

The cupcake was so moist, and just amazing. The frosting was really sweet, which Mum just loved.

To wash our second breakfast down, we got cartons of milk with the Big Cheese on them.

After that very monumental moment in my life, we went to that princess shop near the animation building because Mum had to use some scissors to cut the stuff she uses for blisters. I don’t even know why I wrote this down in my journal.

We headed into the Animation Building since it was two feet away. We got in line for one of the animation classes. The CM told us that we would have to use lap boards but once we got in there, we found two seats next to each other.

The CM let us vote between Scrooge McDuck and *drumroll*… FLYNN RIDER aka Eugene Fitzherbert.

Only like five people voted for Scrooge and the rest voted for Flynn…except the party pooper next to Mum. She said she didn’t know who either of the characters were (what???) and didn’t want to draw. So she sat there for the 20 minutes. I hate people like that. Have fun, will ya?! This isn’t Universal!

I have to say, drawing Flynn was extremely hard.

Once our class ended, we took pictures of our works of art.

First up, Mum’s.

And then mine, which came out blurry since Mum can’t manage to take a picture.

We rolled up our masterpieces and then headed into the store which holds all of the pictures I would like to decorate our house with.

We looked around and then I saw it. Two words: VINTAGE DISNEY. I had to have this painting. And plus it’s by Shag, so like omg. I’ll post the picture I took of it later because I am way too lazy to find it and upload it to ImageShack right now.
It didn’t have a price on it so I brought it up the counter and asked. It was only $40, so not too bad!
I paid for it and then shipped it to the front of the park.

I also saw this in there.

Cuteness overload.

We headed outside since it was almost time for our experience.





It’s really MGM…

Since we had a few minutes to kill, we stood and watched that really stupid Disney Channel show. I think it's called Disney Channel Rocks, which is for one, the worst name of a show ever, and two, that's not true. Seriously, that show is crap.

Once Disney Channel Stinks was over, we headed over to our destination and checked in…
Ok,yes, we were eating a giant cupcake at like 9:30 in the morning. It's vacation! :rotfl:

wow, that woman next to me at the animation class was sooo grumpy. Really lady, just TRY it, you might actually LIKE it. You are at Disney after all. I wanted to tell her to get up...there were about 50 other people in line who would have enjoyed themselves.

And, enough about the fact that I can't take pictures!
Ok,yes, we were eating a giant cupcake at like 9:30 in the morning. It's vacation! :rotfl:

wow, that woman next to me at the animation class was sooo grumpy. Really lady, just TRY it, you might actually LIKE it. You are at Disney after all. I wanted to tell her to get up...there were about 50 other people in line who would have enjoyed themselves.

And, enough about the fact that I can't take pictures!

Well yeah, DUH, it's vacaction!
She was a big poop. And I'm sorry, but HOW do you not know who Scrooge Mcduck is?!
Our experience...

So like I said, we were going to an experience. This wasn’t some regular ADR.

We checked in and they handed us our name tags at the front desk.

And that pretty much gives what we were doing away, but you guys would have found out anyways!

So yeah, we were doing Dine with an Imagineer.

I wasn’t excited at all…

We had to wait in lobby for several minutes and I took some picture for y’all.




While we were waiting, the first family came into eat at the Derby, and I just loved how they made a big production out of it. It was a family of four, and they came down a red carpet, got hats, and the waiters were pretending to be the paparazzi. Oh Disney, how I love thee…
The daughter in the family though was a big party pooper. She just hated the whole thing and tried to get away because she was embarrassed. And plus she was about my age. I am used to that since I am a VIP, but that would have been awesome.

8 out of 10 people (counting us) arrived for our experience. So it was Mum and moi, a couple in about their 20s, and then this family. Two words: dear God. So it was the mother, the father, and their two kids who were about seven or eight. I looked over at Mum when I saw them and said “they probably don’t even know what an Imagineer is…” If you are looking into this and you have little kids, DO NOT GO. First of all, they will be bored for two hours, and second of all, it will be a waste of money.

Even though we didn’t have everyone in our group yet, we headed into the Bamboo Room. And our Imagineer was there waiting for us. And by the way, I got to sit next to him. Just sayin’.

