DH's surprise SWW trip...with bonus Bottomless Pit vs Flower and Garden Festival


DIS Veteran
Oct 30, 2007
Welcome friends! This is the first of 3, yes 3 bottomless pit tales this year!! :cool1: So this trip was planned about a year ago as a result of an 11 day trip we took last year with DH's family as our guests and my DSIL and family now and forevermore refer to me as "the bottomless pit." DH was bummed we missed SWW last year by a mere few days and was still ranting about not getting his pic with Donald as a stormtrooper (I will spare you the drama of that tale). So, being the awesome DW, I planned a trip, as a surprise, to give to DH for Christmas. Everything worked out, got BCV at 7 months, got BOG for dinner then 4 days after Christmas, disaster struck. DH had to come back a day before we'd planned due to his job. After a huge mess and a nightmare with the airlines (long story short) we had to rebook everything. We lost BCV (no biggie, we love SSR and just stayed "home"), lost BOG for dinner (no biggie, scored a ressie for the Oct trip) and lost our Ohana for dinner (given that we will have dinner there in Oct and Dec, not going to whine too much!) At least we were still going! As usual, there were a few firsts this trip with the biggest being our first time in a studio (we learned this trip that we are VERY spoiled) and our first trip that we less than 7 nights ever since we've been going to WDW. So now that you're up to speed, let the TR begin!

Tuesday May 14th. I REALLY wanted to go to Cedar Point yesterday (yes, I'm nuts) to ride the new record breaking roller coaster, however, it was 50 degrees and I was not about to dig out the winter gear to ride roller coasters all day. Probably was a good choice! So DMIL came over Monday night so we could take her out for dinner for mom's day and to graciously haul us to the airport so we didn't have to pay to leave one of our cars in long term parking. We were up at least half an hour before the alarm clock, out the door in time to hit up Starbucks and at the airport in plenty of time. First dose of pixiedust: (or as DH says...the force was with us) of the day, plane was fully boarded and took off nearly half an hour early! :woohoo: Landed at MCO at 10:20am instead of 11am and we actually pulled into SSR at 11:00am!! Had done online check in so we breezed over to the desk, heard the beautiful words "welcome home" and now our next dose of pixiedust:, our villa was ready! Can't remember the last time we arrive before noon and could get into our villa. We decided to go ahead and head to the villa before MK so we grabbed our groceries and our new friend Greg from bellservices who graciously gave us a ride in his souped up golf cart to our beloved Congress Park. 2612 CP to be precise! We were a little surprised at how small our studio was (we really have gotten spoiled), put our groceries away, repacked the park bag and found the safe was broken. Quick call to the desk to have the safe repaired and while we were walking out the door, the phone rings. I answered and the person calling wanted to know if we wanted the safe repaired today or if could wait. Uh...no, I want it fixed now! Hung up the phone and out to the bus stop where we waited about 10 minutes until our pristine motor coach reading Magic Kingdom pulled in and opened it's oh so inviting doors to whisk us off to my favorite park! The line to eat at BOG for lunch was ridiculous and since there are no FP available, we stay true to form with corn dog nuggets for the pit and 2 dogs for DH from Casey's, pit stop for a Dole Whip and off to POTC! pirate: Personally, LOSE the mermaids! They do nothing for the attraction. Lose the mermaids, give me my dead men tell no tales/yo ho in slow mo and Davey Jones back, please and thank you! After POTC, we snagged FP for Splash then went over to visit the 999 happy haunts. DH swears HM loses something outside of Halloween. I think he's nuts! We stopped to check out the new Rapunzel attraction (ha ha!)
and snapped our first pics of the day.



