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Ack! I started reading this but I guess I forgot to hit watch thread!

On the way to DS on this day we got probably the worst Uber driver we've ever had (close competition to the one that almost made Jenna and I puke in March). First of all from the minute I got in the car to the end of the ride he kept talking about how good I smelled. It was not one throwaway comment, it was getting awkward. He kept insisting I smelled just like strawberries :confused: This was legitimately puzzling to me because I didn't...

Creeper! Also throw me in the camp for why I'd never Uber alone. This is a great example. Either friendly chat (like how's your trip going?) or be silent. Those are the two options.

This was creepy, but not the worst part. We hit traffic on I-4 and he was one of those people that stop and start abruptly when they hit traffic, which is the thing that really makes me car sick. :crazy2: Thanks, I wasn't planning on having drinks and dinner or anything when I got to DS...

This reminds me a bit of one of our Uber drivers. I had taken Uber a few times with a group of friends and it was fine, but Zack never had before. In January we went to see where we're getting married, so we uber'd there from Pop and then to DS. So this is Zack's first experience with Uber, and I'm like it's no big deal, you use the app so no cash... The guy we had from Pop was a terrifying driver. Our wedding place is across I-4 from DS, up one exit maybe, and he got on I-4 and traffic was backed up (it was a Saturday morning around 9:30am). He was doing the hard stops/starts, and kept going around people on the shoulder, which did not win points with Zack (or me!). We have a really small group for the wedding, so we were going to do this Uber Events thing where we can cover everyone's Uber to the ceremony, and this experience did not help Zack's feelings about that! Luckily we had a really nice guy on the way back to DS, and when we used it in Vegas we had all good drivers. Uber has been redeemed for him lol.

Someone came over to tell me I couldn't move stools because it was a safety hazard. We had to move outside because there was nowhere else with 3 chairs, but it was way too windy so we moved back inside. This table had 3 stools, but was right next to the door and it was still sooo windy. A waiter came over and said they'd close the door for us, but then several minutes passed and no one did. So I got up to close it.

whatttt. This is all so weird. How dare you move stools and close doors! We've had mostly good luck with Disney restaurants, land and world, but because you tend to get really good service the bad times just stick out all the more!

I'm a rebel without a cause now...or with a cause. The cause being it's hard to eat and drink when you're hair is being blown into your face and all over every few seconds and it's totally preventable by just closing a door or sitting one table away from the outside.

Pet peeve of mine. Yes, I know I chose to wear my hair long and down, but I also have chosen to sit inside because of the wind, so why is the wind reaching me inside?? :mad: I do not want to pluck hairs out of my throat every time I take a bite!



By the way Josh was severely disappointed he didn't wear his Indiana Jones hat this night. I don't know why he didn't because he wore it every other day except the day we went there...:rotfl:

Zack has an Indy hat too! I'm pretty sure he'll be bringing it in September. It's actually Zack's birthday today, and I almost got him an Indy card that said, It's not the years, it's the mileage :rotfl:
I am eating at Homecomin' my next trip (actually, only a week and a half from now) and still trying to decide what to get there ... I mean, I know I want fried chicken, but trying to decide if I should just get the main entree or do something like the chicken thigh biscuits and something else.

I too live nearish to the real Saratoga, NY - though we really have only driven past it so can't really say if their version is accurate or not. Neat idea to have pictures of all the Disney horses on the walls though

glad to hear you Uber driver that night was normal :thumbsup2
So many Shopping options at Disney Springs...bye bye money!! LOL! Your Haunted Mansion tank is awesome!
I need to try Homecomin' sometime soon! I actually have a super long list of DS places I want to try with all the new restaurants lol. I'm also in LOVE with the HM tank top!
HAHA! I am loving the huge yawn ending of your Vlog! Someone was tired!

That shirt is super cute. Definitely looking into that one!

Thank you for showing some US in your video! That will be in on our trip as well!
HAHA! I am loving the huge yawn ending of your Vlog! Someone was tired!

:rotfl: He was I kept him up past his bedtime with the shopping.

Thank you for showing some US in your video! That will be in on our trip as well!