First off, our waiter came around (I can’t remember his name) and he took our drink orders.

Meanwhile, the last two people came in that were in our group. So it was this guy and his daughter…who was like five. Like I said, dear God. I have to say though, the father looked SO FAMILIAR. Mum thought so too. It was so weird. He said he was on the DIS, so I must know him from on here.

We started by going around the table introducing ourselves. Everyone already knew who I was since I am a celebrity and they cared about me more than our Imagineer.
No really, I said how I wanted to do the DCP when I got older and eventually become an Imagineer. Then once it was Mum’s turn. She was like “yeah I have been to Disney like 25 times.” Then the family of four (with the two kids) were like “wow….” since they said that they had only been 6 times and knew “everything about the parks.” Really, because y’all spend hours researching and reading books about Walt Disney, the company, and the parks? Yeah, I don’t think so.

I am going to start this by telling you guys about our Imagineer and then I’ll get to the food and other stuff. And if you guys are wondering, I DID NOT TAKE FOOD PICTURES. I thought that would have been just weird in front of everybody.

So our Imagineer was Diego Parras. He is a communications manager, whatever that means. All I care about is that he works for Disney and has my dream job. He said he was originally from Spain and moved to the US when he was eleven. He moved to New Jersey with his family and he was saying how they planned a Disney vacation, but couldn’t afford plane tickets. So they drove. Sound like two people I know…
His parents moved down to Orlando for retirement (which Mum is going to do when I am the President of WDW, which Meg Crofton is right now. How funny, we have the same first name…) and he found a job at Disney, since who would want to work at Universal?!
He was talking about his interview and he said the woman asked “why do you want to work for Disney?” And he said he needed a job, which my friends, is not going to land you a job. When it comes time to do my phone interview for the DCP, my answer to that question will be “OMG I JUST LOVE DISNEY SO MUCH BFIJBFUIGEUORGOUIEYRIOYERGKDBOBNQOIH.” Yup.
So Diego went back about two weeks later and got the same question. His answer was “Have you ever seen the Chevy Chase movie and how they are going to Wally World (they were going to Walmart? Interesting…) and how they want to have the perfect vacation? Well I want to make people have a perfect vacation.” And he got hired. I shall remember that for the future…

So he started out by wearing an orange jumpsuit at Star Tours (which he ended up working on later as an Imagineer), and then he did the gangster scenes on the Great Movie Ride.

And then on his days off, he called people for interviews and then made his way up to be an Imagineer.

And that pretty much includes his "life story" with Disney.

So he opened it up to questions and by this point, I was just in awe. I probably looked like a freak staring at him the whole time.

So then the stupid little kids asked the stupidest questions. For example “Why does the monorail only go to a few places?” or “Why is this ceiling made out of bamboo?” It got annoying.

The dude in his 20s with his girlfriend or whoever was very into it. He wanted to be an Imagineer too and asked what do you have to take in college, etc. Meanwhile the kids at the end of the table are just like “can we go?” and then there’s me sitting there staring at Diego in awe. I was trying not to look like a total weirdo.

Diego said he went to school for graphic design, and he doesn’t do any of that now, so just follow your passion and you can do whatever you want as an Imagineer.

And then he started talking about all of the details in the park and how everything is there for a reason. Now I am going to go off on a big to do about the details, because this is my favorite thing about the parks. It was just amazing to hear him talk about the details and many people just walk right by them without even looking. Diego was saying that people might not notice everything, but the Imagineers put something somewhere for a reason. And once those little details are gone, people will notice that, even though they might not now. This is the one thing that annoys me (yes, pet peeve #893658946598). People go for the rides. They rush around all day long and don’t stop. They don’t notice all of the little details around them because they are running around like mad to get a Fastpass for an attraction, or whatever. They just don’t stop and appreciate what the Imagineers have done. Like for example, in Liberty Square. When you are walking in Liberty Square, look down. In the middle of the streets, there is this pavement just running through the middle of the street, as you can see here in this picture, from Google.

