Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friends - A Coast to Coast Adventure

The DVC powerwalk story is very interesting to me--during that same time frame that I was there, I also signed up for the DVC DCA powerwalk. Well, I got my times mixed up and was at the entrance an hour early--6 am instead of 7. There was still a chipper little guy with his clipboard though. We tried to check in but he couldn't find us on his list. Come to find out the hotel sponsors its own powerwalk at 6. I figured, hey we're up and we're here, we'll just join this group. Well, these folks were apparently the hard core powerwalkers. I don't remember the leader guy's name, but he went into this whole spiel about true powerwalking and that we had to keep his pace of a 15 minute mile. Now I walk pretty consistently and I can walk a 2-3 mile stretch just fine--but I am not a speedster and I have respiratory limitations so no sprinting. No worries though--I thought he was just trying to motivate us not to loiter in park. Well that was a mistake. He zipped along so fast that soon the whole group was turning the corner by VOTLM while I'm gasping for air back at the Grizzly Peak end of the block. Needless to say, that was a bust. The assistant leader had to walk us back to the hotel. Next time, I'm going to make sure I'm in the DVC group--your description sounds so much more pleasant.
You really got a lot in that day! I can't believe that you walked two miles before getting started at the parks. I would be done at that point.

I still have not been on Peter Pan. I need to make a point to just go out there one day with the intent of riding that ride. The magic fastpasses sound like they worked out for you! :thumbsup2 I can't believe that you ran into Denise and or Daphne so many times! It's nice that you were able to do laundry and see the show and go to Trader Sam's all at once. Your meals sounded great! I love the meatloaf at French Market, and I've never had that meal from Brennan's, but I'm sure it's really good!

I need to go back to Trader Sam's!

Wow! Is meatloaf not something you eat in the UK? It's a staple in American Cuisine. In fact you will see it somewhat soon in my TR!

No Alison we are completely denied this canavores delight in the UK! I looked it up purely an American dish. I will make the most of it when we come over! It's my heaven with a bucket of ketchup.
What a great day. Sounds like that's a great tour to do.

As usual, I love your meet and greet pictures. The Olaf and Frollo ones are amazing!
How silly nobody knowing the details.

I could not believe this.

I don't know why they would imply you couldn't keep up. What a nerve. Did they see what you acheieve this day!

That is the problem. People tend to judge a book by its cover. I may be overweight, but I have been blessed with plenty of stamina.

I love the idea of being in the parks in the morning seeing things you don't usually see. That must be neat.

This was really amazing. I wish I had remembered to take some photos.

They do a wheelchair boat at WDW. And the Jungle Cruise. Not Pirates though I can't do that anymore the boat side is too high to climb in.

I think this probably has something to do with the drop(s) on this ride. I think Living with the Land and Gran Fiesta Tour at Epcot have wheelchair boats as well.

I adore those photos of Great Thunder and The Haunted Mansion how cute!

I thought those special photo spots were very well done.

Great that you saw Olaf! I love the photos. Isn't he just so cute?

I love Olaf and I was so glad that I finally got to see him. It is a shame that he is not out for meet and greets at Walt Disney World or Disneyland Paris.

Lunch looks so good. At Christmas was my first try of meatloaf and I am in love.

Meatloaf is one of my favourite dishes and I make a rather nice one myself.

That is amazing you saw the guy that clocks up the miles on the springs ride!

I was glad that I bumped into him and got to race with him.

I love that laundry app isn't it helpful.

I thought that this was a great idea.

Having the laundry of DVC is such a bonus.

Even though I used my DVC points, I ended up staying at the hotels so I did not get free laundry.

You have to charge cedits cards then get a laundry card

At both the hotels I stayed at at Disneyland and also at All Star Music, I just had to swipe the credit card and select a machine number. I did not have to get a laundry card. I much preferred this to having to have a lot of quarters.

That is great you went to Traders Sam after that great show. Meeting your friend too!

It all worked out perfectly.

You are so good at fitting in a lot in your days!

This was my first proper trip last year and I felt like I had to make up for lost time.

