"Did we spend $977 on beer?!"

Loving your TR so far !! Looking forward to more beer and merriment. But I am guessing you didn't drink much in the MK that night. ;)
I am in but confused! Haha. Are you really wearing three different shirts on your Day 2? The only reason I noticed is because I have the purple mickey head one!

Ok I Understand now. You changed after the pool and then the other shirt was from a previous trip! Its all making sense!

My boyfriend is a huge Detroit Tiger fan! I am a fan too!

Are you a Michigan fan? If so you won't like the fact I am an Ohio State Grad :)
rachel09985 said:
I am in but confused! Haha. Are you really wearing three different shirts on your Day 2? The only reason I noticed is because I have the purple mickey head one!

Ok I Understand now. You changed after the pool and then the other shirt was from a previous trip! Its all making sense!

My boyfriend is a huge Detroit Tiger fan! I am a fan too!

Are you a Michigan fan? If so you won't like the fact I am an Ohio State Grad :)

Go Blue, Rachel ;-)
Thanks everyone for reading along. Coming up soon... the rest of the night at MK and another day at Epcot!
I am from Michigan myself (Saginaw, MI), so I was quick to read when I read "Michigan DVC". I am totally on board with the beer consumption too. My husband and I were thrilled when we saw our first beer vendor at DHS when we were on our family trip.

That's awesome you could see the Tigers right there at Disney. Perfect timing!

Interested to read more. Cheers!
All this food and beer is making me nauseous. I think I actually puked a little when I saw the beer sampler. ;)

I think I'll stick around anyway since I'm having fun.

I'll bet you have the restroom locations memorized. :drinking1
All this food and beer is making me nauseous. I think I actually puked a little when I saw the beer sampler. ;)

I think I'll stick around anyway since I'm having fun.

I'll bet you have the restroom locations memorized. :drinking1

Indeed, off the top of my head: Norway on Mexico side, Germany around the corner from the beer cart, America on left of building, Morocco to the right of Tangierine Cafe, and UK across from Rose and Crown.

Oh, and the one outside of the International Gateway...AKA: the one we run to after chugging our last bit of beer before being allowed to leave the park. Ever had CMs chant "Chug! Chug! Chug!" at while you do this? All a part of the magic! pixiedust:
Buzz Lightyear. The smiles are gone and the gloves are on. Lisa and I do calisthenics in line, and taunt each other. Here are some pictures of us on Buzz the last few trips:



So here was this trip:

Ok, I lost this one. Well be back.

Back to Fantasyland to ride IASM! I've got to get my spirits back up...


Afterward, for the first time, Pooh. I've been avoiding Pooh because it took over my all-time favorite ride as a kid: Mr. Toads Wild Ride. As it turns out, the Winnie the Pooh ride uses the same track as Toads did, so it felt like the same ride. So I'll be back next time!

Speaking of back, we're at Buzz again. For some reason, Lisa didn't want to ride again. I can't imagine why?




On a related note, ride pics are our favorite! We love to do goofy things, and sometimes I snap a photo or two:




Sleeping is clearly the "go-to" pose for us...

Well, it's time to leave MK and head back to BC.


I was finally hungry after Beaches and Cream, so we had a late-night snack at ESPN Club and then had a leisurely mid-night walk around the Boardwalk. We got back to the resort and decided to take a $200 gift card and apply it to our bill before it gets charged to our credit card. While Lisa is talking to the CM, I'm standing back a ways observing the lobby. Then I hear the CM say, "I can say this because no one is around...your balance is $977!" At this point Lisa looks back at me and my eyes get wide! When she walks back toward me, I say, "Did we spend $977 on beer!?!" We laugh...a little proud of ourselves and a little shell shocked. Remember, of course, that we had no fees for the room (DVC) and APs that were already paid for. That $977 was just food, drink, and t-shirts. Oh, and light-up necklaces.

Tomorrow...Lisa kills me for racking up nearly $1000 in beer and chotchkies :guilty: and we spend our last morning in WDW...Epcot, again...
Day 5. The dreaded last day. We woke up extra early so that we could be packed and ready to get to Epcot by rope drop, or thereabouts. We had a bit of an obstacle in trying to cram all of the intended objects into our Owner’s Locker. This was my first attempt in trying to pack it. Let’s just put it this way… once I finally got it closed, several items were now coming home with me and I was sweating. But the most important items were in there and we were all packed up and ready to go.

We arrived at Epcot around 9 and split up from there. I headed to France to get coffees for us, while Lisa went to Test Track to get a fast pass. I was concerned when I was walking through UK and I saw her coming back my direction. She said she couldn’t get through because the Princess ½ marathon was still going on. I couldn’t believe that they wouldn’t have a way to get to the other side of Epcot, so we forged ahead. Eventually, we reached Test Track through a series of clever crosswalks set up by the CMs. They were like little holding pens where we would wait until the CMs could divert the runners around us.