People think “yeah whatever. It’s just pavement.” NO IT ISN’T. It’s the Imagineers making you feel like you are back in the 1800s. That “pavement” was used for your #1s and #2s, if you know what I mean. People used to throw it from the top floor and it would run down the pavement. And I’m not joking!
This is what Imagineers do. They make you feel like you are in a different place and time with all of the details in the park. This is why I just love Disney. They make you feel like you just hopped in a time machine and went to the west, the jungle, space, Hollywood, and Africa, just to name a few.
And when y’all are walking around the parks next time rushing to a ride, stop. Just stop and look around and you might appreciate everything the Imagineers do.

And I stop and look at this stuff all of the time. And Mum didn’t realize this a lot and I think once she heard this from Diego, she has started to realize how much detail goes into the parks.

I have never been to Universal (and never will) and Diego was saying they are into making the biggest and fastest thrill ride. Disney, not so much. Disney wants to make their attractions a story, which ties into all of the details. Their job is to make their guests feel as they are part of the story. That’s a huge reason why I love Disney.

Anyways, I wish I asked more questions. I really do. I just sat there for two hours in awe of Diego. I could have sat there and listened to him talk for days. He was telling us stories about other Imagineers, Joe Rohde for example, which like I said before, GO GOOGLE HIM RIGHT NOW. And if you don’t feel like it or something, this TR isn’t going anywhere!

Now I guess I should get to the food.

We started off with a leek soup, which was very good. Then we got the world famous cobb salad, which I just loved. Mum, not so much. I don’t know why she didn’t like it. Go ask her.

For our main entrée, we had a choice of chicken, beef, or grouper. I got the chicken, which was good. It came with veggies I believe. Mum got the beef and enjoyed it a lot.

For dessert, we had a choice of crème brulee and the grapefruit cake. Since I realized how much I liked cake earlier in the day, I got the grapefruit cake, which for one, comes in a lovely presentation, and for two, tasted wonderful. It was so refreshing and very light. It was very sweet, but so good. Mum tried a bite and didn’t like it. Figures.
Mum got the crème brulee and loved it.

The two hours just flew by. In my opinion, we had an amazing Imagineer. Diego was just fantastic. I’m sure the little kids didn’t think that, but whatever. I have to say, I would do this again in a heartbeat. I just loved having this new experience where we got to talk to such an amazing person who gets to work for the greatest company in the whole world. And if we do do this on a future trip, I need to open up my shell more and ask more questions. I regret doing that, but I did just love hearing Diego talk about his job, the parks, etc.

At the end of the meal, we were wrapping things up and then the mother in the family of four with the two kids said that they had to go because they had to use FPs for Toy Story Mania. I’m sorry, but that is RIDICULOUS. You spent this money to talk to an incredible person and then you have to go to play TSM? I know it’s a great attraction and all and I love it, but…that just annoyed me so much. I will never understand some people.

Before we left, we got souvenir plates and Diego signed them for all of us. He thought that was really funny that we wanted him to since we thought he was a big celebrity or something. He said his wife would get a kick out of that!

Diego said that he had to get going because he had to go take a tour of New Fantasyland. No big deal or anything. There I was like "BRING ME WITH YOU!"

We said thank you to Diego and dropped the plates off at the front desk so we wouldn’t have to carry them around or end up breaking them. We also got little pamphlet things describing what Diego does for his job and a picture of our whole group.

If you are thinking of doing this, DO IT…if you can get an ADR that is. Mum and I checked for months for this meal and finally got it one day like two months before. I would so recommend this to anyone who wants to work for Disney in the future, or just wants to get to know a little more about Imagineering or whatever. It was seriously one of the most amazing things I have ever done.​
A limo almost loses a passenger at Disney

So after the best lunch ever, we headed over to TSM, because we had FPs to use! And since we are good doobies, we waited until AFTER our awesome lunch was over. Just sayin'.

We got in line and only waited about 10 minutes, which was much better than 110 minutes, which was posted as the stand-by time.

…And the results of our game?

Sadly, I did not get 100,900 points.

Once we were done, we went outside and it was pouring so we had to put on our lovely .99¢ ponchos from Wally World that stick to you. They feel great, especially with the humidity.

We ran down Sunset Boulevard to my love aka the Rockin’ Roller Coaster.

We got FPs for 5:05-6:05.

