Debt Dumpers - 2013

lllovell said:
Check in your area and see if there are any used appliance stores. When our dryer died last time, we bought one there for $100. That was 4 years ago and still going strong. Good luck.

When our dryer died (a free dryer that came with the house) we bought one off Craigslist for $100.00 and it has worked great for 2 years and it is still going strong

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We're in to dump the debt! We paid off a small CC this month so that felt really good. We'd like to be debt free except the house by August 2014 when DS goes to college. It should be doable although we are saving for 2 new vehicles so that takes away from paying toward debt, the van has 138,000 miles on it, and the car just turned 200,000 (It is a 2006 my DH drives to work an hour each way.) We will drive both until they fall apart and hope it isn't at the same time! I appreciate having a place to go to for encouragement and to encourage others.
I think this thread could be helpful for encouraging each other.

I do not think we will be completely out of debt this year, but there are some goals we are hoping to achieve.

1. Pay off Gutter Guard - 800.00 left, hopefully paid off by March 2013
2. Pay off credit card - 2500.00 left, hopefully paid off by May 2013
3. Pay off windows - 5000.00 left, hopefully by May 2014
4. Pay off student loans - 10,000.00 left, hopefully by December 2014
5. Pay off car - I believe the payments are until 2018 at this point, but if the above all gets paid off, this can also be paid off sooner
6. Pay off mortgage - Currently scheduled to paid in full 2026

Thanks for letting me write this out and good luck to everyone in this thread for paying their debts off!
Good luck everybody.

Think of how nice it will be to have money to pay for Christmas, a vacation, an appliance, car, furniture or another large ticket item.

Once you are debt free, you will not panic when you hear about a layoff. You will know that you can make it on your unemployment until you get another job.
As I packed lunch for work today I thought of how much I would rather have Panera for lunch.....then thought if I take my lunch the debt goes THEN I can have any food I want at Disney and feel darn good about it.....hey for me its the little things! Good luck to everyone this week!
As I packed lunch for work today I thought of how much I would rather have Panera for lunch.....then thought if I take my lunch the debt goes THEN I can have any food I want at Disney and feel darn good about it.....hey for me its the little things! Good luck to everyone this week!

That's a great way to look at it!!

I'm doing something similar, but ours it traveling to Europe. Really expensive with 6 people but if we hadn't been paying CC's off, we would have been there already. Maybe even more than once.
BernardandMissBianca said:
That's a great way to look at it!!

I'm doing something similar, but ours it traveling to Europe. Really expensive with 6 people but if we hadn't been paying CC's off, we would have been there already. Maybe even more than once.

Europe! Congrats! and I totaly get the CC thing...they are mean little buggers, but you are gonna do it!!!!
We're saving for a summer trip to Hawaii and having something to look forward to definately makes it worth it! It's also a good excuse not to shop or going out to eat and when your invited by friends to do something that involves spending money.
Just my luck. I got a nice snowball payment to the CC and then my DH's horse got a deep cut on his leg and had to have the vet look at it, then my MiL (who had a stroke recently) needed a new shower door with grab bars on it. DH paid for it, of couse. DD bought her books for her college courses (we were expecting this though) AND our rental house sprung a leak in the roof. UGHH!!!!:furious:

My snowball melted and I'm back where I started. Even more in debt than before! I've got to keep repeating Dory "Keep on swimming...keep on swimming"
We all have to keep swimming and then one day we all will be ahead of the dreaded debt monster! I know we all can do this:cool1: I recently got a new job and I am trying to decide if I need another job so I can debt dump a little faster! I was running some numbers for my next Disney vacation, hopefully Feb 2014 and I really hope I get a discount, rack rates for the 5 of us for 8 nights are $4200 just tickets and hotel!
2012 - Our goal was to pay off DH's computer, my car and a personal loan. We accomplished all three. :) It felt really good!

2013 - Our goal is to pay off DH's car and the 70" TV we bought last year. Once those are paid off the only debt we'll have is our mortgage. I just hope our paid off cars will last us a while so we don't have to take on another car payment too soon! :wizard:

Good luck to everyone working to dump their debt!!
We've been paying everything off that we could- our older vehicle is 11 years old and our newer one is 4 years old. The newer one just got paid off last month!!:banana:
All we have left now is the mortgage, and I'm hoping to have that paid off in May. I've been adding extra $$ to our monthly payment since we bought the house in 2000 (before the bubble grew and burst), and have turned our 30 year mortgage into a 13 year mortgage.
Of course we work in a volatile industry, so if the government has their way- we might be facing a layoff.
But we won't be out on the street.... :thumbsup2
Trying to keep us on track, I love it! I can't wait until I can start putting extra $ into our 30 year mortgage so we can have a 20 year or shorter mortgage! If we keep encouraging each other all year, I see a lot of debt dumping!!!!! It is already the 15th of this month, is everyone on track for January? I will let you know as the month progresses, I get paid kind of strangely so I will have a better idea in 2 weeks!:)
My parents have the basic debt:

Mortgage (fairly small mortgage....about $180,000 left....we've only been in the house for about 4 years....already paid off $50,000)
1 car payment (only $500 left)
My brothers student loans (parent PLUS loans...not sure of amount)
Medical bills- we have been on a monthly payment plan for 18 months...every time I have something done, it automatically gets added...if all major medical problems stopped now, we would have 24 months left on the plan...but this is never going away. I want to say we have $4500 left on the payment plan right now .....that does not include the $26,000 OOP we spent this past year)

I got $35,000 in unclaimed property this year and I gave my parents $5,000 of it to pay what they needed. That got rid of $2,000 of the car (why they didnt pay it all...i dont know...)and $2,000 to the mortgage, and $1000 to medical bills.

They have no credit card debt and I am very proud of them for that considering our situation.

Why would you publish what your parents owe? You treat their money like you earned it.

You are in your mid 20s. It is time to help them out. You got a windfall but did not pay off your medical bills. :confused3
Why would you publish what your parents owe? You treat their money like you earned it.

You are in your mid 20s. It is time to help them out. You got a windfall but did not pay off your medical bills. :confused3

I completely agree! You live at home, these are your bills! Also what the fudge DO you eat?:sad2:
Why would you publish what your parents owe? You treat their money like you earned it.

You are in your mid 20s. It is time to help them out. You got a windfall but did not pay off your medical bills. :confused3

Becasue I am in school full time and spend the rest of my time shuttling back and forth from doctors appointments....NVM..should never have posted...
OP here - please keep this thread supportive and don't point fingers at people regarding how they got in debt or how they are getting out of debt. We don't know everyone's situations. I want this thread to give people hope and strength, provide ideas for ways to dumb debt faster, and be a sounding board to help make better decisions to stay out if debt.
Wow Suzanne, I hope my van lasts another 50,000 miles with no major repairs but one can never tell. Plus we drive when we go to Disney and I won't feel safe driving that down there in another year. Funny story, today I sprayed the salt off my van at the car wash and the rear wiper decides it is going to start working 2 years after it stopped working! She is a great van and I wish she would last forever.:)
Riley I totally get it, kids and Christmas mess up my budget constantly! My hubby constantly asks me why we have no extra $ or can't afford things our friends with no kids have? Ummm they have no kids!

Just curious....What kind of minivan do you have? I have a 2002 ford Windstar that I does some pretty weird things.


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