It was so perfect that you had your Olaf shirt on for you meet and greets with the Frozen gang.

This had been planned like this. I knew that meeting Olaf would be a priority that day and dressed accordingly.

I walk so much at DL I'm not sure I would be up to volunteering to walk more, so you go girl! ;)

The way I see it, it was a nice warm up. ;)

I do love Trader Sam's...what a great place to wait for laundry to finish especially when you run into a friend.

I adore Trader Sam's and did not need much encouragement to get a night cap.

I can't believe that you walked two miles before getting started at the parks. I would be done at that point.

I am used to walking. As I don't drive, I end up doing a lot of walking. On a typical workday, if I have not walked for at least 5 miles, then something is wrong.

I still have not been on Peter Pan.

I really liked what they have done with this ride. Rumour has that they will do the same at Disneyland Paris.

I can't believe that you ran into Denise and or Daphne so many times!

Nor can I. There have been plenty of times when I knew I would be at Disneyland at the same time as people I know, but unless we arranged to meet up, I never bumped into them. Yet I seem to bump into Denise and especially Daphne all the time.

It's nice that you were able to do laundry and see the show and go to Trader Sam's all at once.

I was glad that it all worked out this way.

've never had that meal from Brennan's, but I'm sure it's really good!

I can definitely recommend this. I really enjoyed it.

Wow! Is meatloaf not something you eat in the UK?

I think this may be a regional thing.

The DVC powerwalk story is very interesting to me--during that same time frame that I was there, I also signed up for the DVC DCA powerwalk. Well, I got my times mixed up and was at the entrance an hour early--6 am instead of 7. There was still a chipper little guy with his clipboard though. We tried to check in but he couldn't find us on his list. Come to find out the hotel sponsors its own powerwalk at 6.

What a shame that you ended up on the wrong powerwalk. I knew about the hotel version, but even with the time difference, 6 AM is a bit too early for my liking.

I don't remember the leader guy's name, but he went into this whole spiel about true powerwalking and that we had to keep his pace of a 15 minute mile.

That is crazy. Even at the Run Disney events the pace requirement is only a 17 minute mile and run is the operative word there.

Needless to say, that was a bust. The assistant leader had to walk us back to the hotel. Next time, I'm going to make sure I'm in the DVC group--your description sounds so much more pleasant.

I am sure you would have enjoyed the DVC version.

No Alison we are completely denied this canavores delight in the UK!

As I said to Alison, this may be a regional thing. Here in the frozen North, every supermarket sells ready to cook meatloafs and some of them even have them on the hot food counters.

The Olaf and Frollo ones are amazing!

Meeting Frollo was a real stroke of luck.

Before the scheduled programme recommences, I wanted to give you a little heads up. It looks like this year, I will be going on a trip of some kind every month. I have been on two mini trips this year already and the next two are already pencilled in. So rather than doing a separate trip report for each of them, I decided to do an ongoing trip report where I will be able to cover those mini trips. I will still do a standalone trip report for the cruise we did in December and for the two big trips this year. Essentially, every trip of a week or more gets its own trip report and everything shorter goes here:

A Tale of A Thousand and One Trips

Day 5

This morning was a slightly more leisurely affair that started with a nice lie in. After early mornings and late nights, this was quite welcome. I also knew that I would have another late night that day as I was attending the first Halloween Party of the season. I had to check out of the Disneyland Hotel that morning. Even though this is my least favourite of the three onsite hotels, I was quite sad. I packed my costume for the party and the stuff I needed for the weekend in my weekender and the rest of my stuff in my suitcase. Once I was all packed up, I called Bell Services to collect my suitcase. They had kindly agreed to hold my suitcase for me for the weekend so that we did not gab to go back to the hotel to collect it after the party as I was going home with my friend Sue for the weekend.

Once the suitcase had been collected, I took my handbag and my weekender and headed off. I quickly went by the front desk to check out and then I headed to the monorail station to go to Disneyland. Once I got there, the first order of the day was finding the lockers and stashing my weekender away for the day. They were not quite where I had expected them so I went into one of the shops to ask for directions. Fortunately I was not too far off. My weekender just about fitted in the largest locker, but it was a tight squeeze. With this accomplished, I walked over to the Plaza Inn for my breakfast. I had my photo taken on the patio and then I went inside to check in.