After that we headed over to Muppet Vision because I wanted to see it again (even though I can’t see 3-D…).

I guess it stopped raining…



I just love that fountain…

We walked inside and THANK GOD we didn’t have to rush into the theater. I had a key to find!
If you have no clue what I’m talking about, if you look to your right when you walk in, there is a sign that reads, “Back in 5 minutes. Key is under mat.” Now people will probably just go past that thinking “yeah whatever…” and they will just go into the pre-show area. Have we talked about Disney details before, guys? Yeah, I think we have…
So if you are wondering and have never looked, there really is a key under the mat.

(picture from Google)

I crouched down on to the floor and Mum waited next to me. The CM working at the front kept staring at me like “uhhh…what are you doing?” If they didn’t know what I was looking at, they must be on drugs or something, because how could you not know if you worked right there?!

And I took photo evidence to show you guys if someone didn’t believe me.

There it is! And if you’re wondering, it is glued down really good.

We headed into the pre-show area after that. I just love looking at all of the stuff in there. DISNEY DETAILS PEOPLE, and some of the best puns ever. For example, a net full of jello. Knee slappin’ stuff, I know!

(picture from Google, because mine came out awful)

We only waited several minutes and then we were lead into the theater for one of the best 3-D (well not to moi) shows ever to exist.

After the show was done, we headed into the Stage One Company Store and I picked out a Muppet shirt (DUH) that I had my eye on.


We headed towards Star Tours after that and we watched Jedi Training for a second. Exciting stuff…

A CM saw my monorail bracelet when we were walking and she came up to me and said she loved it. Why thank you, kind CM!

Then we started talking to a CM who worked at the shop outside American Idol who was doing the DCP. She was doing merchandise (of course…) and was there until January.

It was around 4:30 at this time so we still had some time to kill because we couldn’t use our FPs at RNRC yet.


So we browsed in some shops for a while and I went online.

At 5:06, we went over to my favorite ride in the whole wide world.





There was a little lizard sitting on one of the keys at the bottom of the guitar. He was so cute!

We only waited for about 15 minutes, which wasn’t bad.

We were in the 8th row during this ride and I actually managed to keep my eyes open during takeoff. Mum not so much, but that is expected from her. She just loves takeoff.

Then when we went on the first loop, I noticed my harness thingy wasn’t pushed down all the way and it was several inches away from my chest. Awesome. It seriously felt like I was going to just fall out. So I pushed the harness thingy down on my chest with my nails digging into my hands. Every time when we would go upside down, I freaked out. I wished the harness thingy was so far down on me that I couldn’t breathe instead of this. Once the ride ended, I breathed a sigh of relief. I DIDN’T FALL OUT. Imagine the headlines if I actually did…yes here I go again.




I’m done now.

I have read that “technically” you don’t need the harness thingy on RNRC because it goes so fast that you wouldn’t fall out if you didn’t have the harness thingy. It’s only there because if the ride stopped during a loop.

After I made it out alive we stopped at the Brown Derby to pick up our plates and then we headed to the front of the park to get the work of art I got by the awesome Shag. Then we headed back to Heaven aka the Wilderness Lodge.

Oh and by the way, 12 days until we are at Disney for Thanksgiving. I'm not excited at all.​
The Magic Kingdom is under attack...well not really.

On the bus ride home (it really is our home), I started to feel really sick. My stomach started to hurt and I just wanted to be back at our VILLA. I thought it was from being hungry and I felt kind of motion sick. That would be it!

Once we got back, Mum put in some laundry and called room service.

I went down to Roaring Forks to get some ice cream to go Mum’s dessert, I know you all I thought I was going to get a chocolate croissant. I know, I am shocked I didn’t get one too! I better fill up on them in 11 days at the Main Street Bakery.