We made our way onto IASW and the carousel. Time to get wet so walked back over to Splash and BTMRR was actually walk on (parade was going on) so we rode BTMRR and then Splash! Took a walk back over to the other side of the park and grabbed a box of popcorn for the pit (hey, it's a long walk) and Space Mtn actually had a humane stand by (20 Min) so we rode Space then it was about time for the Pit's evening meal so we made our way over to the monorail and hopped aboard (Please stand clear of the doors, por favor mantagenase alejardo des las puertas) music to my ears and a few minutes later, we were exiting at the Poly for our ressies at Kona. We now love Kona and it's in our permanent rotation. I had the adult beverage that included my beloved Stitch juice with a good bit of adult beverage added and DH had a Kona on tap (he was very excited when our local store started stocking Kona at home!) DH had the noodle bowl with chicken while the pit made quick work of a very large pork chop with savory bread pudding (really? It's stuffing people!) DH wolfed down the pineapple upside down cake and the pit hovered the chocolate/banana crème brulee! Well fed, we hopped back on the monorail, hopped off at MK and grabbed a bus back to SSR. It was actually a little cool so we stopped by the villa to drop our park gear and grab hoodies then walked over to DTD to do some shopping. We were blessed with a new niece in January from my DB/DSIL and we wanted to have her baby's first ornament personalized. After the Christmas store, we wandered around and of course, made it into World of Disney. Mostly just windowed shopped until the pit smelled Ghiradelli so after some ice cream treats, we headed home for the night. It had been a long day and we had early ressies for breakfast with Stitch in the am. Light day for pics today so I promise there will be plenty more pics in future installments! Up next, our first full day and the pit has round 1 with F&G!!
Please feel free to say hello! I don't bite....really!
It's Wednesday and our first "full" day at WDW!! Our day started with us up around 7:30am and out the door by 8am to grab a cab for our 8:30am ressie at Ohana for my favorite...breakfast with Stitch! We arrived and were seated almost immediately! We had a nice view of MK!

DH claimed he was "starving" this am!


Our server was too good! We were actually stuffed before all of the characters even made it around and we missed Pluto, but that's ok! The food was excellent and I managed to drink an entire carafe of "Stitch juice"





After breakfast we decided to head over to MK for the morning and managed to make it over there by 9:30am. For reasons I cannot explain I was obsessed with monorail pictures! Caught the MK express as it was passing through the Poly!


We managed 2 rides on Space Mtn, DH kicked my tail twice on Buzz (my score was so bad it's embarrassing!), took a spin on Dumbo, went Under the Sea with Ariel, visited Ariel in her grotto, took a spin through Neverland, visited the 999 happy haunts, one round of BTMRR, Splash was down this am for some reason and capped the morning off with POTC! My photopass CD is in transit so I will post pics of us with Ariel later this weekend! We had a pretty productive morning and had thought about lunch at BOG, however, the line was over an hour long at 10:30am! :scared1: As much as we'd have loved it, there was no way we were spending that amount of time waiting to eat a sandwich, especially with a short trip! I did manage a Dole Whip and a box of popcorn for the monorail ride over to Epcot (needed a snack to hold me over until lunch!) It was after 1pm, so we decided to head over to Epcot for the rest of the day.
Coming up...Bottomless Pit vs. Flower and Garden take 1!
We arrived at Epcot and decided to divide and conquer. DH dropped our gear in a locker and I ran for FP for TT. We missed it both of our 2012 trips and were intrigued to see the "redesign" as we'd heard mixed reviews from friends who had been on it since it re-opened. We met at the Festival center to grab our festival passports and made our way to WS. While in the festival center the VP of the festival was at the information booth so we were chatting with him for a few minutes, mostly about the food and beverage offerings! On the way we stopped to change our AP over to RFID cards. It really seemed silly since this is the last trip for these passes, however, we figured out pretty quickly that it was a good idea to have it converted so we stopped there first. The process was very simple and very quick! We even shared our "My Disney Experience" app with a couple who had some questions about it. We did stop for a few pics along the way!






We finally made it to WS and we stopped in a few spots to check out the gardens and collect our stamps for our passports. Our first stop was the Lotus House where we Spring pancake with chicken and green apple and the candied strawberries. Holy talking mice!! I could have eaten my weight in those strawberries!! We also polished off a Kung Fu Punch! We continued to make our way around and grabbed a couple of pics as we made it over to our next stop, the farmer's market.