Like the last time, they wanted me to sit outside. This time I did not argue the case. I had one of the last reservations for breakfast. It was also relatively mild that morning. I was taken to my table, which was on the right side of the building right at the back of the outside area. There were plenty of umbrellas there and it was actually pretty comfortable. Pretty much as soon as I got there, Minnie arrived and was followed shortly afterwards by Pooh. This time round I had plenty to people sitting around me and fortunately they were happy to take photos for me. Once Pooh had left, I went back inside to get some food. I had some French toast with strawberry compote followed by a plate with sausages, hash browns, country fried steak, biscuit and gravy. I also had a cup of strawberry jelly. I passed on the coffee and had some orange soda instead and also had a bottle of chocolate milk. The food was pretty nice. While I was eating, Chip came to visit. The Fairy Godmother and Dale came to visit while I was waiting for my photo package. I also saw Tigger, Eeyore and Captain Hook around while I was there, but they never came to our area.

After breakfast, I wandered down Main Street. I wanted to check out what characters were out and about. I spotted Cruella DeVille near the opera house and got in line. She took offence to my pink t-shirt. While I was in the area, the Disneyland Band was playing on Town Square. This was the first time ever that I heard them play outside the Flag Retreat Ceremony. They were playing a medley of attraction music and I was in heaven when they played the Soundtrack from Soarin. I have been looking ever since if there is a CD, but so far I have not been successful. Once they had finished their set, I moved on. Pluto was out near the firehouse wearing a bat collar and I got in line for him. Then I headed into the park proper.

I stopped by the castle for some photos and then decided to check who was meeting by Royal Hall. I was lucky and it was Merrida. This was the first time I met her. The line was not long, but moved very slowly as she took her time with all of her visitors. It was worth it though. While I was there, I decided to check what the waiting time was at Royal Hall. It was only 10 minutes and I decided to get in line. The princesses that day were Snow White, Cinderella and Belle. The first two princesses had Photopass photographers with them wearing the normal outfits. When I got to Belle, I could not see the Photopass photographers outfit and thought there was no photographer there. So I passed. Later than afternoon, I realised that they Photopass photographers in this area normally wear a different outfit and that there had been a photographer there after all.

By then I was ready for some rides. As I was almost at Fantasyland anyway, I went there first and did It’s A Small World again before walking down the Big Thunder Trail to use a Fastpass for Big Thunder Mountain. After this, I headed over to New Orleans Square and did Haunted Mansion Holiday a couple of times without too much of a wait.

It was as hot as Hades at that point and I decided to head over to Adventureland for a Dole Whip Float. I had been given the little tip that the lines are shorter on the inside of the courtyard for the Enchanted Tiki Room. So I headed there. When I had my Dole Whip Float, it was nearly time for the next show and I figured that at least it was air-conditioned. I still don’t get this show, but when I came out, I had cooled down quite significantly and felt a lot more comfortable. I then headed over to Tomorrowland and was able to do Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters three times in a row with minimal wait.

My friend Sue had texted me at some stage that she was on her way home to get changed for the party so I figured that it would be time for me to think about getting changed as well. I did Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters one last time and then I headed back to the locker to retrieve my weekender. With this I headed to the bathrooms near City Hall, which were actually surprisingly busy. Once I had got changed and put some make up on, I took my weekender back to the locker. Sue texted me that she had got a little delayed, but was now on her way. I used this opportunity to get a Strawberry Refresher at the Market Cafe and then headed out towards the esplanade to wait for Sue. By that time they had started to let in people with party tickets and it was good fun people watching and admiring all the costumes. There were some really inventive ones around.

Soon Sue texted me that she had just parked and it did not take long after this until she arrived. The lines to get in still looked impressive but moved very quickly. We both had etickets and they were exchanged for normal tickets at the turnstiles. I was pretty happy that I got an Olaf ticket. Once we were through the turnstiles, a cast member put our wristbands on. They had a diamond theme this year. We were then handed a map and a trick or treat bag. I passed on this as I had brought my own.

