Desserts, Drinks and Dis Meets With Jen and Joe on the Go COMPLETE! 1/2020

Jenny Sanders

DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2007
Hi everyone! :welcome: I'm back and we spent 10 nights/11 days in the sunny state of Florida, our home away from home. 5 of those nights were at Disney. Hooray! The other 5 were in St Pete. We had glorious, sunny weather, with absolutely no rain. So, the ponchos I packed were a total waste for this trip (but I'm not complaining). Yay! We stayed at 1 hotel and 1 Disney resort. We attended 3 dessert parties. We spent a little time in Epcot getting our food and wine on. We ate A LOT, drank A LOT. We FINALLY got to see SWGE and spent time in all 4 parks. I also accomplished a lot of the things on my "Must Do" list. We had a few Dis meets and got to see an old friend and made 2 new ones. We also vlogged our entire trip, which was new to us. We'll become YouTube sensations yet kids. LOL! But, I'm getting waaaaay ahead of myself...Let's start with our travel day...The day that ALMOST didn't happen...Yep, you heard that right. Joe and I almost canceled this trip at the very last minute...

Oh no! What a horrible start to your trip with your poor sick kitty! I hope little Maleficent is okay! But thankfully you made it! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip. You and Joe are so funny, and you have such a wonderful sweet way with each other! I wish all couples treated each other like you do.
Hi everyone! :welcome: I'm back and we spent 10 nights/11 days in the sunny state of Florida, our home away from home. 5 of those nights were at Disney. Hooray! The other 5 were in St Pete. We had glorious, sunny weather, with absolutely no rain. So, the ponchos I packed were a total waste for this trip (but I'm not complaining). Yay! We stayed at 1 hotel and 1 Disney resort. We attended 3 dessert parties. We spent a little time in Epcot getting our food and wine on. We ate A LOT, drank A LOT. We FINALLY got to see SWGE and spent time in all 4 parks. I also accomplished a lot of the things on my "Must Do" list. We had a few Dis meets and got to see an old friend and made 2 new ones. We also vlogged our entire trip, which was new to us. We'll become YouTube sensations yet kids. LOL! But, I'm getting waaaaay ahead of myself...Let's start with our travel day...The day that ALMOST didn't happen...Yep, you heard that right. Joe and I almost canceled this trip at the very last minute...

Coming back to watch and read later ( heading on school pick up) but eek!! Can’t believe it almost didn’t happen! So very glad it did and can’t wait to hear all :)

Oh no! What a horrible start to your trip with your poor sick kitty! I hope little Maleficent is okay! But thankfully you made it! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip. You and Joe are so funny, and you have such a wonderful sweet way with each other! I wish all couples treated each other like you do.
Hi Meghan! You are honestly soooo sweet. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Maleficent is doing MUCH better, but we were soooo worried!!!!


Coming back to watch and read later ( heading on school pick up) but eek!! Can’t believe it almost didn’t happen! So very glad it did and can’t wait to hear all :)
You have no idea. We were literally cleaning and sanitizing our bathroom after the poor kitten got sick and we looked at each other and said we should stay home...


I'm here!!!
YAY! Su-Lynn, I've missed you. Thank you so much for joining in!
Day 1/Travel Day/The Day that Almost Didn't Happen!!!

Yep, you heard that right. We almost canceled our trip at the very last minute. Our 5 mos. old kitten, Maleficent ended up getting really sick the night before we were supposed to leave. We ended up in the emergency vet from 9:30 pm to 1:30 am. I will spare you all the disgusting, smelly details. But, if you've ever seen the Exorcist it was like the part when Linda Blair's character projectile vomited all over her room, but at the other end. I can't even tell you how bad it was...Anyway, she got sick again 10 minutes before we were to walk out the door to head to the airport on Friday. At that point, we decided to stay home, because we were so worried and overwhelmed. BUT, Ashley told us not to be stupid. She would take care of everything and assured us she would keep us updated, take care of the baby and sent us on our way...So, she and Timmy took Maleficent to the vet and Joe and I left for the airport. The kitten stayed for observation all afternoon, was sent home with all kinds of antibiotics and probiotics, and slowly got better. Thank goodness!!!!

Joe and I made our way to the airport, parked the car, bussed it over to the terminal, checked our bags, breezed through security and in no time at all were at our gate. We had an extremely smooth flight and landed in Tampa about 20 minutes early. We gathered our bags fairly quickly, grabbed the rental car and 20 minutes later we're pulling into Joe's parent's driveway.