At the Farmer's market we had the meatloaf sandwich and some potato pancakes. All quite tasty! I had the organic Brut which was surprisingly very tasty and DH had the Krumbacher Hefeweizen. (He does enjoy his hefeweizens!) None of the food offerings were appealing at the Primavera Kitchen so I had a peach bellini (YUM!) and DH got some beer that cost $10 which he said was "worth it" As we approached America we could smell the BBQ and boy did it smell good! Buzz and Woody were there to greet us and we made our way to the SmokeHouse! We also saw Lady and the Tramp on our way!



We split the pulled pork slider and boy was it good!! DH had the liberty ale and it actually was pretty tasty. I had just finished 2 fisting it with the brut and bellini! We shared a frushi from Hanami in Japan for dessert and...well...it was interesting! We also shared a peach sake that was quite tasty! We continued our tasting with the harissa and lemon confit chicken from taste of Marrakesh and that was also quite tasty. We stopped in England for cold brewed ice tea and some tomatoes and mozzarella, which were all very good! We were pretty full by now and it was close to the time for our FP for TT so we started making our way back up to FW. Here are a few more from around the WS.



We stopped to see the butterflies and fairies!






We took a quick spin through Mouse Gear and made it over to TT where we got into line and it promptly went down. After about 15 minutes, the ride was back up and we were able to ride. I miss the old version. The new version is ok, but the theming leaves something to be desired. It's kind of Tron-like, but weird. DH really liked being able to make his car. We managed 3 rides and we kept trying to beat our scores. As we were getting into the FP line we were able to snag another FP for near park closing! After TT we were hungry so we walked over to the BW and grabbed dinner at the ESPN club! We love that place. The show was actually just starting as we were being seated. Caught a quick pic of the one of the show's hosts!


After dinner we walked back to Epcot and tried to catch some of the lighted displays. I have a couple pics on the photopass that I will upload later. I'm getting close to my limit, I think. It was time for our second run on TT so we made our way over and got to ride in the dark! Honestly...any ride is better in the dark! After TT, Illuminations was starting so we made it over to the locker to collect our stuff then out to the bus. We had a pretty full day and were pretty tired so we decided to hang in the villa for the evening and honestly, by the time we were cleaned up it was almost 11 and we were ready for bed.
Up next...Epcot for RD and some idea of the insanity we are about to face!

I've been waiting for your TR! So glad to read about the start of your adventures. Sounds like you had a delicious trip so far! Can't wait to hear more Pit and Squatch adventures!
I've been waiting for your TR! So glad to read about the start of your adventures. Sounds like you had a delicious trip so far! Can't wait to hear more Pit and Squatch adventures!

Hello SSRMonkey!! The pit was definitely a fan of the offerings of the world this trip! The Squatch was filling up on hops and barley! I was pleasantly surprised that later in the trip no on mistook the squatch for Chewy!
Here are a couple of more pics from Wednesday!






DH did remind me that we went to visit Nemo on Tues evening also. And again with the monorail! Coming up, Thurs and a good call (it really wasn't a trap!) by DH!
Every time I see that Simba topiary, I am inspired to try that with Chloe. Between my severe lack of upper body strength and her temperament it always ends very badly. Great pics of the Cars!
I finally made it over from Facebook! Michelle, it looks and sounds like a great trip so far. I love that they started incorporating food/beverage options for F and G. I haven't been in the spring in so long - I need to book a trip.

I remember your threads with the AirTran fiasco. I'm glad that you made it happen and got to enjoy "home". It sounds like you've had full, but wonderful days. Can't wait to read and see more - the pictures are beautiful!
Every time I see that Simba topiary, I am inspired to try that with Chloe. Between my severe lack of upper body strength and her temperament it always ends very badly. Great pics of the Cars!

Thanks! For some reason I can't help but LOL when I think of you trying to tackle Chloe and turn her into a topiary!

I finally made it over from Facebook! Michelle, it looks and sounds like a great trip so far. I love that they started incorporating food/beverage options for F and G. I haven't been in the spring in so long - I need to book a trip.