Once we were inside, we decided what we wanted to do. We both wanted to get some photos with the big pumpkin, but they had stopped those for a while until the parade had come through. So we decided to head further into the park and come back later for the pumpkin photos. We decided that we should check out Royal Hall as we were both dressed at princesses. The line was not too long so we got in it. We got to see Cinderella, Snow White and Belle. Cinderella was fascinated by my trick or treat bag as this was fashioned after her pumpkin coach. Once we had our audience with the princesses, we stopped for some photos in front of the castle and then headed back to Town Square to get some photos in front of the pumpkin.



By then it was not long until the pre-party at Toon Town was supposed to start. This had not been offered in 2011 so this was new for me. There was quite an impressive line that snaked past the It’s A Small World Mall and a little bit down the path towards Alice in Wonderland. However, once they started to let people into Toon Town, this moved quickly. Just by the entrance to Toon Town, they had a treat trail so we got into this. This moved pretty slowly, as everybody was kind of funneled there first, but it was nice to get some sweets to set the tone.

While we were in line for the treat trail, we spotted some witches in front of the sign for Mickey’s Halloween Party. We stopped for a photo and then joined the short line to meet Pluto, who was wearing a candy corn collar. On our way out, we decided to ride Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin as this only had a 10-minute line. I think we actually waited a little longer than that, but the line is so fantastically themed that it did not matter. We both agreed that this ride is a little bit wild for our liking.

Once we got off the ride, we decided that we had enough of the pre-party and by then the proper party was just about to start. We wandered through Fantasyland and down the Big Thunder Trail and stopped along a couple of treat trails on the way that had no lines. I was impressed with the special effects along Big Thunder Trail. I knew that they have fog and creepy light effects on the Rivers of America for the parties, but I did not know that they had the same on Big Thunder Trail. We admired this for a while and then moved on to New Orleans Square. We wanted to check out the waiting time for Haunted Mansion Holiday, but that was pretty long. The treat trail along the Rivers of America also looked very long so we passed.

Sue suggested that we should get something to eat. I was fine with this, as I had not eaten anything since breakfast. She wanted to try the Hungry bear restaurant as she had seen on the map that they had an apple pie funnel cake on the menu. I was fine with this. We walked over there stopping at a couple of treat trails on the way. We both had the kid’s chicken nuggets with baby carrots and apple slices. This came with a small bottle of water, but we also both had an orange soda. It was nice to sit down. This was turning out to be a pretty long day. Even though we only had a kid’s meal neither of us had room for dessert. We did however each have a couple of our chocolates. We had ended up with quite a nice selection already.

After dinner, we went through the same treat trails again and then spotted that Winnie the Pooh and his friends were out. We decided to get in line. When we got in line, Eeyore and Tigger were in one area and Pooh dressed up as bumble bee in another. While we were in line, they went in for a break and when they came back out, Rabbit had replaced Eeyore. I was very happy about this. I had seen Eeyore plenty of times, but Rabbit tends to begin short supply. When we got to the front of the line, we first had some photos together and then I had some separate photos with Rabbit.

By then it started to get close to the fireworks and we decided to make our way towards the hub as we both wanted to see those. We cut through New Orleans Square and Adventureland. Just as we stepped out onto Main Street, Paint the Night started. So we stayed put for this especially as we got pretty good spots in the second row. It was nice to see the parade again. Once the parade was over, we moved closer to the hub. We crossed over or at least tried to. I wanted to get to a spot on the right-hand side of the hub where I had managed to get a good spot at the last minute before. We were kind of swept along in the crowd and then everything stopped. We were right in front of the castle with a fantastic view. Sue and I just looked at each other in utter disbelief. We had a clear view of the globe with the projections and of everything else as well. Honestly, I could not imagine a better spot. The fireworks were absolutely amazing. Halloween Screams were actually the first fireworks that I watched in the park since I realized that I could tolerate them so they will always have a special spot in my heart.


