DDA Chapter 15

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Tammi, I'm sorry for your sump pump issues... you are right, you should have gotten a break in between! I hope everything is resolved and you've had your bad luck run out just before Christmas! :goodvibes
I've read along but am too exhausted to reply, so a blanket of :hug:s and :wizard:.

I must have really ticked someone off. I went down into the unfinished portion of our basement tonight to clean the cat boxes. There was water all over the floor. Luckily Bob and Bethany were over for dinner, so I called him down. It seems that both of my sump pumps AND the back-up batteries are completely dead. They have overflowed. One is in the front right corner of the house and the other in the left rear corner. The carpet along 2 outside walls is soaked. We shopvac'd up the water and I called my neighbor and asked if I could borrow the small pump he has on top of his pool cover to pump off the rain water. He brought that over and he and Bob rigged it up to where it is pumping the water out of one sump into the bathroom sink. It is finally starting to go down. Tomorrow I'm going to have to call the company that waterproofed our basement and installed the pumps to come out and repair whatever is wrong. Then I'm going to call the insurance company to see what would be covered. Someone is definitely trying to see how much I can handle without breaking. Sorry for my personal pity party. I know it is minor compared to what others are going through. But I'd just like to catch a break for a little while!

I'm so sorry Tammy. My home/auto repairs continue as well. I hope it's a quick and cheap fix, and that you continue to see no lice with your other project. :hug:

I made it home safely. I did have a little mishap on my way into work though. When I got to work they were still clearing the parking lot. I ended up parking in a different area than I usually do. I went to step (well actually jump) out of the truck and landed on ice, my feet slipped out from under me and I landed on my butt, back and elbow. My elbow took the worst blow, but it seems okay now. It will probaby be sore tomorrow though.

Work was slow again, but thankfully I had some very generous patrons so the night ended up very well. Chris was impressed. :thumbsup2

I need to use my time well tomorrow morning as it is my last morning at home with no kids until the new year. I need to make sure that I have all the stocking stuffers that I need and that everything is organized.

I'm glad it was a good financial evening, but ouch on the fall. :hug: I hope you get lots done this morning!

Gary has all the counter tops in the kitchen tiled now, my kitchen is so pretty :yay: All that is left is some small details & the back splash behind the stove, but this will have to wait till after the new year.

Today & tomorrow we will start moving things back into the kitchen, so hopefully I will have a tree up soon!

I will post pictures once we are done :thumbsup2

Congrats! I can't wait to see more pics.

Andrew made a 96 on one of the tests yesterday, but hasn't gotten the grade back on the other one yet. Today is math, so that should be pretty easy for him. It's the two tests tomorrow that are killers.

Both boys have their annual check-up at the pediatrician today. I hope to get Jake's birthday invitations finished today so I can mail them at the end of next week, and get Andrew's thank you notes out today. I also need to get everything more organized and figure out what we need for the quick trip to Austin next week and then out trip to WDW at the end of that week.

Have a good day everyone. :santa:
Tammi - Hope the damage is easily repaired. :wizard: that your break for the craziness is just around the corner.

Janet - How exciting that your kitchen is almost finished!!!

Jennifer - I'm glad you are feeling better. The night of Christmas lights sounds good.

Deb - Glad you had a better than expected night at work. I hope nothing is too sore today.

Kristine - Enjoy your trip! I hope Christopher stays out of trouble and gives you a break for the rest of it. ;)
I've read along but am too exhausted to reply, so a blanket of :hug:s and :wizard:.

I must have really ticked someone off. I went down into the unfinished portion of our basement tonight to clean the cat boxes. There was water all over the floor. Luckily Bob and Bethany were over for dinner, so I called him down. It seems that both of my sump pumps AND the back-up batteries are completely dead. They have overflowed. One is in the front right corner of the house and the other in the left rear corner. The carpet along 2 outside walls is soaked. We shopvac'd up the water and I called my neighbor and asked if I could borrow the small pump he has on top of his pool cover to pump off the rain water. He brought that over and he and Bob rigged it up to where it is pumping the water out of one sump into the bathroom sink. It is finally starting to go down. Tomorrow I'm going to have to call the company that waterproofed our basement and installed the pumps to come out and repair whatever is wrong. Then I'm going to call the insurance company to see what would be covered. Someone is definitely trying to see how much I can handle without breaking. Sorry for my personal pity party. I know it is minor compared to what others are going through. But I'd just like to catch a break for a little while!