I remember your threads with the AirTran fiasco. I'm glad that you made it happen and got to enjoy "home". It sounds like you've had full, but wonderful days. Can't wait to read and see more - the pictures are beautiful!

Thanks Disney Princess! This is only the second time we've gone in the spring and we really enjoyed it! AirTran was ridiculous and I'm glad that I sent the email when I realized they really should not have charged us $700 to change $400 worth of tickets. It turned out better than I expected and despite the few changes, it was worth it!
I'm enjoying the TR so far. Can't wait to see your SWW experience. We've been wanting to hit SWW next year but won't happen with trips in Feb and end of June. I guess I'll live thru your TR!! :thumbsup2
I'm enjoying the TR so far. Can't wait to see your SWW experience. We've been wanting to hit SWW next year but won't happen with trips in Feb and end of June. I guess I'll live thru your TR!! :thumbsup2

Welcome!! It's coming that's for sure! This is our second SWW. We were fortunate to be a part of the grand re-opening of ST2 back in 2011 and that was pure insanity! This year was much less insane!
Thursday May 16th....whose bright idea was RD for Epcot?
So we managed to get out of bed and up to Artist's Pallet for breakfast by 8:15am and boy is it crummy having to walk all over creation because the Springs bus stop was being repaired! We did manage to make it to Epcot for RD though! (At this point, DH is being agreeable...It's a trap!) Did get a couple of nice pics while we were waiting to be let in.



We were let in around 8:45am and DH stopped to grab a locker while I forged ahead to grab FP for Soarin. By the time DH caught up with me, the line for Soarin' was only 10 minutes so we rode once (I should mention that DH is the only person in the Western Hemisphere who does not like Soarin'...must be a squatch thing!) After our first flight we did the land boat ride...yes, it's a bit of a cheese fest, but for some reason, we really do love it! After our ride, we took our second flight on Soarin'. After Soarin' we headed over to TT to grab FP (the line was already an hour at 10am) and took a quick "spin" on Mission space orange because our motto is "green is for weenies!" (No offense meant to anyone who prefers the green side) We had quite a bit of time before our FP for TT so we stopped to check out the "reimagined" character spot. We hadn't seen some of our friends for awhile so it was a nice visit!




After our visit we still had some time so we stopped at Mouse Gear for some shopping. It was finally time to ride TT so we rode then grabbed another FP for later! After TT the pit was in needing of a feeding and since Epcot really doesn't have much in the way of snacks we decided it was best to actually eat something before heading to WS to graze! We went over to Sunshine Seasons and hit the Asian Noodle spot with the squatch having sweet and sour chicken and cashew chicken for the pit. ok, this was mostly an appetizer for the pit and now it was time for WS. We stopped for a few pics first!