Don’t even get me started on the whole Main Street Bakery turning into Starbucks thing. I will go on for hours about how they are taking Heaven and bringing in crap from “off property.” The only thing I will be happy about is the awesome Starbucks cups they use with the Tink, Mickey, the castle, and a bunch of other awesome stuff. And yes I have been using the hashtag #SavetheMainStreetBakery a ton on Twitter. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME DISNEY????? DON’T YOU KNOW I LOVE THE MAIN STREET BAKERY?!?!? *tear runs down my face* Mum thinks they put the cinnamon rolls at Gaston’s because of this awful thing Disney is doing. They better keep the awesome sandwiches and the CHOCOLATE CROISSANTS there instead of putting in Starbuck’s nasty breakfast sandwiches and those little pies Mum loves so much. I will be furious if that happens. And they better not plaster “STARBUCKS” on the front of the building….

I’m done now.

Anyways, when I was walking down to Roaring Forks, I went over to the pin book at the pin station and this was my reaction “VFYIEFRVHKERJHVRHKLVWEHKRV BUNSEN BFEUILVBERUIVRHKVERJHV HONEYDEW!!!!!!!!” He was there! THANK THE LORD I was reunited with him after I got him taken away from me in Epcot. So I snagged him right up and went on my way.

And then there was this really cute CM standing in front of Artist Point who said hi to me. He was just adorable.

There was this really cute cm in the lobby, and he said hi to me. *giggles*
I’m ridiculous.

But it’s not my fault Disney hires very good looking CMs.

I got down to Roaring Forks and I went up to the self serve ice cream. I was putting some in my cup and the ice cream just wouldn’t stop coming out. The cup was so full and I was like “WHAT DO I DO????” A CM ran up to me and pushed the lever up. I’m so stupid sometimes. Seriously, you push the stupid lever down to get the ice cream and I guess pushing the lever up to stop it didn’t click in my brain. Yeah…

I paid for my overflowing amount of ice, said hi to Mr. Cute CM again, and went back to our VILLA.

I thought I was gone for a long time with getting the BUNSEN HONEYDEW pin, saying hi to Mr. Cute CM (twice), and the whole ice cream problem. When I got back to our VILLA, our food wasn’t even there yet!

The food came a few minutes later, I took food pictures, and we chowed down.

We ordered a pizza, which comes in the CUTEST PIZZA BOX EVER.

Like, omg.

And our pizza inside the CUTEST PIZZA BOX EVER.

The pizza was a heck of a lot better than normal Disney pizza that you find in the parks!

For dessert, Mum had apple pie and I ate some of the ice cream.

She said the apple pie wasn’t as good as it is at the Whispering Canyon Café, but it was still good.

After we finished eating, we were just going to head out the door, when Mum looked on Facebook.

So she and I both like this page called Doctor Disney and I think he is a CM and he always posts Disney stuff. So he was at the Magic Kingdom and posted on Facebook that troopers were at the Magic Kingdom walking down Main Street with guns, police helicopters were circling the park (and we heard them too!), and they were inspecting the monorails. And oh by the way, we were going to the Magic Kingdom that night.

So we both started freaking out like “WHAT THE CRAP IS GOING ON OMG OMG OMG.” We didn’t know if we should go or not. I mean, I didn’t want to see troopers walking down Main Street with guns. That’s not Disney magic my friends. So I kept checking Facebook, Twitter, and the DIS. I ended up posting on the DIS on the Team August thread asking if anyone knew what was going on. Someone wrote back and said that they were at MK now and they said everything was fine. Ok then, but WHAT IS GOING ON????

We had no clue what to do. To go to MK and see what was going on, or stay at the Wilderness??? I mean, if people weren’t seeing anything there, then everything must be ok. I mean, Disney would have everything under control. It’s Disney people, not Universal. So we decided to head to the Magic Kingdom…well it wasn’t the most magical kingdom right then.

We headed to the main lobby and I pointed out Mr. Cute CM to Mum, but right when we saw him, he walked away. He must have thought I was a stalker or something.

We got down to the boat and it was raining out, but like that would stop us or anything. Well maybe the troopers would stop us, but not the rain.

No police helicopters in sight…

The captain of the boat gave me a sticker when we got on. Reason #4896598465896143964896589143 why I love the WL CMs.

Once we got to the not so magical kingdom at the moment, we had to put on our ponchos because the rain had picked up a lot more.

Once we got into the park and walked right down the middle of Main Street USA—now you all probably have the song stuck in your heads. You’re welcome—we looked around and no troopers were in sight. THANK GOD.