Joe's mom filled our bellies with prosciutto, Italian cheeses, and good, crunchy, Italian bread. Yum! We stayed up for a bit and chatted and then Joe and I showered and crawled into bed. We were exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were also SUPER excited because the next morning we were picking up Gia and heading to Disney World. YAY!!!!

I'm joining in for another one!
I'll have to watch your YouTube later since I can't view at work (don't worry, I'm on lunch break, I would never spend working time on the DIS...mwahaha…)
Sorry to hear your kitty wasn't feeling the best. My wife and I would have felt much the same about leaving. But glad to hear she got better.

I'm joining in for another one!
I'll have to watch your YouTube later since I can't view at work (don't worry, I'm on lunch break, I would never spend working time on the DIS...mwahaha…)
Sorry to hear your kitty wasn't feeling the best. My wife and I would have felt much the same about leaving. But glad to hear she got better.
Thanks, Jeff! It was so bad with the kitten. I almost wish I had taken pics just to show you all that I am not exaggerating AT ALL!!! I had NO idea that much could come out of a 5 lb kitten. DISGUSTING! I promise it does get better from here. LOL!:rotfl2:
Oh no, poor kitty! Sick pets are the worst. I've actually been in Florida before arranging for surgery for a sick cat back in Maryland, as well as transport to/from the emergency vet to a kennel. It was not a fun time...we call that cat the $5000 kitty...and sadly I would say that's probably close to accurate since if the vet even mentioned "well USUALLY there are no complications...there is a small percentage of this"...well my cat always had was against the odds and had whatever that was happen to him. Anyway...

Can't wait to read more about the trip and hopefully watch the video when I get a chance also.

Oh no, poor kitty! Sick pets are the worst. I've actually been in Florida before arranging for surgery for a sick cat back in Maryland, as well as transport to/from the emergency vet to a kennel. It was not a fun time...we call that cat the $5000 kitty...and sadly I would say that's probably close to accurate since if the vet even mentioned "well USUALLY there are no complications...there is a small percentage of this"...well my cat always had was against the odds and had whatever that was happen to him. Anyway...
It always happens right before vacation, like they plan it. LOL!

Can't wait to read more about the trip and hopefully watch the video when I get a chance also.
Thanks, hon!!!! Some of the videos may make you laugh!!!!
Hopping over from your last trip report . Looking forward to reading about your adventures. Curious about how many things you checked off your list .

Hopping over from your last trip report . Looking forward to reading about your adventures. Curious about how many things you checked off your list .
Thank you so much and welcome! I think you may be impressed by what I got accomplished.😉
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Disney, Here we Come/September 21st at DAK!!!

Joe and I were up early, but not too early...We were picking Gia up at 8:30 am so I think we were up around 7??? Anyway, we got ready, repacked, had breakfast and drove the few blocks to Julie's house to pick up the kiddo. She was sooooo excited! This has been the third year in a row that we have taken her to Disney for her birthday and we were all pretty pumped. We pulled into the driveway, said hello to Julie and Todd, repacked the car with all of Gia's stuff, her car seat and stroller to boot and we were on our way. Woot! Woot!

The drive was uneventful and pretty fast and in no time at all, we were pulling up to DAK. We had plans to meet my friend and fellow Diser, Liesa otherwise known on the boards as @Steppesister We were meeting up at Satu'li Canteen for lunch, and that we did. It was so great seeing her and it was nice to sit and chat for a bit.

For lunch, Joe and I shared the adult cheeseburger pods with slaw and homemade chips. Gia had the kids quesadilla. We shared the blueberry cream cheese mousse too. Yum! This is by far one of my favorite desserts on the property and I order it EVERY SINGLE TIME we eat at Satu'li. From there, Joe and I decided an alcoholic beverage was in order, so we each got the Rum Blossom at Pongu Pongu. I also may have found some holes to stick my hand into...Am I right @ariane37 @kastoney @buzzrelly ?????

After those refreshing beverages, we had fast passes to get to. We were able to ride Navi River and the safari. Between these 2 attractions, I was also texting with another Diser, @docsoliday1 We were trying to set a time and place to meet up and finally agreed on one of the shops towards the front of the park. It was so wonderful meeting J and his wife C. They were truly amazing and surprised Gia and let her pick out a stuffed animal, for which she was so excited. How kind is that!!!!! Thank you so much J and C!!!!!! I hope our paths cross again someday...