Our first stop was the fruits by the glass stand for some "liquid" refreshments! Mango wine for the pit and the squatch opted to try the watermelon passion fruit cocktail...all I can say is that both were interesting! Moving on we made it all of 20 feet to the pineapple promenade where I found the treat I had been no so patiently waiting for....Dole Whip with spiced rum! Oh heaven it was yum!! DH got the regular Dole Whip...still haven't figured that one out! :sad2: then it was off to Mexico for a pork carnita that was also very tasty! After the carnita, it was a quick stop at the Florida fresh stand for some strawberries and angel food cake. We continued to make our way around the WS and stopped in France for some ratatouille (which was awful! I don't think Remy had a hand in that one!) and a wonder glass of sparkling muscat! Oh yum! We went into the wine cellar in France and was it available for sale to take home? No, no it was not!! :sad: DH wanted another beer from the farmer's market so we stopped for a sampler for him. The pit was getting full but could not stop thinking about those wonderful candied strawberries from yesterday so we stopped for more along with another kung fu punch! I will have to remember to take some pics of the food in November. The pit was now happily fed, both of us were hot and we still had about half an hour before our FP for TT so we jumped on the golf ball for a nice break in the AC. After our silly video, courtesy of Siemens, it was time for TT so we took our last spin on the new TT. The jury is still out. DH really likes it, I'm still not so sure. We both had fun making our "commercial" at the end. That was entertaining! It was now going on 4pm and we were having a quandary. Only minimal dining ressies were made for this trip so we had no real plan for dinner, neither of us felt like walking to DHS (the boat takes forever so we usually hike it...yes we have issues! Now you all know why the pit needs fed so much) and we really just needed a break so DH says "I have an idea" I say, "I've got a bad feeling about this!" We decided to head home to the pool for a bit, go to EOS for dinner then head over to DHS for F! We stopped at AP to pick up our purchases and found one of our ornaments was broken. I wasn't too pleased when the CM suggested we return it ourselves and thankfully a manager was nearby to help out. He made arrangements to have our ornament replaced and we were on our way to the pool. We just hung out in the quiet pool for about an hour and it was just what we needed. We headed home, showered up and as we were leaving, received a call that our replacement ornament had arrived and was ready to be picked up. We made our way over to DTD and our beloved EOS! Oh heavenly holiday sandwich, how I missed thee! After thoroughly enjoying our sandwiches, we walked back home to CP and grabbed a bus to DHS. We actually managed to get a ride on ST2 and TOT before heading into the Hollywood Hills to grab our F! seats. Boy did we get an unpleasant surprise! I can certainly understand guest complaints about the dinner package seating, but they went from the worst seats in the house to the best seats. I will keep my rant to myself as I can understand why, but it would have been nice if they would have kept the Mickey section for everyone crazy enough to wait it out. After enjoying my favorite show on property, we headed out as we knew we had a long day ahead. We were leaving the park around 9:40 and could not believe that people were actually camping/lining up for the merchandise line and the celebrity signing line! Ok people! That's a little nuts. (I also have NO ROOM to talk...I'm a seasoned black Friday shopper!) We got a bus pretty quickly and the bus promptly drove us all to OKW! :sad2: Umm....did we get on the wrong bus? Nope, everyone thought we were going to SSR. The driver finally realized his mistake and managed to get us to SSR finally. We decided to get off at Grandstand to stop and pick up our ornament, which we did then we went home and got ready for bed. Hoping the photopass cd will be here in the next day or two so I can add some pics! Up next...may the force be with us! Opening day of SSW!! The whole reason for the trip!
Oh Michelle - what a day! First of all, I'm so bummed I missed the spice rum Dole Whip. I would have loved that!!!

Secondly, I'm glad the manager was able to get your new ornament to you. If you wanted to return to the store and pick it up, you wouldn't have had the packages delivered.

Love your wrong bus story. It must have been a long day for that driver. We were staying at AKL once and the bus driver LEFT Disney property. He obviously missed his exit for AKL, but I told DH that late at night, most people aren't paying any attention. He could have taken us all on a joy ride, and no one would have noticed. I got a tad nervous as I watched us exit, but he flipped us back around quickly.

We still haven't ridden the new TT. I wasn't a huge fan of the original (blasphemy I know). I think the end is okay, but the earlier parts didn't thrill me. I'm anxious to see the redo.

We always walk to DHS (from BWV). I'm not into the slow boat either! :rotfl:

Glad Air Tran worked it out for you. Can't wait to read more.
Following along! I love that you guys go all out with the food in Disney, that's how DH and I are as well....I mean it's Disney! Plus with as many miles as you put in per day walking, it all evens out right :thumbsup2 !

Looking forward to reading more.
Oh Michelle - what a day! First of all, I'm so bummed I missed the spice rum Dole Whip. I would have loved that!!!

Secondly, I'm glad the manager was able to get your new ornament to you. If you wanted to return to the store and pick it up, you wouldn't have had the packages delivered.

Love your wrong bus story. It must have been a long day for that driver. We were staying at AKL once and the bus driver LEFT Disney property. He obviously missed his exit for AKL, but I told DH that late at night, most people aren't paying any attention. He could have taken us all on a joy ride, and no one would have noticed. I got a tad nervous as I watched us exit, but he flipped us back around quickly.

