Day of Remembrance for our loved ones Dec 21

It's one of those cancers you never hear about, but as soon as you mention it everybody know someone who has dies of it. I would love for them to find a good way to screen for it. I hope you don't mind, but I stole you purple ribbon pic to use as my avatar.

No problem!
I'm going to steal your purple ribbon too if you don't mind. I missed this thread but my mom Rose died of pancreatic cancer on March 26th. :sad1:
this is the first time for me on this board, so although the day of rememberance is over I would like to add my parents.
I lost both of them this past year-
My mom passed Dec. 24th 2007 after a 3 year battle with ovarian cancer
My dads health quickly deteriorated as soon as she passed (they were married just 3 months shy of 50 yrs) he passed on March 17th this past year.

It is still very hard for me to believe they are both gone, I spoke with them each day, and they were there for dinner each Sunday.
My 5yo daughter talked about them each night at bedtime for several months after they passed, she has since stopped. As difficult as this was I am sad that she has stopped talking about them. I know her memory of them will be so limited which breaks my heart, they loved each of my kids so very much.

thanks for letting me have a place to share this. After a year friends stop asking how you are, life goes on, but the pain and loss is still there.


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