Day 4


<font color=indigo>Those blinking rats get me ever
May 21, 2005
Day 4

We awake on time and actually make it to the Fantasyland breakfast. It was nice to walk through the park and take photos with very few people around, and my was it cold the weather had really changed ! We were freezing

Brakfast was very disappointing and not on a par with the breakfast at Beavers Creek ( just my opinion ) Paper plates and mugs, plastic knives and forks and nothing like the spread at Beavers Creek. Also no-where to sit down. DRAT !
Ate breakfast in a bit of a rush DS wants to get the BTM. Ride Thunder mountain twice and then its off to get tickets for the Lion king show, somehow we loose each other, thankfully it was me that was lost and not DS. We arranged on the first day that if either of the adults got lost we would make our way to the alcoves on the bridge going into the castle and wait there until the others arrive. DS was told if he got lost to go into a shop and tell a cast member - not speaking to anyone on the way. Anyway it worked and eventually DS & DH arrived, we were all cold by this time and decided this was a good time to check out Salon Mickey

We knock on the door and it opens ,in we go. We meet some other Brits in there, and while I am making a cup of tea and getting drinks from the fridge they convince DH on the wisdom of buying an Annual pass. They were nice people and it was nice chatting to them. We browse the shops in main street and then go back to the hotel via The New York Hotel, not sure if I like it. Warm ourselves up with cups of coffee in the bar and then we hotfoot it back to the park.
Decide to look into the Annual Pass thing, sounds like a good idea but is it worth it? We end up buying 3 dream passes we had such a good deal - reduction for buying 3 AP’s Discount for being a Shareholder and also unexpectedly money back on our existing passes even though we bought them has a package. We buy, and head for the hills at record speed just in case there has been a mistake in the calculations ! Meant that DH missed his guided tour of the park, but hey, we’ve got 3 AP’s in our mitts.

At some point we checked out the swimming pool DS and DH went in, much too cold for me and it wasn’t long before DH had had enough but DS enjoyed himself

We had booked another Buffet dinner at the Plaza Gardens so we head off there, this time our non-smoking table is a bit too close to the smoking area but we still enjoy the meal. We head back to the hotel quite early, via the lake, balloon still strapped down, may be I should have let DS go in it earlier in the week, forgot the weather issue. Anyway no chance tonight so its bath and shower and bed we have an early start again tomorrow and DS gets his surprise.I can’t believe that for our entire stay the television didn’t see the light of day once !


I'm also considering the purchase of 4 x AP Dreams when we visit in November.

Just wondering how 'easy' is it to purchase the AP's? Is it a long process?.


Shame Fantasyland breakfast wasn't what you had expected.
Enjoyed the latest installment.
Annual passport, music to my ears :teeth:

Iain, it wasn't difficult at all once we located the office. I knew I had seen it but couldn't remember where. As I said we got such a good deal - there is now no child price, all the Dream passes are one price. We had several vouchers to use in the parks 20% off shopping and restuarants, in fact we couldn't use them all and they are only valid for a few months. We also had 5 fast passes which were really useful, and a present each. It certainly saved us a lot of money on this trip in spite of the cost of the AP's, over 50 euros on the Character dinner at Inventions just for starters.
Glad DS enjoyed his football session.

Did you and DH enjoy the buffet at Inventions also? Pleased there is lots of character interaction, we are planning on eating here next month.
We did enjoy, but more because of the look on our DS's face I guess. It is nice to say that we have done it, and the food I'm sure was great - but a lot of it was not something I would normally eat - sea food being one of them. The starters were brilliant, the mackeral, cold meats and fruit were out of this world - I guess that the saying " You get what you pay for" is true in this case. I can't say I'm a lover of the sweet trolley in DLP, we tended to eat a lot of fruit salads. The meal for the three of us, with drinks (Sprite and coffees ) was over a 150 euros which seemed pretty costly. I guess you are mostly paying for "Posh nosh" and the location. We saw 6 characters in total, I think. I am glad that we did it, but personally I wouldn't rush to do it again.
Dee8197 said:
but a lot of it was not something I would normally eat - sea food being one of them.

DH and I both love sea food so I am sure we will enjoy the food. We would love to eat at the Blue Lagoon but the menu there is a bit restrictive for my younger 2 DD's. We thought this would be better for them being a buffet plus you get the characters which we all enjoy.
Elaine - if it's any help I have a Kids' Menu from teh Blue Lagoon I could copy for you so you can see what's on there? Or have you seen already and didn't fancy it for your children?

Dee - APs!!!!! Start planning the next trip!!
Plaza Gardens is really nice - and good value

Miffy - started planning already !
Karen - Thanks for your kind offer but I have looked at the menu on the DLP Foodguide and the only things I think they would eat would be the kebab of mini pirate sausages or the chicken escalope. Is your menu any different?

I would just feel a bit mean taking them there and them not really enjoying their food. When we eat at a buffet I know they can at least tuck into all the things they love! Trouble is my mouth is now salivating from reading the adult menu, perhaps I will rethink the decision not to eat there!:rotfl2:
Elaine - my DD had the sausage thing and pronounce them "funny" LOL, there were 3 different sausages. My other DD had the escalop and it was basically fried chicken I think and she loved it.

They don;t need to eat anyway, they can watch the boats go by while you and DH have a nice meal :teeth:
Karen - methinks you may have convinced me to go! They can always fill up on icecream!:rotfl:
Not sure if you can make out this picture or not but it is the Sausage Kebab!


Dee - a thousand apologies for going so OT on your thread!
Miffy2003 said:
Dee - a thousand apologies for going so OT on your thread!

My apologies also, Dee!!!

Thank you Karen, we have discussed this and definitely decided to book a meal here. I can see your DD was served with plenty of chips so even if mine don't like the sausages, they can fill up on chips ..... and icecream!

And lets not forget the most important part of the meal, the tomato ketchup!:rotfl:
Miffy2003 said:
Not sure if you can make out this picture or not but it is the Sausage Kebab!

Wow - it definitely wasn't the milkman!!!!! ;) (ie: she looks a lot like her daddy!!! :rotfl: )


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