We still haven't ridden the new TT. I wasn't a huge fan of the original (blasphemy I know). I think the end is okay, but the earlier parts didn't thrill me. I'm anxious to see the redo.

We always walk to DHS (from BWV). I'm not into the slow boat either! :rotfl:

Glad Air Tran worked it out for you. Can't wait to read more.

The bus was a little scary. I can honestly say that's the first time that has ever happened.
I will also say that the CM this trip have been much more pleasant this trip than the last couple minus the dumb girl at AP. I don't think the manager was very pleased with her suggestion. We actually didn't see her again the rest of the trip. I was really taken aback by her suggestion.
I really hope the spiced rum Dole Whip makes an encore appearance at F&W this year, since this is our "year of the festivals"
TT was always ok. The "pre-show" has REALLY changed and it's more interactive, the ride is the same, but different. It's strange. DH likes it better but I kind of miss the old version. I'm more annoyed with POTC than anything. Get rid of Blackbeard and the mermaids!!
My photopass is supposed to be here tomorrow so I'm not going to post the next installment until it's here and I can upload the pics because there are a few good ones. I'll give you a preview though....the force was definitely with us!

Following along! I love that you guys go all out with the food in Disney, that's how DH and I are as well....I mean it's Disney! Plus with as many miles as you put in per day walking, it all evens out right :thumbsup2 !

Looking forward to reading more.

Welcome!! Thanks for stopping to say hello! I firmly believe I was put on this earth to eat at Disney! My DSIL and niece and nephew last summer started with the "bottomless pit" and it stuck. I earned that after downing my "arrival meal" of corn dog nuggets, Dole Whip on the way to POTC and popcorn as soon as we got off POTC. They actually kept a "snack count" for the week.
I really wish Mom and Dad would have let me try the Dole Whip with rum. They used to be fun...until they realized how much trouble I can get into with adult beverages.

Unbelievable that the Squatch doesn't like Soarin'. Must be because it doesn't have enough forest in it. Not too many good places to hide. Except the orange grove.

Are you sure Koala wasn't driving your bus? He gets lost all the time!!

Can't wait to hear more about SWW. Sounds like comic con at WDW!!
I really wish Mom and Dad would have let me try the Dole Whip with rum. They used to be fun...until they realized how much trouble I can get into with adult beverages.

Unbelievable that the Squatch doesn't like Soarin'. Must be because it doesn't have enough forest in it. Not too many good places to hide. Except the orange grove.

Are you sure Koala wasn't driving your bus? He gets lost all the time!!

Can't wait to hear more about SWW. Sounds like comic con at WDW!!

LOL!! Maybe mom and dad will let you try one next time and see how well you behave! Squatch has issues! He's the only person I know that doesn't like Soarin'. I didn't see Koala but if he were driving the bus, I should have said hello!
Apologies for the delay folks! Got the photopass CD however, having technical difficulties with the CD ROM for some reason...that will be repaired when I get back from Vegas. I also found out on Wed that I was the candidate selected for a job I've been interviewing for the past 2 1/2 months so it's been a crazy week! Taking a break from packing so I can catch up my TR!

(Cue SW music) It's Friday and opening day of SWW. Also known as "DH's
2nd Christmas" We had stopped at AP last night to pick up our ornament and I willingly gave up my standard Mickey waffles so that we could get moving early and picked up some items that were portable and could be eaten on the go since we'd seen quite a few people camping when we were leaving DHS the night before. We were up at 6am and out the door by 6:40am. We had also decided not to take a chance on the buses this am so I went to bell service's to grab a cab and the force was with us! When the CM asked where we were heading this early, we told her to DHS and told her what had happened on the bus the night before. She told us since BS wasn't busy, she would authorize one of the bellman to drive us over in a van! I think DH used a Jedi mind trick, but at this point who cares! We tipped the driver and off to DHS we went! Got to the park at 7am and boy was the merchandise line long! Had the pit not been grazing on her breakfast she'd have taken a few pics:rotfl2: As a CM had mentioned to us earlier, they did indeed begin letting people in at 7:30am. We joined the line and got the know the couple behind us. Our "line friends" home resort is also SSR! We finally got up to Darth's Maul and this is what greeted us!



