Days of Our Lives Watchers Part Three...

Loved seeing Leo, Sheila and Clyde back!
Daniel... not so much.... but for one day....ok.

Sheila and Abe’s baby was adorable!

Leo had some great lines!
Where the heck was this chip that Steve was on his side. Yes the chip talking was crazy. Kayla can cut it out in 10 seconds

Justin is very red or tanned today. Why do they have all the guys in suits when they are not working especially Sonny he doesn’t even have a

Mickey doesn’t look tired at Eric was so sweet with the baby. They are really going to drag this out.
Where the heck was this chip that Steve was on his side. Yes the chip talking was crazy. Kayla can cut it out in 10 seconds

Justin is very red or tanned today. Why do they have all the guys in suits when they are not working especially Sonny he doesn’t even have a

Mickey doesn’t look tired at Eric was so sweet with the baby. They are really going to drag this out.
Wish Nicole would stop trying to get him to keep it a secret, that's just awful. End it already.
I wonder what Steve will be like when he awakens...

I wonder you will be Xander’s next love if Sarah kicks him to the curb.

Kelly Thiebaud is coming on to play Evan’s lawyer.
Are they using different lighting , it is so bright at the hospital now you can see all the flaws.

Sarah looked pretty good for just getting out of bed, where is Mickey still in that crib.

Just spit it out Eric. When he told Brady and Kristen it could wait I thought what....but I guess Sarah should know first. Having Nicole keep saying he didn’t have to tell drove me crazy too.

Not sure what is going to happen with Steve. I’m sure he will remember nothing. But who knows Rolf might have something up his sleeve. Still think Hope could still be Gina but who knows.

Where are they going to go from here ....what story line do we have coming the rest of Evan’s story I guess. Not interested.
Are they using different lighting , it is so bright at the hospital now you can see all the flaws.

Sarah looked pretty good for just getting out of bed, where is Mickey still in that crib.

Just spit it out Eric. When he told Brady and Kristen it could wait I thought what....but I guess Sarah should know first. Having Nicole keep saying he didn’t have to tell drove me crazy too.

Not sure what is going to happen with Steve. I’m sure he will remember nothing. But who knows Rolf might have something up his sleeve. Still think Hope could still be Gina but who knows.

Where are they going to go from here ....what story line do we have coming the rest of Evan’s story I guess. Not interested.
This is week two of that lighting. It’s making me kind of suspicious. It reminds me of “dream” lighting. It’s better than that awful green lighting they’ve had for a couple of years at least.
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This is week two of that lighting. It’s making me kind of suspicious. It reminds me of “dream” lighting. It’s better than that awful green lighting they’ve had for a couple of years at least.
I have been thinking that too. Everything looks like a flashback or fantasy sequence.
I have been thinking that too. Everything looks like a flashback or fantasy sequence.
I haven’t been great on calling the show lately but I wondered at the beginning if this would be like “no not everyone is dead, they’re on an island.” Back then I thought it would be Jenn coma dreaming but now I’m kind of thinking something happened to Steve. Wouldn’t that be his worse nightmare? Thinking he was Stefano? Probably too creative, lol.
Oh Xander, if looks could kill LOL.

And of course, this is finally coming out and they are going to have Kristen do something crazy before she finds out? Ugh.
Well I’m gonna have to wait until it goes online tonight to finish watching today’s episode, because they broke in with the WH daily briefing. Couldn’t grab my remote quick enough to turn the TV off. :rotfl:
It is amazing that Steve just had brain surgery, and they talk about him having brain swelling, but he has a full head of hair. You would think they would at least bandage his head to give the illusion of a shaved head.

Also amazing was that the surgery was not performed by a skilled neurosurgeon. The writers sacrifice so much reality for the sake of their storylines.
Tell me Kristen isn’t going to kidnap that baby. I’m pretty sure they would vent to volunteers with newborns at least a police report where she would fail.

That baby was so cute as a button today.

So Steve knows no one . I thought that too about his hair. Sarah just had her hands up the whole time thru the surgery too. If they were my doctors I would very afraid. I thought Sarah was a Peds Doctor or was that Rex.
I just watched the last 3 shows.

Sarah pulled an Eve and let the wedding go...heck I was surprised that got to the rings.

I don’t know why Steve said that about Adrienne and them being there for each other when they were young...not true Adrienne came on the show grown up looking for him. Jack and Steve were put up for adoption. Plus all this happened just after Steve just woke up. At least Marlena looks off balance at first after surgery.

No way I would wait to see my baby . That is not realistic, Brady saying they need to grief. Yes they do but let me hold my baby. Brady got to hold her and no one would let her hold Mickey.

Why isn’t anyone saying Victor was also in on this. It’s going to hit the fan soon.

Really don’t like Julie’s Place don’t know why they changed it.

Now what’s Xander going to do....I still think Sarah is going to run , or at least not give her back.
My question: Why wasn’t Steve surprised Jack was alive? Wasn’t he already transformed into Stefano when Jack came back? He doesn’t seem to remember being Stefano or the divorce so how would he remember that? Or am I remembering it wrong?
A few things:

Enjoyed the April Fools episode. Liked this Dan better than the previous version. Sadly, I'd be ok if he turned out to be alive and was brought back. Leo, fantastic. I'm back beaches. Leo adn Will would have been more entertaining than when he was with Sonny. Heck, Leo and Xander...

Who in their right mind would let Kristen volunteer to hold babies. Do they not do a background check? She'd fail at step 1. Was totally waiting for her to run off with the baby or at least hurt the nurse. Was also waiting for her to start calling her Rachel or go full on Hand That Rocks the Cradle and start nursing her.

Sarah, wow if looks could kill. But Xander had it coming. I suspect she'll run with Mickey.

What I'd like to see is that Mickey is alive. That she was stolen by mom#3 whose baby died, and that Summer is somehow in on that switch. That she facilitated it out of her hatred towards Maggie and Sarah.

I saw in a promo somewhere that Rex returns. Any spoilers on that?
Who is dumber? Eric or Brady? Or are they tied for the dumbest, most stupid man on the face of the earth? Brady with his "we need to let her have one more night with the baby. She just got very bad news." Or Eric just being Eric? These writers are the worst in the world.
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Who is dumber? Eric or Brady? Or are they tied for the dumbest, most stupid man on the face of the earth? Brady with his "we need to let her have one more night with the baby. She just got very bad news." Or Eric just being Eric? These writers are the worst in the world.

I think we have a tie in the dumb and stupid department. But I can see where Brady was going with that. Sarah got bad news. She needed time to process that the little girl whom she has raised is not hers.


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