It was now time to leave the park. We needed to check into our hotel for the night, freshen up and make our way to dinner. As some of you may remember, this was the BIG dinner I had teased about in my last TR Sangria, Sisters, and Sons...8/13

So, which hotel did we check into? I'll give you a hint...It was located in DS. But, better yet, where did we have dinner reservations????????

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We shared the blueberry cream cheese mousse too. Yum! This is by far one of my favorite desserts on the property and I order it EVERY SINGLE TIME we eat at Satu'li.

I'll have to pass this info along to my hubby. He would love this dessert!

It was so wonderful meeting J and his wife C. They were truly amazing and surprised Gia and let her pick out a stuffed animal, for which she was so excited. How kind is that!!!!! Thank you so much J and C!!!!!! I hope our paths cross again someday...

Wow! How incredibly kind! Doc and his family really do seem to be special folks. Hopefully I'll be able to arrange a meet with him on a trip at some point!


This is so sweet! Love this!

Awesome photo! (And I really like your AoA tank top!) How exciting to have two great Dismeets in one day :)

I think Joe's facial expression here reminds me more of the actual Kevin than the Kevin plush does!

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
I am so happy to hear Malificent is feeling better....poor little thing and poor you! looks like a great start to the trip so far. I love your tradition of taking Gia to Disney for her birthday, so sweet! And how nice that you met up with Liesa for lunch! :) Nice to have a meet with Doc too!

I think you are heading to the Boathouse for dinner and are staying in a Royal Room at POFQ for your little princess.
Yep, you heard that right. We almost canceled our trip at the very last minute. Our 5 mos. old kitten, Maleficent ended up getting really sick the night before we were supposed to leave. We ended up in the emergency vet from 9:30 pm to 1:30 am.
Oh no! Glad she is doing better though. We almost came home early in August for our dog too. I even had plane tickets at one point, but my Dad was able to help take care of him. But a cloud on the whole trip though.

Joe's mom filled our bellies with prosciutto, Italian cheeses, and good, crunchy, Italian bread. Yum!
How do I make an ADR at Joe's Mom's house?

his has been the third year in a row that we have taken her to Disney for her birthday and we were all pretty pumped.
What's a sister wife got to do for Jen and Joe on the Go to take me to Disney for my birthday every year :earboy2:

From there, Joe and I decided an alcoholic beverage was in order, so we each got the Rum Blossom at Pongu Pongu. I also may have found some holes to stick my hand into...Am I right @ariane37 @kastoney @buzzrelly ?????
You did find all the holes. Sadly I have no hole finding skills as Casey and I looked for them but came up with not a one

So, which hotel did we check into? I'll give you a hint...It was located in DS. But, better yet, where did we have dinner reservations????????
Such mystery, such intrigue...
I'll have to pass this info along to my hubby. He would love this dessert!
I can't even accurately describe just how good it is!

Wow! How incredibly kind! Doc and his family really do seem to be special folks. Hopefully I'll be able to arrange a meet with him on a trip at some point!
This was a totally last minute meet and I'm so happy it happened.

I think Joe's facial expression here reminds me more of the actual Kevin than the Kevin plush does!
LOL! I really wanted to buy that stuffy but I totally forgot about it. Oh no!!!!

I am so happy to hear Malificent is feeling better....poor little thing and poor you! looks like a great start to the trip so far. I love your tradition of taking Gia to Disney for her birthday, so sweet! And how nice that you met up with Liesa for lunch! :) Nice to have a meet with Doc too!
Seriously, we almost canceled!!! It was horrible. I will spare you the rest of the details...
It was really nice meeting up with Liesa and Doc!

I think you are heading to the Boathouse for dinner and are staying in a Royal Room at POFQ for your little princess.
Nope!!!! MUCH better!!!!

Oh no! Glad she is doing better though. We almost came home early in August for our dog too. I even had plane tickets at one point, but my Dad was able to help take care of him. But a cloud on the whole trip though.
First of all, welcome my dear friend.:love: Second, OMG it was soooooo bad!!!! Thank God she's ok and the kids took such good care of her.

How do I make an ADR at Joe's Mom's house?
You are welcome any time!!!!!

What's a sister wife got to do for Jen and Joe on the Go to take me to Disney for my birthday every year :earboy2:
Meet us in January!!!!!! We'll show you the town baby!!!!!

You did find all the holes. Sadly I have no hole finding skills as Casey and I looked for them but came up with not a one
I wish I could have told you where they were. They just kind of appear...

Such mystery, such intrigue...
As a foody, you will 100% appreciate this meal!!!!!!!


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