Debt Dumpers 2020

No, do you remember last year someone posted about weight watchers running a deal and a couple other people joined too? Well I've been going strong since 3/2019! I even joined the WW Instagram community and I post quite a lot of there, progress, food, etc. There's a lot of very helpful stuff there is anyone else is still on the program! The running is new actually, I need SOMETHING with my gym closed, I was getting tired of Walk at Home videos on youtube, I needed to be physically propelled forward (I was doing a treadmill before at the gym, I find the stress release cathartic, and I need it being stuck at home with a teen and tween lol). I'm not very good/fast yet, but I manage a 1.5 mile loop around my subdivision a couple times a week usually.

Thank you!!

That is awesome! I'm so happy for you. I've been so bad lately, eating too much junk, staying up way too late. I went to CVS to get a card and came out with 3 bags of candy. No self control. I'm chalking it up to emotional stress/worry. sigh... I miss travelling; that was my stress relief.
Ds19 found out today that his boss lost his father to covid. To add to people's grief, regular funerals are understandably not permitted, but that is a time when you really need people. :sad:
He is re-opening his restaurant on Wed, still just take out & delivery, so ds will be back to work. :thumbsup2
Just curious, any other dual earning couples here that don't have joint accounts?

We don’t. I make significantly more than DH so we are pretty unbalanced to begin with. However, half of his pay goes into a savings account (I call it our savings but technically it only has my name on it) which is emergency fund plus bigger, discretionary things like vacations, furniture, etc. The rest of his pay he keeps and covers his car payment and whatever he puts on his credit card each month of personal expenses: gas, clothes, lunches, etc., plus he typically covers our dinners out. He has his own separate savings/emergency fund as well. I don’t track any of his expenses in my spreadsheets although I do have online access should the need arise.

I take care of all other household expenses with my pay so mortgage, all utility bills, my car payment, college fund, groceries, etc.

We both contribute to our 401K funds via work. He covers insurance for DS and him and I cover myself.

The house is in both our names but nothing else.

It works for us, but I know it isn’t a model that works for everyone.
As an aside, we have completely separate finances (except for joint ownership of the house), which I know is weird for some couples, but has worked great for us. Just curious, any other dual earning couples here that don't have joint accounts?
DH and I have been married 23 years, we were dual income most of it, and now I am not working although I do have a disability from service, so I do still have income to some degree. But as for accounts, we've always had a joint checking account for work deposits, and then do the bills out of there. Savings account is also joint. Last year I got my own checking with Navy Fed, but I only use it as a local bank in case I need cash (rarely). We each have a Roth IRA, but joint account on the taxable mutual fund accounts. Until a few years ago, we also had one credit card, and I was the AU. Now we each have that card still (Chase Freedom), but we also each have our own cards.
So, did I mention, I bought a house?
And I've lost 115 lbs?
Incredible! :flower:
I found out today that I will likely not go back into the office full time until June 8. I may go in 1-2 days per week beginning May 18, but will mainly be home. I'm very thankful my boss is encouraging us all to work from home as much as we can while still handling our court dockets, which start back up May 18. I asked if I could work from home through Memorial Day since I have a really big case to work on and it will be easier to do at home where no one is interrupting me. She responded and said she would attempt to keep me out of the office until June 8, which I'm so grateful for! My boss is also encouraging us to wear masks when we're in and says that she will be too.

So it looks like I should continue to have significant cost savings in May. We did a good job saving in April. I did have a couple big bills I paid, like the horse insurance bill and one vet bill for routine care for a horse at home. We are going to do some work on our house in May, including painting and putting some dirt and gravel down on a wet spot in our backyard that won't ever dry out, so we'll spend a little more on that. I'm planning to go to Costco tomorrow to pick up some items and also fill up on gas. I have a little under half a tank in my car (last time I filled up was 3/26, I think). One of my friends told me gas at Costco was $1.35 right now.
Dang! I just worked out that is basically half of what it is here right now!

It's more in the $1.60 range at other gas stations I noticed yesterday, but we definitely have some of the lowest gas taxes in the country. I've honestly never found Costco gas prices to be lower than regular gas stations around here, so I was surprised to see it was that cheap. I put half a tank in my husband's SUV for $10.89. The last time I had it put gas in it before that was April 1 for $19.34.
It's more in the $1.60 range at other gas stations I noticed yesterday, but we definitely have some of the lowest gas taxes in the country. I've honestly never found Costco gas prices to be lower than regular gas stations around here, so I was surprised to see it was that cheap. I put half a tank in my husband's SUV for $10.89. The last time I had it put gas in it before that was April 1 for $19.34.
Around me Costco is at $2.19/gallon. Next two cheapest stations are arco at $2.70/gallon and Mobil at $2.80/gallon.
$1.83 at our Costco and $2.24 for super. Then again, who knows when I'll even need gas.

The variation in prices is mostly due to difference in gasoline taxes in each state. Our previous governor added $0.20 tax to gas around 5 yrs ago. Now this one wants to do the same.
Sheesh, we already pay through the nose in property taxes. I remember when we'd visit WDW with a rental car and think that FL gas was expensive.
Now we look and it seems cheap.
I ordered some! But in my haste I shipped to an old address which The automated email claims I cannot change. At least as have until June to try and fix it!
I would try calling and see if you can have them change it. I had trouble once using a visa gift card and the people I spoke to were so helpful.
Hi everyone!
wow I can’t believe I haven’t logged in since Easter lol I am in a quarantine time warp home with the kids. Days are blurred together!
We got our stimulus check (3400) and put it towards DH’s truck.