Once the fireworks were over, we headed back towards New Orleans Square. We had hoped that the crowds may have thinned out a little after the fireworks and that we could do Haunted Mansion Holiday and the Rivers of America treat trail. However, both were very busy and we started to have enough. Sue wanted to do a little bit of shopping and I needed to go to the annual pass holder treat station at the opera house. So we decided to slowly make our way towards the exit. We stopped at the Golden Horseshoe treat trail and also checked out the Halloween Tree. There were some living scarecrows in the area and we stopped to watch those for a short while.

Once we got back to the hub, Sue wanted to get some popcorn to take home. She got lucky and they already had the new Mickey souvenir bucket that was not due to be out until October. So she got this. As we entered Main Street, we were absolutely blown away. There had always been some projections in that area during Mickey’s Halloween Party, but they were pretty basic spider webs, bats and pumpkins. This time round they were very elaborate projections and in colour. The most impressive of all was the train station. This was absolutely amazing.

We discussed where Sue would be and I headed down to the opera house to get my annual pass holder treat. This consisted of a drawstring bag with a diamond anniversary logo and a rice crispy treat. I then went back to where I left Sue and she was still choosing an ornament. She decided on the one she wanted and got in line to pay for this. We then went to the lockers to retrieve my weekender. Sue mentioned that she really wanted a diamond anniversary baseball cap like I had bought a couple of days earlier. I thought I had seen them in one of the shops about halfway down Main Street so we headed there. I had been right and Sue did get her baseball cap. We then went to the exit. There they were giving out Dove chocolates.

We headed for the tram for the Mickey and Friends parking structure. One was just leaving as we got there, but the next one was not far behind and we got on this. Sue had ended up parking quite far down so we had a bit of a walk ahead of us, but with all the walking I had done, this did not matter. Soon we were on our way to our house. Once we got there, we said goodnight to each other and then went to bed. It did not take long at all until I was asleep.
What an amazing array of character M&G pictures.

Love the Cindy dress and the Mulan outfit! You both look amazing.
Thank you for your comment on those rides that may be wheelchair accessible. I love the living in the land in EPCOT.

Great day update with the party! How nice of your friend Sue to invite you to stay the weekend. I have never used a locker at WDW yet but was interested you could fit your weekender in it.

I love that the photos have Diamond Celebration banner on them.

Lovely breakfast location. I like those characters Minnie, Pooh etc. Nice mix. Yum french toast I just love it with the strawberry compote too and strawberry jello. I love strawberry...

Now I am really impressed! You snagged a photo a good one too of you and fairy godmother! You don't see her a lot I never have. Well done!

Ohhhh I do like the Princesses but Merida is one of my favorites! That hair! Isn't the colour something else. My Mum is Irish and had that colour hair. The Scots and Irish have that similar celtic colouring.

Great rides today! No I don't get the tiki thing either. In fact like the Bear Jamberee it freaks me out!

I love your treat bag! You both look great you and Sue. Cinderella has princess envy. Great outfits ladies.

I love following those treat trails at the Halloween party! Wow what a location for the fireworks what a nice end to the day.

Looking forward to reading more!
What an amazing array of character M&G pictures.

I did well that day, but the best array of characters in a single day happened later in the trip.

Love the Cindy dress and the Mulan outfit! You both look amazing.

Thanks. My dress was bought, but Sue made hers herself.

How nice of your friend Sue to invite you to stay the weekend.

This has become a bit of a tradition. They have a beautiful house with far too much room for just the two of us. When we come to visit, we have our own guest wing.

I have never used a locker at WDW yet but was interested you could fit your weekender in it.

I don't think I have ever used a locker inside a park at Walt Disney World either, but I did use a locker near the bus stops at Epcot in 2013 and they are of a similar size.

Now I am really impressed! You snagged a photo a good one too of you and fairy godmother! You don't see her a lot I never have. Well done!

She usually hangs out at the Plaza Inn. She also randomly appears near Cinderella's fountain at Magic Kingdom, but I was never lucky enough to find her there.

