Dancing with the Stars...Anyone Watching with me?

I'm glad Cody didn't go this week. It would have been totally unfair since he had to change partners.

I am glad that Susan left. She really couldn't dance at all, it was almost painful at times.

Cody will be going back to Julianne when she is cleared to dance is my understanding.

Susan was so stiff this week, and tentative. I wasn't surprised to see her go though usually the soap opera stars bring in a lot of votes to keep them going.
Hmmmmmm- last night?

My take-

Brooke was way off the first dance, wow, it was sad! Everyone has a bad dance, and she was able to come back well. The second dance, I think she wore pants to disguise her bended knees, and it worked.

Cody was cute, I liked his passe, but his Latin still doesn't seem winner worthy to me. Glad to see Julianne was back with him, I like that team so much better than Edyta.

Warren is always so happy! I love watching him, and he really gets the crowd going. But technically, not so much. Not that he's really bad, I think he's good, just not professional level like they usually are at finals.

Lance was on the money last night. I thought both dances were amazing, high energy, and technically done really well! I thought they were winner worthy.
I think it'll be Cody going home tonight. I'm glad that he got to dance again with Julianne though. I still like Warren the best, I voted for him. DH voted for Brooke.
I think it's Cody going home but one can never predict when "america" decides.

Lance, for the first time, really impressed me!
Not surprised tonight. I think it was time for Cody. I like the final 3.

Did you all see that Cloris went to the hosp the other day, they think she has pneumonia.
I guess I was surprised Cody went before Warren though Warren is so darn entertaining. :thumbsup2
I wasn't surprised that Cody went home last night. Warren has such a stage presence. It'll be interesting to see if Brooke messes up again. I'm still pulling for Lance & Lacey. :-)
Wow, that was a really good night! I think they all did really well, and now is just a popularity contest.

I was disappointed that Lance and Lacey did hip hop though, I think they would have gotten higher scores if they had chosen something else.
Well, I watched the entire episode in fast forward...too much talking, not enough dancing...the music they select is just awful...anyway...they looked good. I have to agree about Lance and Lacey...they had potential to do something cool and instead they did a dance that was expected. I think that Brooke will win. :)
I thought this was the best final...but I disagree, I think Warren will win tonight.:) I think he has a bigger fan base than Brooke!
I liked the dancing last night...but the talking has seemed to overwhelm the shows this season... :( I really liked Brooke's dance, then Warren's.... Lance is good...but I think the style may have taken him out of the running to win...
I was so glad the Brooke won.. DS12 is not so happy... he is asking for a recount because his 5 votes should have put Warren over the top! LOL
I think Brooke was consistantly better over the whole season. But I wanted Lance to win, because he was really most improved. Warren I loved just for his personality. Overall, I really enjoyed the season.

And did you see Cloris trying to butt in again, and they totally ignored her?
I think we lost cable Tuesday night, we only got part of the show on our DVR. I was so disappointed not to watch it the final 45 minutes. I missed the best part.


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