Denise's Happy, Healthy,Healing Journal-Posts welcome

Merry Christmas Denise! I am going to go out on a limb and say "I bet Scott got spoiled on his first Christmas!"

Keeping you in my prayers my friend, 2010 will be wonderful!
Happy New Year ladies!

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are now ready to tackle 2010 with a renewed sense of determination and optimism! Make it a happy and healthy year!

We had a low-key holiday season which is what we needed to do this year. My treatment was on the 21st so I had a few uncomfortable days, then caught a cold which I could have done without. All in all, I am very thankful that my symptoms and side-effects have been under control!

We're having some family and friends over tomorrow for a small get-together. I didn't want to do it last week since I knew I wouldn't be feeling my best. We're having a lasagna for the main meal and I also plan to get rid of the junky snacks and the cheese cake that's in the freezer. Sunday will be my start-over day which means healthy eating not dieting .

I'm thinking about starting a new journal for 2010. If I do, I'll be sure to let you know. As always, I appreciate your support and friendship and look forward to hearing from you in the new year!
Happy New Year, Dee!

Glad things are going reasonably well. Did I miss pics of little Scott?

Hope you have a great weekend!
Good morning ladies!

Well here it is Tues. and the cold is still lingering and about the same. I tried a Mucinex this morning so hopefully that will kick in soon and give me some relief!I have to get better before my treatment on the 11th.

I may have mentioned way back when about our upcoming 3 day weekend at WDW. We're still going to do it as long as I feel OK. We have a room-only res. so I can cancel it before the 5-day point if I have to. Now here's the annoying part...I was on the Dis a couple of weeks ago and checked the news area and lo and behold the AKL pool is closed at the time we'll be there. I immediately got on the phone and tried to switch it to the AKL Villas but they wouldn't honor the rate for me and its just too far to trek from one resort to the other for me right now. So, I booked us at PO Riverside and used the savings to rent a car which will make it easier for me to get around. I was really ticked about the pool closure cause we haven't stayed at AKL in years and I was so looking forward to it.

I'm beginning to get excited about the trip and have some plans in my head for our itinerary. My bro and sil may even come up from Ft. Myers to visit with us. I hope that works out! We decided that we'll visit AKL Villas and have lunch at Saana. (sp.?) I'd also like to try another new restaurant and I think there's one at DTD. Anyone know anything about that? There's the new Cat Cora place at the Boardwalk so that may be one to try also. We have a gift card for Bonefish Grill and there is one nearby in the Orlando area so we could go there too. I've never been to our local one so going to the one in Florida would be a new experience.

Since I'll be limited with my mobility this trip I'm trying to think of fun and easy to maneuver activities. Has anyone done the balloon ride at DTD? That might be fun for us to try. We'll also catch Bob Jackson and Elliot Dyson at the resort. Then there's Dole Whip at the Poly and maybe fireworks too. Any ideas that you might have for us would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

I also asked about getting a wheelchair at the resort, and they noted it on my ressie just in case I need to go that route. There's a $300 plus charge that gets refunded to your credit card when its returned. I'm going to check the Spirit Airlines website regarding wheelchair assistance just in case I need it at the Orlando Airport. I have visions of us in mile long security lines which will be really tough on my knees. I'm trying to cover any scenarios that might be difficult for me to handle this trip.

So, enough of that! Its a new year and time to get a fresh start and get a handle on things around here. I'm going to tackle our home office today and begin to get things organized for tax time. I bought a huge box of brown envelopes just for that purpose. I also plan to take a walk at the mall which my Dr. recommends to build my strength and stamina. My gym membership is on hold right now due to the surgery and treatment. I may re-activate that soon so I can get back in the pool. At least I won't have to worry about my hair getting wet cause I barely have any. LOL! I will wear one of those silly bathing caps just so I don't scare anyone. I never realized that I have such a fat head but when I order head wear form the ACS/TLC website, I have to order a size large.

Tracy, We did have a nice time at our get-together. It was a late lunch, early evening type thing so when everybody went home I just crashed for a couple of hours and left my kids,their spouses and hubby to fend for themselves.

Julie, most of the pictures of Scott are on my DD Lauren's I also have a few on my Carepages site. If you PM me your email address, I'll send you an invite to view it.

Amy, Scott had a very Merry Christmas and is blessed to have such a loving and generous extended family and group of friends. Lauren and Sean are so touched by all the gifts he received starting with the 2 showers then the gifts after he was born. And to think Lauren was worried that she would have to go out and buy a boy wardrobe but everyone else took care of that. Then came Christmas with more clothes and toys. What a lucky baby!

Before I go, I have to mention a great gift that I received for Christmas. My son Steve and his wife Sue bought me a Sony Reader!!!! I was just so surprised and thankful for such a perfect gift that I just started crying. Of course I've been so emotional lately with everything that is going on. They know how much time I have on my hands right now, and how much I love to read so it truly was the perfect gift!

