DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

They aren’t picking and choosing which disabilities will get accommodations - they’re picking and choosing which specific needs will get this specific accommodation.

No one is entitled to their preferred accommodation, it just need to be an accommodation.

I guess we'll see what accommodation if any is provided for those with non-developmental disabilities, but what I'm imagining for this "return to queue" doesn't seem very accommodating at all.

I still see this being a class action law suit. Not saying Disney would definitely lose (or win) - but the way this is worded feels like a law suit waiting to happen.
Everyone is assuming TikTok fakers will get DAS for claiming autism. I'm pretty sure that for 18+, there will be enormous scrutiny for DAS for all developmental disorders (just like with all the physical disorders now), and those folks without severe cases will also be offered "leave the line" for when they can't wait in line.

I'm pretty sure Disney is planning an adult crackdown, no matter the disability issue. And then they'll see where their lines for standby and LL are this summer, and how guest satisfaction changes.
You think fakers aren’t willing to lie about their kids having autism? That’s even easier!
We'll see what happens but something that has struck me recently is the vids of LL getting WAY backed up. There are definitely a few factors here (spring break crowds, maybe rides going down and impacting what's open, etc) but my read on the situation is that with long LL lines, everyone is getting screwed. G+ buyers aren't getting the expected wait times, legit DAS users are being forced to wait in longer lines than expected, and meanwhile everyone in standby is stuck because LL takes priority. I'm not sure how much more G+ they'll want to sell, because they currently have a customer satisfaction problem with *both* G+ and DAS. I think there's a sweet spot to G+ and they risk creating another problem if they sell too many additional spots.
No disagreement here. I've waited over 30 minutes in the LL for Flight of Passage in the past. I know that's an ILL and not Genie+ but that's still quite a bit of a wait.
Finally, we would ALSO have no problem saying "okay fine, we'll pay and use Genie+" ... except that service genuinely sucks.

I bet there would be a great market for a G+ that works like DAS!
I don't think the uptick is all about abuse of the system. I feel like many people who used to use free FP to manage their conditions by getting 3 long line wait time rides and then riding shorter line rides for the rest of the day instead of asking for DAS felt like they has few options but to ask for DAS once those free FP options were taken away. We used to use free FP paired with baby swap like this before our youngest (at the time) aged out of baby swap and the actual DAS was necessary. Back then there were also less rides at most of the parks to actually need DAS for (no Star Wars, toy story, pandora, guardians, etc.)

No offense but that sounds like abuse of the system from a technical stand point as G+ could mostly serve the same needs. Semantics aside, its a prime reason Disney has decided to crack down.
HIPAA doesn’t apply to Disney .
Actually, it does in some regards, they cannot record any medical data by law. The can record specific needs, such as cannot wait in line due to crowd issues. But they can't record what causes those crowd issues, as they are not medical professionals. Now by using medical professionals, they technically can record it, but that data can't be shared to Disney and must be protected under HIPPA standards and there is a whole series of things that go into that. I doubt Disney is willing to invest the money they doing that will require.
For those of us with anxiety - it would have been great if they didn't add to the anxiety and make all of their plans fully known now, rather than give us half of the information about how they will now exclude most disabilities from DAS now.

I understand Disney thought this through fully on what they wanted to accomplish, but as a company that claims to care about their guests, you would think they would have asked themselves what is the impact on their guests before they half-announce something.
Yes. I have been so sick all day since i read it. When it said only four people and we are a family five had a panic attack. I know im not supposed to worry and stress and constantly check for any clarification, but i just cant help it. My trips isn't until November so realistically i know i will have more information by then. But my anxiety is saying they wont make an exception for a family of five if it includes grandparents.
Why do you ha e to have kids? Adults can have the developmental disabilities too.

He was responding to the post where I said most 18+ will probably be heavily scrutinized for all disabilities, whether developmental or not, so Tik Tokers trying to claim autism won't get any further than when they claimed IBS.
Yes. I think their point is that autistic children grow into autistic adults. accommodation needs don't necessarily change as they age.

Right - those autistic adults tend not to be able to function normally...at all. They don't go to Disney solo or as in charge of others, they tend to require aides/family to access the parks.

Those will be the autistic adults easily keeping DAS. Those that just struggle to sometimes wait in line, but can travel solo and traverse the parks solo, will likely fall into "leave the line" passes.
I bet there would be a great market for a G+ that works like DAS!

No offense but that sounds like abuse of the system from a technical stand point as G+ could mostly serve the same needs. Semantics aside, its a prime reason Disney has decided to crack down.

The fact they didn't need DAS beforehand because they had accomodations that were available to every guest, but still needed accomodations that still fit their needs as a disabled person once such an option was taken away doesn't mean it's abuse.

Disabled people shouldn't have to pay for reasonable accommodations.
I think people are focusing way too much on the developmental disability part of it I’m not sure they can discriminate based on diagnosis. I believe the program will continue to be needs based it’s just going to get more scrutiny and might require speaking to a medical professional with the cast member. which is honestly kinda terrible since the nature of many disabilities that require use of the accommodation get stressed out at even having that conversation with a stranger.
Right - those autistic adults tend not to be able to function normally...at all. They don't go to Disney solo or as in charge of others, they tend to require aides/family to access the parks.

Those will be the autistic adults easily keeping DAS. Those that just struggle to sometimes wait in line, but can travel solo and traverse the parks solo, will likely fall into "leave the line" passes.
It's a spectrum for a reason. You've mentioned 2 extreme ends of the spectrum. There's a lot in between.
Joining the chorus to say it is discriminatory to not offer reasonable accommodations to those with physical disabilities. I don’t see how that is legal. No type of disability is more deserving of accommodations than another. Even if Disney were able to implement a return to queue process that works, that leaves many people out who can’t tolerate queues who have no mental health or developmental challenges.

I bought my pass with the expectation I would be able to get the accommodations I need once the weather is too warm for me to visit the parks without accommodations. Now I’m concerned I will have an expensive pass I can’t use half the year, which is not fair. I live less than two hours away so go mostly for day trips, it’s not a matter of just planning vacations other times of the year. I should be able to utilize my pass the entire year, or most of it anyways, like anyone else. Even with accommodations likely July-August will be too much and that’s fine, but missing out in six months is not.
Here is the problem, how do you know who has abused the system? Even Disney doesn't know or they would have kicked them out of the parks by now.
I believe it’s less about fakers/abuse than it is about overuse “I have to wait outside the line just in case xyz happens”) and misuse (“I have xyz disability and although I could wait in the regular line, using DAS makes it easier”).

Now, the fact is that Disney caused this by allowing DAS for conditions that could be handled by leaving the line, and by making the DAS an attractive alternative, with two pre-selects and the ability to ride other attractions while waiting. And now Disney has decided to address it by limiting what qualifies for DAS and by offering alternative accommodations for other disabilities.
I think people are focusing way too much on the developmental disability part of it I’m not sure they can discriminate based on diagnosis. I believe the program will continue to be needs based it’s just going to get more scrutiny and might require speaking to a medical professional with the cast member. which is honestly kinda terrible since the nature of many disabilities that require use of the accommodation get stressed out at even having that conversation with a stranger.
They aren’t discriminating, they’re offering a different accommodation.


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