We paid preschool tuition for both kids for month of April even though they were closed. It was $1190- but they are an awesome small business and were struggling. Also our income didn’t change since DH is essential. We found out school eventually got small business aid so they didn’t invoice for May and June. We we took the 2k in the tuition savings account we had and put it towards truck. DH gets paid today so we’re gonna add our snowball to trucK and balance will be $5500! We were at around $14k around 3/23 so we’ve chipped a lot away.

our grocery budget has gone down during quarantine. Simply because I haven’t been leaving the house lol I am with our little kids a lot due to DH’s work schedule so I only make it out once every 2 weeks to shop. We spend $300 biweekly for family of 4. I also have been intermittently fasting again so that helps haha

we live south of Boston and gas at my closet bj’s gas station is $1.64. I filled up 2 weeks ago and still have half a tank!!

hope everyone is doing well! Congrats to PP who lost 115 pounds. That takes some serious discipline!
Happy Friday, all! Coming back to the surface after DH's foot surgery. He's doing well and recovering at home. These next few weeks are going to be hectic, personally. I've already scheduled out payments so that I don't miss anything. I have my debut novel on May 15. The local surgeon finally called and guess which day they can fit me in? But I'm grateful to get in (even if they are saying late Aug/Sept for surgery and I was hoping for June). Then DH's foot follow-up on the 21st. Found out yesterday that I've become fairly reactive to bee stings. :crazy2:

But remember to enjoy the small stuff, everyone!. I'm enjoying some raspberries on a break at work, ignoring the fact that I'm behind after two days off. :rotfl2:
@imbatman awesome about your novel and good luck with the surgery! So you got stung by a bee? Yikes, I haven't had that happen for a while, thankfully.

Gas prices: I just filled up today (outside DC) and I paid $1.50, regular price was $1.95 at the Shell but I had .45 per gallon in rewards, I'll take it. The cheapest gas near us is $1.70 today.
Hi all. 👋 I haven’t posted in a while so I will try to respond to multiple things that have been happening here. First, I am sad to see so many losses and unexpected news experienced by posters on this thread over the last few weeks, and my thoughts go out to each of you.

Re: COVID 19 and work—I’m “essential” and still working, and managing my workload plus managing employees fears, and a few employee to employee confrontations (and growing frustrations) that have occurred because some people at work that I supervise feel that others that I don’t supervise are not taking COVID precautions (like masking and social distancing) seriously has been exhausting. I am not complaining, as I am grateful to still have a job, but this week in particular was stressful. And now with Texas “reopening”, I am sitting here anticipating next week will be worse. I wish our county government had been more specific with rules and instructions for county offices.

On the debt dumping front, I got my stimulus check and paid it immediately on debt, which felt good. With my daughter home from her college doing this quarter online, my grocery bill has ballooned!! Dang these kids eat a lot when they are stuck at home all day every day. She had to quarantine per Texas rules once she flew home from California, but in the two weeks since she finished it, she has only left the house once to ride with me to get drive thru. I have paid as little as $1.07 for gas during the stay at home orders; on the way home from work yesterday I saw it was pretty consistently around $1.22. I think maybe our gas here is always a bit cheaper than most areas of the country??? There were A LOT more cars on the road to and from work this week, so I was not surprised that prices inched up a bit with more demand. Finally, in the biggest debt dumping (or not) news I have, I think I may have mentioned I closed on the purchase of my Grandmother’s home on March 6th, with the plan in mind to put my home on the market after I finish gradually moving and paring down from a 2600 sq ft home to a 1200 sq ft home. Now there are two problems with that plan—(1) I hate to even speculate what the housing market, which was hot for sellers here before COVID 19, is going to look like now, and (2) there is NO INTERNET at that little house way out in the country. Last month a company started laying lines for high speed internet in the area, but there is no timeline on when or if they might reach the area where my new house is. I can’t even use a cell phone as a hot spot, because I can’t get cell service there 80% of the time. My mom and brother live closer in to “town”, and their internet and cell service is Unreliable—last month they were out of all cell and internet service for 7 straight days. With my daughter doing her Stanford classes online, and who knows, maybe into the fall too, she has to have reliable high speed internet. With her heavy courseload and concerns about the virus, it is not feasible for her to drive the 20 plus miles into the nearest big town to sit in McDonalds to use their WiFi for hours and hours (and they haven’t been open til yesterday). So, for now we are staying put at my house in the city, and I have two houses. A little scary. On the positive side, I only had to borrow $45,000 to pay for the new house and it is at a great low interest rate. I had planned to pay it off quick with equity when I sold the my house, but looks like I will be carrying that debt a little longer than I planned.

Like many of you on this board, my usual stress relief is travel planning, but doesn’t that feel so fruitless now? Due to our cancelled Disney Spring Break vacation and cancelled summer Yosemite vacation and a cancelled Memorial Day weekend trip plus a couple of flights that I made and cancelled for my daughter when we were not sure when or if she would come home when universities started moving to a online format, I have sitting unused $950 in Disneyworld tickets (which were automatically extended by Disney to expire on December 14) and $1200 unused flight funds on Southwest and $580 on Alaska. My daughter has asthma and it does not feel safe to make any plans for later this summer that would involve flying or crowds. Her university (understandably) is considering multiple possibilities for Autumn quarter which may include not allowing students to leave and return for Thanksgiving week or winter break IF they have students on campus at all, so I don’t know if we will be able to get to Disney by December. Making any travel plans right now seems like chasing my tail in circles, ya know? Also, I was thinking— it would be really miserable to wear a mask at Disney in July or August heat. Yikes!!


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