So with that said, have a wonderful day everyone!!!!!
Denise, that is so sweet and generous that your son gave the Sony Reader! See what a good mom you are that your kids cannot help but spoil you! YOu'll get a lot of use out of that.

So glad Scott had a Merry First Christmas! That must have been so fun. Its great he got so many nice gifts, that helps out mom and dad!

I hope your family gathering was fun this past weekend. I also hope you get that cold licked before the 11th. I'll say a prayer!

You don't have a fat head, you have a large, briliant brain!

That is such a bummer about the AKL pool. But at least you saved some money. I think it really stunk they didn't honor your rate at the villas. Very un-Disney like!

I saw the DTD balloon and it looked fun. You could also get a spa treatment at the SSR spa. You deserve some pampering!

When is your trip?
What a nice gift your DS and DIL gave you!:goodvibes

I'm sorry to hear about the pool being closed at AKL. :( That would have been nice of Disney to upgrade you to AKL Villas. Maybe they want to surprise you at check-in!:wizard:

One of my favorite things to do at WDW is to watch Wishes from the Poly beach. I love sitting there and soaking up all of the Disney-ness. (Is that a word? ;) )

I hope you have a great day today!:hug:

P.S. If you'd like to send me the link to your Carepage, I'll be sure and visit!:goodvibes
Good morning!

Amy, We think alike! I was checking out the website for the Saratoga Springs Spa and I think I might do it. The trip is Fri.the 22nd-Sun 24th. We have a 6:30 am flight on Fri. and an 8 pm flight on Sun, so we'll get 3 full days! The flight was around $90.00 total for the 2 of us. I do love a bargain!!!

Tracy, I sent you another invitation to my Carepages site. I think I spelled your address incorrectly the first time. It needs updating which I'll try to do today. Thanks for being here and there for me!!!!!

I checked out the Give a Day info yesterday and DH and I decided that we're going to work with our local Ronald McDonald House and prepare welcome gift bags for the families. I e-mailed the contact and we're waiting to hear back from them regarding the date we chose. We're not sure if we'll be going to Florida again in 2010, but the voucher for the free day can be donated back to the program and hopefully used for someone with special needs who may not be able to go otherwise. I feel good about my decision to help out. I used to be much more community-minded when my kids were still at home and involved in scouts and other community based activities so now its time for me to get involved again.

So, today is my day to get serious. When I got my diagnosis back in Oct., I used it as my ticket to eat whatever I wanted to. Sure, I've been eating lots of protein along with junk food, ice cream, loads of carbs and any other comfort food that I can get my hands on. My weight is up 15 lbs. since the summer and I checked my blood sugar which usually runs at the high end of normal but it was way over that yesterday. How many wake up calls do I need? I'm really ticked cause my weight had been fairly stable and down over 25 lbs from my all-time high but I do need to get serious. I'm not going to have knee surgery anytime soon, so the only way that I'll get some relief is to get some weight off.

So I'm off to find my medical journal which will also be my healthy eating journal and start using all the resources that I have to do this thing right. Once again, thanks for your support and encouragement!
Hi Denise,

I got your e-mail this morning. Thanks!:goodvibes I look forward to following your journey here and there. :hug:

I hear you on the weight thing. :hug: I started reading my old journal yesterday and almost cried when I saw that I weighed over 25 pounds less on that journal than my new one. :blush: You know what though? We CAN do this!:cheer2: It's going to take time and effort, but we CAN make changes that will affect our health in a positive way. We CAN do this, Denise!!!!:cheer2:

I hope you have a wonderful day today, my friend. :sunny:
Denise, its perfectly understandable that you have turned to some comfort foods lately, but I am proud of you for taking action against that! You can do it, you have done it before and you can do it again. Your knee will love you for it!

The SSR spa looks so nice. I am still so devastate we had to sell our SSR contract that I am not sure I could go over there yet, but I can vouch for the resort and have heard nothing but great things about that spa. Turf Club is also wonderful, you could have dinner there afterwards. It has a nice outdoor patio or a nice indoor dining area as well.

I'll be thinking about you on those days!

The day I get airfare that cheap from Denver to Orlando is the day pigs fly! Good job taking advantage of that deal, frankly you'd be nuts not to! And way to go doing service at the Ronald McDonald HOuse. Its a win win situation for you and the people you'll be helping. :goodvibes
Just want to let you all know that I started a new journal called "Denise's Healthy Again in 2010 Journal". I felt like a needed a new start with everything that's been going on with me lately.

Thank you all for reading this and supporting me over the years. I hope to see you on the new journal so we can continue our friendship and support of one another.

Love you guys!


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