:hug: That is awful! I hope the company that installed them is responsible. How would you know the batteries were dead??
Good morning, DDA!
Good morning, DDA! Just a quick post before I get in the shower while the baby is sleeping. We've got MOPS today plus babysitting for some number of children for some amount of time. Actually, I think that it is all of the children, plus the baby, plus maybe one more for a short time after MOPS. The question is when do they all leave. And, will any presents get wrapped or cards get finished? I'm thinking probably not, but oh well. Cards can always be done on the airplane (just have to remember to cut the pictures and leave the scissors at home).
Well, just found out mom is getting in the shower so I guess I have to wait. Maybe I'll go wrap a present or two...after I find my coffee and a sugar cookie or two. Man, I forget how much I love our sugar cookies with buttercream frosting. Last year I was talked into a basic powdered sugar/milk glaze and it just wasn't the same. However, I did eat a lot fewer cookies...hmmmm. Nah, these are worth it! Yummy!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Kristine - with the exception of Christopher's death dance with the door it looks like a very festive trip. I hope you all make it home tomorrow!

Jen - I am glad you are doing somewhat better today.

Elizabeth - I am pretty sure that your choir director cannot do holiday songs as we remember them. I am sorry the quality of the singing and her repoertoire selections were less than enjoyable! (Her master's degree does not necessarily make a good music director/educator though... ;) )
Elin your trip is so close! I know you have been busy with recitals, have you had time to start packing?

I have some things thrown in suitcases and piles in the laundry room, but no real packing. :sad2: Maybe tomorrow morning!
That stinks!
Hope you can get the company that did the work to fix it.
Janet - YAY for an almost completed kitchen and a Christmas tree!

Deb - I hope you are not too sore today.

Becky - don't work too hard!
Good Morning DDA!

Tammi, sorry your going through so much right now! Hopefully you can get the water mess cleared up and insurance will cover the damage. On the bright side, you might be getting new carpet! Hope your other issue gets cleared up too. I know what a pain in the tushie it is! We spent at least 2 hours a night going through Leighanna's hair, and then all the other stuff that we had to do to decontaminate! As much as we hated cutting Leighanna's hair, it did save us another hour of combing. I know that it will grow back.

Deb, I hope you are doing o.k. this morning! Yay for some generous patrons!

Elin, I bet you are getting excited about your upcoming trip.
That reminds me, I need to pay off our trip TOMORROW! That means it is getting close!

We had an ice storm Tuesday night, so Leighanna didn't have school yesterday. We worked on some craft projects together, and made some homemade Christmas cards to hand out to family.
School was on schedule today, so I need to get some things wrapped because I don't think I will have any other free time before Christmas!

I work tonight and tomorrow night with an overtime shift to get ready for the Christmas holiday. Saturday night is Christmas with the in-laws. I work again Sunday and Monday night. Christmas with my family on Tuesday night. Wednesday is Christmas Eve, so everything has to be done!
I better get off of here and get busy!
Hope everyone has a great day!
We did finally get Leighanna's first grade photos back the other day.
I finally figured out how to get my scanner to cooperate with my newish computer.
Tom - Leighanna's picture is precious. Look at those imssing teeth! :teeth:

I am a litle excited about our trip, but I am really so tired that it hasn't hit me that we leave in 3 days.
:hug: That is awful! I hope the company that installed them is responsible. How would you know the batteries were dead??
I guess it's my responsibility as a homeowner to check them every now and then. Who knew? :rolleyes: Or I could look inside the holding tank to make sure the water is being pumped out. Or I could listen for the pumps to kick on when we have a lot of rain. Clearly, I'm slacking on the job of homeownerness. :sad2: :mad:
I guess it's my responsibility as a homeowner to check them every now and then. Who knew? :rolleyes: Or I could look inside the holding tank to make sure the water is being pumped out. Or I could listen for the pumps to kick on when we have a lot of rain. Clearly, I'm slacking on the job of homeownerness. :sad2: :mad:

I don't think so. Isn't it supposed to be a system that is virtually automatic??
I have been looking at accuweather.com every day to check out the long-range forecast. It has changed off and on but we still keep coming back to a very desirable set of temps and sunshine. Definitely capri weather! Maybe I can get a few things packed this morning.

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