The only thing we saw were a bunch of idiots waiting for the parade in the pouring rain. That must have been wonderful.

It's Poncho City USA here.

To protect us from the rain so we wouldn’t melt, we headed into the Laugh Floor, which only had a 10 minute wait. I tried to send a joke in but I did something wrong so it didn’t get sent into the show. And if you are wondering what the joke was, I can’t remember it. High quality TR notes I have, I know. Instead I write down really stupid things.

While we were waiting, we heard someone say “Is this a ride, or is it a show?” Oh my god…

We had a wonderful show, like always, and then headed back out into the rain.

We headed over to Buzz and got FPs for 9:35-10:35.

Since we had some time to kill, we took a wonderful ride on the Peoplemover…which had a wait. You would have thought we were at Disney for Christmas or something. We only waited for like five minutes, but for a wonderful attraction like the Peoplemover, it should not have a wait. It was so crowded that night, probably because it was a Friday night and there were Extra Magic Hours.



We went into some store in Tomorrowland next and I saw this AWESOME Kermit pin a CM had. And oh by the way, he was holding a Mickey balloon. So I ran up to ask her to trade and then someone else got to her before me and asked to help them find something. So she went into the back and we waited around for like 10 minutes. She never came back out. Meh.

We headed over to Buzz to use our FPs and we only waited several minutes to get on. I have no clue what I hit during the ride, but I looked down and had over 100,000 points. BOO TO THE YA. I don’t even know what the crap I hit, but it works for moi.

I’m on the left of course.

And here is our redneck ride photo.

I don’t know what I was looking at. But if you ever wanted to see the side of my head, there ya go. I don’t even know.

After we got Buzz, we checked the wonderful Mobile Magic to look at wait times. Everything was so ridiculously long. And this would continue throughout the whole night…​
:yay::banana::yay: 9 DAYS UNTL DISNEY!!!!!! :yay::banana::yay:

And now on to the update...​

We watch the Big Bear Tambourine and I get a Dole Roll
We headed into Fantasyland next and everything had SUCH a long wait, and by that I mean Peter Pan’s Flight.

So we went into Liberty Square and noticed Wishes was going starting in few minutes. So we sat down at a table and watched. We didn’t have a great view because there was a tree in the way, so I didn’t take any pictures, except one that I posted on Instagram. So you guys don’t need to be like “MORE Wishes pictures? Seriously?!” I won’t torture you all right now.

Watching Wishes <3

We didn’t know what to do at this point because everything had a ridiculous wait and we really didn’t want to stand around in a queue with screaming children for an hour for a two minute attraction. I would have been happy just sitting in front of the castle all night and staring at it, but I don’t think Mum would have liked that. All she wanted to do at that point was to take a nap. The no sleeping in Disney thing finally hit her, and oh boy, was she cranky! Me, not so much.

So we headed into Frontierland and on the way we heard someone call a Fastpass a Flashpass. Stupid Guests these days…

The only thing that didn’t have a long wait was the most ridiculous show ever with bears on drugs, also known as, the one, the only, the Country Bear Jamboree. It had a 14 minute wait—see I told you guys I write down stupid things—so we were like “Why not?!” So we marched our way inside the theater. It was my first time seeing the show, and Mum’s second, I think. She has probably seen it more times since she just loves it so much.

The waiting area was so packed because the Country Bear Jamboree is the second most popular attraction. The most popular attraction is the Maelstrom of course. Everyone knows that.

I wrote in my trip journal while we waited for the best show on planet earth. Boy, was I excited!

Finally, we were let into the theater and sat down. Mum was already to take a nap because she was so tired, which is just ridiculous because why would you want to sleep through the Country Bear Jamboree? I mean it’s not like she actually got to sleep with me laughing hysterically throughout the whole show.

So I took some pictures of the wonderful show for y’all. Now, we went to see it BEFORE the refurb, so I know one of the bears has a blond goatee now (???) and some of them look different, and that just makes the show a heck of a lot more awesome. I mean it was already awesome but now it’s SPECTACULAR!


Here is Henry, y’all!

I just love his buck teeth. They are so attractive.

I don’t think this bear has brushed his teeth in years.