No I don't get the tiki thing either. In fact like the Bear Jamberee it freaks me out!

I am with you on both counts. I can appreciate them as part of Disney history, but they are most certainly not my thing.

Wow what a location for the fireworks what a nice end to the day.

I still cannot believe our luck.

Corinna, I truly enjoy your trip report and all your wonderful pictures. I am just so short in time at the moment that I don't have the time for proper replies. And the little time I have I really want to use to move on my trip report, especially since the pictures and trip notes from my DLP trip are now sitting here waiting to be transformed into a trip report as well! So, I am here, but more lurking! Sorry, but I hope you understand! :goodvibes
Corinna, I truly enjoy your trip report and all your wonderful pictures. I am just so short in time at the moment that I don't have the time for proper replies. And the little time I have I really want to use to move on my trip report, especially since the pictures and trip notes from my DLP trip are now sitting here waiting to be transformed into a trip report as well! So, I am here, but more lurking! Sorry, but I hope you understand! :goodvibes

I absolutely understand. In truth, if it had not been for a number of long train journeys over the last couple of months, this trip report may never have got off the ground.

I am looking forward to the rest of your California trip report and also to the one from Disneyland Paris.

You were both so adorable in your costumes!


Day 6

When I woke up that morning, it was about 9:30. Everything in the house was still quiet. I got up and got showered and then I read for a bit. Around 10:00, I took my iPad and went into the living room. I got caught up online. Ken turned up shortly afterwards and Sue was not too far behind either. We spent a short while chatting and then headed out. The first stop was for some coffee for Sue and me. There is a Starbucks just around the corner from their house. I was quite excited about this as Jenny’s daughter was working at this store and I was looking forward to saying “hi”. Unfortunately she was not in that day and it turned out that she was due to transfer to a store in Long Beach a couple of days later. Still, all was not lost and I discovered a new favourite coffee, the Toasted Graham Latte.

Once we had our coffees, we drove the short distance to Denny’s where we had a rather nice breakfast. I had the Meat Lovers Omelette, which consisted of three egg omelette with grilled prime rib, crumbled chorizo sausage, bacon, fire-roasted bell peppers and onions and Cheddar cheese covered with Pepper Jack Queso. It also came with hash browns and sourdough toast, which was nice for me as I am pretty restricted as to what bread I can eat due to being yeast intolerant. As lovely as the omelette was, I think the toast was the high point for me. I washed this little lot down with some orange juice. It was nice getting to have a leisurely breakfast with friends and generally catching up with each other. Sue and Ken had recently been on a Med cruise on Celebrity and I was keen to hear all about this. It sounded amazing.

After breakfast, we went into the town centre. Sue and I wanted to get our nails done and Ken made use of the time while he was waiting for us to get his hair cut. It has kind of become a tradition that Sue and I get our nails done whenever I am in Seal Beach. Sue went for both a manicure and pedicure, but I just had a pedicure before the holiday and this was still in pretty good condition. So I just had a manicure. I went with just a silvery glitter polish and this actually turned into a diamond effect when it had three coats, which was very fitting considering why I was in California.

Once we were both done and had paid, we went in search of Ken. He was not too far away. There is one of the original red trolleys that used to operate in the area on display on a green in Seal Beach and this had been turned into a little museum. Ken was there and we had a look around as well. Next to this was one of the original beach huts that used to be common in Seal Beach. This particular beach hut was causing some issues though. The council had put this on the green next to the red trolley and now wanted the trolley gone. I think this is a crying shame as they are both an important part of the heritage of this region and I actually think they would complement each other quite well once the beach hut has been restored.

