Dancing with the Stars...Anyone Watching with me?


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005
Anyone watching this season? So far I think the right person was eliminated. And I have to say I'm really surprised at how badly Kim K did. She might be shy, but there was no pop in her performance...I wouldn't be surprised if she was gone tonight.

Cloris was funny the first night, but last night I was thinking it's getting old (no flaming please)

And I just LOVE :love: Rocco! What a cutie, and he can cook too :lmao:
Yep, we are watching... I agree the first one to go was right on.. poor guy has 2 left feet..

Dh pointed out that the new LACY actually came from I believe it was "So you think you can dance"... ??? *she dances w/ Lance Bass!!! :) *

I really looked the big ol' football guy!!!

Cloris was a treat! OMG! I've never laughed so hard!!!
We were talking about her the other night..and do you remember the "Fifth Avenue Irregulars" from 1979??? ... OMG!!!
We are watching. I agree that the right person got voted off last night. I feel sorry for Edyta, though, she's such a great dancer but got stuck with a dud for a partner.

Cloris' first dance and antics was funny, but it got old fast. I wouldn't mind seeing her voted off tonight.

Warren Sapp (the football player) is doing great and he really seems to be having a great time. My other favorite is Misty May-Treanor. We watched her win the gold medal in beach volleyball in the Olympics and were excited when we heard she was going to be on the show. She's not doing too badly either!
I was wondering if Jeff was on heavy pain meds - which made him move slower... Either way, I was hoping it was him or Cloris. Hopefully Cloris will go tonight!

Love Rocco!! :lovestruc he's not the best dancer, but what a smile and you can see he's truly enjoying himself. And Warren - can you believe the moves that man has!?!?!?!

The best part of the show, for me, though is the interaction between the judges! :thumbsup2
I'm reluctantly admitting that I'm watching it. I was glad to see Jeff go - his humor wore on me already and Cloris (while funny for a while) will get "old" very quickly.

Not sorry to Edyta go - hated her costumes most of the time. Loved seeing Lacey from SYTYCD on the show - can you tell I watch that one too?

Enjoyed Toni B and think Rocco is too cute to go home!
I agree with y'all so far, but want to add that Brooke danced really well and I loved when she held her baby while practicing.:goodvibes
We're watching too. It isn't nearly as peppy at SYTYCD, but enjoyable none the less. My DH enjoyed watching the ladies and their lack of costume...sigh... I thought Brooke was the best, but we were surprised how good some of them are...
I agree Dyan! That was just too cute with the baby! She is a really good dancer too

I can't say I'm sorry to see Edyta go either. My DS16 calls her the dancer who's clothes are falling off :lmao:

Warren looks like he is really having fun too :) And he just throws her around like it's nothing
I forgot about Brooke - yes she was good. It's harder to keep them straight in the beginning. SYTYCD is my favorite dance reality show!
I'll be watching but I've only seen bits an pieces so far this week but they are on the tivo. I loved Lacey on SYTYCD so I hope she and Lance do well. I do think she may be a little too edgy for the judges but maybe their fan base will keep them in awhile.
i guess i'm the only one not watching this. i too busy watching the biggest looser. i just love that show.
We DVR'd last nights show and just watched it. I agree, the right couple went home last night. I thought the show was very entertaining. Thought Rocco shook it groove thang just fine. ;)

My pick for the season....Cory and Julianne!
Well, we have Cloris for another week...

Glad that Kim for a second chance...

SOOOO glad that Rocco is still on...he had my votes :love:
I felt bad for Ted - he was so excited and enthusiastic - even though I didn't care much about him. That sounds mean doesn't it, but you all know what i mean, right? And Cloris is officially getting on my nerves! Funny for a short while, it's worn off already.

Didn't really like the way they did it last night though. All the ones you thought might be going home were safe early. The goods ones had to wait until the end.
I had a massive headache so I was doozing in/out all night.. so I had no clue til now who left.. DH had told me that was who it would be...
I felt bad for Ted - he was so excited and enthusiastic - even though I didn't care much about him. That sounds mean doesn't it, but you all know what i mean, right? And Cloris is officially getting on my nerves! Funny for a short while, it's worn off already.

Didn't really like the way they did it last night though. All the ones you thought might be going home were safe early. The goods ones had to wait until the end.

I did feel a bit bad for Ted...I just don't think he had a big enough fan base to get the votes needed to stay. He did look so sad:sad2:
I have had enough of Cloris..."old or not that women is just nuts" is what my DD 16 had to say about her followed by "make her stop this is killing my eyes" during the shiny coconuts dance thing:scared1: !!!

We love Rocco and find Maurice amusing too...
Anyone have a guess about who's going home? I'm betting on Kim K. though I wish it was Cloris! Honestly, I was disappointed in last night's show - haven't gotten into these personalities yet.

Thought Brooke was good and the football player. Love Rocco but not his non-dancing.
Anyone have a guess about who's going home? I'm betting on Kim K. though I wish it was Cloris! Honestly, I was disappointed in last night's show - haven't gotten into these personalities yet.

Thought Brooke was good and the football player. Love Rocco but not his non-dancing.

I agree with you. ::yes::
I wasn't all that thrilled with the show this week... Kim leaving was OK, and I don't think that Cloris will be around much longer.

My fav dance was the Matrix one...how great was that?


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