Hey, guys, it’s Liverlips McGrowl! Seriously, his name CRACKS ME UP. I just think it’s so funny. Don’t ask.

Oh hey, it’s Mum…

Actually, it’s Trixie, who has eaten WAY too many Mickey Bars, as you can see.

Then Bunny, Bubbles, and Beulah (Beulah is my middle name) sang all about how all the guys that turn them on, turn them down and how they get dirty looks from them. That’s really too bad.

It’s Swingin’ Teddy Beara!

And then my favorite bear of all (no not Winnie) came out and sang us a song about blood on the ground with his wonderful singing voice and great guitar playin’ skills.

Then at the end, they do their great grand finale.

How special.

That was just weird. #countrybearjamboree

Seriously, it was so strange. That is pretty much all I have to say about it.

Mum enjoyed her nap, and I was still recovering from laughing so hard. We really shouldn’t go see that when I have had 20 hours of sleep in the past week and Mum is cranky and wants a nap.

After the best show ever with bears on crack, we went to Adventureland because I wanted a Dole Whip. I mean, if we couldn’t get on any rides because of the wait times, the only thing left to do was eat. So off to Aloha Isle we went!



We got there and the line was SO long. Awesome. Mum was so crabby so she went to sit on a bench while I stood in line. Mum was having a great time, as you can see. So I stood in line and waited for about 20 minutes. It was ridiculous. And to add more to the fun, I had some Stupid Guests behind me. You know, those ones who ask “Is this a ride or a show?” and don’t know the name of anything. So I basically listened to their whole conversation while tweeting everything they were saying.

So first off, one of them says that she wants to go see the Big Bear Tambourine.

The person in line in back of me just called the Country Bear Jamboree the Big Bear Tambourine. #what

Really people? The BIG BEAR TAMBOURINE? I know the show is wonderful and all, but get the name right please! That’s all I ask.

And what did she say next?

Now she called the dole whip the dole roll. #whatisgoingon

It’s the dole WHIP. Not that hard!

Then five seconds later the person with her said something else.


And it just kept going…

The woman’s sons all of a sudden started singing Misery Business from Paramore.

Now they are trying to sing Paramore songs. #getmeouttahere

Now, I LOVE Paramore. They are one of my favorite bands! But really if you don’t know the words, DON’T SING THE SONG. And it was just so weird because all of a sudden I heard “I’m in the business of misery, let’s take it from the top…” except they messed up a few words, just like the whole rest of the song.

These people need to shut their mouths. #youcantsing

It was great. All I wanted was a dole whip. Not a concert from people who sounded like Big Al from the Big Bear Tambourine.

Finally, I was almost up to the counter. And I noticed there was a second line that was like 3x shorter than the one I was in and probably didn’t have Stupid Guests in it. If I walked two more feet, I could have saw the line, gotten in it, and wouldn’t have to wait 20 minutes with a bunch of weirdos.

I got up to the counter and ordered my dole whip. The CM took FOREVER to get it and then it took even longer to get my change back. So my dole whip was dripping all over my arms because it was so melty. I didn’t even end up taking a food pic because it was a disaster. It was definitely not good. I sat with Mum with dole whip all over my arms while I ate my pineapple soft serve soup.

Then it looks like we went over to Liberty Square because I have these really attractive pictures of us.


Mum is going to be so happy that I posted that.

My wonderful TR notes say we went to Pirates next, but those pictures are from Liberty Square. I don’t even know.

But I’ll just say (because it says in my notes) that even though everything had like a two hour wait, we went on Pirates of the Caribbean, which was a walk on, matey! Arrrgh! (I’m trying to be a pirate if you couldn’t tell).

So what did we do with the long waits at midnight? There was only one thing to do.

Two words.


Dumbo spam coming in the next update.

And don’t say I didn’t warn you…​
OMG...that night was the worst! I was soooo tired, and it was so crowded.

I just had to take a little nap in the "Big Bear Tambourine"! :rotfl:

You should have let me sleep through the whole thing...I may have been perkier afterwards!
OMG...that night was the worst! I was soooo tired, and it was so crowded.