And then came the best/worst moment of the entire trip:
We were in the last holding pen and it was getting a little crowded. The CMs would tell both sides of the crosswalk to stay to the right when it was our turn to cross, but naturally people would dart every which direction to try to get to a ride 30 seconds before someone else. :crowded: It was a little chaotic, but Lisa and I just practiced patience and followed directions. In one of our last holding pens, we were among the last people to get across the previous crosswalk. A family got split up or something because a woman in our pen started yelling at the nearby CM that she “needed more time.” Her husband wasn’t in our pen. I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t able to join her originally, but he was standing in the running path and the CM was guiding him back to the previous holding pen. Both the husband and wife were simultaneously yelling at the CM and each other. After a minute, it became obvious what had occurred. While we were crossing the last crosswalk, this family was standing in the middle of what was going to become the runners’ path exchanging items because they were going in separate directions. Apparently, the CMs asked them to move out of the runners’ way and they got split up before the wife could get her water bottle from her husband’s backpack. So she’s getting hysterical :sad: and he’s getting bellicose. :furious: The CM even offers, very sweetly, to grab whatever the lady needs from her husband and bring it to her. Meanwhile, all around us scores of runners in Snow White costumes, pink tutus and tiaras are struggling to finish their last ½ mile. Somehow the husband joins us in the pen, even though there’s no room. He kind of steps on/over the people in front of him to get to his wife. They loudly snip at each other and then as he’s returning back to his holding pen, the wife responds to something else he said with, “I don’t know, it’s not important, I just don’t want to get yelled at again” (by the CM.) :crazy:
Keep in mind that this is all happening again in the middle of running Princesses and in a 7X7 holding pen. We are all shoulder to shoulder…I am literally a foot away from the hysterical lady who is, no doubt, distraught over not getting her Test Track FP in enough time to make it back over to Soarin.’ Awkward is an understatement.
As soon as we were out of earshot, Lisa and I agreed: No more rope drop. Ever. It is an unpleasant crowd. I think we both said, “Well THAT wasn’t very Magical!” I used to joke about people elbowing grandmas out of the way at rope drop…it’s not a joke anymore. I’ve now seen, up close, an adult meltdown at 9:30am. :rolleyes2

So we made it to Test Track and Lisa decided to do the single rider line while I drank my coffee.
She got to ride twice because the ride stopped midway through the “fast” parts. She seemed to like it. I was on Test Track years ago and I liked it well enough, but I don’t do “thrill” rides on day of flights. I can’t ever seem to shake the shakes I get for a couple hours afterward. Oh well…my coffee was great.
Our last hours at WDW were winding down. WS doesn’t open until 11:00am, so we went on Spaceship Earth and the Land. Finally, its 11:00! We hustle past Mexico and get our Schoolbread at Norway. We hadn’t had breakfast and we had been wanting to have School Bread again. It actually is kind of like a breakfast pastry in a way and less of a dessert.


I also got a Carlsberg. When in Oslo….


Oh, and WS was pretty much completely empty. So Lisa and I sat on a bench overlooking World Showcase Lagoon and eating our SchoolBread. Perfect way to end the trip.

Except we still have 90 minutes until we need to catch the Magical Express…
So we go onward to Germany and get another round of treats from the Karamell-Kuche. I decided to try two new items: Caramel brownie and caramel fudge. Lisa got a Dark chocolate covered caramel, her favorite. Again, these got packed up and will be eaten at home.

As we start to make our way toward the IG, we decided to spend our last hour checking out Tutto Gusto.


It is so cute and cozy in here!! We're not really wine drinkers (on vacation), so we stuck with the beer. But if you are a wine drinker, this is the place to be. Instead, we nibbled on a caprese panini and caesar salad while sharing the beer flight.


FYI - the Birra Amiata, Contessa Pale Ale tastes how "Rome burning" smells at SE. How authentic...

So delicious that we decided to get one final beer at the cart just outside of Italy...

Yes, I bought that visor on this trip, too. Don't ask.

Well, we're done for this trip! Heading back toward Morocco and France and out the...

WAIT! Ok, one more beer at UK...one last Stella before we have to go.

And now, for the final picture... and worst pic of everyone's trip:


Thanks everyone who took the time to read through my TR and witness our fun.

1. Lisa would like me to tell anyone who does read the TR that we had a 1BR Villa, which includes a WASHING MACHINE. This is why she is often seen wearing the same shirt. She is not slovenly or unkempt. Except after the Tiger game...we both were.

2. Lisa would also like you to know that she had no say about which pictures I posted. And she thinks I'm a giant nerd for doing this. (Like she didn't know that already...I mean, look what I make her do for the Spaceship Earth photos!!)

3. If you read the earlier posts about our Owner's Locker, you'd see that I brought down half-gallons of rum. I never mentioned them again in the TR...and most of the rum is still in the OL awaiting our cruise in a few weeks. However, not all of it escaped the trip. I opted to leave out where and when it was consumed. I'll give you a hint: Its when we weren't drinking beer. ;)

4. We are leaving for our first Disney Cruise in roughly 3 weeks. I wasn't planning on doing a TR for this last trip, so my pictures are rather hit-or-miss. But I WILL be doing one after we return from the cruise. So I should be taking better pictures... (If I only could have gotten video of the Clampetts at POTC or the Rope Drop Drama Couple!!)

