DDP 2008 Tipping

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Disney Junkies
Feb 18, 2006
I don't think anyone can argue (famous last words) that's Disney's restaurant meal prices are somewhat inflated. Since tipping is no longer included in the dining plan, do you think people will stick to the 18-20%
tip on meal prices, or will come up with a more realistic gratuity based on the dining experience? :3dglasses
Well, some would argue that the prices are not really inflated -- that you are paying for atmosphere, location, convenience, etc. Whether they are inflated or not, I think the gratuity should be based on the menu prices and the service you receive.

I don't have any sympathy at all for those who say, "If I have to tip 18%, I can't afford to eat at Disney restaurants." A reasonable tip is just good manners, it's a part of the cost of dining out, and if someone truly can't afford a reasonable tip, they should eat somewhere they can afford.

It's not fair to the servers to make them bear part of our vacation cost by stiffing them or giving them low tips.
I have to agree with the last poster. If I'm going to eat at a sit-down restaurant (at WDW or not), I always figure a 20% tip into the anticipated cost. If I can't afford the TOTAL cost, we don't eat at a sit-down restaurant, PERIOD.

We always leave EXTRA tips at Disney when we are using the Dining Plan if we feel that the service was good. That being said, there a plenty of time (for instance at the buffets) where I really question whether 20% tip is really necessary...really they are just bringing the drinks. But then I remember that this is these people make a living and leave the 20% :)
Whether the prices are inflated or not has no bearing on the tip. Once we choose to eat at any restaurant we are agreeing to the price of the food. The gratuity goes along with the commitment. I understand and respect a budget but do not understand patronizing a restaurant without considering the cost of the tip. There are plenty of price ranges so accommodate everyone's budget without acting the wait staff negatively.
Well, I am not apart from thinking they'll implement the mandatory 18% on everyone....
But if not, I will tip based on the service I get. That's how I tip everywhere. Do a good job and you'll get a lot - up to like 35, 40% on a good meal. But do poorly, and you will pay. I do not deserve to be sitting at my table for 35 minutes after I'm done, finally contacting a manager for another 10 minute wait to resolution of the bill, while you have my card to ring through my bill, ya know? That is no one's fault but the servers and would be dealt with accordingly.
While I think its a foregone conclusion (autogratuity across the board) I have a problem with that 18% at Buffets.
So I haven't been on the dining boards in lately, and this is news to me.... Why would an across the board 18% tip be added to all bills? I thought the whole point in not including the tip anymore was to give the consumer the power to allow the tip to reflect the service?????:confused3
I think how much you tip should depend solely on how good the service was not what the meal cost. I also think tipping %18 at buffets is absolutely crazy!!!
Yeah but they already moved the Auto-gratuity from parties of 8 to parties of 6 and now its automatic for anyone using the DDE. I believe that is just a sliding scale for everyone to pay the auto-gratuity in the future.
Yeah but they already moved the Auto-gratuity from parties of 8 to parties of 6 and now its automatic for anyone using the DDE. I believe that is just a sliding scale for everyone to pay the auto-gratuity in the future.


When the servers at WDW on the DP start getting stiffed enmass or start quitting enmass then I am sure that Disney will implement the 18% tip across the board whether on a dining plan or not.
OP's original question was whether whatever you tip should be based on the menu price or some other criteria. As I said above, I think it should be based on the menu price, but the percentage is up to the diner depending on the service.

The normal, expected tip is 15-20% of the bill. That certainly does not mean that someone should tip 15% for lousy service. You shouldn't.

The current situation is the automatic 18% gratuity added to the check is only for parties of six or more, and all DDE checks. The automatic 18% gratuity has been around for years -- the change this year is the party size was reduced from 8 to 6, and all DDE checks were added to balance the loss of the automatic 18% on all DDP checks previously.

If you have an automatically-added gratuity and you don't think the service warranted that level of tip, you should contact a manager and ask them to adjust the gratuity.
I read on another thread on this board, that the automatic 18% is non-negotiable. I've also read where one poster(server) stated they thought the standard should be 20%-22%. I believe that this service charge will be institued across the board.( it's almost there anyway) You give anybody an inch an they will take a mile. Disney dining is becoming a mess.
I read on another thread on this board, that the automatic 18% is non-negotiable.
Technically, legally, that is probably correct. They're not surprising anyone with this charge -- it's in the literature for DDE and it will be on every menu. In that context, yes, I'd say it's mandatory and they will charge it to your room if you leave without settling the tip.

However, if there is a legitimate issue with service, I'm sure a manager would listen to a complaint and make an appropriate adjustment. I can't imagine them saying "Too bad, so sad; automatic is automatic!"

I've also read where one poster(server) stated they thought the standard should be 20%-22%. I believe that this service charge will be institued across the board.( it's almost there anyway)
If they applied across the board, I think 15% on every check would be fine. Good tippers would add the extra 5-10%, and the tip on every check would make up for the rest.