We had a quick look at some of the quirky little shops in Seal Beach and then we went back to Sue’s and Ken’s House to drop of Ken as he had some work to do. Sue and I headed off to do some shopping and to visit an orchid show. Our first stop was Costco. I had never been to a Costco before. I could get a membership card through work, but as we don’t own a car and our local one is off the beaten track a little, I had never explored this option. So I was not quite sure what to expect. The main reason why we were here is to get some EOS lip balms. Sue had introduced me to them the previous year and they are the only lip balm I get on with. I also introduced some of my colleagues to them and they are just as taken by them as I am. Unfortunately though they are available in the UK, they are rather expensive. Sue mentioned that they come in multipacks at Costco and are quite cheap. So I got a few and this was part of my Christmas shopping sorted out. I also got another suitcase. Graham’s suitcase had seen better days and was not going to return to the UK. I also had acquired quite a few things and having an extra suitcase for the flight to Florida would make things easier. Sue also got a few odds and ends and then we headed to the orchid show.

I was not sure at first what to make of this. When we got there, all I could see at first were pots, fertilisers, compost and some orchid plants. However, once we went inside the building there were huge displays with beautiful orchids. We spent quite a while looking at them and I took plenty of photos. What impressed me the most though was the beautiful smell in the room. I had never associated orchids with being particularly fragrant. I definitely learned something new that day. On the way out, Sue bought an orchid and then we headed back to the car.

Our next stop was South Coast Plaza, one of the big shopping centres in the area. I thought that I had been there before, but I must have confused this with somewhere else. The shopping centre that I remembered was all open air and this one was all indoors. There were however two shops that I wanted to have a look at. One of them was a Dooney and Bourke shop where I yet again came to the conclusion that their standard bags just don’t do a great deal for me. I love their Disney bags, but their standard range I can take or leave. I also wanted to check out Bath and Body Works as I wanted to get some of their PocketBac hand sanitizers that also would become a Christmas presents for some colleagues. I walked straight past them at first. They have changed the shape of the bottles that they come in and I did not recognise them at first. I actually like the new bottles better.

With my shopping done, Sue introduced me to two things that were a bit of a revelation to me. The first was See’s Candies. I had seen their shops before, but have never gone in. I was positively surprised. I had not appreciated that this was essentially a chocolate shop. We were given a free sample, which was delicious. I could not believe my eyes when I discovered that they had half a dozen different kinds of peanut butter chocolates. Of course a selection of those had to follow me home.

The second revelation is going to have a bit of a lasting effect. Sue introduced me to Nespresso. Since we last had visited, she had got a Nespresso machine and wanted to get some more coffee for this. One of the department stores at South Coast Plaza has a Nespresso Boutique and you can try their coffees there as well. I am not much of a coffee drinker, but I do like a nice espresso and I was all up for trying some. I was really impressed. The espresso even came with a proper Crema. It was absolutely delicious. In the meantime, Santa has brought us a Nespresso machine and a bunch of coffee. We will see how this pans out.

There were still a couple of things to take care of. There is only one brand of shampoo I can use that does not make my scalp itch. This is H2O+, which is also the brand that Disney uses for their resorts and on the Disney Cruise Line. Up to about a year ago, Marks and Spencer sold the products here in the UK, but they have stopped now. I looked on the H2O+ website for stockists and they listed branches of Ulta and Kohl’s in the area. We tried a few, but although all of them had H2O+ products, none of them had any shampoos. I did however do better with the second thing were looking for. When we were at Aulani, we found some great ear cleaners at Walgreens. They did not have the same brand that we had bought there, but we managed to find some CVS own brand ones that are just as good.

Once we finished our shopping, we are headed back to Sue's house and relaxed for a bit. I tried to speak to Graham on FaceTime, but did not succeed. Three hours time difference can make things surprisingly difficult. A little while later, we set off for dinner. We decided to go back to Lucille's Smokehouse where we had dinner together when we were in Southern California in November 2014. I think this was the first time it really hit me just how much I was missing Graham. I still had a good time though. When we got there, it was very busy. We were told that the waiting time for a table was about an hour, but we were also offered the opportunity to sit at one of the high table in the bar area as there would be less of a wait. We opted for this and where seated straightaway. Dinner was lovely again and the company was great. I had BBQ Tri Tip with macaroni cheese and BBQ beans, which was delicious

After dinner, we headed back to Ken and Sue’s house for some more relaxing. We had some Limoncello that they had brought back from their cruise. We just spent some quality time together chatting. At some stage, my eyes started to fall shut. I said goodnight and headed for bed.
Sounds like a great start to your weekend Corinna. Breakast sounds wonderful I am pleased you managed to obtain some yeast free bread. Oh my I love sour dough, I could not get enough of boudins in San Fran. I love your nails what a nice thought doing them silver for the celebration!