Thanks again folks!

michigandvc said:
day 5. The dreaded last day. We woke up extra early so that we could be packed and ready to get to epcot by rope drop, or thereabouts. We had a bit of an obstacle in trying to cram all of the intended objects into our owner’s locker. This was my first attempt in trying to pack it. Let’s just put it this way… once i finally got it closed, several items were now coming home with me and i was sweating. But the most important items were in there and we were all packed up and ready to go.

We arrived at epcot around 9 and split up from there. I headed to france to get coffees for us, while lisa went to test track to get a fast pass. I was concerned when i was walking through uk and i saw her coming back my direction. She said she couldn’t get through because the princess ½ marathon was still going on. I couldn’t believe that they wouldn’t have a way to get to the other side of epcot, so we forged ahead. Eventually, we reached test track through a series of clever crosswalks set up by the cms. They were like little holding pens where we would wait until the cms could divert the runners around us.

And then came the best/worst moment of the entire trip:
We were in the last holding pen and it was getting a little crowded. The cms would tell both sides of the crosswalk to stay to the right when it was our turn to cross, but naturally people would dart every which direction to try to get to a ride 30 seconds before someone else. :crowded: It was a little chaotic, but lisa and i just practiced patience and followed directions. In one of our last holding pens, we were among the last people to get across the previous crosswalk. A family got split up or something because a woman in our pen started yelling at the nearby cm that she “needed more time.” her husband wasn’t in our pen. I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t able to join her originally, but he was standing in the running path and the cm was guiding him back to the previous holding pen. Both the husband and wife were simultaneously yelling at the cm and each other. After a minute, it became obvious what had occurred. While we were crossing the last crosswalk, this family was standing in the middle of what was going to become the runners’ path exchanging items because they were going in separate directions. Apparently, the cms asked them to move out of the runners’ way and they got split up before the wife could get her water bottle from her husband’s backpack. So she’s getting hysterical :sad: And he’s getting bellicose. :furious: The cm even offers, very sweetly, to grab whatever the lady needs from her husband and bring it to her. Meanwhile, all around us scores of runners in snow white costumes, pink tutus and tiaras are struggling to finish their last ½ mile. Somehow the husband joins us in the pen, even though there’s no room. He kind of steps on/over the people in front of him to get to his wife. They loudly snip at each other and then as he’s returning back to his holding pen, the wife responds to something else he said with, “i don’t know, it’s not important, i just don’t want to get yelled at again” (by the cm.) :crazy:
Keep in mind that this is all happening again in the middle of running princesses and in a 7x7 holding pen. We are all shoulder to shoulder…i am literally a foot away from the hysterical lady who is, no doubt, distraught over not getting her test track fp in enough time to make it back over to soarin.’ awkward is an understatement.
As soon as we were out of earshot, lisa and i agreed: No more rope drop. Ever. It is an unpleasant crowd. I think we both said, “well that wasn’t very magical!” i used to joke about people elbowing grandmas out of the way at rope drop…it’s not a joke anymore. I’ve now seen, up close, an adult meltdown at 9:30am. :rolleyes2

so we made it to test track and lisa decided to do the single rider line while i drank my coffee.
She got to ride twice because the ride stopped midway through the “fast” parts. She seemed to like it. I was on test track years ago and i liked it well enough, but i don’t do “thrill” rides on day of flights. I can’t ever seem to shake the shakes i get for a couple hours afterward. Oh well…my coffee was great.
Our last hours at wdw were winding down. Ws doesn’t open until 11:00am, so we went on spaceship earth and the land. Finally, its 11:00! We hustle past mexico and get our schoolbread at norway. We hadn’t had breakfast and we had been wanting to have school bread again. It actually is kind of like a breakfast pastry in a way and less of a dessert.

I also got a carlsberg. When in oslo….

Oh, and ws was pretty much completely empty. So lisa and i sat on a bench overlooking world showcase lagoon and eating our schoolbread. Perfect way to end the trip.

Except we still have 90 minutes until we need to catch the magical express…
so we go onward to germany and get another round of treats from the karamell-kuche. I decided to try two new items: Caramel brownie and caramel fudge. Lisa got a dark chocolate covered caramel, her favorite. Again, these got packed up and will be eaten at home.

As we start to make our way toward the ig, we decided to spend our last hour checking out tutto gusto.

It is so cute and cozy in here!! We're not really wine drinkers (on vacation), so we stuck with the beer. But if you are a wine drinker, this is the place to be. Instead, we nibbled on a caprese panini and caesar salad while sharing the beer flight.

Fyi - the birra amiata, contessa pale ale tastes how "rome burning" smells at se. How authentic...

So delicious that we decided to get one final beer at the cart just outside of italy...

Yes, i bought that visor on this trip, too. Don't ask.

Well, we're done for this trip! Heading back toward morocco and france and out the...

Wait! Ok, one more beer at uk...one last stella before we have to go.

And now, for the final picture... And worst pic of everyone's trip:

I too wish I liked beer, but I'm more into wine and the heavy stuff. I loved your pictures. They were just right for your story. Have a great cruise and will be looking forward to your trippie!


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