I just had to take a little nap in the "Big Bear Tambourine"! :rotfl:

You should have let me sleep through the whole thing...I may have been perkier afterwards!

Trust me, I know how tired you were!
How could've you slept with bears on drugs and my hysterical laughter?!​
Ending the night with Storybook Circus

So we headed over to Storybook Circus and since Mum was STILL being a poop, she sat on a bench while I went on Dumbo by myself. I wanted to ride it with Mum and squish into one elephant, but she was such a crab. I was like “COME ON DUMBO WITH ME IT’S GOING TO BE TONS OF FUN C’MON!!!!” And Mum was like “MEH. LEAVE ME ALONE I WANT A NAP I DON’T WANT TO GO ON DUMBO.” Seriously, she was so happy to be awake at 12:30 with me bugging her to go on Dumbo. I mean, it’ not like I was making her go on its a small world 50 times in a row or something.

So I made my way through the queue (there was a walk on) and waited to hop on my own elephant and fly through the sky and pat him on the head and say “Lookin’ good buddy!” and “Let’s fly high buddy!”

Oh, Stacy, how I love thee.

So here is some Dumbo spam comin’ your way. You’re welcome.






Then I got on my flying elephant and took off over Storybook Circus.






If you couldn’t tell, I kind of love Dumbo. A lot.

And sadly, that is my last Dumbo spam for this trip report. Before y’all go cry in a corner with your blankie, more Dumbo spam is comin’ at cha real soon in, oh, my next trip report, that will be on my next trip in, um, 8 days…


And this was the point that Mum was just DONE. All she wanted to do was go back to our VILLA and sleep. I don’t know why though, because we sleep for like 10 hours every night while at Disney…

So we made our way down to Main Street. Well I did anyways, while Mum was like a mile behind me half-asleep.




Before we made our way out of the park, we had one last stop, aka the place where it smells amazing aka the place where they sell yummy things aka the shop at the end of Main Street aka (if you couldn’t tell already) THE CONFECTIONERY.

*angels sing*


Instead of a Turkey Leg air freshener, Disney should make an air freshener that smells like the Confectionery. It would make millions. I would buy hundreds of those things. Disney should really hire me to come up with ideas for merchandise. Everything I come up with would make millions, because let’s face it, I am awesome. Just like the Confectionery, and EVERYONE LOVES the Confectionery. I mean, wouldn’t y’all want your cars to smell like Heaven? I know I would. Seriously, the Confectionery smells like Heaven. And tastes like Heaven.

I saw this really awesome Jack cookie in Heaven, and since I am an eating machine, I wanted it. I know I ate a dole whip like 20 minutes before, but I wanted more food. I looked at the back of it for the flavor and I thought it would be sugar. It was honey vanilla, which sounded yucky. So I didn’t get it, but I took a picture of it because it was just so awesome.

Instead, I got a Mickey rice krispie treat, which was very tasty.

Minnie sure is one good baker. Or the people she hires to work in her bake shop.

We headed out of the park at this point because of the lines and Ms. Grumpy Gills.

We hopped on a boat back to the best resort in the world.

Once we got back to WL, I had to go the bathroom really bad. I was yelling “I HAVE TO POOP!” just like the other night in Epcot when I was saying “I’M GOING TO PEE MYSELF!” So I was running down to the VILLAS and I was yelling and then I saw a custodian CM dude looking at me who was sweeping or something. So I stopped yelling. Not embarrassing at all…

I’m sure you all needed to know that.

We got back to our VILLA, got changed—I went poop….(I know, TMI)—and hopped in bed for like 2 hours of sleep.

Overview of the day

Sunny except rain in the afternoon
Starring Rolls!
Our experience!
Our RRNC ride
The craziness at the Magic Kingdom
Mum being cranky
I don't think you should pick on me! I was tired...after all, we probably had about 6 hours sleep in 2 nights! I am already tired just thinking about our upcoming trip! ;)
I don't think you should pick on me! I was tired...after all, we probably had about 6 hours sleep in 2 nights! I am already tired just thinking about our upcoming trip! ;)

I have been picking on you throughout this whole TR and I do it every single day. You should be used to it by now.
And why are you already tired???? I mean, we will get TONS of sleep...​


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