You're welcome! The next day is all US since we always do both on our trips, sadly we did a little less than usual there this trip but we had so much planned at Disney.
Thank you for vlogging that walk way from Hard Rock, totally takes me back to our Anniversary trip 3 years ago! Loved Universal and that hotel, such incredible walk ways, and super comfy beds :)
Following along! I just binge read all of your other reports as well and love them :flower1: Can't wait to hear more about this trip!
Josh loved this chair, I think he would've stayed here all night if I let him.
It looks super comfy!!

We checked out several more shops, including Tren-D where I bought a really cool Haunted Mansion tank.

LOVE THIS!!! I may have to pick one up when we stop at D Springs in October if they still have them.

I was curious to see Saratoga Springs, because we live nearish the real Saratoga Springs.
HEY! I live on the other side of the state :)

On the walls were all the Disney horses.


I believe Josh said while looking at these "that's a lot of horses" :rotfl:


This is so cool! I wonder if they sell those pictures somewhere?!
We had gotten a text that morning to check into Homecomin' 15 minutes early. It was around that time when we met up with @DexLabDeeDee and Becky so we headed straight over there, bidding @xlsm goodbye. :wave2: We were seated right away, and this time we opted to sit inside.

Bye!! :sad:

As if we hadn't already been up long enough, right?


How were you both still standing upright?? I'd have been exhausted...but then again, I'm the one who went to bed at like 7:30 or something my arrival night. #old

We checked out several more shops, including Tren-D where I bought a really cool Haunted Mansion tank.

I was in there twice that night and didn't see this either time! It's really cute.

But honestly I didn't see much I liked, the clothes and accessories there didn't seem like they were quite my style. I think that might've been better for my wallet though :laughing:

I was sad that all the things I did like were either xxs or xxl, no in between. It would have been a VERY expensive shopping trip if that wasn't the case, because I loved the Haunted Mansion dress and the castle skirt. I liked that the dress could be disguised as a normal patterned black dress, but I have zero idea where I would wear the skirt.

We had an Uber driver pick us up from here. He was friendly and completely normal compared to our Uber driver on the way over.

Yes! It's about time you got a normal uber driver!!

I'll come back to watch the vlog in a few minutes :-):-)

**editing because I watched the vlog!!

I need pygmy puff slippers in my life, I laughed so hard that they were selling the tight pants, I hate my voice on video, and I'm jealous of your dinner!!
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Hey I just found this TR! That's really strange about the Uber driver...and sorry he was creepy and also made you car sick...ugh. Looks like a fun night though! I love your HM tank too..I just love anything HM themed!
I wish you could've come to dinner!

Me too because my night did NOT turn out how I'd planned...I would say what happened but it would be the whole ending of my trip report, LOL!!

Let's just say Disney transportation was not my friend that evening
Me too because my night did NOT turn out how I'd planned...I would say what happened but it would be the whole ending of my trip report, LOL!!

Let's just say Disney transportation was not my friend that evening

Oh no! Text me what happened. (If you don't mind spoiling it for only me). We had some nights where Disney transportation was not our friend either.
Sadly I was having a case of indigestion pretty badly that had started back in the Uber, and was getting worse when I tried to eat all the deliciousness. Most of us did not finish our meals, but I wish I had room to! :sad: Oh well, another reason to go back!

I wish I ate more at Homecoming too but I wasn't feeling ravenous either. Those eggs look good though!

Josh loved this chair, I think he would've stayed here all night if I let him.

It looked really comfy! They replaced it with a Stormtrooper lawn chair when I was there yesterday. I still can't believe I was at DS yesterday...LOL.

We checked out several more shops, including Tren-D where I bought a really cool Haunted Mansion tank.

I saw that and it totally reminded me of you so I'm glad you got it!! :)

But honestly I didn't see much I liked, the clothes and accessories there didn't seem like they were quite my style. I think that might've been better for my wallet though :laughing:

They were out of everything that I wanted to look at like the Small World and Tiki dresses. :(
It looked really comfy! They replaced it with a Stormtrooper lawn chair when I was there yesterday. I still can't believe I was at DS yesterday...LOL.

I saw that! Josh was disappointed his chair was gone.

I saw that and it totally reminded me of you so I'm glad you got it!! :)


They were out of everything that I wanted to look at like the Small World and Tiki dresses. :(

Those were the ones I liked too. Very disappointing. :sad2:


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