Oh those red trolleys! No don't move it. Beach huts are wonderful too but I agree they would compliment one ankther nicely. Again those trolley cars in San Fran! Priceless!

We are costco members love it! Glad you got your lip balm. You can save quite a bit of money in that store. But you have to know your prices. Some things are much cheaper others marginal.

How amazing the orchid show! What colourful photos you treat us too. I do not asociate them with a fragrance either so how interesting. I think they are a very pretty plant.

I am also sad about Marks and Spencers dropping the H2O+ range. It works for me also having senstive skin. I load up when we come across now.

Ken and Sue sound like lovely hosts. Dinner sounded good! I bet you are missing your Graham. Sorry you didn't get to speak to him tonight. I hope soon.

Those chocolate candies sounded nice but don't you miss German chocolate? I think your German chocolate is one of the finest in all the world ( apart from British cadbury before Kraft stole it lol )
Boy was I behind! Two updates!

It looks like you got some great character photos on your day at Disney! Pity that costumes are no longer allowed. This makes me not want to do the Halloween parties any more at all. Especially with the extra price.

It sounds like you had a great day with Sue and Ken. Sorry you were missing Graham, but I totally get it. I miss Fran when I go out to the park for a day without her.
Breakast sounds wonderful I am pleased you managed to obtain some yeast free bread.

It was. Fortunately it is a bit easier to get sourdough bread around here now.

I love your nails what a nice thought doing them silver for the celebration!

There was actually no thought involved. I am a bit spoiled with the choice that the nail salon where I go here has and I did not really know what I wanted. I do like my "Pixie Dust" so I decided to go with just glitter. It was only once it was done that I realized that this is a perfect fit.

Oh those red trolleys! No don't move it. Beach huts are wonderful too but I agree they would compliment one ankther nicely. Again those trolley cars in San Fran! Priceless!

My feeling entirely. I think this whole issue is politically motivated and it is such a shame. History is not treated with enough respect and once it is gone, it cannot be replaced.

How amazing the orchid show! What colourful photos you treat us too. I do not asociate them with a fragrance either so how interesting. I think they are a very pretty plant.

This would not be something that I would have considered, but when it was suggested, I decided to go with the flow. I am glad I did as I really enjoyed it.

I am also sad about Marks and Spencers dropping the H2O+ range. It works for me also having senstive skin. I load up when we come across now.

I think I have to stock up in China, Hong Kong or Singapore in November. I should be OK until then hopefully.

Ken and Sue sound like lovely hosts.

They are.

Dinner sounded good!

I love the restaurant and food there.

but don't you miss German chocolate?

I do. Fortunately Amazon tends to provide. Cadburys is too sweet for my taste. Hotel Chocolat on the other hand fits the bill pretty well.

Boy was I behind! Two updates!

Yes, I have to be disciplined this time round. I have this one pretty much typed up. I have two more days to type and then I will take some time off until early February. Then I will get cracking on getting the Arabian Gulf Cruise pre-typed. I plotted out the days and I can actually finish this one first, and then do the cruise report and still get done in time before our next trip.

It looks like you got some great character photos on your day at Disney!

I was pretty happy with my haul that day.

Pity that costumes are no longer allowed. This makes me not want to do the Halloween parties any more at all.

I agree with you. Being able to dress up was a big part of the charm. However, I do love the Christmas parties at Magic Kingdom as well and you were never allowed to dress up for them.

It sounds like you had a great day with Sue and Ken.

I did.

Sorry you were missing Graham, but I totally get it. I miss Fran when I go out to the park for a day without her.

By that stage we had been apart for a week. Of course, this was just a sign of things to come. At the moment he is working away from home all week and I only get to see him on the weekends.

Love the orchids!

I was surprised that there were so many different colours, shapes and textures. I was in heaven.



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