I won't bore you with a detailed report of our time in line....We had fun with our new friends and DH was able to get all of the stuff he wanted. At 10:20am (yes, that's 3 hours and 20 minutes later) DH's stuff was paid for and on it's way to SSR! Thankfully we were still able to ship stuff! We took a much needed pit stop and managed to grab FP for TSM for 5:45pm. We also managed to find a half way decent spot for the motorcade and stopped to watch it! Here's a few pics!







After the motorcade we went over toward ST and stopped to visit Queen Amidala.


As expected ST line was pretty brutal however, enough time had passed that we could grab a FP so a FP was secured and it was off to wait to see Chewy. I was very concerned that DH might be mistaken for Chewy (he's also tall and hairy) but thankfully that did not happen. We waited just over an hour, and were rewarded with a visit from Wicket also!


We used our FP for ST after we met Chewy then headed over to (hopefully) get DH his pic with his duck! Long story short, we had a rotten CM 2 years ago and DH was unable to get his Stormtrooper Donald photo because the CM pretty much told DH "he gets what he gets" and threatened to throw him out of line for allowing 2 families ahead of us for Jedi Mickey when Donald was coming out next. The force remained with us. Our first time through we met Minnie and R2MK!


Fortunately, there were wonderful CM this time around and after giving a quick explanation, the CM told us Donald's schedule and that if we got right back in line, we should make it no problem! DH jumped back in line and I ran for food so I found a hot dog stand and grabbed us dogs, chips and water for $8.50 a piece, but when the pit is desperate...it's desperate! We scarfed our food while listening to this goof ball behind us claiming to be a former CM who "built AK" and "signed his name on his work" which, let's face we all know is poppycock! DH and his Duck! (I should mention he also made Goofy cry because he wanted one shot with just him and Donald)



Finally! After the characters, we needed some indoor time as it was pretty hot so we went back to the "maul" (where incidently the line to shop was still insane) so DH could get a pic with Rancor. Unfortunately, that pic is on the photopass so I can't post it right now. We also stopped for some ice cream! TOT had a fairly short wait so we jumped on it real quick. Now it was too early for dinner but the lines for most of the SW characters were at least an hour so we took a quick spin on the great movie ride. After that it was time for dinner at 50's PT café and as always, that place does not disappoint! After dinner, we used our FP for TSM and I kicked DH's butt as always! We debated about a run on RNR since we had FP but we didn't want a crummy spot for Hyperspace Hoopla so we gave our FP to another couple and stuck it out to find a good spot. DH normally does not like this show (he thinks it's "just wrong) I had money on Chewy doing Gangam Style :thumbsup2 The Hoopla was awesome this year especially since the Emperor was in charge! Chewy (and a few others) did do Gangam Style so I won the bet with DH (that's one extra snack!) and the finale was worth the wait! The finale was Jedi Mickey and it's the "new" Mickey that speaks! Mickey's first words were "May the Force Be with You!" Here's a few pics!








After the Hoopla we were pretty exhausted so we headed out to the bus stop and made our way home. We had just enough energy to take showers and crash! Very happy the force was with us today and we did not endure any traps!
Up next....SWW round 2 and our final day of a short trip!
Michelle, I've been waiting for an update! I'm so excited to hear that you got your new job. Congratulations! Hopefully they'll be understanding about your two trips coming up. Readers here need you to go! :rotfl:

Sounds like you had a great day at SWW. We enjoy SW, but not enough to wait in those lines in that heat. I'm so happy that you were able to get the merchandise you wanted and the pictures you wanted as well. I was exhausted reading your report, but I'm sure it was a fulfilling day.
Congrats on the new job! I'm excited to see all those pics from SWW...I'll have to share them w/ Joe. He's always talking about possibly going but he didn't really know what was involved so this will give him a good idea!


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