An automatic gratuity of at least 15% is very common in resort destinations, and I have seen up to 20% at some restaurants. I frankly think Disney would stay on the low end of the range because they want to keep things as affordable as they reasonably can. I think that logic is the reason why they haven't added mandatory gratuities across the board...yet.

I have no doubt there are servers who believe 20-22% is the right range, and I also have no doubt that there are servers who are worth 20-22%. I've had quite a few of them at WDW. But I think that's too high for a middle-class, working-family vacation destination.
However, if there is a legitimate issue with service, I'm sure a manager would listen to a complaint and make an appropriate adjustment. I can't imagine them saying "Too bad, so sad; automatic is automatic!"

Evidently, the OP on this issue did complain and was given no satisfaction. ( this occured at LLT). They ended up going to guest services and finally got a resolution. It was a big ordeal and most guests won't waste their time with it.
Well, I am not apart from thinking they'll implement the mandatory 18% on everyone....
But if not, I will tip based on the service I get. That's how I tip everywhere. Do a good job and you'll get a lot - up to like 35, 40% on a good meal. But do poorly, and you will pay. I do not deserve to be sitting at my table for 35 minutes after I'm done, finally contacting a manager for another 10 minute wait to resolution of the bill, while you have my card to ring through my bill, ya know? That is no one's fault but the servers and would be dealt with accordingly.
I agree with you. I'm very easy to please, and will usually leave at least 20%, sometimes more. But, if I have a server who is rude, ignorant, MIA, snobby, etc, I will tip accordingly.
However, if there is a legitimate issue with service, I'm sure a manager would listen to a complaint and make an appropriate adjustment. I can't imagine them saying "Too bad, so sad; automatic is automatic!"

JimMIA, the problem with that is, it would have to be HORRENDOUS service to want to take away from the park time/fun to want to go confront the manager to recoup a percentage of a tip. I cant imagine ever doing this myself, I would be much more inclined to suck it up, complain to the spouse and swear off that particular restaurant, which I think is what will happen 99.999% of the time. Maybe more letters will get written to Disney, but for the most part people let this stuff go after the fact. They know this and the servers know this.
JimMIA, the problem with that is, it would have to be HORRENDOUS service to want to take away from the park time/fun to want to go confront the manager to recoup a percentage of a tip. I cant imagine ever doing this myself, I would be much more inclined to suck it up, complain to the spouse and swear off that particular restaurant, which I think is what will happen 99.999% of the time. Maybe more letters will get written to Disney, but for the most part people let this stuff go after the fact. They know this and the servers know this.
Actually, I don't think any huge time investment would be involved. Before you pay the bill, you simply ask for a manager, explain your disappointment, and ask for an adjustment. We're talking a brief delay to get the manager to your table, a 30-second explanation of what was not right, and a decision.

I think you are right -- most people would suck it up and go on with their vacation. But I do believe that there is a simple, quick alternative available if you are sincerely disappointed in the service (or food, for that matter). I think most customers who had a legitimate concern and approached the manager in a sensible, respectful way would get a satisfactory adjustment.

I really think many who object to the mandatory tip don't really object to the mandatory nature of the thing as much as they object to the level of the tip. I think if Disney instituted a mandatory 10% tip, a lot of the "nobody's gonna tell me how much to tip" complaints would go away. I really believe a lot of the complaints are from people who don't normally tip 15-20%, and just think 18% is too high.
Cant argue with any of your points jimMIA, not that I would want to anyway :thumbsup2, I also agree that the 18%, especially given how high the prices are to begin with, hits people a particular way. 10% would be a better 'jumping off point for across the board gratuity, especially with all the buffets in the equation' but since thats not the case, I suspect people will let this kind of thing fester and we will hear about it in places like the good ol' dis!

I do think its more of a big deal though to take the time to get a manager amidst all the chaos of Disney dining than to simply pay the ticket and be about your way, but we shall see how things shake out shortly!
I am one that the 18% service charge really rubs the wrong way. I tip way above that for good service...usually aroung 25%. I resent being charged 18% and having it called a "gratuity". I'm sure some will do a fantastic job regardless, but some won't give a flip because of this guaruntee. Service to me is a large part of my dining experience and I am afraid that this will impact it greatly.
I am one that the 18% service charge really rubs the wrong way. I tip way above that for good service...usually aroung 25%. I resent being charged 18% and having it called a "gratuity". I'm sure some will do a fantastic job regardless, but some won't give a flip because of this guaruntee. Service to me is a large part of my dining experience and I am afraid that this will impact it greatly.
All I can tell you is that I've eaten dozens of meals at WDW over the last 5 years, both on DDP with a guaranteed tip included, and OOP without any tip added to the bill. I've never noticed any difference in the service based on how I was paying for the meal or whether or not a gratuity was included.

In fact, the only place we've ever had really awful service, we were paying OOP -- but that was Alfredo's, and I think they gave everyone rotten service, no matter how you paid. Good riddance to that place!

I'm not the only one who has had this experience either. There have been numerous posts to this effect over the last 2-3 years.

From those with a different point of view, the comment is always speculative: "I'm afraid an automatic tip will diminish service," never "I got bad service because the tip was included."
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